HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/12/1994 Work Session City of Springfield " Worl~ Session Council Meeting . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1994 The City of Springfield Room, 225 Fifth Street, 7:30 p.m. Council met in Springfield City Hall, Library Meeting Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, September 12, 1994, at ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Burge, Maine, Walters, Schanz, Beyer and Shaver. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager/City Recorder Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Development Services Director Susan Daluddung, Management Analyst/Downtown Coordinator Cynthia Pappas, Property Manager Jim Douglas, Finance Director Bob Duey and members of staff. 1. Expansion of Downtown Planter Proqram Management Analyst/Downtown Coordinator Cynthia Pappas listed downtown businesses which currently have planters and businesses who are on a waiting list for planters. . The Council complimented the City Manager and staff on the new entrances to Springfield. The Council discussed the costs associated with the planter and entrance beautification projects. Ms. Pappas said the City purchases the planters and plants for two seasons, spring and fall and some businesses owners also purchase plants. Councilor Burge asked if planters are part of the Business Facade Improvement Program. Ms. Pappas replied no, and explained why facade loan funds could be used for additional planters. There was a discussion regarding whether or not to use facade improvement funds for planters. The meeting recessed at 7:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m. Councilor Maine suggested beautification efforts be given to other areas of town also, specifically the Gateway area. Councilor Shaver stated he likes the program and encourages the community to become involved. Mayor Morrisette said the planters are a community investment with property owners and if the City provides the planters, that the business owners should provide the plants and the dirt. Ms. Pappas explained the Business Facade Improvement money is intended for downtown use, either for grants, loans or improvements. Council discussed the amount of loans outstanding and if planters are an appropriate use of downtown funds. . Councilor Shaver asked Ms. Pappas to return to Council with planter, planting and funding options. By consensus, the Council agreed to discuss this item again at an upcoming Work Session. . . . .' City of Springfield Wor~c Session Council Meeting Page two 2. AND 3. Financinq Plan for Booth-Kelly Center Revenue Bonds for Sprinqfield Sports Center Parkinq Lot proiect and Booth-Kelly Center Improvements Property Manager Jim Douglas gave background information on Booth-Kelly and the status of needed repair projects. He referenced Attachment A of the staff report, which outlined in detail the needed improvements. Mr. Douglas explained to Council the process for obtaining a General Fund Revenue Obligation Bond, with assistance from Finance Director Bob Duey. Mr. Douglas also identified leasing options which would repay the obligation bond. Councilor Burge asked when the amortization of the bonds would occur. Mr. Douglas replied, 10 years. Mr. Duey explained the City could request call dates to payoff the debt as early as five years into the bond. He also explained the fees, which would amount to approximately $15,000 for both the Booth-Kelly and Sports Center projects. Councilor Burge asked if the City could borrow money internally from a Capital Reserve Fund and pay itself back with a higher rate of interest. Mr. Duey explained internal borrowing (option #5 of the staff report) and the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing the option. Councilor Walters discussed the savings involved for fees, when seeking obligation bonds for both projects at the same time. Councilor Shaver suggested proceeding with advertising and working out the details of the amount at a later date. The Council discussed the likelihood of receiving the Oregon Economic Development Department grant. Councilor Maine led a discussion of funding the Booth-Kelly project with internal borrowing and seeking an obligation bond for the Sports Center only. Councilor Burge suggested not delaying the work at Booth-Kelly, due to weather changes and the need for reroofing. The Council had a lengthy discussion regarding internal borrowing VERSUS General Fund Revenue Obligation. By consensus, the Council agreed to move forward with the General Fund Revenue Obligation, to submit both projects together to reduce fees, ask for multiple call dates for repayment, and the option to determine the actual obligation amount at a future meeting. The resolution will be adopted at the Regular Session meeting, also held September 12, 1994. 4. Metropolitan Policy Committee Councilor Burge stated he asked staff to place this item on the agenda, because the Council Operating Policies and Procedures do not contain the same language as the Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) bylaws, with regard to membership. The Council discussed whether or not the Mayor should be a member of MPC. Councilor Burge said Lane County Commissioner Steve Cornacchia and past Mayor John Lively both felt the Mayor should not participate on MPC, as he/she may be called upon to break a tie vote of the Council. City of Springfield w ~o~ Session Council Meeting Page three . Mayor Morrisette said standard Council practice has always been to have the Mayor and the Council President as representatives on MPC. The Council had a lengthy discussion regarding Springfield representation on MPC. Councilor Shaver suggested deleting the two terms maximum language from the charge sheet. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SCHANZ, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WALTERS TO DESIGNATE THE MAYOR AND COUNCILOR PRESIDENT, OR THEIR DESIGNEE TO BE REPRESENTATIVES ON MPC. THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 2 (BURGE, SHAVER) AGAINST. THE ABOVE MOTION WAS AMENDED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BEYER, TO ELIMINATE THE TERM RESTRICTIONS AND VOTE ON A 1ST AND 2ND ALTERNATE EVERY TWO YEARS TO COINCIDE WITH THE APPOINTMENT OF THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT. THE AMENDMENT WAS APPROVED BY A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 1 AGAINST (BURGE). 5. Business from Council a. Committee Reports Mayor Morrisette suggest Budget Committee member willie Combs be appointed to the vacancy on the Intergovernmental Human Services Committee. Mayor Morrisette explained in the past, the position has always been held by a Budget Committee member. . Councilor Walters supported the nomination of Willie Combs. The appointment will be made at the Regular Session Meeting, also of September 12, 1994. b. Other Business Councilor Shaver suggested landscaping be completed on Beltline to 1-105. Public Works Director Dan Brown stated there is $10,000 in the 1994/95 budget for City beautification. Councilor Shaver agreed to work with staff in determining the areas which need landscaping. Councilor Beyer stated the mowed lawn and flowers on Mohawk Street are a good improvement. Councilor Beyer asked about the annexation survey. Mr. Kelly provided the Council with information regarding the survey. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins \;~ MayO~ ' ATTEST: . ~~ City Recordet