HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed WILLAMALANE 12/8/2009 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION EXHIBIT A DEEDS Da+e Rt;>~6i\l0d: DEe - 8 2009 Original Submitt?1 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I December 7,2009 Exhibit A : '. .,~"~:,,""",.',,. , .~.~., . '. -_":-:149$< ,'. . .. \. '. '::.\" '-"/." '\; ..' liAIl!lAll'ri_:. -- . . ,,-b.~":":"i"'" ..,....,.. . ...... ..... ".,......, .......' ....... . . _".;.;~,S~~;'i:~ ....~;~~> -. :',. ,~. , " . ~ ~... . .. ,'. .;-" _ . Big NOe,. 8iso kn~'~i&:'iUg.io~d If'lo~~ :'tnd'~~ ~lf,inTh~d and" ;t:,..".,........ :'.:',;,u.,..Gl:<mtOl'B. .i~ consideration of $1O:~'.;;.a pthsr oon,i.d.eratiO.,- hsr.bJI~ :~t::;oF~.:~~='" ":7'.~!!t.J_~t '8~ a,gd eorrrfiy to'Pacif;'~~..f.9V;Gr &: Light CO!lq)~, a Mai17e !il;<~iI"~;" ," corporation, G~a.otee, all that re8.l. pra:pert:f, together with tha tenementa,. ...r. "'.;" _ .... .,.l" , .'..' . .. .. ., ..... ...--j be1"ed1tamel!ts and.appurteDe..ni!es,-~ai1:\l8..te in Lane C<:-unty, Ongon, described ........ . l' ,.'t.. 1 , a~iJ.91i8~ ."".... PARCEL.1.: cOlIlD1encing ,at. e. pOint, 1n the e~n~e:r of the meand.ered chlUUlel of the middle :tork of the \fill.cmettt . iU ver TciUt1l'50....WO-Wlt-n-;9T't!J:1n;!ti!l. .f~01lfTP"01'n't"'""lj':6Et. tlhaina Souto o'f the: t section~ corner of the East line. of Section 1 at Townahip 18 South~ Range 3 \'lest of Willamette Mer1dia.n and running thence North 75. 36' Weat 732 teet; thence No'rtb 250 1'eet; thence South 75" 38' East 732 feet; thence South 250 teet to thapoint' of beginning? in Lane County, Oreg~n. .1 f ! \ ; , PARCEL 2: beginning at Q. point in the center of the meandered channel of the middle 1'orkof the Will8.Illette ,. River \lhich point' Is South 50. West ll. r;n chains from a poin't on t.bc Enat l1ne or Section 1 of Tovn:sh1p 18 South, Ranic 3' Wast of the W1llll1llette Mcridio.n 17.68 chains South of the ~ section corner on the EaGt line or ca1d Section 1 and run thence along the cet:lter of the meandered channel Notth 75. 38r Ye~t 732 feet; thence Horth 51~ West 241 feet; thence North 18' 30' West. 495 feet; tbence North 87'~ West l~S feotj tb&nce North 63- 401 West 604 feetj thence South 60~ 40? ~e8t 424.5 recti thence South 5. 15' West 310.2 feetj 'thenet! -Sooth 13~ lsO' Wut 308.2 feet; thence East 183.5 feet; thence Soutb B1~ 30' East 610 feet; thence South 57' 07' Eo.Bt 782.8 feet; 'thence Sont'h ,0' East 200 f~t; thence Horth eo' 06' ERst ~.3 feet; thence ~th 300 feet to the point of l;JcsituUBg, in ~e COWlt.)' , Oreson. )>ARCE1. 3: BeGinning a.t the 3~' iron pipe :ark1ng the Nonhon.$t Ctm:lU' of' the Nortbven. 1/4 of the Southvest 1/4 of Seedon 1 iR Tm.'llfb1p 18 Sa:l'th, RzLago 3 .....e/rt. of the- 'tfill.amette ).(arid1a.n. ~d pipit- be$ring South 87' "'3' 00" lAst 1358.16 feet 'from t.he ~I!rt one.qul\.rtercorMr of aaid Se<::t1on 1, and run . thence: Sout.b $"(. 113' 00" bst. 929.57 feet o..l.ong the Itorth line' ":f Lot 3 of said ~ion 1 t.o a &)/8" p1n: thence South 09" 51' 00" Xa,s;t-907.C..o he-t to. "" }')Oint.; Ulenee South 89. 51' 00" Eu.t 63.41 hlllt to. a point on the m!lLl)der liM of 'tbe rigbt 'bank of t.be W1.llMettl!' River; thellce 1"ollov1o.g said =ee.nder line' South Ol. 43' 5-2" We&'t,277.81 fll:'.et t.o e.. :!>Ointj t.het)Cc. South 26- ~3' 52" West. 394.05 fce-t t.o eo point; th"oce South 36a ~3' 52" West 737.77 feet 'to~. point.; the.DC~ Sout.h 7S" 43' 52" West 554.78 te8t: to n point on tbe WU't line. ot said Lot 3 i thence North ooa '35' 100" ~st along the t.1ut l..i.M of SQ.id Lot 3 2260.87 feet 'to the.p<>1'Ct. Q:f begino1ns:. ll.ll i.n as.id See-tion l.,.'.t..lme county, Oregon '. SUBJECt 'rO 'the folloving encmhbro.oce.s: . (ft:) The interest 'Of' the St.s.te of 'Oregon.OB to parts- of Parcel 1 and PUce! 2: that lie within the bQ-..mdaries of the 'Illeo.nd~red ehannil of the Wil.lAtllette River. 1 ..j..... f,e j I I ~ ~...-:-..."~.~~.._-,. . (,1, ,,~ Date Received: 1 DEe - 8 2009 Original Submittal ~~~\~~?~:~~~:..~ ;;.p:i;'~.~J.;".':':;;> "l.!iy .Mo~'re.eorded :Ma~ 4, 1950,"C~rk's Fil1ng. ~ '. No. 13.,,2, taneCOlinty, -Oregon, 'Deed !records, " . Feft~ to 'the ~antors right-a te-.e\lt. an~ remove ~er end -enter. upon' lands. _:_ ..... ~1 fo~eh purpose. '.' Cond1t1.0DS and 'X'e$triC"tions contained.io the deed 'from 'George :a.. -VehrlJ nnci.-Paufi4Veh:Ps,:hUsblmd ~d "wife, to Po.u.+.L;Ltte~and ~ Littell, recprded In Volutne 373, page 463, ~e county, Oregon, Deed. RecOrds, rela:tiDg .eo wie of certain "land for a sew.ge . . . disposal plant ?I' dump an"d.,.. to contamination 'Or obstruction of' a slough. . .'..r._.... ...~,..t _,~ ..... ~~-~. : :..... .L .! .~ "'-~._+.,._~..- ~~..,~~~,l~..~::;~.~ "~:_'. (c) ~,- ,~.f- .. .. . (d) Right of Way Agreement betl(ef)n Charles E. Parrish .~.~._--_.-.._-_.._._..~--.._.-e't;. iU.~Cfi<d~a-ili.'ibl:uJl1ei. Z59~ '~"28l:;' Lane. Cc:runty. . Oregon, De~d. Records. . . ~o ht\';'e and :to hold the above desoribed and granted premises unt.o the said Grnotee, its successors and nss1gns, forever. Grantors covenft.Ot 'to -ailil with Grnnt~e that Grantors are lawf\ll.l.y seized. in fea. simpl(l 01' the nbove granted premises, free from 0..11 encwnbrl1ncea except aG hereinab~ ~et forth, and that Grantors, their heirs o..nd asalgn8, shall varrant Md defend tho- a.bo'Vtl: granted preirl.SCs o.a;a1nst the layf'u1 c1A1ms '. and de.mnnd!l of all pen:oDB ...