HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1989-3-14 .. RESII.NTlAL" APPLICAtION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Rcce:pt il ASDBBGOl'$ Map /I 557 Olympic Street, Springfield, Oregon Tax Lot # 17-03-26-42-01 000 -Job Location: Subdivision: QJner: Joan B. Thomas Addree,: 5335 Ma in Street, Sp. 1137 Springfield, Oregon Ci OJ' ~" n Addition n Remodel n Mobila Homo Phone: 746-7997 Zip: 97478 D08croibe fl'ork: DEMOLITION - structure to be burned by the Department.of Fire & Life Safety as a training exercise. NO C.HAJ":0E . S'EW.ER Q..PrP PiE.. t?-rn. LT VaZue (\ In j . Date of AppHcaticn~ Contractors . General,~ I Plumbing ., I Hechanical' I Electrical _ /.Suoervi"ing Electrician I .." . , I It is ths reoponoibil/j..ty of ths perrrtit holder to 8S6 that all im;pections are mada at the proper timf:~ that ~ach ;;ddresD is readab:e from ths Istreet, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. ABuiZdind. Dividor: approved plan shaU remain on the Bu-:.lding Sit:; at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST~CALL 726-3769 (rccol'de.rJ state your City designated job numbel'~ job adircssJ typo of in::;poc-;ic'l raqucstcd ar.d when you l.Jin be ready for inspection" Contractors 01' lA:.mo:os name end Fhone number. Requests roceit;ed beforB 7: 00 c:'l ~~tl bB rrr:z.de the same day" requests made after 7:00 am will. b2 nr:z.de the next ;..)()rkin..J day. Siqr:ed: Date: r"Jipf' , .LiRr. .// Bldrs BOfl.rd Reg.. Ao ) rY-J/''\ -fYJth~ll007~ . /. ( llxoj.res f ~ =<.1(~';.) ". . .. I , JJJ:gp"'~P~. 'TttR'Q~l'!hr.t1R 0: SITE INSPECTION: To be rrrlde after ~cavation" but prior to set up of forms. O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . " ,,~.1'k is ~ovcl"ed. , .' I 0 FOOTING & FOUNDATION: . To be m:uie ,. . ' after trsnch6s are excavated and . ' . form8 are erected" but prior to pouring ccncret~. D. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W,~TERJ . DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fiZ- ,u.ro.g trenches. O i" UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: - 'To be mad6 priel" to inataUation of '. .:, f!-oor insul.ation or decking. . . D POST AND BEAM: To be m:ui. prior to instal.l.ation of fLoor insz.ol.ation or I . ,.deckillfi. . O ROILGH PT.U.I{R[!JG. Er.ECTRTCAL & MP.CH- I . 'ANICAL: No tJOrk i8 to be cOL'ered I ,ur.til. these inspections have beer. "made and approve'::. " I D.' FIREPLACE: Prior to pla.cir.g facing , materials and before f1YJ1Tting inspec- I tion. ID I I FRAMING: Must be requested after approval. of rough plwr.bing" al.ectn- ,cal ~& mechanical. AU roOfing . .. 'bracing t1 chinmcys" et.::. 11r.4st be J,compl.etad. No LX}rk is to be con- .........oecled until this inspection has .~/bBen rncuk and approved. );.....'.': __r'''_''_ I D FIliAL PLUMBIIIG o FINAL MECHANICAL , 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL '0 ~~ City Designated Job Nwnb€1' 10: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION: To be made after all insulation ~~ '. required vapor barrier8 are in place . . but before any lath~ gypsum board or wll covering is applied" and beforo .~y inaulation is concea1.ed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all. drywall is in place" but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location~ bond beam:;" grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415, D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:, forms are erected but prior to pouring aonaretB. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all oon- crete paving within street right- .of-r.:x:.y" to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- . base nr:z.teria"l in p'/,,(we. D O PENCE: When comp lote -- Provide gates or moTJable sections through P.U,E. . D Rqn~6q -:! I DEUOLITION OR gOVED BUILDIilCS ;xr Sani:ary se:Jer :lapped ::t p~opcrty lir:e =:J Septi~ tank p:.cr.;p.::d and filla~ with gra:;e'L, ""\If Final. - '.?1.en aOOVG items are completed I ..t!J and when der.JOZition is complete or stru-'-' ture moved and pramises cleaned up. -:: . /tJobi le Hemes =:J Blocking and SDt-~p =:J Plumbing connections .