HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/22/1993 Work Session ~ . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE YORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1993 The City of Springfield Council met in Work Session in the Springfield City Hall, Meeting Room 2, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, March 22, 1993 at 6:35 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Schanz, Walters, Berg, Burge and Adams. Councilor Maine was absent. Also Present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, and members of staff. 1. System Development Charge Agreement for Deferral Mr. Kelly introduced Management Analyst Dick McKinley who reviewed the purpose and use of System Development Charges (SDC's). Mr. McKinley explained since the charges were enacted, larger developers have requested a way to phase in SDC charges. He said this request was anticipated and Council built in authorization for a deferral program in the original ordinance. . Mr. McKinley reviewed the goals and objectives of the deferral program and further explained how it would work. He summarized a letter from Sycan B Corporation requesting the deferral program. Councilor Burge asked what the interest rate is charged to developers. Mr. McKinley replied the city's rate plus 2 percent, which is the same rate as charged on Bancroft sales. Mayor Morrisette inquired the development process. revenue will be generated necessary. as to who pays for infrastructure costs during Mr. Kelly replied the city anticipates how much and can then draw from existing SDC funds if Mr. McKinley gave an example that a $20,000 SDC charge could be paid in three installments, as incentive for larger developers to locate in Springfield. Councilor Burge agreed with the concept and said SDC deferral is a nice marketing tool to promote the city. Councilor Berg suggested collecting half of the SDC fee before development begins and half when the project is completed. Mr. McKinley replied the Building Division is concerned about granting final occupancy without the payment of the SDC fees. Councilor Adams discussed the problem new home owners could have with builders who have not paid their SDC fees, which might hamper the home owner taking possession of the home. . Councilor Burge suggested collecting one quarter of the SDC fee before development and three quarters at the time the final occupancy is granted. Mayor Morrisette indicated he would like to see the advantages and disadvantages cleary laid out before making a final decision. . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page two The Council had a lengthy discussion regarding the amount of SDC fees to be deferred and the payment process for collection. Mr. Leahy gave Council input regarding the permit process and mechanisms needed to stop development if a developer was to default. By consensus, the Council agreed to discuss this issue at their April 5, meeting with the reading of an ordinance. Mr. Kelly recapped the components of the ordinance that the Council had consensus on: collecting 50 percent or less of fees at the time the permit is issued, the SDC charge should be made in two payments, one early in the process, and one prior to occupancy, and the cut off for deferment should be $10,000 to $20,000. Councilor Yalters added the city should impose a lower threshold on builders who build one house at a time, with possible liens on properties to ensure the city receives their payment. 2. Sign Code Update Mr. Kelly introduced Building Official Dave Puent. Mr. Puent began his presentation by introducing Building Services Representative Lisa Hopper who worked on the changes to the Sign Code. Mr. Puent said he and Ms. Hopper received feedback from a majority of the sign contractors, who said they received good service and approved of the standards in the current code. He said the changes are mainly for housekeeping purposes and to formalize the appeal process. . Councilor Yalters stated the code is too restrictive with regards to banners. He spoke specifically about Rogers Nursery and felt nurseries should receive an exception in the Sign Code. Councilor Berg clarified that banners can be placed on businesses in-lieu of a sign and each business can use their allowed square footage as they want. His point was verified by Mr. Puent. Councilor Adams agreed with Councilor Berg that the current system is equitable. Councilor Burge questioned the new proposed code language regarding appeals. He felt the costs were too high and the process should stop at staff's level. Mr. Puent explained staff is trying to add a step to the process for grieved citizens, who would otherwise go directly to the Council. Councilor Burge asked staff to review the appeal costs and lower them if possible. Councilor Berg suggested omitting pennants, balloons, spinners and blimps from the code entirely. Councilor Walters suggested amending the code to include banners for nurseries only, as they are seasonal businesses and differ from other businesses. The Council discussed the use of banners and what type of allowance would be equitable for all involved. No consensus was achieved. . Mr. Kelly stated staff would bring information back to the Council providing estimated