HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/01/1993 Work Session .;... -- f-A . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1993 The City of Springfield Council met in the Springfield City Hall, Meeting Room 2, 225 N. Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, November 1, 1993, at 6:00 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Maine, Burge, Beyer and Walters (6:05). Councilors Shaver and Schanz were absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Eileen Stein, and members of staff. 1. Business From the Sprinqfield Arts Commission (SAC) Museum Coordinator Kathy Jensen introduced Mr. Charles Swisher, Chair of the Springfield Arts Commission. Mr. Swisher described four items the Commission sought Council approval or discussion on. They included: 1) changes to the by-laws, 2) location of the City Hall sculpture, 3) installation of metal halide fixture to illuminate the Oregon Trail mural, and 4) funding for graffiti removal in Art Alley. Mr. Swisher outlined the changes in item #1 above. The Council discussed prospective Arts Commission applicants being interviewed by the Commission before Council appointment, the Commission's screening process, and the qualifications the Commission looks for in applicants. By consensus, the Council agreed to the proposed change in the by-laws. Second, Mr. Swisher discussed the possible locations of the future City Hall sculpture and distributed copies of the photograph of the preferred location. Councilor Walters asked if the Commission has a theme in mind. Mr. Swisher replied the Request For Proposals (RFP) states the sculpture should be "representational". Councilor Walters suggested a tribute to Springfield's logging community might be an appropriate theme. Councilor Burge agreed and suggested no modern or abstract art be considered. The Council discussed the funding source of $3,750 in previous budget allocations and a $10,000 budget allotment agreed upon during the last budget process. By consensus, the Council agreed to have the Arts Commission proceed with the RFP, approved the preferred location, and stated their preference for a logging theme. Mr. Swisher then discussed the installation of three metal halide fixtures to illuminate the Oregon Trail Mural. He said the Commission is asking for them to be in place by the downtown Christmas celebration to help light the new Oregon Trail Mural. Mr. Swisher said the addition of the lights would help the community, give the mural and the city publicity and reduce possible vandalism. He told the Council the amount needed for the lighting would be approximately $1,000. . . . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page two Councilor Burge suggested staff check on a portable heater for the artist, Anne Woodruff Murray. Mayor Morrisette suggested photographs be taken from above the mural in a department fire or public works truck. By consensus, the Council agreed to use room tax funds to purchase the metal halide fixtures to light the Oregon Trail Mural, by December 3, 1993, for the downtown Christmas celebration. Lastly, Mr. Swisher explained the Commission's concern over Art Alley a becoming "graffiti alley". He told the Council they currently have an artist working for $10.00 per hour to paint over graffiti and they would like to have $300 to $500 dollars put aside annually to fund the clean up. He said the exact amount should be determined when they have more experience with their costs for graffiti removal this year. The Council discussed future murals and the need to protect finished murals from additional vandalism and graffiti. Mr. Swisher indicated the dollars requested would also come from room tax funds. By consensus, the Council agreed to use room tax funds to repair damaged murals by graffiti, under the supervision of the Arts Commission. 2. Council Business Mayor Morrisette reported on a Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) Board meeting and reminded the Council of LCOG's annual banquet. Councilor Burge discussed the upcoming work session on the Metropolitan Plan Amendment Process and the resolution that staff had been instructed to prepare. He said he attended a meeting last week with staff at the Land Conservation and Development Council to discuss new requirements for the preparation of Springfield's own Comprehensive Plan. He reported staff would need more time to prepare the resolution and asked for Council approval to post-pone the decision to a future date, to be determined. By consensus, the Council agreed to hold a work session on November 9, 1993, but take no action on a resolution at that time. Mayor Morrisette welcomed Bill De Forrest as the city's new Police Chief and introduced Mr. De Forrest to members of the Council. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ~~~ Mayor ATTEST: j, t.. .)m . v'U0U4 '--'U.--, City Recorde #4331