HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/08/1993 Work Session City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1993 The City of Springfield Council met in the Springfield City Hall, Meeting Room 2, 225 N. Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, March 8, 1993, at 6:05 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Burge, Schanz, Berg, Walters, and Adams. Councilor Maine was absent. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Eileen Stein, City Attorney Joe Leahy, and members of staff. 1. Arts Commission Appointment Museum Coordinator Kathy Jensen stated Gloria Henricks resigned from her position on the Arts Commission to attend graduate school. She explained the person appointed to replace Ms. Henricks will serve until December 1, 1993, when the term expires, but will be eligible for a second term. . Ms. Jensen stated Ms. Zawodny's qualifications for the Arts Commission. By consensus, the Council agreed to ratify the appointment of the only applicant, Nada Zawodny at their next regular meeting. 2. Information on the Historic, Springfield Interpretive Center Ms. Jensen introduced Sandra Rennie and Steve Moe, along with other members of the Museum Board of Directors: Forrest Arnold, Myrnie Daut, George Litzenberger, and Tom Vurtz. She also introduced members of the Museum Committee who were present: Bernice Fink and Estelle McCafferty. Ms. Rennie and Mr. Moe presented Council with plans for the Historic Interpretive Center in the upstairs gallery of the Springfield Museum. Ms. Rennie requested the Council fund $56,000 from room tax allocations as a start of the capital campaign. She said the Board of Directors would then raise the $112,000 balance from private donations, making a two for one match. Ms. Rennie described the merits of the Museum and the Historic Interpretive Center for the community. She said it would be a very positive investment for the Council to support the project and gave details on the design aspects. Mayor Morrisette stated the Council could not make a funding commitment to the Museum Board at this time, due to the uncertainty of how much additional funding the city will receive from Lane County from the 2 percent room tax increase. . City of Springfield York Session Council Meeting Page two . Council discussed drafting a letter to Lane County regarding room tax funds being applied to the Historic Interpretive Center, as there are no other capital projects requesting funds at this time. Councilor Adams questioned the process of presenting proposals to the Council. Councilor Burge said he would have preferred to make a decision on allocating room tax funds to the Oregon Rivers Museum in context of other needs. Mr. Kelly explained the process Council uses to evaluate proposals for additional room tax funds, as part of the budget process. Council discussed the intent by Lane County for distributing room tax funds. Councilor Berg suggested contacting Commissioner Cornacchia regarding funds for the Interpretive Center. Councilor Burge expressed interest in staff preparing a process for evaluating future funding request proposals. Development Services Director Susan Daluddung replied there is an existing process, but the Oregon Rivers Museum did not conform to it. She stated the request for funds for the Interpretive Center is in response to the request by the Oregon Rivers Museum. Council directed staff to schedule this item for discussion at their next regular meeting. . 3. Springfield Millrace - National Park Service Project Maintenance Manager Ed Black and Planner II Mel Oberst provided the staff report. Mr. Black explained the history of the Millrace project including the original donation, application of vested water rights, the title status report, the engineers overview report, the Army Corps of Engineers recognizance study, and the development of the final conceptual report. He explained the status of the above phases of the project. Mr. Oberst described the National Parks Service grant and the requirements for a Citizen Advisory Committee and a Technical Advisory Committee. He described the composition of the two committees and detailed their efforts. Mr. Black gave details on the visioning work of the Citizen Advisory Committee. Mr. Oberst presented the various alternative visions as developed by committee members. The visions ranged from minimal development to a large scale multiple use development. He explained the Committee's last meeting was in November. The group's goals, objectives and strategies were incorporated into a final report that included a minority report. Mr. Oberst then presented the concept which represents the goals and strategies in the final Millrace conceptual report and discussed the specific issues in the minority report. . The Council discussed the report, as well as other issues relating to the Millrace project including the water rights and land use issues. Mr. Black and Mr. Oberst answered specific questions. . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page three Mr. Black indicated staff is requesting acceptance of the Citizen Advisory Committee's report. Mr. Leahy reported the Council will not be ratifying recommendations in the report, but simply accepting it as a report prepared by a citizen advisory committee. Mr. Leahy explained the Council must decide whatpart(s) of the report to pursue, now that it is completed. Councilor Walters asked Mr. Leahy what the city's liability is regarding the inlet control structure providing water to the Millrace. Mr. Leahy responded that the issue could be addressed by Council in a future Executive Session. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SCHANZ WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WALTERS TO APPROVE THE CONCEPTUAL REPORT FOR THE MILLRACE. THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. COUNCILOR MAINE WAS ABSENT. Councilor Walters recognized Mr. Black, Mr. Oberst, and the Technical Advisory Committee for their dedicated work and professional report. Ms. Daluddung told Council there is nothing in the 1993/94 workplan for the Development Services Department for land use planning for the Millrace proj ec t. Mayor Morrisette departed from the meeting at 7:15 p.m. THE HEETING liAS ADJOURNED AT 7:15 P.M. THE HEETING liAS RECONVENED AT 7:20 P.M. . Other Business Mr. Kelly requested Council consensus to grant Councilor Maine permission to be absent from more than two consecutive Council meetings without an official leave of absence. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BURGE WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WALTERS TO GIVE PERMISSION FOR COUNCILOR MAINE TO MISS MORE THAN TWO CONSECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETINGS UNTIL HIS HEALTH IMPROVES. THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. COUNCILOR MAINE WAS ABSENT. Interviews 1. Human Rights Commission Interviews Mr. Grimaldi reported the Human Rights Commission has three vacancies plus one additional vacancy due to the recent resignation of Emilio Hernandez. He discussed the student position that Council requested be filled from Thurston High School. The Council discussed the interview questions as provided in the staff report and agreed to ask the following questions: 1. What specific contributions do you hope to make? What are your personal goals as they relate to the Commission? What skills and abilities do you have which will make you an effective member of the Human Rights Commission? . City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting Page four . 2. Why are you interested in being on the Human Rights Commission? Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. 3. Why is it important to have a Human Rights Commission in the city of Springfield and what community topics concern you that relate to the Human Rights Commission? 4. Should the city allow Christmas decorations in City Hall? Why or why not? The Council interviewed the following candidates: (Willie) William Charles Nicholas Philip F. Wald Edmund John ("Jack") Radasch, Jr. John Martin Jones Jennifer Mayo (Student) William E. Orsborn Joyce Schiro Lisa Crossley Gene Holloter Gregorio Ybarra David Gibson . John Kenneth Lancaster, Jr. did not attend his scheduled interview. Mayor Morrisette returned to the meeting at 7:50 p.m. Council discussed the selection process and qualifications of each candidate and tentatively selected Philip F. Wald, Jennifer Mayo (student), Joyce Schiro and Gregorio Ybarra to fill the vacancies on the commission. By consensus, the Council agreed to ratify the appointments at their next regular meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins Ma!};:d~~zI ATTEST: C1~ #3766 .