HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit House Move 2009-12-16 _$P.,'~""G"'""IE&,p) ""..,'i,..',., WIt" " , ',"~ r "~: t -"".'"'--- . ,...~-.. ~ ../ ; CITY OF ~rKll~uJ'lI'.LD Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO: COM2009-01736 ISSUED: 12/1612009 APPLIED: 12/07/2009 EXPIRES: 06/16/2010 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street, Springtield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541- 726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 1726 H ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703362120900 Springtield TYPE OF WORK: Single Family Residence TYPE OF USE: Move Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: House move from 980 Country Club Road, Eugene to 1726 H Street, Springtield Owner: WOOTEN MICHAEL B & JOAN C Address: 72 CENTENNIAL LOOP STE 130 EUGENE OR 97401 Phone Numher: 541-687-1099 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type General Contractor SCHOAP INC License 32039 BUILDING INFORMATION I Expiration Date 04/28/2010 Phone 541-344-8833 # of Units: # of Stories: Primary Occupancy Group: Height of Strueture Secondary Occupancy Group: Type of Heat: Prima#,979Hruction Type Water Type: Secon~I'f;?!!'coiStruction Type: Range Type: # of I)rjf~ofili.llMlr Energy Path: COM'h~RI2ED 1f.'!...ALL f)(O/,,_ ..'..'<,<".,.,. Sprinkled Building: "'IVy 180i;lJED OR/~1f rHIS PER Tf.4, Vj],~flLOPME~T INFORMATION I . ):Jy PERIODABANDONE~/r IS Nor . Frout)'ard Sethack:' FOR. 'Overlay Dist: Side 1 Setback: . # Street Trees Rqd: Side 2 Setback: Paved Drive Rqd: Rearyard Setback: % of Lot Coverage: Solar Setbacks: Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2ud Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: nla REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: "/7. - 1,-- ...bl':;:OJ';t ;;/ "1.'i,,:(, , PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I J IIJCq {~_ oJ!'!.." ,_ ' Street Improvements; 0",,, /fon Csr;<f(jo.~.'r; /". . .n" ''1~ ' "'.. c"," -"'. -".., ~ .. . . Storm Sewer Available:.V. ~ -00, &r. r" 'YII)~ ~iJ,-r"s Speciallustruction,'lt;, Q,qjlir'/g ~ fl74t)r -Gri~O:::'~ rUJeO'1J1Jo1/ y?~ to ~''68r " ~ c~OO''''1'I c.:.~h aS ~rs.. '-'1/1;11 Notes: 0,.", .~, ~ ,,,-,-VPhto_ ~"'''",,,. "1$,.., . 1'>0 '_"Q rrSs 0 ,;'"" ' [.10:1;._ .'''1--,. ~ '?~ "~~vqrt:Jiif,;: . '~':1i18 I .n_-l.;~(lrhI~tio . iotion ~...I;141 "/A $ Per Sq Ft t',-, Square Footage or multiplier or Bid Amount Sidewalk Type: Downspoutsmrains: Description Tvpe of Coustruetion Value Date Calculated Page 1 of 4 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 54] -726-3769 Inspection Line Fee Description ***+ 100/0 Administrative Fee*** + 5% Technology Fee Move Building Structure Total Amount Paid Initial Review 12/0712009 Amount Paid $29.10 $14.55 $291.00 $334.65 .'''' