HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/26/1993 Work Session ~ . . \ I,' ~' City of Springfield Joint Dinner Meeting MINUTES OF THE JOINT DINNER MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL AND SPRINGFIELD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HELD MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1993 The City of Springfield Council met at a Joint Dinner Meeting with the Springfield Planning Commission in the Springfield City Hall, Library Meeting Room, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, April 26, 1993 at 5:30 p.m. with Council President Maine presiding. ATTENDANCE Present for the City of Springfield were Councilors Maine, Schanz, Walters, Berg and Burge. Mayor Morrisette and Councilor Adams were absent. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Eileen Stein, City Attorney Joe Leahy, Planning Manager Greg Mott and members of staff. Present for the Planning Commission were Commissioners Siegle, Raybould, Gischel, Cole, Harvey and Tinsley. Commissioners Hiatt and Lutes were absent. Councilor Maine called the meeting to order and asked the members of the Council, Planning Commission and staff present to introduce themselves. Planning Commission President Jonathan Siegle thanked Commissioner Gischel for his service to the city of Springfield and shared appreciation for his efforts from the entire Planning Commission. Commissioner Siegle left the meeting at 6:05 p.m. Councilor Burge asked if the Planning Commission was aware of the Council's goals and if they had completed their goal setting session yet. Commissioner Raybould replied the Commission had just received the Council goals. Mr. Mott explained the overlap in Council goals and the city's new budget process, as well as three new members to the Commission warranted a later goal setting session this year. The Council and Commission discussed the use of a calendar year versus a fiscal year for the goal setting process. Mr. Kelly responded that staff needs the Council's goal direction in February of each year to have a final product to the Budget Committee in early May. Mr. Mott said the Planning Commission needs to review the Council's goals prior to their own goal setting process due to type of work that may be requested by the Council which would have an impact on the Planning Commission's workplan. The Council and Commission discussed the possible re-zoning of property in the Gateway area to Low Density Residential (LOR) to provide for high-end housing. Commissioner Tinsley discussed his role on the planning task force in the Gateway area and the desire to create LDR zoning. The consensus of the Council and the Commission was to move forward with the re-zone to lessen density levels, relieve traffic congestion, give property owners more space, and to help the development of the nearby special light industrial area. . . . City of Springfield Joint Dinner Meeting Page two Mr. Mott explained the process for handling the re-zone in the Gateway area from Medium Density Residential (MOR) to LOR. He asked for clarification if it was Council's intent to keep all the remaining land in the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) as LDR, or only specific areas. Councilor Burge suggested Council have input as to the members of the Mayor's Housing Task Force so the Council could be involved in such decisions. The group generally discussed the possible Wildishdevelopment and annexation of Glenwood. It was agreed not to discuss the two items in detail due to the range of concerns about land use and process issues. Commissioner Tinsley expressed concern for other advisory groups making decisions without accountability for them. He referenced the Committee for Citizen Involvement and the Urban Forestry Advisory Committee. Commissioner Harvey asked for a presentation of the Mayor's State of the City Address, as he felt out of touch with some of the city's issues. Commissoner Raybould said much of the new Commissioner's training comes from other peoples memories and advice. Councilor Walters suggested Commissioner Harvey attend a future Budget Committee meeting. Mr. Kelly told the Commission that staff would be holding an orientation session for two new councilors in the next month. He stated the new Planning Commission members were welcome to attend or could meet individually with Mr. Mott or Development Services Director Susan Daluddung for additional information and training. Mr. Leahy stated the City Attorney's Office would be providing a briefing to the Planning Commission's three new members also. Councilor Burge stated the Planning Commission appointments are the most critical appointments the Council has to make. Commissioner Tinsley asked members of the Council if there are issues they would like the Commission focus on during their goal setting. He stated he felt comfortable the Council and Commission were heading in the same direction. Mr. Kelly explained there is approximately 20% of staff's time allocated for the Planning Commission in the current budget. He suggested next year holding their goal setting session earlier, before the budget is formulated. Members of the Planning Commission discussed possible topics to be included in their goal setting session. Commissioner Gischel suggested the joint work session dinners be increased to twice a year to ensure the two bodies are always communicating. He thanked the Planning Commission members and staff for their input and support throughout the years and complimented city staff as the best in the state. The group discussed whether to proceed with the second agenda topic of Downtown Mixed-Use Overlay District zoning. The Planning Commission explained they were not aware this topic was included on the agenda. Mr. Leahy explained the time frame wasn't as critical as thought, but once there is a pending application, the Council would have to consider the request in light of a possible Springfield Development Code (SDC) change. . . . , City of Springfield Joint Dinner Meeting Page three Councilor Burge explained his involvement with the SDC change regarding the Downtown Mixed-Use Overlay District and suggested it is a topic the Council should review with the Planning Commission. Mr. Mott explained staff's intention in bringing this item to the attention of the Council and Planning Commission. He said he needs the reaction of the two bodies as to whether to create an overlay district in the downtown area. Downtown Coordinator Cynthia Pappas was present to provide further information on the direction for downtown and to the Downtown Design Review Committee. Mr. Kelly told members of the Council and Planning Commission that another joint work session would be scheduled during the summer months to re-visit this issue. THE JOINT DINNER MEETING WAS COMPLETED AT 7:30 P.M. THE COUNCIL CONTINUED ITS MEETING AT 7:35 P.M. The Council discussed the scheduling of the upcoming interview process for the vacancies in Ward 1 and Ward 2. Councilor Walters stated he felt Councilor Adams should not participate in the interview process as he has not been attending Council meetings on a regular basis or any Budget Committee meetings. The Council discussed the issue and questioned whether Councilor Adams was abandoning his office. City Attorney Joe Leahy responded he would examine the Charter and City Code regarding meeting attendance requirements and advise the Council whether Councilor Adams had abandoned his office. The Council agre~d that this issue was substantive and should not be addressed further because this topic had not been properly noticed. They would resume discussing this issue prior to the interviews on May 3. ADJOURNMENT The work session was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins g~~~ Mayor ATTEST: !f~~~~L- Clty Recorder #3475