HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/1993 Work Session . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1993 The City of Springfield Council met in the Springfield City Hall, Meeting Room 2, 225 N. Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, November 9, 1993, at 5:30 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Maine, Burge, Shaver, Schanz, Beyer (5:35) and Walters (5:55). Also present were Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, and members of staff. 1. Metro Plan Amendment Process Mr. Grimaldi introduced Development Services Director Susan Daluddung who described the two parts to the Metropolitan Plan amendment process that needed to be discussed: 1) a decision for the Council representatives to take to the next Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) meeting, and 2) a decision to move forward on the Resolution for Springfield's own Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Daluddung stated Councilor Burge was present at the last MPC meeting and would give the Council a briefing on the alternative process presented. /"1.-,- Councilor Burge reviewed item by item the Alternative Plan Amendment Process, and each difference was discussed by the Council. The Council agreed Difference #1 should be handled by each jurisdiction agreeing ahead of time as to who will participate, as discussed at the last MPC meeting. Difference #2 was agreed upon after Councilor Shaver recommended to remove the word citizens. Difference #3 was explained as under 100 acres would be handled by the home jurisdiction and Lane County, and over 100 acres would be handled by all jurisdictions. Councilor Burge clarified the 100 acre cap is at anyone time, not over a 12 month period, and that the processing time would be no longer than 120 days. Difference #4 was accepted by the Council. Council discussed referrals to jurisdictions and the "opt-in" process. Councilor Shaver suggested the word "may" be used versus "must", regarding opting-in. Difference #5 was discussed and the Council agreed participants can participate over 100 acres, if specific criteria is met. Council discussed the last MPC meeting and issues for the upcoming meeting. Councilor Maine stated he had spoken with Eugene Councilor Nancy Nathanson regarding cooperation from Eugene. Councilor Burge reviewed the footnotes in the Alternative Plan Amendment Process handout. He suggested the revisions not be reviewed in three years and not revert back to the current process. . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page two Councilor Burge preferred the revisions to be reviewed in three years, but the new process would continue unless all three jurisdictions agreed to change the process. He also stated the 120 day processing clause needed to be added. Jim Carlson from the Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) reviewed the framework agreed upon and stated it was similar to what the MPC consensus was. The Council discussed 100 acre criteria and suggested a possible trigger or a number specific mechanism. Council asked staff to work with LCOG on definable criteria which would be acceptable to the Council. Councilor Burge said this issue could be addressed at a future work session on November 22. Council discussed the percentage of the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) that is over 100 acres and currently not incorporated. Planning Manager Greg Mott showed a map of possible sites that could be incorporated. Mr. Carlson explained the 100.acre criteria would not be a limit of how many acres could be incorporated per year, but a limit of how many acres Springfield could incorporate without the city of Eugene participating in the process. By consensus, the Council agreed to adopt at a future date, the changes proposed above to be written out and reviewed by Council, prior to submitting changes at the next MPC meeting. Ms. Daluddung told Council staff needed direction on beginning a Comprehensive Plan for the city of Springfield and preparing a corresponding resolution. Councilor Maine suggested staff table work on resolution preparation at this time. Mr. Leahy told the Council staff is trying to keep on track with the Council's time table and appreciated the input. He further explained Springfield's position on the creation of a Comprehensive Plan is legal and could be put into a perfect model for approval by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC). Mr. Leahy spoke briefly about the letter regarding annexation of Glenwood and stated staff could provide a legal response. 2. Council Business Mayor Morrisette congratulated Communications Manager Mike Moskovitz for efforts to publicize the Oregon Trail Mural both locally and nationally. 3. Emerqency Winter Homeless Campinq Mayor Morrisette mentioned this topic would not be a public hearing, but Council may choose to recognize members of the audience. He referenced letters to the editor regarding this issue and clarified his position. . