HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/28/1994 Work Session . . . - /---......,.() f City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1994 The city of Springfield Council met in the Springfield City Hall, Meeting Room 2, 225 N. Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, March 28, 1994, at 6:25 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Schanz, Walters, Shaver and Burge. Councilor Beyer was absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, City Recorder Eileen Stein and members of staff. 1. Human Riqhts Commission Interviews The Council interviewed the following persons for three vacancies on the Human Rights Commission: 1) Paul Stewart 2) Dawn Russell 3) Shannon Murphy Other applicants, william (Bill) Eikenberry, Jr., Darrell Neet, Sue Mandeville, Andrew Milton, Dorothy Isabell, John Martin Jones and Loren were interviewed at previous work sessions. Lee The interview questions asked were as follows: 1) What specific contributions do you hope to make? What are your personal goals as they relate to the Commission? What skills and abilities do you have which will make you an effective member of the Human Rights Commission? 2) Why are you interested in being on the Human Rights Commission? Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. 3) Are you familiar with the work the Human Rights Commission is doing? Do you have ideas for improving the Commission? 4) Questions of clarification from applications. 5) Will you be able to attend Human Rights Commission meetings? The Council will ratify the appointments of the three vacant positions at their regular meeting on April 4, 1994. \ City Work Page of Springfield Session Council Meeting 2 2. 1993 Annual Financial Report and Manaqement Letter . Mr. Kelly introduced Neil Erickson from Grant Thorton, the city's independent auditors. Mr. Erickson provided an overview of the documents submitted to Council, the Management Letter and the Financial Report. Mr. Erickson highlighted specific aspects of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. He reported they have issued a "clean opinion", meaning there are no significant areas of improvement to address. Mayor Morrisette asked if the city's bond rating could be higher. Erickson replied it is up to the rating agencies, but an A rating high. Mr. Kelly added there are not any known local cities of Springfield's siz~ with an AA rating. Mr. is very Councilor Walters asked what kinds of instruments were invested in the state government pool. Mr. Erickson stated he is not very familiar with the pool or PERS investment portfolios, but they both invest conservatively. . Mr. Erickson reported the city's advance refunding would save the city $500,000 over the next 12 years. He then discussed the city's retirement plan and reviewed the unfunded pension benefit obligation. He explained the differences in PERS (Life Safety employees) versus the defined contribution retirement plan for other city employees. He explained this amount is amortized over 30 years. Mr. Grimaldi explained this was done intentionally to balance long range cash flows in the city's retirement system. This money is being invested with the city and will be paid to PERS over time. Mayor Morrisette inquired about the cost of the audit. Mr. Erickson replied with the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Division included, the total was approximately $34,500. The Council discussed specific elements of the audit including annual debt service and Bancroft bond repayments. Councilor Shaver asked how the city would be impacted by the inability of the federal government to meet it's debt obligations of $2.5 million. Mr. Erickson said the most direct impact would most likely be on tax payers, not on the city. Mayor Morrisette said he inquired about the Bancroft debt reduction in July. Mr. Kelly explained the effect this would have on the $10.00 cap per $1,000 of assessed value in place per Measure 5 but he clarified that Bancroft debt is not part of the cap. Mr. Kelly also explained the tax coordination law that requires public agencies who share in the $10 cap to disclose any plans to seek increases in their share of the cap. Councilor Walters asked how the city's tax rate compares with other cities who have separate park and recreation districts. The Council discussed the origination of separate park districts. Councilor Burge suggested staff review other special park districts and obtain information regarding willamalane Park and Recreation District's budget to compare operating costs between Willamalane and others. Finance Director Bob Duey said he would provide an analysis. . . . . \ City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page 3 Mr. Erickson discussed property tax levies and the improved increase in collections. This is due to interest percentages rates for uncollected property taxes. Council had a lengthy discussion regarding personal computer upgrades and network needs, per the recommendation of the auditor in their Management Letter. Mr. Kelly stated he is well aware of the computer issues and is looking at new positions for our Information Services Department to analyze city-wide computer needs, including the Finance Department. Mr. Kelly showed appreciation to Gino Grimaldi, Finance Director Bob Duey, past Finance Director Judy Boles and Supervising Accountant Ginger Starck for their work on the audit process. 