HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/1994 Work Session . . . ", \ City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1994 The City of Springfield Council met in the Springfield City Hall, Meeting Room 2, 225 N. Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, April 11, 1994, at 6:00 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present were Councilors Burge, Schanz, Shaver and Beyer. Absent were Mayor Morrisette and Councilor Walters (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Public Works Director Dan Brown and members of staff. 1. Pioneer Parkway Corridor Bikeway proiect Public Works Director Dan Brown presented the staff report and showed a map depicting the planned bikeways throughout Springfield. He explained the Pioneer Parkway project is a component of the entire city plan and gave details on projects which have received funding from the Inter-model Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA). Mr. Brown provided a detailed description of the project and reviewed the funding sources, $764,000 from ISTEA and $209,000 from city System Development Charges (SDC's). Mr. Brown reviewed the history of the project, specifically past briefings and approvals by the City Council. He described the current status of the project and how the city is working with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) on a Request For Proposals (RFP) process to select a design consultant. Mr. Brown discussed the merits of proceeding with the proj ect .' They include, purchasing the Southern Pacific right-of-way, linking the community, residential bikeways for school and park areas, beautifying of a major city entrance, creating traffic improvements at the Q Street intersection, levering city funds, receiving the city's "fair share" of federal funding, demonstrating compliance with federal and state transportation policies, complying with State Transportation Planning Rule 12 and complimenting other existing plans already in place. Mr. Brown explained the requirements of State Planning Rule 12. Councilor Beyer stated she was in favor of the bikeway and felt the Council should not discuss the issue again, as prior approval was given to staff. Councilor Shaver said he concurred with Councilor Beyer. He asked for more information on how the bikeway would improve the traffic flow. Traffic Engineer Scott Morris explained how the project funding would provide for extra capacity northbound and southbound turn lanes on pioneer Parkway at the 1-105 interchange. . . . ~ . \ City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page two Councilor Schanz said he was in favor of the project, but felt the price seemed high, especially if a major portion of the cost was to purchase the right-of-way. Mr. Brown replied the purchase price is not a major portion of the cost and was negotiated. Councilor Shaver asked what the span of the bikeway project would be. Mr. Brown replied it would stretch from Main Street to Harlow Road. Council discussed the planning goal of having all the major parkways linked by bikepaths. Mr. Brown described future plans for linking bikepaths an upcoming neighborhood meeting which will be held to discuss the willamette River bikepath project. Councilor Burge expressed concern with staff proceeding on any projects without Council approval. He also asked that staff be sensitive to property owners who would be impacted by linking bikepaths. Councilor Burge requested seeing the different phases of the project broken out by cost and shared Councilor Schanz's concern regarding the land purchase. Councilor Schanz invited Mr. William Combs to express the concerns he has with the pioneer Parkway bikepath project. Mr. Combs asked how the city can have a total project cost when the purchase price for the right-of-way is not yet known. Mr. Brown replied an estimated purchase price is known but it would be discussed during an Executive Session. Mr. Combs described the history of the railroad in Springfield and said he felt the city should definitely pay for the right-of-way. Mr. Combs detailed his objections for the project and said city funds should be used for other purposes. Councilor Burge explained the federal funding requirement and how the city must use the money for enhancements projects, such as the pioneer Parkway Corridor. Councilor Burge stated he was supportive of the project and would like confirmation with regards to specific components of the project including costs. Councilor Schanz asked if the city had a deadline to begin construction. Mr. Brown replied construction must begin by the end of 1995. The meeting recessed at 6:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:00 p.m. 1. Amend Sprinqfield Permit and Inspection Fee Schedule to Include a 3% Administrative Charqe and a Dedicated Revenue Expenditure Account Building Official Dave Puent gave the staff report and described the demands on Building Division staff to maintain the current level of customer service. Mr. Puent detailed the equipment and service enhancements which could be purchased with a dedicated revenue expenditure account, such as, cellular phones for field inspectors, architectural or engineering computer programs, storage and retrieval or microfilm machines, and additional inspections performed by contractual/temporary employees. . . ,. . , . " , City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page three Mr. Puent referred the Council to letters of support included with their staff report, including one from the National Electrical Contractors Association. He explained the process the city has established for cross certification of building inspectors. Council asked questions regarding the letters sent to the contractors. Councilor Shaver commended Building Division staff for the service they provide to the community. He said he supports the additional fee and agrees with the survey responders that a 3% increase is a small price to pay for faster service. Councilor Burge agreed with Councilor Shaver and said Springfield has better service, excellent credibility and more dedicated people than any other small citys. By consensus, the Council agreed to support the amendment to the Springfield Permit and Inspection Fee Schedule, to include a 3% administrative charge and to create a dedicated revenue expenditure account. Staff was given direction to prepare an ordinance necessary to institute the fee. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. . jgJ d w~ Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ATTEST: ~~ City Recorder #433l