HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/1994 Work Session . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 12,1994 The City of Springfield Council met in Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, December 12, at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Burge, Maine, Shaver, Walters and Schanz. Councilor Beyer was absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Development Services Director Susan Daluddung, Housing Programs Specialist Kevin Ko, Planner II Robin Johnson and members of staff. Mayor Morrisette announced that Councilor Beyer broke her ankle and will not be attending any Council meetings until January. The Council sent their best wishes for a quick recovery. 1. 1994 HOME Program Funding Recommendations . Development Services Director Susan Daluddung explained the Council is being asked to review and discuss the funding recommendations for the 1994 HOME Program. She introduced Housing Programs Specialist Kevin Ko. Mr. Ko stated the HOME Loan Committee met on November 2, 1994, to review four proposals for assistance. He explained three of the proposals were recommended to the Council for funding and one was found to be an ineligible activity for HOME funds. Mr. Ko reviewed the individual proposals. Councilor Walters asked if the money returned from the loans is put back into the Springfield HOME Program. Ms. Daluddung replied yes, and eXplained how the beginning balance of approximately I million dollars is divided in the metropolitan area. Councilor Burge asked why the Blake Hastings proposal is showing more money to be loaned than actually will be needed for construction. Ms. Daluddung replied the extra money will be used to lower rents and ensure low-income housing is provided in the five unit development. Councilor Walters stated the proposal by Mr. Hastings is a good example of public, private and social sector partnership. Councilor Maine agreed and stating quality housing opportunities are a City Council Goal. . Councilor Shaver stated the proposal as submitted by Mr. Hastings will provided housing for five families for 10 years, not five parking spaces at the car camp for one season. He spoke of the long-term solutions that low-income projects of this nature will provide the community. By consensus, the Council agreed to place the HOME Program Funding Recommendations on the December 19, 1994, Regular Meeting Consent Calendar. . Springfield City Council Work Session - 12/12/94 Page two 2. Preliminary Discussion of Community Development Corporation Concept Ms. Daluddung said the Mayor and a number of community members are interested in exploring the concept of creating a Community Development Corporation (CDC) to provide more home ownership and neighborhood revitalization in Springfield. Ms. Daluddung introduced Housing Planner Robin Johnson and community members present, including Ronald Middleton the Branch Manager of Springfield's Key Bank. Mr. Middleton discussed how he became involved with the formation of a CDC in Springfield, through Key Bank's participation with 25 CDCs throughout the state of Oregon. He described what type of projects CDCs support, such as, housing rehabilitation and neighborhood revitalization. He indicated that most CDCs exist in the Portland area and that this would be the first created in Lane County. He discussed the legal authority that CDCs have and how their authority can be used to accomplish projects. Mr. Middleton stated this CDC would not be a Key Bank or city sponsored project, but a true public/private partnership. . Councilor Walters asked what the City's role would be. Mr. Middleton replied the City can participate on whatever level the Council chooses. He said the state's requirement is for the City to facilitate only. Mayor Morrisette stated both St. Vincent de Paul and Nedco are CDC's and the scope of their authority is more limited than the proposed CDC. He said the City's involvement would enable projects to be done that St. Vincent de Paul and Nedco currently can not accomplish. Council discussed what areas of the City are in need of revitalization. Mr. Middleton explained the Federal Home Loan Bank would provide funds in the form of a challenge grant and that up to $10,000 may be available in June of 1995. Councilor Burge questioned the City competing with the private sector by creating a CDC. Mr. Middleton said a CDC could have a mission not to compete with investors, yet help low- income people repair or build properties. The CDC would offer low interest loans that the private sector would not be able to apply for. Ms. Daluddung stated the CDC is just in the concept stage now and if Council gives approval to commence with planning activities then the City will proceed with a work plan under the Mayor's Comprehensive Housing Policy Committee approval. She also said there are other possibilities for community revitalization, such as street improvements, the block home program and policing strategies. . Councilor Schanz stated as areas become improved they may become too un-affordable for low-income occupants. Councilor Burge spoke in support of assisting people in the community and suggested the CDC involve other banks and private sector donators. Councilor Shaver stated he felt the City should be involved, but not as the leader. . Springfield City Council Work Session - 12/12/94 Page three Mr. Kelly explained that staff is seeking Council's support for the creation of a CDC by commencing with a short term work plan. He told the Council that some of their questions did not have answers at this point, but would be addressed in the work plan. Councilor Walters suggested staff get information from the Police Chief and Code Enforcement Officer regarding target neighborhoods. He said it would be more appropriate to screen property owners and then seek community input. By consensus, Council agreed to explore the concept of a creating a Community Development Corporation in Springfield and for staff to proceed with a short term work plan. 3. Business from Council Councilor Schanz reported at the December 8 meeting ofthe Human Rights Commission, there was not a quorum. Council discussed reducing the number of scheduled commission meetings due to lack of attendance. After discussion, it was agreed to review the by-laws and meeting schedule of the commission during ajoint work session with the City Council in March. . Councilor Shaver reported on a recent McKenzie-Watershed Council meeting. He discussed the Willamalane PROS Plan and a proposed water basin rule which could limit the way the City discharges its storm water. Councilor Walters spoke of a Legislative Committee meeting he attended with Mayor Morrisette and members of staff with Jim Smith and Sherry Powers of Smith Dawson. He said they recommended Springfield submit a list of unfunded mandates to be removed from law versus a proposed project list for funding. It was suggested the City continue to follow- up on the Bonneville Power Administration powerline issue and the South-Springfield interceptor project. Mayor Morrisette stated he introduced Clean Water Act legislation to the League of Oregon Cities Board. He explained he did this as a member of the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission and Lane Council of Governments Board, not as the Mayor of Springfield. He gave details of the Clean Water Act. Councilor Burge suggested the City raise their current sewer user rates up to the level permitted by the Federal Government, to help fund the South-Springfield interceptor project. . Councilor Burge asked about three houses currently owned by the City, per the November 28, Communication Packet memo from Bob Duey. The houses are located on 52nd Street, Jasper Road and Smith Way. He requested a status report be provided to the Council in an upcoming Communication Packet. Councilor Burge also request a copy of the City's policy on buying and owning rental properties. Councilor Maine thanked Mr. Duey for the listing. Councilor Walters stated he agreed with Councilor Burge and also would like to see the City's policy. . Springfield City Council Work Session - 12/12/94 Page four ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins Mayor ATTEST: ~feuu bL- City Recorder ( Minl010 . .