HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/1993 Work Session . . . ~ City of Springfield York ~ession Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE YORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1993 The City of Springfield Council met in York Session in Meeting Room 2 of the Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, April 19, 1993 at 6:40 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Walters Schanz and Burge. Councilors Maine, Adams and Berg were absent. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, and members of the staff. 1. DePalma Request for Initiation and Bancroft of "A" Street, 40th to 41st Street, Improvement Mr. Kelly introduced City Engineer Al Peroutka, who gave background information on Mr. DePalma's request and the land ownership of adjacent properties. Mr. Peroutka referred to an enlarged assessor's map showing the involved properties. He explained the process required by the Springfield Development Code (SDC) for full street improvements, requiring at least half of the property owners to agree to the project. Mr. Peroutka explained the only Improvement Agreement the city currently has is with Mr. DePalma, but another property owner Mr. Westover had verbally agreed to the street improvement. There was a discussion regarding the financial responsibility of adjacent property owners. Mr. Peroutka estimated the cost for improvements on Mr. DePalma's portion of "A" Street would be $50,000 and the estimate of his real property value is $75,944. Mr. Peroutka stated the city's assessment policy is to maintain a two to one value to improvements ratio when approving requests to Bancroft finance assessment projects. He also reminded the Council Mr. DePalma has already used the Bancroft financing process on 41st Street and owes a balance of $50,000. Councilor Burge asked staff how many acres the property is. Mr. Kelly replied approximately nine acres. Planner II Mel Oberst told the Council the property is zoned Medium Density Residential. Councilor Burge stated the property is under-assessed. Mr. Kelly introduced Pat Clancey of PFM, Inc. who addressed issues on the city's assessment policies and explained the history of his involvement with the city. He gave specific explanations on individual policies, highlighting the areas of property value versus assessments, MAl appraisals, debt service reserve and property owners versus diversity of ownership. ,. City of Springfield ~ York ~ession Council Meeting l'age two . Councilor Burge objected to Mr. Vestover's vote in the project consideration, as the property frontage is only 24 feet. He argued that the Hooten property has a much larger frontage, and like Westover, has only one vote towards improvements being completed. . Councilor Burge explained he would like to review the entire set of assessment financing policies. Mayor Morrisette agreed and there was a discussion about previous Council decisions. By consensus, the Council agreed to re-visit the city's assessment financing policies. Councilor Walters asked if the voting procedures could be restructured based on frontage amounts, not the number of property owners involved. City Attorney Joe Leahy responded there is specific case law which supports the city's assessment policies. Mr. Kelly explained the city's role in the street improvement initiation process and gave the Council detailed information on the remonstrance policy. He further explained the public hearing process and the terms "property benefit and "use benefit". Councilor Schanz asked if Mr. DePalma could subdivide his property. Mr. Oberst replied that Mr. DePalma has received tentative approval to subdivide. He explained in order to receive final approval, Mr. DePalma must either construct the street or produce financing for the street construction. . Mayor Morrisette discussed the possibility of Mr. DePalma constructing a two-thirds street. Staff responded with SDC information regarding the sufficient right-of-way needed for future full street improvement. Mr. Clancey told the Council the 41st Street assessment and the delinquent taxes owed by Mr. DePalma already exceed the assessed value of his property. Mr. Kelly stated Mr. DePalma would need to supplement his collateral before the city's current policies would allow him to improve "A" Street. The Council had a lengthy discussion regarding Mr. DePalma's assessed value and the possibility of obtaining a current land appraisal. Mr. Peroutka stated this item will a regular session item on a future Council agenda. Mayor Morrisette told staff the Council would like to evaluate the city's current assessment financing policies. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins /3#~~ Mayor . ATTEST: c~