HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/19/1994 Work Session " .. . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1994 The City of Springfield Council met in Springfield City Hall, Meeting Room 2, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, December 19, 1994, at 6: 15 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Burge, Shaver, Walters, Schanz and Maine. Councilor Beyer was absent (excused.) Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein and members of the staff. I. Council Business a. City Manager Mike Kelly informed Council that Mr. Richard Weber, 2540 D Street, may testify during the Council regular session meeting. Mr. Weber has persons living in a recreational vehicle (green bus) on his property. Council will be provided with a handout regarding this issue during the regular session. . b. City Manager Mike Kelly also informed Council that Mr. Charles Jones, 1180 S Street, may testify during the Council regular session meeting regarding his property not being in. compliance with the Nuisance Ordinance. Council will be provided with a handout regarding this issue during the regular session. Councilor Shaver stated that this was the time of year that these types of things happen. Councilor Shaver expressed concern for these individuals and their situations but also expressed his responsibility toward the community. Councilor Burge stated that Council needed to follow policies and if the associated policies and ordinances needed to be revised, that was another issue. He stated Council could only be held accountable for enforcing existing regulations and codes. c. Councilor Walters discussed a memorandum dated December 14, 1994, from Mike Kelly, regarding the community presentation regarding juvenile gangs and related issues. Councilor Walters questioned who received information regarding the meeting. Chief DeForrest replied that Police was working with the School District. Chief DeForrest also stated that meeting notification was sent to Police Academy graduates, neighborhood watch participants, block home participants, employees, etc. Chief DeForrest explained that this was an open public meeting and anyone could attend. Councilor Walters recommended that local pastors should be notified of the upcoming meeting. . City Council Work Session Minutes 12/19/94 - Page 2 . d. Councilor Walters stated that the Balancing Act sculpture was detonating. The artist is following up on correcting the deficiency. The meeting was recessed at 6:25 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9: 15 p.m. 2. 1995 Springfield Filbert Festival Funding Request Communications Manager Mike Moskovitz presented the staff report on this issue. The Springfield Filbert Festival has submitted a request for $25,000 in room tax funds for the next three years. Last year the Council agreed to give $25,000 in room tax funds for the 1994 Festival with a $5,000 set aside, if needed. The Council also agreed to give $10,000 for the 1995 and 1996 festivals. This request is out of sequence with the usual process for allocating room tax money. Requests for room tax funding are normally reviewed at the beginning of the budget process in February. Mr. Moskovitz introduced Bruce Berg, Filbert Festival Committee Chairman. Mr. Berg indicated that during his tenure as a councilor, there were three purposes for room tax funds: I) for building facilities that would enhance tourism, 2) for enhancing Springfield's image, and 3) for events that draw overnight stays in Springfield. He referenced the Council's discussion last year about the festival and cautioned that it would not be wise to withdraw funding now, or at all, because the Filbert Festival is the type of event that does generate motel stays in Springfield and therefore generates additional room tax money. . Tim Flowerday, Filbert Festival Manager, also addressed the Council. Mr. Flowerday discussed the timing of receiving a special events permit from the City and why that necessitates asking for funding now. Councilor Schanz asked how much money the Festival Committee had on hand. Mr. Flowerday replied the Committee has $3,500. He indicated the budget for the 1994 Festival was $90,750 and the budget for the 1995 Festival is $109,500. Councilor Maine discussed the budgeting assumptions used for the 1994 Festival that caused the net earnings to be what they were. Councilor Burge asked if the entire amount of room tax allocation for the 1994 Festival was used. Mr. Berg indicated that it was. He also stated that the Festival Committee last year expressed it's opposition to the then-approved allocations of $10,000 for 1995 and 1996. Mr. Berg discussed the Filbert Festival Survey that was done during the 1994 Festival and the results of the survey. He indicated the Festival drew 10% of it's participants from outside of the state and 20% of it's participants from outside of Lane County. The Council discussed visitation and tourism statistics. Councilor Walters asked why contemporary Christian music was not played at the 1994 Festival. Mr. Flowerday explained that they were unable to book any quality acts that had name recognition. He also described the context in which he used the word "diversity" in explaining the entertainment that was booked for the Festival. . City Council Work Session Minutes 12/19/94 - Page 3 . Mr. Berg stated the Committee no longer needed so much staff hours and suggested it be reduced from 350 to 250. He discussed other areas where the Committee has reduced it's reliance on city resources. He explained this request of $25,000 was only 1/16th ofthe room tax budget. Councilor Shaver said he was impressed with the Festival and that it was the family atmosphere of the festival that made it unique. He said that he felt he could let his son roam the park where the festival was without his worry. He said it would be prudent for the Festival organizers to book Christian musical acts. He was pleased the Committee abided by the parameters placed on it by the Council last year. He felt the Committee's request should be granted. Mayor Morrisette discussed KUGN's commitment to the Festival and indicated the station would be interested in assisting with park improvements. Councilor Burge stated the Festival Committee showed financial responsibility this year and he complimented the Committee on it's efforts. He also felt that there should be contemporary Christian music entertainment at the Festival. He would support the Committee's request, but felt that at some point in time the funding should level off. Councilor Maine discussed the goals ofthe Festival Committee for the 1995 Festival and indicated the primary goal is to capitalize on the family orientation of the Festival. They also want to improve Sunday attendance and felt that the addition of contemporary' Christian music would help increase Sunday attendance. She said that because Mr. Flowerday is again managing the Festival many things can be organized much earlier than they were last year. . The Council discussed the possibility of incorporating a pet parade into the festival events. Councilor Schanz concurred with the funding request. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SCHANZ WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BURGE TO ALLOCATE $25,000 IN ROOM TAX FUNDING FOR FY 1995/96, IN ADDITION TO 250 HOURS OF IN-KIND STAFF TIME, TO THE FILBERT FESTIVAL COMMITTEE FOR THE 1995 FILBERT FESTIVAL. THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY A VOTE OF 5 IN FAVOR AND 0 AGAINST. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Eileen Stein '8t#~ Mayor Attest: . -l~ City Recorder