<hcmsoe.VClT. D<\t~ this I 3t.h. day of Auau~t" , 1'/65. . ''-'''" -t:A- .hI1',.:o'i. ; " ~<!. , \~~~~ (;rantors. S'l:M'E OF' 0R1i(X)R ) ) G:S. ). Coonty or ..wr'" , On t.h.i.s 1.3.t.h1a.y of Auqtlvt ~ 1'965~ penonally appea.red t.be- &ba-v.!) DlUlled Sl-a: Noe. A.1.S:0 ltnOVtt a.s Sl.qVOld B. Mos._ a.nd. ~~ .Mge. his wife. 1UlId- ~01Cl~ the foregoing ~!t:roIrr:tIt 'to be- their voluntU)l" &C!'t e.nd de-ed. .~, 8atct'l!: J3e;: ,/' ,! ... . I. /:....._:~..(+_ ~'t&r'1 Publlc in and tor tbB 5ta."te or oregon J(y com:'JdssioD. el.-pires. 8/4./68 - 2 ~ ' Date Received: DEe - 8 2009 Original SubmitlaL______.__ __~__:t~:;~i~~"":;':"___..;...:l _:... ;';.: .~~ ;.;.:.::~;~~{:.:'.,t&: "_~~,___",,,..l.~ . 1 'l~)H~; /21~- //I-t><'.. 111'/5'7 _ rj"'- (j~N' r -. "7"'--' Sl'll" t;I{Or'liOll. C~'Jl'lIY Q( L"IlC_~' I. In. f\lInoolpil. Dir.,ctor of tho: D.p&rlrn,1I1 01 !\ec;(J,.b.n6 !:Iection.. I,. l'nd f~, llot> ,~ld COWIty. do hereby "_rlHy 11'1'11 ,h, ....It.hln In.u'umc:n\ ....<lo.. , ,.i'f"'('d f..~ u,~oTd..' LS5 11..J ;.: ;:~ i, 06 ,4 :;..- ~;.~. " .~ 0 ... cO' :j" 0 ~ (J) 0 ll) c: IT! .-+ 0- n CD 3 I ;:u .~ 00 CD 0 '" CD = <' = .." CD C- o . R"~ .;2.) / V L'~O Qunfy OFFtC1AL Rc~ord'.. l~ NOOL.PH. Director of the O'lp.art ~l 01 Recorda" Elod\O"u, .Y4.'" C29-t)g).oS ~-~~D:~ ..J rr ! ~.. . ~:.:::~- "r~'.r' Jv.~. ...;._~. ~';':';"1~~i"~;t~_ ....."..........._....'.~~..., \~~ -' I . /' . / , p I I' i 1 i .i i ! .( I I i i I \ , l'fi ,) ." f I ! , ; "', 6209103 '-., OUITCLA1H DEED PACIFIC POWER & LICUT COMPANY. B MAine corporation, hereby releases Rnd quiteldJlIS to SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD) n municipal co-rporation ("City"), a'lo( its righ~. title and interest.in and to the following described real property situated in Lnna County. Oregon. to wit: i .~ I t ~ ~ c Ii ~ . 1I'1l1111 100nUIO:.. A strip of land 63 feat 1n width extending alopg and parallel to the following de.sc'ribed meander line from Point A to Point B .and bounded OD tho easterly /;lnd 6:outh~rly aides by said meander lino. Resinning at the 3/4" iron pipe marking tbe northeA$t"comeX"'of tht! Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Secdon 1 ,in Township 18 South, Range 3.Uest of the Willslll<!tte Hed~.ia.n). ..G:a~ pipe bClAdnS South 876 1.3' 00'. East pS8.16 feet fr~';:ttie..v8s~ on~uarter corner of sa.!d. Section 1; and run thent::e.:;'~i:i.~~;.~81"O' 43' 00" Esst 929.57 feet along the north Hne of Lo.t. ~. of EJ'a'id': Sec.tion 1 to R 5/8" pin; . tbem.c.e. South 09" 51' 00'" East 901.60 fef1!t to a poin~-; thence South 89" 51' 00" East 63.41 feet to 4 l~o;~t:' ,on' the meander 1 ine of the. right bank of the \lil1amette ,Rlvetdl€-re1n"" after'referred to as Point A; , ' thenel) following; Mid meand.er line South 01. 43t S2'(.wsst' 277.81 feet to a point., thence. South 26" 1.3' 52" West 394.05 fe.et to Q point; thence South'36D 43' 52" \lest 137.77 feet to 8; point; thence South 78" 43' 52" West SS4. 78 feet to D po:1ttt on the west line of said Lot 3 hereinafter re.ferTed to 8S Point 8-; all in said Section h Lane County, Oregotl;. SUBJECT TO any and all defects in title and encumbrances of record. The truo and actual consideration ~or this conveyance. is $1.00. Until a change is requested. all tax statemente arc to be sene follawins'address: Springfield Utility Board P. O. Box 300 Springfield, Oregon. 97477 .,.., . /7 d.yof~" . 1982~ DATED t.his PACI'FIC POWER.& LIGRT,C()JoSPA}lY ,<.( ,..\.' .,. ,. . . - , "".,-.:.. ., ':? BY~ ~:r,~9 ~e'Pt~~~di~ . t'. "..>~,. ~~;~YO:fO~:::OiO~ i:::rumenr v.. a.koov'ed.ad b.foro =et;it~]'1~~r~~~,;f'~ft ~!...J ? 1982. by dJJe..!\. k). .<..p.'!"C-Y .. ...._;,tai;y.t:t,~~.',P~~~~iJ.~l.f~'j:~;t'.~ of PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY. 'II Maino. corpoTIttion. on beh'a'lf.' O.f,"!=lI~':':~~rp~~~~f.~,( <"..',:., .to~", .H'~'";;:'::''''' >,.':.,:&.\~:.:;,.'I,/.'. ,/ J.'.::,.:~ ....~(~ \ ,'>r\\OTArll-\ \ '.;. 1 ~.o :r,: I :r~ll?--ilhhl~}C / . } f. ~ \;':~~::L~:;:~.~~g.:.~/ ~!I;_ /J 4/.b,u. 0 Notary ~ublic for Oregon My COflllI\isdon Expires.: 5"ID-.~;h Date Received: DEe - 8 2009 Original Submittal ~ I !(; n.,::'~:'" t . i' .~ ~ " !; I; I' i ~ .0 . ;";J '0 C\l CO ] lil hI ~,,3 .~ p., . a,L~ .':3 !!~~; \ "~Ul1~ ~- ..,. \j. 6'Q:2 >,... "! ~ ~-s~ . ~'-l!.~ I ~.h. ..... '-'''-.''';'l ~;~. ;,'!':-:;'\'"'~'~'~\f:":;" \V},~j;.. . "1;,".. ~ 1 . ellS ~ ! ..s>! 'I r , ~.. .,j, g ~.~ ! ~~ t"'I'i,H~ III _! ~l! ~ U Q ::l ~ .u I, .!~~~=--: .6 " " ",', ,f"" -l ., Date Received: DEe - 8 2009 Original Submittal /l;J~/ 10 ' \\' 11PT 171402 AFTER RECORDING, RETURN TO: Metro Rock & Construction Co. c/o Morse Bros" Inc. Attn: Steve Frey P.O. Box 7 Lebanon, Oregon 97355 Division of Chief Depuly Clerk ~aal.a57ea7 lane Counly Deeds and Records 'UU U gU II 1111111111 11111111111111 11111 1111111111 1111/1 $56,00 00210063210100516010011013 09/04/2001 02:14:21 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=3 CASHIER 02 $35.00 $11.00 $10.00 UNTIL A CHANGE IS REQUESTED, SEND ALL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Metro Rock & Construction Co. c/o Morse Bros., Inc. Altn: Steve Frey P.O. Box 7 Lebanon, Oregon 97355 Mi";:,! R?['~.~!;:~ ~,:h""n To V!2~t('rn ~i"'nr"r Title en P.O p~.. Jnl.'