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page three Ms. Daluddung stated staff compiled information regarding the Emergency winter Homeless Camp and were present to answer questions. Councilor Shaver presented his alternative, proposing churches be allowed to house homeless families based on the number of single family units that could have been built on the church property. This would spread the burden and allow others in the community to address the issue. He also gave dollar figures and examples of how Springfield is currently active in assisting the homeless. Mayor Morrisette asked if a conditional use permit could be granted and Mr. Mott responded. Council discussed the Springfield Development Code (SDC) definition for temporary and how it would apply versus a conditional use permit. Mayor Morrisette commented that some Springfield churches are already participating in the in the InterFaith Shelter program. Councilor Shaver suggested Council adopt a formal ordinance to allow churches to house the homeless and provide specific guidelines versus making churches seek individual approval through a public hearing process. Mr. Leahy advised Council to be specific regarding allowed uses, so other issues and activities do not occur in residential areas. Councilor Walters suggested using the proposed $5,000 for emergency housing vouchers instead of the car camp. He explained a proposal for families being able to use the vouchers for 10 days per year in a local hotel. Staff responded by saying local hotels are usually full and 10 days would not be long enough for most homeless families. Councilor Walters asked staff to look into the availability of using vouchers for Springfield hotels/motels. Mayor Morrisette said Springfield currently funds a voucher program through an intergovernmental agreement to Lane County Health and Human Services. Councilor Burge stated he is opposed to a car camp due because he wants the city to get the most for it's dollar. He inquired about the amount of money White Bird Clinic receives to manage the camp and the percentage of the White Bird contract to the total budget for the camp. Mr. Wayne Ford explained Whitebird's staff is highly trained in crisis intervention and referrals. He also stated some of the financial support pays liability insurance that Whitebird must carry. Mr. Ford and Mr. Ron Chase discussed the plans of the shelter work group to identify the long term needs for emergency camping by selecting a permanent site. Councilor Burge provided dollar figures for apartment rent throughout Springfield. He shared information that showed 41 people could be housed in apartments year round for approximately the same amount of money the car camp costs. He felt the car camp was inhumane and discussed the idea of purchasing an apartment complex. . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page four Councilor Maine asked if campers are screened and given the rules regarding use of the camp. It was explained Whitebird has suggested rules, but none are officially imposed. Councilor Maine stated he could not support the camp without screening procedures and Whitebird not allowing campers to consume alcohol. Councilor Shaver said he is concerned that Springfield was the last organization to be asked to contribute, but he prefers to help people remove themselves from the cycle of homelessness. He stated he would support the $5,000 contribution to the camp, as long as there are no drugs or alcohol allowed. Councilor Beyer said she felt this proposal is doing something to assist people in need and that the Council's expectations are too high for only a $5,000 contribution. She suggested the city contribute to the car camp and also look into the merits of Councilor Shaver's alternative proposal. Councilor Schanz stated he would like to see the city help families with children. He said he did not favor the car camp proposal and felt more information was needed regarding Whitebird's administration costs. Mayor Morrisette said he agreed with Councilor Beyer and described a survey done in 1992 which showed over 500 people are homeless on any given night. He suggested maybe the $5,000 contribution could be designated for Springfield residents only. The Council discussed the use of alcohol and drugs and sought input from Mr. Ford. Mr. Leahy explained the city's liability factor in limiting a contribution amount based on Whitebird rule changes regarding alcohol and drugs. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BEYER TO CONTRIBUTE $5,000 TO THE EMERGENCY WINTER HOMELESS CAMP WITH PROVISIONS THAT NO ALCOHOL OR DRUGS BE ALLOWED ON THE SITE, AND FOR STAFF TO LOOK INTO THE POSSIBILITY OF A VOUCHER SYSTEM TO BE SET UP TO HELP SPRINGFIELD HOMELESS FAMILIES. Councilor Shaver explained how he would like to see the voucher system researched and proposed the decision on the above motion be delayed until the data could be gathered. He described other aspects of his homeless proposal. Councilor Maine stated he would like to see an amendment of the above motion stating, Whitebird should require any abusers of alcohol or drugs to be placed in a program to assist with abuse. Council discussed the motion, alternative proposals suggested, the exact intention of the motion and amendments. IT WAS DECIDED BY CONSENSUS TO TABLE THE ABOVE MOTION UNTIL MORE INFORMATION COULD BE GATHERED REGARDING THE AVAILABILITY OF LOW COST MOTEL ROOMS AND A VOUCHER SYSTEM. . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page five IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BURGE WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WALTERS TO DIRECT STAFF TO BEGIN THE NECESSARY WORK TO ESTABLISH COUNCILOR SHAVER'S IDEA OF INVOLVING SPRINGFIELD CHURCHES, TO ASSIST THE HOMELESS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Council Business (Continued) Councilor Schanz reminded Councilors to return their completed City Manager Evaluation forms to him as soon as possible. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins J!~ftI ~ ATTEST: ~;a~~ City Recorde . #4331 .