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Permit Electrical 2002-1-18
~~ , ... ,~~..e Iu . .' ~0~O '; 7J5,~~,+tJ:~JRE" JH rJ ~::,:; t.l+~_q!;5 .r~~.~.~tl Fr~~';\ ErL~~.,c.~.,,,C.IiL,'.p.,~,!W1:, J}\Pg~.~C~;Q.qN:":.:~.J~'.: "(.S.P.RlNGF1EC!:)' 0 REGON:;97477"";'.~"~'~: "":1 '.;""":".:...:,., .."....~..J,."".._.,.".., ....\ 11 (.'t'"1+~^1""""""":'l"1'<~' \""! ,.'J; ~.. -.. "'l-,' '...:,,'-- "t:\f- --. -. '. '"" ~.'-,' ..1, ',.!J!:'~r.Ec::r:19'll''\<ERl!EST,}72.6::37.69~..;. ' '. " : ~itrj!.9li N!,m,lier.L#\ . ,. " ' '. 'U''f;;,.\ ':OFFIH~'726;:375.9~~ L~ t. H~~~J' .~ '~."! ,'i l.'t.{;~ Ii: .~:. >:~,p;:':F'';,,;. "';::"";..\~ifi~,~} :.r" ~.'n 'II'! [1\1 V" t,)1,q\11~~ J I ~ . '3.t991'VlPLETE FEE.SCHEDULe'BELOW': . . . \,\"1 o'l\. LOCA:TI~i5F,~~t~lfi9~. .j., ;.}l,.l ,~:?fI>\;lt.i:',,} I,"':;,;,,)'; "/:;- . j~';'.. I;\.'.,i,"p,;. ,:1:, '.", ,J -"\~ \Qrolt\. JSlL~1bt. ~?.e:"Ne\t:n.~identidi'Si~:!1;6j.'''''' c.">;;,, ,'. . '"""""'J0~,;) - " ,<.' . // ,,,,' Multi-Family per dwelling unit. t;r, .: 1 . LEGAL DESCRIpTION ~./ of..p Service Included: .~..~,:,;.~ \'"'\ n?1...~"'t~ 0;;\:' _ Items Cost stih:., - - <'fl'",..t" ~~~ ~;, ~.'~ {Q!3 DESCRIPTION lC1 1000 sq.ft. or less $\06.00 i,,?cA' ~~ ~ \' \"'L"'tP r "-~ . Each additional 500 ~~J:i1 ~~~ Permits are Jon-transferable and e:xpire \j . ~~~~oO?ortion ~ _ $ 19.00 t,&:;.#. ~~ .~,rJ if work is nJi,l.started within 180 day. s Each Manufd Home or Ii:; ~,.;''''', ~t~ ~~.j of issuance Bi!ifwork is suspended for Modular Dwelling 1$;:,\ :;l)~~~l lilii!\j;:.;~...~.. 80 d ~'j(, SelVl'ce or Feeder ' ",~.",i~, "!t'ff.-~ -,.,~ Jays, .., /;",,,,,,,,,,,,;;.",. 1> 50.00 I I " ,,'~:e;:;\'. . ,'R"~ /J"" ~.. ~ }5':;i;tl,~ f;J~~~;~. {4 A,./z;r '..'i"~~~~' ~ ~ g~.\/t. ''''~ 2, CO~gOR INSTALLATION B. Services or Feeders /.':;. ~.';i:"'~. ~:J\'~~;'-'\l ; ~~ . J:~':~~ /f;tl. Installation, Alter)'.t!o~s:b; . :~~':;:', . .' ^\, ;t;~ ( ~~1 Elect cal,s;gp3~~ctor;-~ Relocation: 1;.:: ~ :.~.;': ':\(.'~-:;:~~~i);'{ ~.. i~l, f;.;':i~'~ ~.'."l / /t.. 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