~ El'g~ne, Or. :~;i50 STATUTORY BARGAIN AND SALE DEED ROCK RESOURCES, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company ('Grantor"); conveys to METRO ROCK & CONsTRucrroN Co., an Oregon corporation ("Grantee"), the re~l P~vY,",I~j situated in Lane County, Oregon, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. - The true consideration for this conveyance is $ I 0,600,6 I 2. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS' INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. . BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQillRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LA WSillTS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. Dated this 31 day of August, 2001. ROCK RESOURCES, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company BY~/-_ ~ . Gary R. Warren, Mrber By;D ~.~ j\ ~w. Langeliers, Mem ~ Date Received: DEe - 8 2009 14633111lRAJ/I 008 ) 8.0001 Oriainal submittal- . ,. STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. ) County of L.. ~ n :,y;:';""';' ~. r.-'__","; ~:i .}I', This instrument was acknowledged before me on this 3/ day of August, 2001, by Gary R. Warren, as Member of Rock Resources, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, on behalf of the company. . (I). OFFICIAL SEAL STACEY HARRISON i . NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON I " ' COMMISSION NO. 344160 . MY CCI.lMISSION EXPIRES MAY 7,2005 ~-------- STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. ) County of_ / A"\'\~ ~;.fl~/ff Nfrn; :U~c for pr. gOIl . My Commission e)qslres: ()5..()7,dS This instrument was acknowledged before me on this & day of August, 2001, by Roger W. Langeliers, as Member of Rock Resources, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, on behalf of the company. -------:----~ _._~ . . OFFICIAL SEAL STACEY HARRISON . ~ NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON '., COMMISSION NO. 344160 . _ _ _~OOMWSSIONEXPIRESMAY 7,2005 \ / N1k:~ , My Commission expires:' /JS1'J14> Date Received: DEe - 8 2009 Original Submittal 146331fJ/RAJ/1 00818-000 I EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL I: Government Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 and that part of Government Lot 8 1yi ng East of the East line and the East line extended South of the Elias M. Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 67, all in Section 2, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Wi11amette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT THEREFROM: That tract described in Warranty Deed to J. W. Machen and Dora L. Machen, husband' and wife, by instrument recorded March 2, 1911, in Book 92, Page 312, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL II:. ..' Government Lots 4, 10, 11 and 12 and the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and the Northwest quarter. of the Southwest quarter of Sect i on 1; Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Wi11amette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT from said Government Lots 10 and 11, that tract conveyed to Pratt Holverson, et aI, by deed recorded. July 1, 1927, in Book 153, Page 508, as corrected by instrument recorded January 4, 1937, in Book 1B9, Page 149, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and that tract conveyed to Booth'Ke11yLumber Company'by deed recorded in Book 60, Page 33, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. . ALSO EXCEPT: Beginning at the center of Section 1 in Township 1B South, Range 3 West of the Wil1amette Meridian; and run thence North 000 OB' 04" West 471.30 feet along the East line of lot 10 of said Section I to a point on the South line of the Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 39, in said Township and Range; thence following said claim line North 890 22' 35" West 362.03 feet to the Southerly Southwest corner of said Bri~gs Claim; thence continuing North 89" 22' 35" West 10.00 feet to a point 1n the center of a drainage ditch; thence following said drainage ditch South 01" 25' 20" East 139.02 feet -to a point; thence South 39" 22' 55' East 1 B9. 54 feet to a poi nt; thence South 18" 59' 50" East 75.05 feet to a point; thence South 060 29' 15" East 111.15 feet to a point on the South line of said lot 10; thence leaving said ditch and following said lot line South 870 43' 00" East 212.60 feet to the place of beginning, all in said Section 1, Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: DEe - 8 2009 Continued' Original submittal o. I ">''t '';.,: ....."....: ~-:,.~ ;tJ;""'f., ~ - "':\\~~;;~.., ".4. I . ',flii! -~r; ,., EXHIBIT oAo Cont. PARCEL II I: Lot 9 Block'13, AMENDED PLAT OF WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS ADDITION to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 7B, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ., PARCEL IV: Beginning at the stone marking the re-entrant corner of the Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 39, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of' the Wl11amette Meridian; thence North 89' 50' 400 West 868.63 feet along the South line of said claim to the iron pin markin~ the Southwest corner of that tract described in instrument recorded In Book 43B, Page 432, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and the true point of beginning; thence North 89' 50' 40' .West 501.86 feet continuing along said South line to the East line of that easement granted to the United. States of America, by instrument recorded