3. Condemnation for a Drainaqe Easement City Engineer Al Peroutka asked for direction from the Council regarding use of the condemnation process to acquire an easement for the construction of a storm sewer to serve the Hayden Gardens subdivision. He explained the proposed subdivision and reviewed the site map. Mr. Peroutka introduced the developers, Mr. Robert Watson and Mr. George Arthur. He explained they are on a tight time schedule to develop the subject property this summer. Mr. Peroutka explained the easement is within the 32nd Street Master Plan. He explained the total area drainage needs extend up to Jasper Road and gave specifics on the needed drainage easement area. Mr. Peroutka stated no agreement by the various property owners has been reached to obtain an easement in a timely manner. He explained the city is now going through the appraisal process to possibly purchase a larger portion of the property. Mr. Peroutka explained the eminent domain process and how the two extra acres would decide the future right-of-way or water quality basins. Mayor Morrisette asked who is financially responsible. Mr. Peroutka responded the cost will be shared between the developer and the city. Public Works Director Dan Brown added the city would probably expend Systems Development Charge funds. By consensus, the Council agreed to have the City Engineer proceed with the condemnation process. Mr. Peroutka explained this item would be brought back to the Council at a Regular Session, after the appraisal had been completed. 4. Street Liqhtinq Standards in Sprinqfield Public Works Director Dan Brown gave the staff report and explained the differences between low pressure sodium (LPS) and high pressure sodium (HPS) street lighting. He stated the city currently uses LPS lighting and all maintenance, including parts and labor, is handled by the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). Mr. Brown told the Council the city of Eugene . . . ~ City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page 4 currently uses HPS lighting. Mr. Brown gave background information on how the city came to use LPS. He reviewed the special request made by Ainslee Krans last fall, for HPS lighting for his development. Mr. Brown recalled the Council's discussion and decision regarding that request. Mr. Brown explained after discussion by staff, the Council and comments from citizens, the Public Works Department conducted a survey through the Mar-Stat Company to determine public preference on the use of HPS lighting in the city. Mr. Brown and Traffic Engineer Scott Morris reviewed the survey results and answered specific questions by the Council. Mr. Brown stated he recommends retaining LPS lighting due to the low energy consumption and new trends in lighting expected in the future. Councilor Burge asked if Mr. Krans is providing the city with an inventory of replacement parts for his HPS lighting. Mr. Brown replied not currently, but based on negotiations with Mr. Krans, the city would receive the inventory during phase II of the development process. Councilor Burge stated he is not pleased with developers not complying with decisions made by the Council and trying to break commitments by seeking approval from the City Manager. Councilor Walters asked if the Council gave the authority for the survey to be completed by Mar-Stat, what the final cost was, and how the questions asked were decided. Mr. Brown answered the survey was not by request of the Council, but based on the advice of the City Manager. He told the Council the cost of the survey was $1,000 and the company agreed to ask a minimal number of questions for that contract amount. The Council discussed the long term effects of keeping LPS lighting and the difference in long term costs. Councilor Shaver felt the city should have a standard light policy and should wait for new technology before any replacement begins. Mr. Morris explained the life span and maintenance cost differences in LPS versus HPS, with LPS being lower. By consensus, the Council agreed to continue using LPS lighting city and directed staff to be kept abreast of new developments in street lighting technology. 5. Business from Council Councilor Shaver suggested the discussion regarding electing a Council President be postponed until Councilor Beyer was present. Councilor Burge discussed the process and timelines for filling the vacancy of the Ward 6 Council position. He suggested the following deadlines: April 19 for the application deadline; April 25 for interviews; and May 2 for the ratification of the appointment. Councilor Walters asked Mr. Grimaldi for a report (with an itinerary attached) on the city lobbying trip to Washington, D.C. ~ . I '\.. City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page 5 . Mayor Morrisette gave a brief recap of his meetings in Washington, D.C. He highlighted the areas of Booth-Kelly and meetings with federal legislators Hatfield, DeFazio and Mineta. He stated he would follow-up with a report to the Council also. Councilor Shaver asked Councilor Burge about the status of the Metropolitan Area General Plan discussion process. Councilor Burge replied the process is still on-going and an update will follow soon. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ~t~W\~ --~".-.,. ATTEST: ~~ City Recorder #4331 . .