HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1994 Work Session . . . ~ City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL AND SPRINGFIELD LIBRARY BOARD HELD MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1994 The City of Springfield Council met in a joint meeting with the Springfield.. Library Board at the Springfield City Hall, Meeting Room 2, 225 N. Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, March 7, at 6:05 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present from the City Council were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Beyer, Burge, Schanz, Shaver and Walters. Councilor Maine was absent (excused). Present from the Springfield Library Board were Chairperson Jody Arnold, and Board members Florence Litzenberger, Kathryn Wurtz, Joe Mathieu and Bruce Horton. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, Library Director Bob Russell, City Recorder Eileen Stein, and members of staff. 1. Library Board Issues City Manager Mike Kelly reminded the Council that from time to time the Council meets with it's various advisory boards, committees and commissions to touch base on issues that the board, committee or commission may be working with and to provide an important communication link between the two bodies. Library Director Bob Russell introduced Board Chairperson Jody Arnold. Ms. Arnold introduced the agenda that had been prepared for the meeting and briefly discussed the activities of the Springfield Library over the past few years. She indicated various Board members would provide an update on specific activities and topics. Board member Bruce Horton discussed the status of the Library Scholarship Program and answered Councilor's questions regarding the program. The program utilization was specifically addressed as well as finding ways to provide more stable funding such as through an Endowment Fund. Board member Florence Litzenberger discussed the Library's securing a grant from the state of Oregon to provide greater access to the Library by families enrolled in Head Start programs. Ms. Arnold discussed the hiring of the new Library Director as a significant accomplishment for the Library over the past year. Board Member Wurtz discussed future plans for the Library. She reported the Library staff is seeking a $25,000 state grant to provide Spanish language programs and materials in the Library. Mr. Russell discussed how the funding would be utilized if the grant was received. He also reported the Library is in excellent position to receive the grant. . . . Work Session Minutes March 7, 1994 Page 2 Board member Mathieu discussed the Friends of the Library program and the upcoming plans for this group's activities. He reported he would be regularly attending their meetings. He indicated there are 25 to 30 core members with a total membership of over 200 people. The Council and the Board discussed the potential for this group to become the fundraising mechanism for the Library, including the creation of an Endowment Fund. The Council also discussed the status of the Library Memorial Fund and the potential for the creation of a Library Foundation. Ms. Arnold discussed the need for an electronic card cataloging system for the Library and the benefits of such a system. She reported that one vendor would be on site on March 17 to provide a demonstration of a product, and invited Council members to attend the demonstration. Ms. Arnold handed out the Library's gold stars for 1993 and she pointed out the staff productivity gains over the past few years. This issue was specifically focused on. Mr. Russell indicated that beginning next week, he and the Library staff would begin a series of meetings designed to focus on enhancing productivity given the Library's limited staff resources. The computerized cataloguing system was again discussed in relation to enhancing staff effectiveness. 2. City Council Issues Councilor Walters asked whether plans were being made to connect to the emerging information "superhighway" through some network link. Mr. Russell responded it was something that was being looked at. He discussed the cost and other implications of doing so. Councilor Shaver stated he had checked with Library staff members and was pleased to learn how pleased they were with the selection of Mr. Russell as the new Library Director. He reported Mr. Russell received glowing remarks from the Library staff. Councilor Shaver asked if the Library had any CD Read Only Material (ROM) data retrieval software. Mr. Russell replied the Library does have access to some data bases through CD ROM diskettes. 3. Update on Videotape Circulation Policy Mr. Russell gave a report on the City Attorney's opinion regarding the Library videotape circulation policy. He provided background regarding the Library's past practice of loaning videotape materials and reviewed the City Attorney's opinion regarding the loaning of these materials under the new policy of restricting access of "R" rated videos to minors. Mr. Russell proposed an alternative policy that could be put in place which the City Attorney has said would mitigate the legal issues raised by the new policy. He said the alternative policy would require parents to indicate that they did not want their minor children to have access to "R" . . . Work Session Minutes March 7, 1994 Page 3 rated videotapes. This indication would be done either at the time of renewal of a Library card or as soon as the parent made notification to Library staff. Council asked questions about how the alternative policy would work. Councilor Walters expressed frustration over how this issue has been handled in the courts and how judicial interpretation has limited a community from determining what is best for the community. The Council discussed the City Attorney's opinion and what the Council's options were for responding to it. City Attorney Tim Harold discussed why he felt the recommended solution would pass legal challenge, as had already been indicated by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). COUNCILOR SHAVER MOVED, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BURGE, TO DIRECT STAFF TO IMPLEMENT THE ALTERNATIVE VIDEOTAPE CIRCULATION POLICY, AS PROPOSED BY STAFF, WHICH WOULD ALLOW FREE ACCESS TO VIDEOTAPES, PARENTAL RIGHT TO RESTRICT ACCESS TO MINORS, CLEARLY SPELLED OUT ON THE RENEWAL FORM, THE IMPLEMENTATION OF WHICH SHOULD BE WELL PUBLICIZED. Councilor Schanz indicated he would vote for the motion, but he wouldn't vote to defend any legal challenge to the new policy. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Council Business There was none. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Eileen Stein 8;#11!~ Mayor / ATTEST: ~~ City Recorder #8332