July 15, 1960, Reception No. 4706, being a line parallel with and 30.00 feet Easterly of the . centerline described in said instrument; thence North 18' 35' 30' East 114..27 feet along said East line to an angle point opposite 234+00.90 Back = 243+00.00 Ahead; thence North 22' 31' 20" East 225 feet, more or less, to a point on the South bank of the Mill Race; thence Southeasterly 250 feet, more or less, along said South bank to a point on the West line of said tract described in Book 438, Page 432, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence South 0' 30' 20" West 270 feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. . PARCEL V: Beginning' at the stone marking the re-entrant corner of the Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 39, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 89' 50' 40' West 346.00 feet along the South line of said claim to the iron pin marking the Southeast corner of that tract described in Book 438, Page 432, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence North 0' 16" 20" East 150 feet, more or less, along the East line of said tract to a point on the South bank of the Hill Race; thence Southeasterly along said Mill Race to a point on the West line of the vehicular bridge giving access over the Mill Race to Springfield Quarry.Rock Products, Inc.; thence Northeasterly 60 feet, more or less, along said West line to a point on the North line of said Mill Race; thence Southeasterly along the .Northerly side of said Mill Race to a point on the East line of said bridge; thence Southwesterly along said East line to a point on Southerly side of said Mill Race; thence . Southeasterly along said Southerly side to a point on the East line of the West one~half of said Briggs Claim No. 39; thence South .0' 02' 15" West 530 feet, more or less, along said East line to an iron pin set in that survey filed at the Lane County Surveyor's Office under No. 27718; thence North 89' 43' 48" West 1127.06 feet to an iron pin set in said Survey No. 27718; thence South 0' 48' 42" West 470.00 feet to an iron pin set in said survey; thence North 88' 16' 18" West 68.42 feet to a point; thence South 0' 21' 12' West 396.35 feet to an iron pin set in said survey;. thence South 87' 13' 42" West 21.13 feet to an iron pin set in said survey on the West line of said claim; thence South 0' 22' 25" West 261.51 feet along said West line to an iron pin Date Received: Continued DEe - 8 2009 Oriainal SL:':>mittal , " EXHIBIT "A" Cont. set in said survey; thence North 890 37' 35" West 168.90 feet to a ~oint; thence North 30 22' 25' East 306.14 feet to a point; thence North 6 22' 25" East 322.05 feet to a point; thence North 10 22' 3S" West 204.75 feet to a point; thence North 80 52' 35' West 122.59 feet to a point; !he~ce North 40 37' 25" East 109.33 feet to a point; thence North 150 52' 25 East 135.18 feet to a point; thence North 200 07' 25" East 127.90 feet to a point; thence' North 160 23' 30~East 209.20 feet to the point of beginning, in lane County, Oregon. . PARCEL V I : Beginning at a point on the South line of Donation land Claim No. 39, in Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Wi11amette Meridian, lane County, Oregon, 5.25 chains North B9' 52' West of the corner in the angle of said Donation Land Claim; and. running thence North 890 52'.West 7.93 chains; thence North 00 29' East 5.15 chains to the center line of the Booth Kelly Lumber . Company Mill Race; thence South 730 East along said Mill Race center line B.19 chains; thence South 00 lS' West 2.3S chains to the beginning point in Section 1, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Wi11amette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL VII: Beginning at a point on the North line of Lot 3 in Section' 1 in Township' 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette'Meridian, 212.60 feet North B70 43' 00' West from the center of said Section1j' and run thence along the center of a draina~e ditch South 10' 24' 00' East 52.65 feet to a point; thence South 260 49' 40 West 163.88 feet to a point; thence South 030 46' 50' West 231.48 feet to a point; thence South Oso 47' 25" East 150.60 feet to a point; thence South 120 50' 00" East 213.93 feet to a point on the meander line of tne right bank of the Willamette River; thence North 890 51' 00'. West 63.41' feet to a point; thence North 090 51' 00' West 907.60 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 3; thence following'said lot line South 87" 43' 00' East 217.32' feet to the point of beginning, all in said Lot 3, Section 1, Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: DEe - 8 2009 Continued Original Submillal . . . .-.,.. 'l;, ,_ ~~_;(:", , "". .