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01736 ISSUED: 12/16/2009 APPLIED: 12/07/2009 EXPIRES: 06/16/2010 VALUE:' Total Value of Project Fpp<, pqillJ I Plan Reviews I 12/07/2009 Date P.aid 12/16/09 12/16/09 12/16/09 Receipt Nnmber 2200900000000001392 2200900000000001392 2200900000000001392 APP LLH , Structure is to be moved from' 980 Country Club Road, Eugene to 1726 H Street, Springfield. This move will occur on Sunday, December 20, 2009 beginning at 7:0( a.m, and is scheduled to be completed by ] 0:00 a.m. on that same date. The route for Springfield will begin at the City Limits on West Centennial Blvd, eontinue east to 16th Street, South on 16th Street, East on H Street to site. The structure is 70' in moving length, 26' in moving width, and 16' 5'" total height on moving dolly. This is a one section move. A fou~dation permit is being reviewed and will be issued prior to issuance of this moving permit (C9-1735). All County and State permits, when applicable, shall be provided prior to issuance of this permit. Paee 2 of 4 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspeetion Line Initial Review 12107/2009 Public Works Review 12/07/2009 12/07/2009 12/16/2009 LIlt' OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01736 ISSUED: 12/16/2009 APPLIED: 12/07/2009 EXPIRES: 06/16/2010 VALUE: 10 LLH When notified of the proposed structure move, the Springlield Police Department shall determine the deparlmental activity if any, required for the structure move. If extraordinary time and resources are (or will be) required, lhe extraordinary expenses shall include but not be limited to, the expenses incurred in connection with providing traffie control, security services, and personnel services. The extraordinary personnel materials and services eharge shall be the total of $84,00 per hour or portion thereof per oflicer. Following the structure move, the SpringlieliI Police Department shall notify the contractor of the extraordinary fee due (when applicable) following the move. The use of all, extraordinary personnel, materials and services shall be paid to the Springfield Police Department by the applicant within 30 days following tbe move, APP REB Paee 3 of 4 Contractor shall be responsible for any.and all damage to public facilities as a result of the structure moving operation. Contraetor shall monitor the operation of all traffic signals during and after moving through all sigualized intersections. If the contractor damages a traffic signal or interrupts the signal timing cycle (tlash or no cycle mode) the contractor will immediately contact the City of Springfield Signal Electrican for emergency repair work. Chris Schoap will be hiring an electrican for any signal work needed during the move. Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01736 ISSUED: 12/1612009 APPLIED: 12/07/2009 EXPIRES: 06/16/2010 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street, Springtield, OR 541.726-3753 Phone . 541-726-3676 Fax 541.726-3769 Inspection Line Public Works Review 12/07/2009 1211612009 APP MS Engineering: All damage ineurred to private or public property shall be restored to as good or better condition promptly. Should damage occur to public property, contact Springtield Maintenance at 935-3428. The contractor is responsible to repair or replace any damage to public improvements. Any county andlor state permit required must bc obtained prior to move. To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a,m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m, will be made the