HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/24/1994 Work Session ., . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 24,1994 The City of Springfield Council met in Springfield City Hall, Meeting Room 2, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, October 24,1994, at 6:10 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Burge, Shaver, Schanz, Maine (6: 11) and Beyer (6:12). Councilor Walters was absent (excused). Also present were Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Development Services Director Susan Daluddung, Planning Manager Greg Mott, Planner III Gary Karp, Planner II Mel Oberst, Transportation Manager Gary McKenney, Communications Manager Mike Moskovitz, Community and Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis, Finance Director Bob Duey and members of staff. 1. Transportation Rule 12 Development Services Director Susan Daluddung introduced the item. She explained staff is updating the Springfield Development Code (SDC) for State requirements regarding Transportation Planning Rule 12. Planner III Gary Karp explained he isthe lead staff person for SDC changes and Planner III Mel Oberst and Transportation Manager Gary McKenney are the lead staff on the TransPlan Update. Mr. Karp referred Council to the SDC Amendment Schedule (Attachment B of the Staff Report). Councilor Shaver asked if the Council can recommend SDC changes or if they are mandated per Oregon Revised Statues (ORS). Mr. Karp explained the City can guide the process, but code language must reflect ORS requirements. Councilor Maine asked about VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled). Mr. Oberst said VMT is still under review by the State and the required 20% reduction would occur through the TransPlan Update not SDC amendments. Councilor Burge stated his concern over State government mandating how Springfield plans for its future. He asked how many miles of bike trails are currently in place, the cost per mile to construct bike paths (with right-ot-way provisions), how much and what types ot uses are occurring on the trails and what is the cost versus the benefits. He asked that an analysis be provided at a future meeting. Mr. McKenney discussed Councilor Burge's questions and what information could be provided and what information will be researched during the TransPlan Update. There was a discussion regarding the amount of usage of bikepaths in Springfield. Mayor Morrisette said cities active in the League of Oregon Cities (LOC) will help participate in Transportation Planning Rule 12. Councilor Beyer stated she supports the SDC and TransPlan updates, as they plan for future growth. Councilor Maine stated she would like information regarding the effective date for the 20% VMT reduction. Councilor Shaver stated he supports the process, but is frustrated over the loss of freedom due to limited amounts of traffic congestion. He felt better technology to reduce congestion and consumption is a more appropriate way to plan. . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting - 10/24/94 Page two Mr. McKenney closed with a TransPlan Update summary. Mr. Leahy explained possible LUBA appeals could occur through City approved developments not meeting State Transportation Rule compliance. Mr. Oberst told the Council that he and Mr. McKenney would bring back update information and schedules for the TransPlan Update in December. Mr. Karp clarified the schedule provided in the staff report tonight was for the SDC amendments only. 2. Revised Special Events and Parade Ordinances Communications Manager Mike Moskovitz gave a brief staff report and told the Council the Ordinances for Special Events and Parades had been revised. He explained the fees pertaining to both profit and non-profit events. Mr. Moskovitz stated fees will be waived until January 1995, so all affected groups can budget for the new fees in their 1995 budgets. Councilor Maine asked why neighborhood groups were excluded from fees. Mr. Leahy replied the Police Chief made the recommendation because neighborhood groups are City or community sponsored and itwas felt the City should encourage community groups, not discourage their missions. Mr. Leahy clarified demonstrations versus special events or parades and when a permit would be needed. . 3. Discussion of Possible Proiects for North West Timber Initiative Funding for 1994/95 Community and Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis gave the staff report. He referred Council to the Lane County Projects List (Attachment I of the Staff Report). Mr. Tamulonis explained the application process and Springfield's short list of projects. Mr. Tamulonis clarified how funding from the North West Timber Initiative comes to the area. He explained Small Business Administration (SBA) loans and Economic Development Administration (EDA) funding. Council discussed the qualifications for receiving funds, based on the number ot jobs created. By consensus, Council gave their approval for the Springfield short list of projects. The meeting recessed at 7:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:27 p.m. 4. Alternative Financing for Booth-Kelly and Springfield Sports Center Finance Director Bob Duey clarified the bond sale at the October 4, Special Meeting were Bancroft Bonds, not Improvement Bonds. Mr. Duey explained an error on previous information he gave the Council regarding the reroofing project at Booth-Kelly. He said the roofing project could be completed now (it is currently underway) and expenses could be recouped through the bond sale process. . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting - 10/24/94 Page three Mr. Duey referred to Booth-Kelly rent projections for FY 1994/95 (Attachment B of the Staff Report). The Council discussed the projections and in particular the Soft-Tech lease which was recently discussed at an Executive Session. They discussed property taxes, who pays and when and how exemptions occur for unimproved not leased buildings. Mr. Duey discussed future tenant revenue with CPI increases and current rate abatement. He referred to Attachment 3, regarding the six year budget plan. He explained the amounts available for debt service over the next few years and said Booth-Kelly has a positive cash flow and should continue to meet all projections. Mr. Duey spoke about a new company who would possibly be willing to sign a three year lease at Booth-Kelly and complete improvements to Part C and E East, if the City agreed to provide minor site improvements. If lease negotiations were successful, the City would no longer need a General Revenue Improvement Bond for the balance of improvements needed at Booth-Kelly. Councilor Maine asked about funding for the Sports Center, if the City completes a lease negotiation with the new proposed company at Booth-Kelly, Mr. Duey replied the City would wait until next spring to seek a bond, as the funding is not essential at'this time. Council discussed the possible new tenant and the financial implications entering into lease would have. Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi stated staff will prepare for an Executive Session on November 7, regarding the new tenant. . Council discussed other options for improvement funding in the event that negotiations are not successful with the new tenant. Mr. Duey explained old System Development Charges (SDC's) are available to pay for Booth-Kelly repairs, through internal borrowing. Council had a lengthy discussion regarding the City's reserve funds and internal borrowing versus improvement bonds. Councilor Maine discussed a combination of internal borrowing and lease negotiations to provide Booth-Kelly with the balance of improvements needed. By consensus, Council agreed not to proceed with General Revenue Improvement Bonds for Booth-Kelly improvements. It was agreed an Executive Session will be held to discuss the possible new tenant, lease negotiations and internal borrowing from old SDC's on November 7, 1994. 5. Business from Council City Recorder Eileen Stein stated the Joint Elected Officials meeting has been changed from October 26 to November 22, at 5:30 p.m. at Lane County. Ms. Stein also told the Council there had been an error at Lane County Elections and the Springfield ballot item regarding the Charter was not included on the official ballot. She explained that Elections Manager Annette Newingham had created a supplemental paper ballot which will be given to all Springfield residents at the polls. Ms. Stein stated the City was notified of the error on October 21, and handed out a copy of a letter from Ms. Newingham. . The Council discussed the error and asked Ms. Stein to seek clarification from Ms. Newingham regarding inclusion of the paper ballot in absentee ballots. . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting - 10/24/94 Page four Council would like verification that all absentee ballots have Springfield's Charter Amendment measure included. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ATTEST: Ci~ Min1024 !~~9 / Ma or