~. , t','), ;' . ~" EXHIBIT 'A' Cont. PARCEL VIII: A tract of land beginning at the 3/4 inch iron pipe marking the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 1 in Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian. said pipe bearing South BZo 43' 00' East 1358.16 feet from the West one-quarter corner of said Section 1; and run thence South 870 43' 00' East 929.57 feet along the North line of Lot 3 of said Section 1 to a 5/8 inch pin; thence South 090 51' 00' East 90Z.60 feet to a point; thence South 890 51' 00' East 63.41 feet to a point on the meander line of the right bank of the Willamette River hereinafter referred to as Point A; thence following said meander line South 010 43' 52' West 277.81 feet to a point; thence South 260 43' 52' West 394.05 feet to a point; thence South 360 43' 52' West 737.77 feet to a point; thence South 780 43' 52' West 554.78 feet to a point on the West line of said Lot 3 hereinafter referred to as Point B; thence North 000 35' 40' East 2260.87 feet a1on~ the West line of said Lot 3 to the point of begi~ning, all in said Sectlon 1, Lane County, Oregon. . EXCEPT: From the above described. tract a strip of land 63 feet in width extending along and parallel with said meander line from said Point A to said Point B and bounded on the Easterly and Southerly sides by side meander line, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL IX: Beginning at a point in the center of a creek, said creek being the overflow fro~ the Booth-Kelly Mill Race to the Willamette River, said beginning point begln 360.0 feet West of the Southeast corner of Lot 10, said Southeast corner of Lot 10 being also the center of Section 1, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence West 56.0 feet; thence North 22' 53' West 1100.0 feet. thence East 370.0 feet.to the center of said creek; thence Southe~ly along center of said creek to the place of be~inning, in Section 1, Townshlp 18 South, Range 3 West. of the Willamette Meridlan, in Lane County, Oregon. . Date Received: DEe - 8 2009 Continued Original Submittal . EXHIBIT 'A' Cont. PARCEl X: 'Beginning at the Southerly Southwest corner of the Isaac Briggs_Donation land Claim No, 39, in Section 1, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of,1:he Willamette Meridian; thence South 89' 30' 49' East 1228.36 feet along the South boundary of Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim No, 39 to the Southeast 'corner of the. West one-half of said cl~im; thence North 00' 02' 27- East 1436.BO feet .along the East line of the West one-half of said claim to a point; thence North 89' 43' 48' West 1126.95 feet to a point; thence South 00' 48' 42" West 470 feet to a point; thence North 88' 16' lB" West 68.42 feet to a point; thence South 00' 21' 12' West 396.35 feet to a point; thence South 87' 13' 42' West 21.00 feet to a point; thence South 00' 24' 47" West 566.44 feet to the point of beginning, in lane County, Oregon. Date Received: DEe - 8 20n9 Original Submittal' <. ~ ~ OFFICIAL RECORO OF DESCRIPTIONS OF REAL PROPERTIES OFFICE .~~ CO?~R t1J~~OR~LANE COUNTY, OREGON _ 3200 SECTION 1 I TO~NSH1P ~ so_I RANGE CODE NO. OLD NUMBER . 3W I AERIAL Pf.!OTO W.M.! 'I CITY LOT NO. I~~NO. NUMBE'::R I BLOCK NO. ADDITION ~~P18.03.01 ACCOUNT DEED RECORD ACRES REMAINING I INDENT EACH NEW I COURSE TO THill POINT ' LEGAL DESCRIPTiON DA.TE OF ENTRY DEED NUMBER V That land lying inside the Meander lines of the Willamette River in Section 1, Township 18 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, and not privately owned F.T.LoP.D. 10,80 . Except: 0.27 acre out to 1802 06 1500 for 1978 by R883/03246 Containing more or less 10.53 FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION USE ONLY o ate Hece ved: DEe - 8 2U09 Original Submittal ,8.:r~~='9Al"'~''''''~~''"~~~.-=;~~6'j~297' = 2584 !!i.~~'~~""'_1;,,",,~~:'l,'.""'~"'''':'_~ _ _ _n _ ". _ . .., .;:' lU,.Fi{ED A. l\iLE:>J '.'---.-----..-.... ..... -"-'_U'__'._'U'_'__" .--..------.---.__.n.._._.n.._n State of Or'l!9on C t oJ tane - ". Gun y c..;o.. ," Ill'" fOI II", $aid I. the .~tr~by ~e(1;1y ihbll!Ll! ....,:h~. C1)UT1.~. .cd IOf 1<<0.1" al Ifl:llr~ffi\.>t'II~lo<(:~[\; I" .,.'~~~R~~~~~iff:~~!f~:~~~~~~:~~~~_.~:~_~: Ib-' :70: '__'___~m___ Gi_.-NM.i.U4.....<i;.;.-~_---__m_.-m. AA...--....tw~lo~AC.;......~1 .~~~~~.r~.~[~~~~!:~;.u~~~-~-{~kler a-n" ; Jl~.~E~ ~ ~;~; }~~ ;.-~~~~,~ ~~~.p~~I ~~ ~~~Q~ ~~::~ OnIlI.-...Ol-..-..lU_to{tIWH............2Jt): "':";CQCEi..IZ'l'S l\LLEI'i _ ..n._n_n_.u -, 1"4 OSuS-:--2-n<fSt"rcet u.. no -~.~i?~~~:9~~ ~:~!f!:/~::9-~~5i~~=:~~~~!=?=~:_::=:: '99 AUG 2(: .:1l1'2.\ ilr~ltl('lIt ..by ,;II )rd~tl i,: 1fl P"~~ ;ill~tru' , , <"~ ~ .n.on.._ ._n _'....._ _.__n .u.____n__n_.___n_n_.. $PM:.EIlESEl'to'EO "'" l'ltCOllOE.R"SL"Sl: 0", 2584R I..mol COtI:lI;: O,TIClI\l Rl.'1.:;)/']s 1.M.lI CC;-.JI\I~ C!efk a~ -! ---!--t..)'_ _ e.... -Cw;!.,..Clelk c,JUl1l} --....----------.......----.--.---- '\:t'III:-o " ALl-'HED A. hLLE)J BARGAIN ANU SAlE DEr;o _ STATUTOAY FORM -....,"'" , , . ______h_~.....__.___..__ _on. un __n .___.u_____..~_~.h--~---. .--....-...---~___u...~_..h conveys 10 '..--_nJa;:'QUEL.lNE..ALLEli......___n.__.___..._"__ ___. __ ______.__...__._._ n.,._.. ..._ _. ..-...---.-------...----------.n,.________~~~h_.____h__.U___..~. _n. n.. .__ __. .__.__. ... __ u .,(;I~nl\)r. , , " lb~ (~il~~~~' ;~I~~;;;-;~~~~d~-~==:~=~~~~:~~; ~~~ ::.~~::~~:~: - :~::-c~~~~~:O~~'g~~~~~~il.: -- Lot nU:llbered Thirteen (13) of Section 'L',.,,::I (2) .:lnd ~.ot No. O:lC OJ in the Northeast cor~e!" of tbe r\ort!le::lst qua=te~ of Section Eleven (11), Towns~ip Eigntee~ (18) SO'.lt!'l, Range Three (3) v:est 9f th~ Nillamette .'feritliClr., ,in.Lane County, State o! O(egon, -:' (;r.IIII"t.', ~Q!!gA16.26 '99ti04f.'rC :':.~':I Z2~!b\U6.26..99"OC;~fllN[j .:i" ~Ir: 2Q~!!AUG.:26~991104H~r H.if![' .(-p !-=.sP/loC[....~f,C.tNl'ca.l'thU(:ll:'SCIW>1'JOI(00<..MRStJ , The lrut: considcralion/or Ihis con\'c)'ance i5 sdi!8i'1RE.R~y.__, (Here. comply wi!h thc requirement:; orORS 93.030.) .