following work day. I Reouired II' snections I , IIIII rl. I" , ), By signature, I statc and agrcc, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City ofSpringtield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit eard is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. \i()IN'i~'",o. 01\' &~ \~, ~ractors Signature In.. t b . c:;q Date Pa2e 4 of 4 .J:~~~LD~, ~.. City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 225 Fifth Strcet Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2009.0 1736 COM2009.0 1736 COM2009.0 1736 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard cReceintl RECEIPT #: 2200900000000001392 9:19:02AM Date: 12/16/2009 Description Move Building Structure + 5% Technology Fee ***+ 10% Administrative Fee"''''* Amount Due 291.00 14.55 29.10 $334.65 Paid By CHRIS SCHOAP INC Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid IIh 016767 In Person Payment Total: $334,65 $334,65 , Page I of 1 12/1612009 01/26/1995 04:16 5413448833 l1'2~d'P YON 10:12 FU 5U728~689 SCHDAPBUILDINGMDVER CIry OF SFRI~GfIELD PAGE 01 ~~(l!. .: tr-mJ: UsA- ~, I CJTY ....SSIGXEO JOB NiJM.8ER; I .. Q,~- \-"\ ~LP 225 Fifth S~ Srringfield, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING MOVING PERMIT COMML~SER~CESD0n~OK .Fllx 541.726-3u76 Phone 541-7:lo-J753 : SU'Ucttur; Being !\.1.c.I'\"ed, from: , - , 1~() C~"'AffL y" (...'" R.a t.GI ~~~__Cj:'~-~ ;'"'' , we GOUDt)' Rcfe~m:. NuIIlber: Tax lol NllIllber: --' '.-- i Struet.,. Being MovedTo: ,.1 JJp H Sr, :>t'k IJ~ i! L,;) - lLano Collllty P.efemI<. N..m..r: tQ-03 r~ \ ____ Till Lot NU1Db<r., ~l)9.J::L.) I ! i I ; iB"I(jio~OwDeT:_._~Ij(.~ Wocrw. 1 .~___PbODe1<""'ber: h87J'U9J....___ jM.ililll; Addrus:J2}r ro ntpn.n~_~U ^ _ c.n Phone ~"Il\~er: LCily;J()(iJ_~~ ~" ,. _" .___.____ _~.: ZiP'~. .._~~=--~=~.~._' ("n. _.--- -.....- l'fO"Df. Com,,=:- t:. t{(\j &A~_~_U1L!)(^,c; J(,,~ Nwr:oe::_~{"L[J{i>_~_ Ic,,".trJeucocv..,_,_..~!iolll'lUll1bor:_~ ~l..__._._____._.EJtpin:s: 'fftol'O __.u lM.i,illgAdJtresa:._'fl> ~J( trlf&,'S ___ ___CcUP1~l1ONwnb::r:_____._" City:~~~ __._._._._SI010:__ Cf:-__Z.ip: c(7)-f~ ( I i Plumb"g c""l1'llClllr: lcomtr-.e:IOll C<lmroetor. RegisIrBIkm Numbor.__ _ n_ __ _" PGCTlt': Number.._ M" _--EIIl'''..:-----. lo.ocripuva ofBuiJdi"8 to be Moved: I Sol""'" Y<'Olaf;o: , 1-10 ! (<.0' /-'1 I Height Ull 00Ily: t.I .. .-.--, ! . i'!ov;ot [,,"C1h: 7 Q . " "\~r1I rUJri\4.. ,.IK/I,{ll (':) J #tl'SolCt1o.J'B~M'~'1l Moving Width: L <P -'-.--'- Type ofCOJ1.>1l":~ s~...,.. F..-: J..i~ Units: Value ofSlrU<rJre(,): Pro;>t"edOm:~fMove: IdJ;;u /.:::>'1 Bcgilll1i:lgat: 1 <':Ollll>letiou 0.1. OfMO..:----/-d/1- 'fJ(/) ~ . Boding 01: I J J !:I~~OIl of l'ro\losed R.",* (p_ .tlIlch ouap witll ",ute o.tlioell wit/J dim:tioD.l .....0...): . 1.~?vlVn~( Lt.,I>-' /'":J..c;. J h>n(wou.-'LA L~~V'-' !e ~T!-U,-UA!:L ~(o~f_fL c.wA1~m ~pt", .__,_......._.__ I ___~_... __......._.-J 01/26/1995 04:16 5413448833 SCHOAPBUILDINGMOVER CITY OF $PR1~GFlELD ..tN",'" PAGE 02 ~rio~ 11/23'09 '"~ lO:lJ PAX 3~1728J889 Jllb ~umb<1 SlnIctIae Moving Pc.'1I1it PiI!le2 NOTli'1C AnON OF MOVE; the Cpwnly SOl'\;"o, Di .i5ioo will ro;;k eopi';~ru.;, "I'?',ie.1ic~ w'"~11 ,pP;:~prial' d:'~;'io.i___~ dr.p~1mCQts aod il&em:ies. HOWfiW, thl!' appUc.dnt IllU)t con.tsC1. pr~pcrty Q~"I1CfS iliJ'ele lit inV'o~ in the p;.opo~e4 ~13'1t. ~r, ! oddinOll, the epplj(mrt IIlUlt _1!Ie approval of all ~pproprio...lIIOlIicipal, C<lunt)'....t stale auUormOli .h.,.,td the mo'" o"giIl..te ~r .. ...,:..",. 