- scwer and watar --, Electrical Connection - Blocking" set-up, ~ and plumbing connections nr~st be approved before requesting electrical insp6ctio~ :=J Ac~e8::;Ol"'d Building :J Pinal. - After p~rcJ:e3~ sk:.rti'1g~ d6Ck1J~ etc. are completed. o All. project conditions" :Jucn as the installation of stroet trees" c~~lotion of the required landscapir.g" etc." must be satisfied beforo tho BUILDING FINAL can b6 raquest3d. o FINAL BUILDING: Tho Final Building Inspection must bo requ6sted after the Final Plumbina Electrical." and Mechar.icat Inspectiona havo been made and approl)l]d. "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE" ADJUST!fENT TO BE M.1DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 ! I JOB NO. , SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- L-COCt Zone: Oc:cupanCl/ Gr. Type/Cor.st: .. Bedrooms: Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - II Energy Sources TUDe $ of lot Caverag< Interior I Setbacks II Heat I P.~. I House . Caraqe I Access. II Watel' Yeatp.1' # of Storoies Cor>nel" INorth II Range Total Height Panhandle lEast II Firevlace Cul-de-sac: ISouth I: Wood:; tot:e Topography IWe8t lITEM I Main I CcPaae I Cal"DOl't I ACCeSBOl'l/ I SQ,FTG I I I I I I \S.D,C. TOTA~ VALUE (va"uc) 1.5 :r Sui Lding Permi t State Surcharge Total Charges lITEM Fixtures I R.8idential 11 bath) I Sani taroy Sewel' Wc:tel' Plumbing Penr.i t State Surcr..a.rge Total CharGes IITl.'M Res. Sa. fto. I Naw/Extend Circuits Temporary Service Eleatl'ical Permit State Su.rcharqe Total Cha:f>qeo IITSM I Furnace ETU' S I F.xhauo t Hood I Vent Fcm I WOodStO:J8 Peoot Issuance Mechanical Permit State Surchar'Qc To1;nl ChaY'ORD -- ENCROACHMENT -- I I SeC".lf'itl/ Veoo3it Storage Maintena1U!8 I Permit I I Total Cha'lYlCB I Cu1'bcut I Sid_lk I Pen:::e I Electrical Label. 1 Mobile Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:.4 I I I eM71 I I I liZ:;, M) I -75"1 I/~, 7C)" I ' x I NO. I I I I FEE I NO.1 I I I I I I FEE I NO. I I I I I FEE Value CHARGE CHARGE CHARCE I f I I, I I I I I I I 15,751, Fees Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the expreos condition that. the sa'id copstl'Uction shall., in aZl. respects, conform to the Ordinance a.dopted by the !City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, reguLating the ccnstruction and une of buildings, and m::zy be suopended or revoked at c:r:y time upon vie- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. , I I, I Plan Check Fee: I Date Paid: -:> I Recdpt #: ISifj>led: -: Plumbing Permit No percon Dhall. construct, instal!, aUer or change any nelJ 01" existing plumbing 01' drainage system in lJhole 01' in part, unl.ess Buch person.is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do plwnbing work to property which is OLJned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. .' I I I I I I I I, Electrical Permit Whel'e State LatJ requires tr.at the electrical IJOrk be done by a7l Eleatl'ical Contractor, the electl'ical portion of this pe'rmit shall. not be valid until the la})el. has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit ) . , Ptarl Examiner va.. I HAVE CAREFU~~Y EXAMINED the campleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aU information hereon is tl"UC and corl'ect, and I f'..lrther certify that any ar.d aU lJOl'k performed shall be done in accor- dance :.Jith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th< L<r.JS of the State of Oregon -psrtaining to the lJOrk described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY fJill be nrde of a7ly stl"Ucture fJithout permission of the Building l>i- vision. I fUI'thel' certify that on'Ly contractors and e:rrp'L~yee8 w'ho are in c",""P1n with ORS 701.055 :.Jill b. used on t~8 project. (jJvnfJ ~. ~an ~. ~ff~ X Sign/u[ }/J{//,ff Dat6 . / /" ~ y