-- '--'--'-'----'''---'-- "----'.--.- .h~...___..__.____. .-.........4.".__.. _. ..---.._4__...h....... ...._. ..____.__." ..~ --..-----..---..~... -..-.--..-..---...------. ......-."..-.___.__.._h___ '__"_",__" _.._...____...___.. __...._. ._. .. _ Dal~d~h~;._~:5~..~:-d-;y -~f-.---/l:'f~~~~__=~____:i-93f,.n . .--~'.-- __m~_ ~_. ___~ ,~_ _ ~.. _ _ __ .. !HS ".snll.J1Aftn\'ll~l fl)l AllOW USE Cf THf: PROPEil:TY DESCRIBEo IN ;..<-~....-~...:.6 _~ r: . L:".t.. ( ~ '4 hIStNSTRUMENlm\!ICLAr.o:VOFA?f'ltCAIltEl.ANOUSElAWS~OREGU Al. r~d A. ,\l~cn -c...___ LATlOII.'S BEfORE SKlNIJ!G O~ ACCEPTIJ.oG lItIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ;co:)IAING FfE TITlE TO ;HE PROPfRTY SHOULD CHEC~ WlfH ~ APPRO. _ PRIATECHYOA CCUtlTY FWlNI)JG D(?AATMan TOV!'RIFY APPROVEOUSES All!) TO OETfRM:NE At~Yl 'Ims eN lAIVSUITSAGAlNST FARtJOf4(i OR fOliESf f>R~T1CESA~Dm"EOI~ORS3C930. . .........__...h....._.__ ____ : fi~~CIfflOAI."" TAIIIQfQU MllNnP\llUC.lJEOOH , . ClMaSSl(JlM(l0i5age6 - 'llttulllllfUEa8~"1al SlATE OF OREGON. County of '., .-~-?'!g..nn.n _. . A-'--) ss. .2 S This inSINmcJ1l wu al;kuo,",'hxfgetl be/ore JIIe 011 __ ..<.1':1; l.<:'-..J.t._.. b)' -- J~~;_~g~ -~-~,.!\;.~.t;:nh' ..____._..... .. .. .+___ .._.~. ___ __ ._. __. u__...._. .. ._ .__..P.l_''''.; '. -~'G~ -'_____n --.-.--______.,. ._..___. ~ _.- .'n ..... ~Olar,.. Publi<; (or Oregon Mycommi~sionexpi't:s u___~!~l P.::~_ -= =...:. -~----:-: ----------===:=:~~::=~~~:~_."-=:--- :~f. I " " Date Received: DEe - 8 2C09 OriginaISubmittal_._._____ , "-" '~"11,J .....~j,~+- ,r". Pile 47361-'& '~~:the_l.....,~_.."" of them, Traetecs1 , ........ Mi&' c. Tramo.n.r ~., 10'E' th"G c:ons1de"r8U.OD of the ::ral:dved ~ do bereby .:'..~ of aa1d D.L.C~ No. 61;' -~..-Ho. "61-,. -. distanCe of 41..10 "'~18 8outli~;'Range 3 West. W.Ka: "~:,..'~'_~~~~!!, ,p,uallel vith said' Rut ;. fiet; . thence North parallel vi th '~" Uno of ea1d D.L.C. NOa 61; ~{~i'li::eg1~. SUBJECT TO tbe: reser- }~.:;.ana.\signed by tlte Grantors. ?trac.t: . :~~'~.P. :'S;1~~t~~l . ..,.."....,',...,k() r,... ~ --. ~!~~;~:?~:~.:~'~!.ttir:: .~ :'..' .,';..!'/" - ,., -- . ,- y, "','('",,1<<.. "-"~~ "':~cli~~ 'jJ4j, 4f ,f/~./-~~ ..~~,~..~Cba'l'4 Bryson, Tru.s~e ' }'!:Has,tf)nOn"Do~t1on Land Chim '~~5~~,liamettc Meridian, Larie County, ....ibid... follov.: . ~~_!Ia:(on of the Easterly line of the ;iSth~;,ViUialll ,MaatenoD Donation Land ",tt~oDgthe North line of lIaid claim. ~Jpa1Jll; tJ:UUl~~e Sou.th O. Z9' 15" \lut, COQt4il'1S 7S acres. , 1972a '"\":. ,'~.' 1 L.':' Tnml.n n(\l1VTll . (: .1o~ p. Donia "," { , y .!i.F"ORG~ VI: ~1Ull~ .~orge E. Dorris MARY C_ 'rnfn.iPlO'J.WIl' Mary c. Tnm.pener , .:'1 By (1."'" . '", f; ~~torn.Y lnW-ute Received: DEe - 8 2009 Original Submittal ~-.. .: Page 2 - Oeed ;;iiJ~~~ PCR DJmD nOIf DO~S PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT ~' ,,'~ , :;,:,> ',,'~,-,"~ "'-' the ri.ght of .~;~~~~j;~;~~: ~e public r6adf;,)(at;!.~:. . DriVe' and 1lO~~~i'~~~'! lands herein',:_~~~~~. giving tOSP;~i~~~;,., purchase appib~~eiY:~ ,..;':,,':., 'L'\, ;:-';~11 adjoining on;:!,~~:~~~,~~~~, is exereisedl!t;~~$~"" about five aCi~~~:~ and assiqns property to Road ,896, Harbor roads crossing the .,:~lly: herewith, Grantors are p....."..........y said Option Richard tract of 'exercised, the right of access .Grantee by,qlvin~ at least Grantors or their. attorney. . ~ -Eugene, Oregon, or to such 'Q"r'.",or said Rieh~d ,Bryson may "" . .",'~^-'; hereafter 'd~~{~~~:;;!;Y~;,n :~ii~~ice to Grantee. Granttir~f~~'I~~~~~~e right to harvest the existing crop. . '. .::>.,.,. );C(~{':, -".,.' ... :.:.: ~;:- ..i~~'.: ", ':', ~........,.,.. '~"""""":'__':"H' '" '.. . ..",:.' '; ?fl. .' . .... ..; "c .;~i~i\J5 ,i j~ J;.J I ,~/S,..~3~~f~/ -/: I" '.>f- 1;.,Y1-::J... ;~.tV~ ;(~aL /l... '-'- John D. Dorris. George E. Dorris, -and ~ary c. Trumpener I '''-. '{ Bv l:tc.l-\... ~-f: J....;..t)."1..-......J t.heir attorney in fact Date Received: DEe - 8 2009 Original submittal ~'~~'~. ;::;-~"-.~r '. ,,~~\.''i'\:::~:'' ~ 'W-;".~'~' f1~ I . , ~. , ; ~.l '.'1' ~- County 01 _r'i~.,~~i> ,~~it . .,u1972,,^:"E'~~Jj.~,;:aP1'eared the above D~d Ben F. Dorr1a '. . . '''-'::,\~.~::\}~::;:'' -'~" who . "bowled-ged ~',th~%"~rego1ng instrument to be their voluDtaty ',' ~ Page 3 - Deed .~~'..' :-'" .' " '~~;~t~'lr Pile 41361-B I.' ~ ,-"_-? {..'1't: (,Je'C/ /~h:-<'--<-o. :Notary Public for Oregon /. -"T Comm1es1oo exp1res-12ece.mll~" 3U11~ 26 , 1972. P.'r!~;'11y,..'.~r.d. , . '/"i:":~":, :-',,'" ~teaT .04 acknovlc.dgod< the ,fon;~tii~ihtn=at ,', B~fO:,~~"":\; . ',' -'~~':il~i~;;~~~~{~~ 'u ~:;~ .~~i.:.~ " .~. .'. \'::~~~'o::' ''''11/<,',' , ~. , , S'lAtE OP ORECaf, Jorti!!' 25 and Ely,s.ta Donia. .<..'\.tL:..~:J.,... . ec.t"....kfore me: , L~;D.:~ ;;:..;~~;\ c. UDl' . ;' '": ;:~>....._:..:<. :. . Ii; llt\ ."". STA'I&,OF\<()REGON. County' of...Lr...... ':'.';"';'" .".,.:,=., ....-:'..'" ',,;.:::.-) .q".A....- the above named Myron P.' Pinkstaff. to b. hb Vo1~tary act and deed. -(;.;tR./.l..., 77) 'f!:...'JVl~,,!' ) 90u-rY -i'1Ibl1c for oregon HI Commbnon expirea October 17 ,1975 STATE ~p Oll.!OON, CowIl1,-,of, .,~</:~,~;;" T"'_~:d2:cmr.lA~:::,!~~~~~;r;::' B.foro ".or' ::;..':{.. -.'.< tho above named Richard B~.on, to he.b1a volwu:ary act: cd deed. ..:.tT!.ni' P"U{~,-:". ; ~J' ..... .cf{;NrJ.l'f'i?" 717 ~""""'A) RoCU7 ~l1c . for. oregon " '.,'. "';;;/X:~.~.