HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/18/1993 Work Session ~1, n~ .? . '. '. \ / \. City of Springfield Work S~ssion Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1993 TheCi~y of Springfield Council met in Work Session in the Springfield City Hall, ,Meeting Room 2, 225 N. Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, Januafy 18, 1993 at 5:40 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Schanz, Walters, Berg, Burge, Maine and A<iams. Also Present were City Manager Michael Kelly, and City Recorder Eileen Stein. The Council discussed the process for appointing members to advisory committees. Specifically, in the past couple of years, Council adopted a policy to wait until their regular meeting to vote on appointments to their advisory boards. The present Council decided to change the approach, so an informal appointment could be made. during a work session, then the appointment could be ratified at the next regular meeting, through a written ballot. It was further decided that contacts with candidates regarding the selection, would. not be made until after the regular meeting, when appointments are ratified. It was decided by consensus to incorporate the new procedure into the Council's operating policies and procedures. 1. Budget Committee Interviews The Council interviewed Curtiss Greer for the Yard 1 Budget Committee position. The applicant was asked the following questions: 1. Availability to attend meetings. 2. Ideas on balancing the city's budget. 3. Questions of clarification in the application. 4. What would be the major issues that would be focused on as a Budget C.o.mmit ~~e meptber. " "'1'1",. '; . The Council was scheduled to interview another candidate, Willie.Combs, who l~ft early due to the~lateness of time. The Council discussed options for interviewing Mr. Combs, and recommended he be contacted to return for, a later interview time. 2,' Metropoli tan Partnership,;.Board of Direc tors Appoin tmen t CitY Recorder Eileen Stein explained that one vacancy exists on the MettopolitanPartn~rshipBoard of Directors, due to the resignation of Tom Atkinson whose term expires on January 31, 1993. Two applications have been received for the vacancy from Lee Beyer and Nimrod Bruton. ~..r;J't)- ... . ',.' . )" .' -, City of Springfield York Session Council Meeting Page 2 The Council discussed the applicant's qualifications and by consensus recommended Lee Beyer be appointed to the Metropolitan Partnership Board of Directors. This appointment will be ratified at the Council's January 25, 1993 regular meeting. 3. Planning Commission Interview Scheduling Ms. Stein reported 14 applications have been received for the Planning Commission. She stated that the interviews were originally scheduled for this evening, but were postponed due to the number of applications received. Ms. Stein estimated that two to three hours will be needed to conduct the interviews, and it has been suggested to conduct them over two nights. Council discussed alternatives and directed staff to schedule the interviews on February 8 in 10 minute intervals, and to postpone the joint dinner with the Chamber of Commerce until February 16 at 5:30 p.m. Ms. Stein indicated that the agenda schedule will be changed to reflect the direction of the Council. The Council also decided by consensus there would be only four interview questions to keep the interview schequle on time. The meeting was recessed at 6:25 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:40 p.m. The Council reconvened to interview Budget Committee Yard 1 applicant Yillie Combs. The Council asked Mr. Combs the same questions as were asked of Mr. Greer earlier in the evening. The Council then discussed the qualifications of each candidate and decided the appointment will be made at their January 25, 1993 regular session meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Eileen Stein ~~k4 Mayor ATTEST: ~~,&uJ ~ City Recordep #3475