HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5599 12/02/1991 c' . . . f ATTACHMENT 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5599 (GENERAL) AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REQUIREMENTS FOR TAXICAB OPERATORS AND AMENDING SECTION 8-19-4, 8-19-5, 8-19-9, AND 8-19-10 OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY CODE 1965. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Section 8-19-4 of Article 19, Chapter VIII of the Springfield Code 1965 is hereby amended to read as follows: "8-19-4 Fees. Standards and Requirements for all Public Passenger Vehicle Companies: (2) Insurance and Hold Harmless Agreement. (a) Insurance. Every public passenger vehicle company shall obtain and furnish to the City evidence of liaibility insurance meeting the following minimum standards for the company's operations and all of its vehicles: (9) A public passenger vehicle company shall restrict use of company vehicles to drivers who are insured for the vehicles being operated by the drivers, and shall not permit a vehicle or driver to operate in an area for which no insurance coverage is provided." Section 2: Section 8-19-5 of Article 19, Chapter VIII of the Springfield Code 1965 is hereby amended to read as follows: "8-19-5 Application. (b) The business license application form shall generally require information relating to the name, address, business, type, manager, business intent, current rates of fare and registered agent. If the business name as submitted in the application is the same as a currently licensed public passenger vehicle company, or so similar as to likely create confusion, the applicant shall be so advised, and no further processing of the application shall occur until the applicant submits a different business name. Additionally, each principal of the applicant business may be required to provide past and current addresses, employment, judicial involvement including criminal history, and history of denial, suspension or revocation of business licenses in this or any other jurisdiction. A change in registered agent shall not be effective until the City receives written notice of the change. (c) No application for a new Public Passenger Vehicle company shall be accepted from any taxi company unless the application is accompanied by sufficient evidence to demonstrate a need in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area for an additional taxi company. In making a determination as to the necessity for an additional licensee, the City Manager or designee shall consider the following factors (evidence of which must be offered by the applicant): 2 , . . . Ordinance No. 5599 Page 2 (1) The current status of the public passenger vehicle system within the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area, incluqing but not limited rent and future ability to provide for the timely and effective movement of persons; (2) The demonstrated need, as shown by the applicant for such permit, for additi~nal public passenger vehicle service within the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area that is not, or cannot be, accomplished by existing public passenger vehicles; and (3) In consideration of the current status of the public passenger vehicle system within the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area, the ration of population of the area to the number of public passenger vehicles currently in operation. If the applicant'~ evidence demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the City Manager or designee, the need for an additional taxicab company, the City shall complete the processing of the application. Otherwise, the application shall be denied." Section 3: Section 8-19-9 of Article 19, Chapter VIII of the Springfield Code 1965 is hereby amended to read as follows: "8-19-9 Standards for Vehicles. (3) Vehicle Markina Requirements. All motorized public passenger vehicles shall be marked as required herein. Vehicles not in compliance with these requirements shall not be used for carrying passengers. (a) Interior Marking. Each public passenger vehicle shall be marked on the interior with the company's name, vehicle license number, vehicle permit number, type of vehicle permit issued, operator compliant telephone number, City complaint telephone number and current rates of fare. Said markings shall be readable by all passengers (with normal vision) at all times. Markings shall not be placed on windows. (b) Exterior Marking. (1) Each taxicab or shuttle vehicle shall be conspicuously and permanently marked on the rear and right and left exterior sides with the company name. Exterior markings shall be in letters and numbers not less than two (2) inches in height and shall be a light color on a dark background or a dark color on a light background. Each taxicab shall' be equipped with a top light indicating the name of the taxicab company. The City Manager or designee may waive the company name rear external marking requirement if the top light of the vehicle identifies the company and is clearly visible at all times from the back of the vehicle. (2) Each taxicab or shuttle vehicle shall be conspicuously 3 . Ordinance No. 5599 Page 3 . marked with its current rates on the left and right exterior sides in letters and numbers not less than one (1) inch in height and shall be a light color on a dark background or a dark color on a light background. (3) Each taxicab or shuttle vehicle shall be conspicuously marked with its permit number at a readily visible location on the rear of the vehicle, in numbers not less than three (3) inches in height and shall be a light color on a dark background or a dark color on a light background. (4) Exterior marking shall not be placed on vehicle windows unless the vehicle is a station wagon and placement of the rates on the sides would make them illegible. In that event, the rates may be placed on the rear side windows only. (c) Color Scheme. In order to facilitate the identification of taxicab or shuttle vehicles by customers and public safety personnel, the City Manager or designee may require distinct color schemes for separate companies. Each licensee or applicant for a taxicab r shuttle license shall designate the color scheme desired for the vehicles to be operated under such license. In the event there is a dispute between two or more licenses or applicants wishing to use the same or a similar color scheme, the City Manager or designee shall designate the color scheme assigned to each licensee or applicant, based on the following criteria: (1) The length of time the company has used the color . scheme; (2) The degree to which the company name is associated with the color; and the color shall then be placed on file with the City. Thereafter all taxicab and shuttle vehicles shall be painted and maintained to correspond to the color scheme of the license under which such vehicle is authorized to operate. No person shall operate a taxicab or shuttle vehicle of an unauthorized color scheme. . (4) Vehicle Eauipment. Every motorized vehicle shall be equipped with such safety equipment as is required by state and federal law, by the Springfield Code, 1965, and by these regulations. Except for the rear facing seats in limousines, every vehicle shall be equipped with working seat belts or other restraining devices for the driver and every passenger. The number of passengers will be restricted to the total number of seats with working seat belts, except that the occupancy of rear facing seats in limousines (for which seat belts are not required) shall not constitute a violation hereunder if all other seats in the limousine are occupied. Every vehicle shall be equipped with a fire extinguisher of a lAlOBC or 2A10BC, 2 1/2 lb. type, readily accessible to the driver in the area of the front seat, which shall be ser~iced annually and immediately after each use. 4 ,. . . . ,t Ordinance No. 5599 Page 4 Every taxicab shall be equipped with a taxi meter which shall be programmed with one rate only, shall be maintained in good repair at all times, and shall be located so as to be readily visible to passengers within the vehicle." Section 4: Sect ton 8-19-10 of Article 19, Chapter VIII of the Springfield Code 1965 is hereby amended as follows: "8-19-10 Standards for Drivers of Motorized Public Passenqer Vehicles. (1) Certification Required. (b) An applicant for driver certification must be at least 21 years of age and possess the appropriate Oregon driver's license. (c) Upon application for a driver certification card, an applicant also may request immediate issuance of a temporary certification card. Such card may be valid for a period not to exceed 30 days, or until the application is approved or denied, whichever is less. To request a temporary certification card, the person must provide the City with the following: (3) A copy of an appropriate valid Oregon driver's license; (2) Requirements/Responsibilities of Driver. (a) A driver shall: (10) Wear a seat belt while operating or riding in the vehicle. " Adopted this 2nd day of December for and ~ against. Approved by the Mayor of the city of day of December , 1991. , 1991, by a vote of 6 ATTEST: ~l-:(t~e.-ttJ ~~ City Recorder Oregon this 2nd REVIEWED & APPROVED A~ TO FORM L =~Q..)~t-\ j ~~L. DATE: b,IOJ \:2 I \ q <i. \ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRiNGFIELD 5