~~::;,:.. . STArE OF 01lE00II. Count)dit ~lA.; '::.: My CoIa1uloa expires October 17.. 1975 .,":;... June 25 " ';':~972~" :'~~~~~i:.~rod tho above named BEN P. DOBRIS . ~ b.iAa"~y'-.vom. 414 "1 that _b. 111 the Attorney 1Q p"t foregoing WttulMnt b,...~thor1~~<i.f)~:'~ 'behalf Qf .aiel p~1uc1pd; Gd _b. ac.knowledged to __ ;bat _be. ~:':.~;~'~.~ior4i :In Faet for ea1d px-1nc1pa1 eucuted the 441lt8 freely and voIUD.tar11y for .tb.~Ui'i:t ':aa.d purpa... tbereift ~entioD.d. Safore me: . 'j:;' '" ".' /l.j:-~..,.l /S--.- d~ ...." ...........t:.,... Notary Publ1e, fer Ortg~ .' ""'~" .:'/~~?T.'\!l).\~1 . i _ "- : ': ka/k\.:""' :":~'!~'. ~/ . ........_..~.. :r \i.I-' ..,. ... .., & 'JH- A <926' 2l.-6Z'Nor My Com1alJ1ClP up1rp.8 December L 1974 .i g. ~5 ~~ 0- - . :~ " , ~t3 II! .,... .c.,lI . .: 8 :: jr; o OJ ~... , <l.e ~ S .. .s e oil , .; i i= ~.;.s.... 'lI ~ 0 ~ l:I 0,,'-';2-0 ~~:S~~ ."'. u oJlo .'6... .. :ltc:~.2 ~S.2.z~ "'i;"lI':';: ""-:::11> >lofll..... i:!i.S ~ ~ o' "'< ~ ~ . '" u ~ ~ ~ < .< 9 ~ ~ ~ "', ~ 0 ",. ~ ~ !3 , ~ U N ]i '" \\ ~ ." !.. , .... S \ >0-' ~~""'i 10' ., u .2 I Q ;~~' o e e . .. .'" ~- - 2~. '~ z, ~ " . 0 ~i J(-~,:e Received: 00 ~ t; ~ DEe - 8 2009 Original Submitt?\ .~;,;. . l~ ".,..... '...'......, . '. .~d., .:::.:-> I. ~v-: "'oS: Highwny Div1sion File 473fd Map No. 98-9-11 01' /G' ~ .~ -f( .~ .. :,. -.:1 n u:.,....;.' ':';,"(,.:"'::'111;1 Ii';;!:: C ,." ::'~:I;;:I 1l~ 1:: .' -, .; ,,~,'J~. ~,':!..I:.,I; cr.~'_'::l :Ji,Ha iDKED 8824363 /0, 0--.. The ~n OF OREGON, by and through its DE1:'AIl'1'IIPJl:r OF TR.dSPORTATION, Parka e!1d Beereatloil Db"f8i~D. Grantor, hereby conveys unto 'WILLMIALANB PARI. AND RECREATION , ~~~.~~, a political subdivision of tbe State of Oregon, Grantee, the prop~rty de- scdbed on Exh~bi.t "A" 8tta~hed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof; only I so long 8S said property is used for public ps:k and recreational purposes. 'It is understood < that if the above-described property, or any portion thereOf, is used for purposes other than public park nnd-recreational purposes, title to the prop- erty~ or portions t~ereof. used for purposes other than public park and recreational purposes shall autoinat1c,9.11y revert to and vest in Grsntor4 It is further. understood that the ahove-described property shall be developed and (". maintained by Grantee in accordance with the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965:. (78 St:at4 897). mxs.:IRSTJlIJIIERT WILL ROT ALLOW USB OF 11m !........"'.......... DBSCRXBED IN 'tHIS 1.~....._........._ :III VIOLATION OF APPliiCABL"R LA!ID USE 1.AIlS AND RBGOLt\TIORS. BKFOIE .:.......~....~.. OR A.~.-J...i.. _......... THIS' ....~.,)..............a:......., TBB PERSON &0.(................. FEE TITLK TO THE. .La..-"'ll:olIo....... SHOULD CIIRCK VIm 'lIIB LJ...lo\o...-",~ CIn OR' OOUNTf PLAHRlBG DEPARTKER'r TO VEllD'Y ......:.L:.IoM"~~ 'USES. No monetary consideration 1s being ~eceived Dated this 34#1.. day of ~~...u'" .~ by Grantor for this"deed. " '988'. 6114AOOl 06120/lltl REC n0002n OF OREGON, by and through . ABI'KKRr "OF n._..~....:. ~......,..1'I0N'. aDd Y~Divi.!Oll . . ( _ _ /pt!jf~ G. Talbot, Administrator -~ 10.00 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY r~~~-;'J :" A8si~nt At torney.General '3' II. ~ Date .; 6714~001 06/20/aap~ **OOOZu 10;00 STATE. OF OREGON. County of Mario~ ~ 03.... 2.ti 19sa... Pet:sonally appeared David G. Talbot. who being , sworn. stated that he is the Administrator for the State of Oregon, Department of Transportation. Parks and ~creation Division,: and that document W3.!} voluntarily the State of Oregon by authorit ~ ated ef m: " , ( f.>lofa1.fuo..L1C tor Oregon ~lssion exp.lres '02-/fiyQZ. , I a . /J '! //2 _ . '..::",,I'l Accepted by: 4//tlJruur ~lL::;:: ......,.,..,','."<i~."';'.".. ..., Date Received: DEe - 8 2009 Original submittal &i %' r$ ~: ~; Wi i lI' ~ i ill - I ...... .. .~".. .. ':~ ":, . :c "C c.; CD ~ N lI'J IZJ ,.f; '?~' , ..,' ,~ "~ ,~ EXHIBIT "A" 88Z4363 '. A parcel of land lying in Section 11" Township 18 South, Ran~e 3 'West. W.M., Lane County, Oregon. and being,s portion of Chat pr~erty described in those deeds to Ben F. and Klysta Dorris, recorded On Reel l07~ t~strument No. 26093 and on Reel 590 R, Instrument No. 4354'9f Lane CO\lnty Official. Records; . the said paTcel being that por~lon of said property lying in Section, n",Township 18 South. Range 3 West. . :W.M., containing 7S acres, more or less. Also t:nl;lt pot'tion of the', following described property ly1ng, 'in Section 11~ Township 18 South, Range 3 West. V.M., Lane County, Oregon: Beginning at a 5/8" iron bar at the northwest corner of the William A. Mastet'son D.L.C. No. 61 and running thence South O. 29' 15" West 645.10 feet to "8. 1" tion pipe, and South 05. 44' West 284~99 feet to a l'~ iron pipe at the true point of beginning; (thence So~th o. 39' 3011 ~e8t ~. 622.45 feet to a 1" iroD,pipe; thence So~th.02 01' 30" East 1267..56 feet.to a 1" iron pipe; thence South 0.43' 15" West 745.16 feet to a 5/8" iron bar; thence continuing SQut:h O. 43' 15" ~e9t: 50.0 feet, more ot less, to tbe Willamette'R1ver; thence No't'th 89.'16' 45" West 27.0 feet; thence Norcb O. 43" 15" East 794.51 feet mo.re or less; to a point '\lhich is South 890 20' 52" "'est 27..01 feet from the last men- tioned I" iron pipe; thenee North 02~ 011 301t West 1266.45 feet.; thence North 030 OS' 30" East, 623.65 feet to the true point of be- ginning, all in Lane Couaty; Oregen. -'.' :g~ . ~.p. J!1!"'g ii~ "'1;1-=5 ~.::<... ..; .