HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/14/1994 Work Session . . . ~ City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1994 The City of Springfield Council met in the Springfield City Hall, Meeting Room 2, 225 N. Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, February 14, 1994, at 6:05 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Burge, Beyer, Walters, Shaver and Schanz. Councilor Maine was absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, and members of staff. 1. Human Riqhts Commission Interviews Mr. Grimaldi explained Ron Tyler withdrew his application and only one applicant, Loren Lee would be interviewed. Mr. Lee apologized for missing his first interview and explained he was absent due to illness. The interview questions asked were as follows: 1) Do you support the opportunity to serve the elderly and look out for their interests? 2) Why are you interested in serving on the Human Rights Commission? Briefly explain your interest in the public image of the city. 3) How should the Commission represent traditional working class families? 4) Have you attended any Human Rights Commission meetings? How will you bring steadiness and common sense to the Commission? 5) will you be able to attend Human Rights Commission meetings? Councilor Burge asked about the role of the commission and whether it was a Mayor-appointed task force, or a Council appointed-commission. Mr. Leahy explained the commission was appointed by the Council based on the work of a task force first appointed by the Mayor. Mr. Grimaldi explained the Human Rights Commission reviewed it's by-laws at it's last meeting on February 10, and they will be presented to the Council for approval. BY' consensus, the Council agreed to review the by-laws and then make appointments to the commission at it's February 21 meeting. . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page two 2. Oreqon Rivers Museum (ORM) Update Mr. Grimaldi introduced Dave Rodriguez who introduced members of the Oregon Rivers Museum (ORM) Board. Members present were: Mark Garber, Jack Adler, Merwin Logan, and Jeff Campbell. Also present was Art Paz, a member of the design team selection committee. Mr. Grimaldi stated the Council had previously reserved $50,000 in room tax funds for the creation of a ORM Master Plan. Mr. Adler explained the process and current status of the Master Plan. He reviewed the credentials of the chosen architectural design team, Esherick Homsey Dodge and Davis (EHDD). Mr. Rodriguez spoke of struggles over fundraising efforts and explained how they are trying to receive funds from the Northwest Economic Adjustment Initiative. He explained the level of involvement from University of Oregon and Willamette High School students, who are participating through their science and biology classes. Mr. Paz explained the selection process for the architectural design firm who will complete the Master Plan. He gave detailed information on the submitted materials and how the design teams were interviewed. He then showed the Council examples of work by EHDD in other areas of the country. Councilor Burge questioned the structure of the ORM and asked for verification of city funds committed to the project. He said it was his understanding this was $74,000 plus the land donation. Mr. Rodriguez replied the ORM is a private non-profit corporation and the funding amounts are correct. Councilor Shaver asked how the major fundraising will occur. Mr. Rodriguez replied it would be similar to the process used for the Oregon Coast Aquarium, including possible future room tax funds and the possibility of a State revenue bond. Community and Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis added the State revenue bond funding source would be underwritten by lottery funds. The Council and ORM Board members discussed the size of the Weyerhauser property, the amount of funds allocated from other agencies and ORM's request from the Northwest Economic Adjustment Initiative through the Clinton Timber Plan. Mr. Rodriguez clarified additional funding is needed above the Master Plan costs for geo-technical, wetlands and water quality analysis. Councilor Shaver asked if the project would be built all at once, or in phases. Mr. Rodriguez replied construction of the project in phases is a possibility, but they are looking to complete the project in one phase. Mayor Morrisette asked what the current timeline is. Mr. Rodriguez replied the contract for the design team should be finalized within one month and the Master Plan would be completed six months thereafter. . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page three Councilor Shaver asked if building and engineering plans would be part of the Master Plan. Mr. Paz replied no, the plan will contain conceptual design with technical elements and organized information. He explained the completed Master Plan would allow the board to approach other agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service, etc. for funding. However, he also added the Master Plan would facilitate the design of the facility. The Council reviewed in depth the draft ORM budget and an aerial photo of the Weyerhauser site. Mr. Adler explained when the Master Plan is completed, it will be very useful for fundraising purposes. Mr. Garber stated the design team is very supportive and the completion of the plan will bring critical momentum to the project. Mr. Leahy discussed the issue of securing water rights to bring water in and out of the McKenzie River. Mr. Rodriguez stated he had a walk through on the Weyerhauser site last spring with state officials regarding the water rights approval process. Mr. Tamulonis mentioned a closed water system could be incorporated into the design, if water rights are restricted. The Council discussed elements of the project such as cultural attachments to the museum, zoning, annexation and transportation issues. Councilor Walters asked about adding a bicycle/pedestrian path on the site along the river and whether this would be consistent with the project. The Council discussed bike and pedestrian access to the facility. Mayor Morrisette congratulated Mr. Rodriguez on the progress made and the selection of such a competent and enthusiastic board. Other Council members concurred. 3. Business from Council There was none. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins 0~ Mayor ATTEST: ~t~L- City Record r #4331