costs incurred by staff to process a sign code appeal. He said this item will be back before the Council on April 5 and the appeal fee issue can be discussed then. . City of Springfield York Session Council Meeting Page three THE MEETING VAS ADJOURNED AT 8: 00 P. M. THE MEETING VAS RECONVENED AT 8:32 P.M. 3. Social Gambling Task Force Report Councilor Burge introduced the members of the Social Gambling Task Force: Councilor Adams, John English, Fred Lee, Mary Jo Maloney, Mayor Morrisette, Police Captain Jerry Smith, Jim Xiarhos, and Police Secretary Sandy McNally. He thanked the members for their participation and recapped the three meetings held on March 3, 10 and 17, 1993. He explained the Task Force reviewed ordinances from various cities in Oregon, a code section from the city of Redmond, and visited numerous sites to view gambling practices. Councilor Burge reported the Task Force completed a great deal in terms of understanding the social gambling business, but did not reach consensus on the following issues: . the maximum betting amount allowed the fee assessed by the city to allow card tables the number of tables each establishment should be allowed the hours of operation for establishments the type of games to be allowed Councilor Burge stated Lane County District Attorney Doug Harcelrod recommended a sunset clause and suggested two years as the date to sunset. He also suggested using a card shoe with no less than two decks of cards. The Task Force agreed that the rules should be written and posted in establishments. They also agreed that civil fines for infractions of the rules should be included in the adopted revised ordinance. Angelinos Restaurant Owner and Task Force member Jim Xiarhos said he favors the use of the Redmond ordinance with a $500 betting limit instead of $100. Task Force member John English suggested using a shoe, alternative dealers and alternating players to shuffle with no shields or agents. He further recommended a $2.00 limit for games and a $100 house limit to bring the intent closer to social gaming. Councilor Burge felt a $10.00 maximum limit for games would be appropriate to attract people from outside Springfield also. The Council had a lengthy discussion regarding the limits to allow, as well as the enforcement process. . Shilo Inn Owner and Task Force member Fred Lee said the more stringent the rules, the more businesses will not have games due to lack of interest by patrons. Councilor Adams suggested keeping the limits high enough for those who are interested, but not too high, to lose the "social" status of the games. Mayor Morrisette proposed closing down "22" games as they are illegal and profits are being made by proprietors. He felt a city ordinance could not control or enforce a "22" game. ... . . City of Springfield York Session Council Meeting . Page four Councilor Burge told the Council Mr. Leahy and the City Attorney's office approved the city of Redmond's ordinance with regards to legality. The Council asked Mr. Leahy specific questions and he explained certain changes that could be made to the ordinance. Mayor Morrisette questioned Mr. English with regards to the letter he submitted to the Council prior to the work session. Mr. English responded by saying he has not changed his mind about work done on the Task Force, he is just worried about the image of Springfield and suggested using the city of Redmond ordinance with a $2.00 limit. Councilor Schanz commended Councilor Burge for his work on the Task Force and suggested using the Redmond ordinance with a $5.00 limit. The Council discussed placing different limit amounts for the games of black jack and poker. They agreed there is a higher chance of cheating in poker versus black jack and asked the advice of Police Chief Rob Deu Pree. Chief Deu Pree urged the Council to adopt higher fees if social gambling is to continue in Springfield. He gave cost figures and information on enforcement costs and additional law enforcement needs. Chief Deu Pree told the Council there is a higher level of investigations needed to enforcement gambling rules than poker machines or horse racing. . Councilor Burge asked about the number of complaints or investigations the Police Department has completed at this time. Chief Deu Pree said there have been none, they have only "peeked" into establishments up to this point. He gave detailed information about the rotation of officers or contractual services that would need to be in place for regular enforcement. ,- Councilor Burge recommended the Council adopt the city of Redmond's ordinance with a $5.00 limit on poker with three raises and a $10.00 limit for black jack, with establishments paying a $250.00 fee per table. Councilor Berg suggested the shoe must have four decks of cards. Councilor Burge replied two decks would be sufficient in his opinion. Mr. Kelly summarized the ordinance the Council will be asked to adopt will closely resemble the city of Redmond ordinance with amounts adjusted per Council consensus and a license fee imposed which may be adjusted after review by the City Attorney's Office and the Police Department. ADJOURNMENT The work session was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins 8~ ~ Mayor ~ . ATTEST: Ci~ #3968 "