0\.1>1~ ll1e CiIY of Springfield. OI.lon~."J' <treel "",110<1 by the state or the eow,ty wltb.io lIl< Citl'~ 'o""d~. I'PLANS. fE-BS. ^ND CHARGES; hior to ,"""i'"-"!l"' permill(l DlOve . bolildilt intlllhe City of Spl'iI1g1ieI;i, the .pplic."t '" lhi>i.. ,"prese_". ;hall: 1- Submit ""0 (2) copm vf~ crplbl plan 1\" po,., .it<, _ S1l1n:n~ two (2) cop;.. oftbo flmoo"o/l.,.. pbP> for tile rdDcllleCl buildigg . _ All oppUoabl. pen:Ii1 au4 system devoloptnenl!Ces ..m.ll be poid prier to my lI10ved : . .~ny applltnbl. pol1llillllJld imDec;Iious fb< S8IliwY sewer ap '" .tl>li~p ..,d llIl By illY .ignatu1e below, I gartjfy!bat die a1xive jnfmmatioo Is tr\lll and """"ct, tJat all.Ilq..u..ed COl)!a(.la b.... beOll mado ",,41 =~~::=_._'~~:.~;;;;;;i=~' fOR OffiCE 1.ISEIlI.!!vruW Om. ~ . I COllllD\lQ~ty s..",it.. D\'I1$IoIl .8oport,_-..---- , i 1'-----'-;--'---'''''---' -"-' - I Fo.ndoliort.'SilC Plan Submillodq~Al'prQ"~_--W::da.;'D,D PBtlllit NW1b...,__.011-:.fl ~~. "O""'&l"mrltAppro.edBy;~.., \.'r~) 01110: \~:\.~..- -~- ~....-.,.....,--_.. ,- 1!oIr,inoeriJlC J)~ 0wD.r(.) AND C<>atta"lor(.) ... bOt' re'pollSlbl. for ""'/ dillll:lgos to pri.e. '" pubUc PlQP.,l:)'. ! I , .--. C'i-':::'~-~"-- Movillg Pe.'1IlltApprc>VOd By: ~_.~ ---1-............-.---.. .......-0. -"-:_Date:J ~ . \.Le_:.Q3 - T...m. ,,"I.. R~~ COD_ io ...,......bIe fur o.ue, efficiCllt ro1ocarlOll opemion. All ,i",a1 ,y.tem. .bllll bo I<lu.oill>",d 10 ! ~ IIley .... run-llJll'OP"lIy. />Jfy damage to or ltla!fur1ohtm!l of u. imffic .ilPlo1.ys""" ilioU be, reported '=oo<li....l' tQ Sigllal Tocbici>n, .. 343-4\lO2 or Oenea.tterlleld. M_ance S.porvisor, at 9~8.J667, . ~~:,:mgp.nnrtAPProVedBy.\\'6~~~___DS1.j::t. UP ~D~\~= I:lIstori<al R""ort: ,-'-....._1..-.... IMQving PBtllliI Appro...! lly~- - -. \.. d-\r lr\.~~--_._;-:eP{... j"_,"":\\ D3'0:_La::. \ f.9 ._.~. _._ '_~.___j 01/16/1995 22:00 5413448833 SCHOAPBUILDINGMOVER PAGE 02 I/IJCI~ !1m -neO,'oJI {) SotJDIIL( SCHOAP!NCORPORATED I __,_,,_~ONDEO" IN5U~E~" CCB "32039 . \\~b *" \~'l.~ ~ l .f,~bltu ~ 7 AA € t:f!O c.ov,t,Jt/L'1 cl.-l.LP e~ no'j' tNO ~ 1.0 AI"\ ~ f'LA~ lOt B~HINIJ 170,'1 II rl-, , ,) S~et tJ6f/ (..L-l) I I . '-J I{ _ 2It i\..l:Jf't 5 : ,) fJO v1!"L.fT1 ,ASSISI TIi,IJU.. N€t.tJeO r--r/cO~"""-.' 'r z) \~Alfl( cOUt/IIVl f,'f /IlC/~t:....' r. . 6..Ub6;(V,. -POc-1 U '# l-tOuS? -r,e.~l4 L-~ -SOu rY( ) i \ f IV Nm:T/( t(~t .,A) 0 L ~.r c~ (c>u1.J:.. ' ~Ut't'-J ' ~ <f) PIl;e./Cl., Nv Al,tO/VG 1(Pi""- ,4AJO I / Cl--VrtNtVl AL J./ ~f.6/( V J6 :l<i-S1IeICTLb (Sfl:"t\l~/~) 5) 1-4"~U't' t>>- C_nAl! !-tI1~ ^'et r ~ ~D ~ru.7 5 /N4f#f.( ~ (' ~ '\ L ~,<o~~ - ~~ ~ (\--- p.o. SOl( 2768. EUGENE, OR 97402 VOicE/FAX: (541) .344-$$33 14 LlJOO D J~1. 0 <- ~~~ - ~ '. , G'c....jVrA.'-t u-.....a. &ndqe) g4;d( ------.. ~- ---- ._~--==-:::J ---- \ -... 110'9" ( . - -{~~ I ,~ t-- "710 I - ,..----{ -;r :a.. ~ it; -Z MEMe~R. INTE~NATIONAL ASSOCIA.TION OF STRUCTURAL MOVER$