HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/16/1994 Work Session . . . ,., City of Springfield Joint Meeting MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL AND ARTS COMMISSION HELD MONDAY, MAY 16, 1994 The City of Springfield Council met at a Joint Meeting with the Springfield Arts Commission in Springfield City Hall, Meeting Room 2, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, May 16, 1994 at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present for the Council were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Burge, Schanz, Walters, Shaver, Beyer and Maine. Present for the Arts Commission were Commissioners Swisher, Kennedy, Albro, Prieto, Zawadny, Ball and Cornelius. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Community and Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis and Museum Coordinator Kathy Jensen. Mayor Morrisette called the meeting to order and ask the members of the Council and Arts Commission present to introduce themselves. 1. Joint Meetinq with the Sprinqfield Arts Commission to Discuss Public Art Processes Councilor Burge suggested a process for ending the current art controversy and preventing similar issues in the future. He provided a handout to use as a discussion starting point. Ms. Kennedy also provided a handout that the Arts Commission wanted the Council to consider. The Council and the Arts Commission discussed using a logging theme for the next sculpture. They also discussed "The Promised Land" sculpture, a sculpture commissioned by the Oregon Trail Coordinating Council. Mr. Swisher explained there was not a site at City Hall where a sculpture the size of "The Promised Land" could adequately be placed. Mr. Swisher suggested a joint task force be formed to determine appropriate procedures for selecting art. Councilor Walters recommended the City Attorney's Office be involved with the task force to review contract terms so that the city's liability is not jeopardized. Councilor Beyer stated the jury process should not be reviewed by the task force. Councilor Burge agreed and said a jury would not be involved per his proposal. The jury process would be separate from the selection of a theme. . . . City of Springfield Joint Meeting Page two Ms. Kennedy suggested the process task force meet ending to determine future funding opportunities. suggested the task force consist of three members three members from the Arts Commission. prior to the fiscal year Mayor Morrisette from the Council and Mr. Cornelius stated he supports the current process and would also support the next sculpture having a wood products theme. The Council and the Arts Commission had a discussion regarding past murals and art work that have had a theme. MS. Kennedy said it is important to have an expert jury so artists will participate. Councilor Schanz suggested the entire Council be on the jury. Mr. Ball said the Council as a whole on the jury would be fine as long as they were aided by other experts in the art field. Councilor Beyer stated the current issues resulted from a vague description of the theme. She felt as long as themes remain vague, problems will continue to occur. Mayor Morrisette said the answer lies somewhere in the proposals by Councilor Burge and the Arts Commission. He stated the Council will make the final decision regarding the jury process. Councilor Walters stated a second issue is the acceptance of donated art. Mayor Morrisette said donations could be addressed by either the task force or the Arts Commission. Councilor Maine said the Arts Commission should make recommendations to the Council regarding whether or not to accept donated art work. Mr. Tamulonis suggested the first charge of the task force be to form a process for commissioning of art work and the second would be to discuss a process for accepting non-commissioned art work. Mr. Cornelius stated the Arts Commission respects the City Council's final authority but hopes a situation does not arise where many hours of work are put in by the commission and jury, only to have the Council veto a decision. He reiterated there was a lack of communication amongst the Council members regarding the "Balancing Act" art work. Councilor Burge clarified the Council relies on the opinion of the Arts Commission, as with other advisory boards, commissions and committees, but the Council must sometimes overrule due to accountability. Councilor Shaver said the Council rarely overrules advisory committees. For the record, Ms. Kennedy spoke in support of the White Horse art work at the entrance to the city. Ms. Albro stated Springfield has been very lucky to have so many talented artists donate their time to public art. She felt the Arts Commission and Council should not overlook the amount of time the artists contribute. By consensus, the Council and Arts Commission agreed to select a process committee consisting of three members from both the Council and the Arts Commission. .. . . . City of Springfield Joint Meeting Page three 2. Business from Council There was none. ADJOURNMENT The Joint meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ATTEST: ~ City Recorder #3475