=~] ~! ~ ~.~ ~li (; E~ eo..!. e..<=;?; 0":;:. 5~~ ~ .i:-.0i.~ B g ~ g ~. fflJ.J o..:V_= ! t~ 5 r"h i't~ ~. ou '}:>1:---- << , , uu ~ ~ :l:l ea: ':1 Q) T"' .. m \I) ::j 'I'" :CJ ~ '. ~ ~. .,.':.. ..". .,."'.. ..,...., ". .,. . :.~wit'~*,:,:0'lj!~~~'. ~..;:';~~i:i€:I~;;fE.;~~t,~:: Date Received: DEe - 8 2009 Original Submittal ". -~--~'" RECORDING AEQUES7m BY _ ., 10': GRA~~SNAME JO~/N L MORTON. ~ , , . DAVID R.E!WAG-F..L. GRANTU'SHAME CytVTH(A RaNAGEL. I ' SENI:>TAX STA11MEHTSTo: :1.5'/1 West J3ifiltAvt SAN .L~ANDR() (AI'f~5'P1 - N'RJl AICOADlHa ~ TO: . . $1/ W fEST 124 -rIlAi"E. 5lrN /..EAN1Jf!1) CA. 'N5';7 (OIVISION OF CIIIEF DEPuty CLERK LANE COUNTY DEEDS AND RECORDS \ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 10005791199904231002 1999104231 10:32:31 A" 12/23/1999 RPR DEED 1 6 CASHIER 05 10.00 10.00' 20.00 40.00 "t',,",",,"'rl\IlI't;1~l.Irlllf'\J"~nut;H.lJU~ . . STATUTORY BAROAIN and SALE DEED V"tPHN L.MoRioJ.l ,~...n...,.'" .' *:- . /)Itf/ 1/)1<61/01 A c..~L ~Cy'Ntll/1t R/i'NA~ !he IoDowIrla d..crib,d ...1 propertY, ,lwoUd In the - c.::o~ of L&ie. StatJ of Oregan, Lot 1 co!rtalnlng morn or less ALSO: That area between tI1e.Generallbne Offlctl Meander Line end the Ordinary High Water Waler Un. of Vul right bank of !he Middle Folk Wdlamom Riwr odjGcant.., Gov.tnmont L01: 1, Soetion 12, Township 18 South; Range:l WMt of ti\a Wlllomlltle Meridl.n.. L.ne County, o..ogon. EXC~PTING THEREFROM 8l\y lend below the o..d'mary High W!ttel of the Middle fork WiIIam_ RIver'. . .' . eo_,,,lng mot. or less that Il11l3 and, ~ _.. __.\he GOn8nlI Land Otllce M.ander Una and tile Orcfmary Hlgh Wet." tin. of the tight bank vf1hc Middle Fork Wlnameno River adJaeem to 'Government lot 1. Section 12. iownship 18 South, Range 3, Wost. willlHTlom Motldi,,", lane County, Oregon, containllllll.a sa... roo.... or le$8. EXCEPTING Th"",;mOM, ony 'and below Ordinary Iflllh Water of the Middle Fork WlDametl9 River. . :>k hJ f/ 1/:; !31li: N 01 A1J /)~r /<>1=. .', p' lHlS INSTR1JMENTWlLL NOT Au.OW USE OFTHE PROPEfITY De,SCAJ8EO IN 'nUS INSTAUMENTIN VIOLATION OF tJ'PU<:ABLE LANO USE LAWS ANO IlEGUlATlONS. BEFORE SIGNING Oil A~..,. ",,03 THIS INSTI\\lMENT THE PEl1S0N ACQUIRING FEE tmE TO THE PIIOPEIlTY SHOUlD alECk Wml THE APPRO PAlATE cny OR COUNTY 'l>lANNINCl DEPAIlTIdENTTOVauFY APPROVED USES ANIl TO DETEPMINEANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FO~ PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN 01\5 3O.9:!O. . . THE 'TlIUEANO ACTUAl. CONSIDERATION FOil THIS eotIVEYANCE IS . tJ, pf> (S,. OIlS 93.0301 . . !3,5t'/MATep vAL-v E' 2~"QO.PO OA TED: .12.- /6 . 9'tf f;u~. "'--.4/ M- Please See Attached . .Acknowledgement From Notl\.,. PubU@ Date Received: '" DEe - 8 2009 Original submittal CALIFORNIA ALL_PURPOSe; ACl<NOWLEDGME?o{. _#... --;...-:..- ---- --------- - ----_.-'..-._:~ -':~ .:',:'~'.< "':-_':::'_' -_:::------'=-- f. Or. CALIFORNIA SAN MA TEG 1)-/.6 -79 ....---;::-----::;>- ? 5t~t= -:f Ccur.~ ai ~ . . ;:...:-:=: ~ !:e'ore [T,e, .SOSSI SALIH (NOTARY PUBLIC) iJI} 0 rf u!'7 !-I__ ,,,.e--6R - ~ ~OrQV9.j to mE en the cc.s:s Co~ satisfactorj 61/Xi':Ce Ie. te the pe;sor.~c's~ nC.me~~ s:.!bsc:-foed to the Withi@:i'i ins~r~m€;;t and ~c- "\ ., ki'icwlecged to fi'leht I /s~trff e;<ecut~d ,; thE same in ,p;s!~!t.Pr'e"i1.~thariZ2d ~.,' c.2.pacity~ c.~c th2.t by ttrS?"r~/thC sigr.c..tur.;~c:r;. tr,E \ns:~Jri"\eGt the pe~::\,(~ or the entitv we-en osha!f of which t;-,e ~. per.;or.(4 acted:' .e;{=--::ut~d ttie inS~riJITiEnt. '"' ~ L, / - ~:SiCF:i;::;'\lE.."I$ "\fITNESS mY' nc.:.c Ehd cffiC:2.f saE-1. ~~~ ~ ---- ' s;o:.c.:.-:-..;R::':::r:iC.;';;Y . OPTiONAL T.--:.c:.:gh:t:e :aza ~eicw is ~ot ;a~cir=c ::y fa'll. it iii2.,! ;r.:Ne vc;,iuE.i:ie:C ;:e-;s=..s ;;;!,!iC':G ~r:. tl1e c:-:::c:;I'ii,;!":[ :=.:::: ==uit ;:rc'/..:::-:t rra!.!cuie!t[ ;e.:=.tta.c.:...."T1Er:t ar ~is fer:;.. DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT 5fq~~~{~~~~~l;E~:dbJ'~ 11 :i { NUr..,.r'EE~. OF 'F.~.GS== 1d.--h - p CA. I = OF CCCUMENT , . . ~ ~ "" -~-------?_--'/''''~ -----------~--- -- - - ---- ./1/l -;.........-.-.--.,.,.. --.- ::;,I..,:;.I.::::.-.(S! C' I :-:::;_. 1;-:.-1.1'1 :'>l.-ME..,: Acev::. ~----~----~~------------------------------ 1'1... ~;.o; --~' .\ . \ \ .\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " q , , , " . ". '. '. g ~..... "'-Ct," "C-'-Y 'O::--C"-C -c', ,f"\a ':}l'^ Q-r;c"=,~',,:,,,;~.', ...... ......."',. ......,.. ,...~ ..._~.... ....." N'3Z:!5r:;.:m~e~":'''''1..'''' ._Q;I; . A.l.:.o..;,tl'l=:;a::::.~.r:.!;f!."'~'~l.-. ""II' ,"",J'" UOIiljll;,11 ". ,..,., DEe - 8 2009 Original SubmittF'1 11.1 '1.1111 II 11111 . . ,.,1, II 1IIII 1111 1.1111 ~ I 111111 .,11 pers.::nally appe::.red i_ ~_:c::::J7~a~IY :\.,L:"Vll ~8"" ,-.:... 50S SI SALlH '1 ~. COMM.#1215165 ~ ... ~.- NOTARYPOBUC . CALIFORNIA III U SAN MAlEOCOONIY I ," __:.. MycDmm.E.lpiI'8lApt.5,2003~ ~ " CJ!.FAClTf CL"'IMED BY SIGNER ,i I I I INDMDU,1L , COF?0F~_TI: (jFiC~:::': ';"07"...:~, n -o.-~.c::-(". _1""".......1'4......:-....... o L!MI"i':;) I \ <::::=:-lE:==..;1L \ \ \ \ ~ \ l \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ o ~ I I ;1.T70F.NE':' -fN-F.J..C1 L! ~UST.:=:Sj ~ .' !-1 GU~..~Ol;~..;O'UCC:N~~-;..~O..T'~F. uo~::::.: SiGNE~JS F.E?:;cSE.:'fi1NG~ ~::::." :~::l..s;:.~~S".c.r. ~f\'le:s;