HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/18/1994 Work Session ,., . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1994 The city of Springfield Council met in Springfield City Hall, Meeting Room 2, 225 N. Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, April 18, 1994, at 6:05 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Schanz, Beyer, Shaver, Burge and Walters (6:14). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein and members of staff. 1. Community Development Advisory Committee Fundinq Recommendations for the 1994-95 Community Development Block Grant Proqram Community Development Management Analyst Lynn Nakamura gave the staff report. 9he summarized the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding sources for the 1994/95 year as explained in the staff report. Ms. Nakamura stated a public hearing would be held during the regular meeting later this evening to reach consensus on the funding recommendations. Ms. Nakamura introduced Mr. Joe Mathieu, Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) member and Council liaison Greg Shaver, who both participated in developing the funding recommendations. Mayor Morrisette reviewed the merits of the Habitat for Humanity project which was not recommended for funding. He stated additional testimony would be given at the public hearing. Mr. Mathieu stated the Habitat for Humanity representatives told the CDAC that fundraising was not an issue for Habitat, only a matter of time. The Council discussed funding for Habitat for Humanity. Councilor Burge asked about the renovation project at Tyson Park and why it was not funded when other willamalane Parks and Recreation District projects were. Mr. Mathieu replied the CDAC was very sensitive to funding park projects and there was limited community support for these park improvements relative to that demonstrated by neighborhoods for the other park projects. Mr. Mathieu acknowledged the committee had to make some very hard funding choices. Councilor Burge questioned how Willamalane Parks and Recreation was spending their operating budget if improvements like the ones requested at Tyson Park were so desperately needed. Councilor Beyer asked about the Police Department Strategic Planner postion and what would actually be funded through CDAC funds. Police Chief Bill DeForrest said the position was submitted in response to a Council goal and that it was eligible for CDBG funding. . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page two Chief DeForrest explained the money would provide assistance developing a strategic plan for the department. He said the be located in the Development Services Department, but would to developing a community involved strategic policing plan. discussed the strategic planning proposal. (.5 FTE) in position would be dedicated Council Councilor Walters stated he was concerned about funding projects that are proposed by agencies which have taxing/revenue raising mechanisms of their own versus projects proposed by non-profit agencies. The Council discussed the percentage of projects which can be funded under the allowance for grant administration. Councilor Shaver explained why certain projects were selected for funding. He said the CDAC felt park renovations proposed were outside Willamalane Park and Recreations District's regular capital budget process. Councilor Burge questioned the $97,000 which would go to the Intergovernmental Human Services Division of Lane County. He asked how the money is related to the Centennial car camp. Council discussed future funding of the car camp. Councilor Shaver discussed the Maple School playground project. He explained it is not a Willamalane Parks and Recreation District park, but actually a School District 19 school facility. Councilor Shaver explained how the project would benefit one of Springfield's lowest income areas. Mr. Mathieu told the Council about neighborhood involvement and levels of community pride the CDAC is trying to achieve. Council discussed concerns over specific elements of the funding recommendations. Councilor Walters said he was concerned about whether accepting the recommendations would set a precedent. Mr. Kelly suggested any process suggestions and decisions about funding should be held until after the public hearing. 2. Manufactured Housinq Sitinq Code Amendments Planning Manager Greg Mott provided the staff report. He gave the Council a one page handout describing the proposed changes to the Springfield Development Code (SDC) , recommended by the Planning Commission with regards to manufactured housing siting standards required pursuant to HB 2835 which was passed inito law in 1993. Mr. Mott explained the city must now allow a manufactured home on any lot zoned Low Density Residential (LDR). He reviewed the existing siting standards in the SDC and said the new State law does not allow for local siting standards to be developed by the city of Springfield. However, the law does not allow for the development of design standards. Mr. Mott told the Council all the allowed siting standards were recommended by the Planning Commission except the requirement to build a carport or garage. Councilor Burge asked if Covenants, Codes and Restrictions (CCR's) can still override the State law. Mr. Mott replied State law specifically states that CCR's that are privately imposed are not unconstitional. . . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page three Mr. Mott discussed the recommendation of the Planning Commission and reviewed the option of dissenting members that there should not be any additional requirements, such as design standards for manufactured housing above what is required for site built homes. Mr. Mott stated the slope and zoning designation (Medium Density Residential siting will also be allowed) requirements would also be removed from the SDC. Councilor Shaver explained manufactured housing requirements have been discussed at the Planning Commission level for many years. He supported following State law with reasonable standards and requirements. Councilor Burge asked how the manufactured housing industry felt about the changes to the SDC. Mr. Mott replied he had not heard many comments, but explained he met with mobile home park managers, owners and neighborhood association representatives to describe the changes. Mr. Mott said the meeting formulated the basis for staff's recommendations to the Planning Commission. The Council discussed developments in technology and the differences between 1976 and newer manufactured homes and older mobile homes. Mr. Mott explained since 1991, staff has only received one objection to the SDC with regards to manufactured housing and it was regarding insulation standards. He provided a handout to the Council discussing new energy standards. Council agreed to take formal action on the manufactured housing siting code amendments in the form of an ordinance at their regular meeting that evening. 3. Business from Council Business from Council was conducted during the regular meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins Mititff~ ATTEST: ~~ City Record.er #4331