HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/22/1994 Work Session (3) . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1994 The City of Springfield Council met in Springfield City Hall, Library Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, August 22, 1994, at 9:25 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Burge, Shaver, Schanz, Walters, Beyer and Maine. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins and members of staff. 1. Final Review of Proposed City Charter City Recorder Eileen Stein explained final changes after a chapter-by- chapter Council review. She explained comments from the three prior Work Sessions were included into the final Charter document. She said small changes were made after Council's review by Joe Leahy, in preparation for Ordinance and Resolution emergency adoption on September 6, 1994. Ms. Stein explained why an emergency adoption was necessary, as the elections filing deadline is September 8, 1994. During the final review, changes were made as follows: Chapter I - Section 1, was changed to reflect the 1994 Charter date. Chapter II - Section 4, was changed to reflect State of Oregon. said there were questions regarding adding subsections for land planning and annexations. Mr. Leahy stated there is not a need specific language to the Charter. Ms. Stein use to add that Chapter III - Ms. Stein said adding the word "wards" to Section 7, clarifies City Council membership. Section 9, was changed to reflect the Mayor is elected from the city at-large and shall reside within the city limits. Chapter IV - Section 14 was added and other Sections were renumbered. Section 16, subsection (6) was clarified to mean citizens or liaisons. Councilor Walters asked for "prescribed" to be changed to "proscribed" throughout the Charter document. In Sections 19 and 20, the position of Mayor was added. Chapter V - Section 10 was deleted and Section 11 is now Section 10. Section 5, was changed to reflect discretion instead of pleasure. Chapter VI - Section 21, subsection (1) was changed to one or more positions. Ms. Stein stated Judge Curtis was given a copy for review and did not respond with changes. Chapter VII - Section 22, subsection (6) contained a typographical error and should be 20, not 21. Chapter VIII - Ms. Stein said Councilor Shaver had asked about Council positions being listed as non-partisan. Mr. Leahy stated he looked at the State Statues and could not find wording regarding City or County officials being listed as either partisan or non-partisan. By consensus, Council agreed to add the word "non-partisan". . . . , . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page two Chapter IX - Discussion of Section 29, subsection (2). It was decided to leave the language as is. Chapter X - There were no changes. Chapter XI - Ms. Stein stated the SUB Board has concerns over changes and the full Board has not had a chance to review. She explained Chapter XI, Utility Board, will be forwarded as soon as possible to the Springfield Utility Board for review and comments. Chapter XII - Section 47, was changed to reflect Assessment Financing versus the term Bancroft debt. Chapter XIII - Ms. Stein stated she titled this section Miscellaneous and it was prompted by passage of Ballot Measure 20-08. There was a discussion of the status of the ballot measure. Chapter XIV - Sections were renumbered after the addition of Chapter XIII and the deletion of the old Section 52. Councilor Shaver led a discussion of whether or not to place the amended Charter on the November ballot. The Council discussed the advantages and disadvantages of a Charter Election. It was decided staff would prepare the final Charter for Council consideration on September 6, 1994. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins J3dPm~ Mayor ATTEST: ~ City Record r