HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-8-12 . ..--. ..~ "'" ....~., ',.-." . ..:.......... ,..,........:-. '.. ....,-~_.. . .......::.k....~......,..."'...........;....~.::>.- _I. .., ''''.'t", .. RESID~T1AL.. APPLICATION/PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: /..o+~<'h ABGe8lJOr~ Map II /"98 O;{C~HA . T= Lot # Subdivision.' iLk. U j tl<l.;:j'-/ L,"~r LIZ "R~ b,.+<L. ~ I-""""L- ,. ,. A +- l.oCl... C. .f'~ <,,,,.,,, C..IL 1:\..-<.-' . - I '* 4...".J-+ 'Bob1?"'+kA.- f(..fr...... {~ Q.mer: Address: City: rx1 "mo. n Additicn n RemodeZ . n !!obile Hom~ Date of AppZicaticn ~JIJ./n ~.:onr;r'acr;o1's .....- ~ u'" ';';:,- 1'17 7I.~D f7V/7 Phone: Zip: ~_.,I:r 1./ Ii ,r;-~5J 7 (.. Describe f.'or7<: S' ",~Ic. ~""0K..r< ~'<- VaZue (. y. DO ~') Aaares3 General h.lw__ I!. No-=- 17y,L c....~_..A s+, S>lJ'" Plwr.bir.g 6-1..., ",i,,-, fl,,_b Po-&" .:2-33 Coil.." f...,-<... Eleotrical '7." ~ I~,.J}.~ 7fJd 'I\VS..c. iF,,_ NU" ~74.v./ Meohar.ic,! ~. ,{.,-- it. ~ , t..D rI v..l!.. L-.. j)..;-/.,~. Construction Lender j./ D .r1I.&J ;, Reee;,t' / 0 {J I 0 , 1 b I III \ ~ '~I/~ Sian.d: r:i:l.../'{. &u..... ~ 'Date: i /lL! j-f Lt-;":;C. .~ f'r.onc ~~-:.rcs .?1. -IVY .21s~1 .i:f 06(. ;uM.. y'b sho/riY r.,/3Dj!JJ- 1/I/tf J/7 Ii 'J <11.>$1710 y II./. - ~-).l- L ~,1'--31.. '7 J YJr-Do</{. It is the res!x711oibiLity of the permit holder to Bee that aU inspections are made at -:he proper time, tr.at .::ach ::.ddress is rcc.:!ci:>i.," J10cm the street, and that the pCl"m'it caJ'd is k>cated at the [POnt of the proper:;y. AEui~i~~ ~vi=io~ approved p~ sr~Zl re~ain on the Eu~Zdir.g sit~ at all times. P.'?OCSDURE FOR 1!.'$PECTIO!l REOlZST:CALL 726-3769 (rcoorderJ state your City desigr.ated job ntci:bcl'. reques~cd a~~ u~en you wi,Z be ready for inspection, Contractors 01' Owne~s r~~e end Fr~r.e n~~cr. :..'ilZ. be Trade the same acy, request;s mGdc cfr;:r 7:00 a:n !JiZZ 03 made the n.:::.::t :.JOl'kir..q Cay. All project conditions, such as the instalZation of street trees, c~~lcti~n of trte required landscc.pir'!h etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. ~eauil'r.d Jr.s~p.~ticn~ :=J ("T....ro I"I;,'-~"'''''IO'' T' . ....:._ ,.~.-.:.:.._ ..: 0 De maae I ezcavaz:ion, but prior to set -=-.. [O'l'1Tls. ~ after up Dr W1DF:RSLJ.E PLUMEING. ELECTRIC,lL & loSCH':':::C;,:': To be made Defore any ~rk is ~ovcred. '!l 3 ~ FOOTiilc ~ FOUiiD,lTION: To be made ~ after ~rencnes are excavated ar~ forms are el'ected~ but prior to pourir.g c5."6"t". ~L... -;1 u.'lDE:RGROU,':D Pr,U.'.f2ING. S~rrt.f? W.1TEH. .LJ DRAIIlAC::: To be rr.a.ie prior to iil.- 1.ir.g trenches. ~ WJDER?LOC.':? 1'~.4r:.'G 8 VECY/tl,'ICAL: ~ To be ~~e prior to in3taLLation of floor insu~ior. or decking. "VI POST A/.'!) E~!..': To be made pl'ior to ~ install.;::iCtl of fZoor ins~Z.atior. or deckireJ ;) J:l ROUGH ?L~I:!G_ FL'?~!OAL ,,9JCH- ~ AOrCAL: ~o ~rk is to be covered .until these inspectior.s have beer. made ar.:i I~~e':. "'Vl FI_=?EPLAc~or to pZc.cir.g feeing ~ mcteriai.s and before framing t.11spec- tior.. tC';) ~ PRA1.'IllC{ ;MUst be reque:Jtcd after ~ approv.:::L of rough pZUffhing, ~Z.ectri- cal & mecr..~.nicaZ.. Al! roOfing bracing t chimneys, etc. nr~st be ;' corrtPlctca. !Ic l.Xlrk is to be con- ... cec.Z.ed until. thic i.nspection has <0 bc;e:n made and approved. 2J ~ 29 ~ d'1' FIIlAL PLu:.~I!lG 10 @ FINAL BUILDING: The FinaZ Building In.spection must be requeated after the Fin::zl Plur.:bi"'1 Electrical, and Mechar.icaZ InspectiornJ havo been. made and approu~d. V) FIliAL ME::HA.'IICAL '11\ FINAL ELEt::RIC/.L Your City Desiar.a.ted Job Numbcr 1:;: - I V -- ~ 0 I f I IllSULATIONII'APO.9 BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be ~~de after aLL insul~tiQn ~~ required vapor car,rier:; are in place but cefore any lath, gypsum bcCll'd or u::ZZ covering is appZied, and before any insul.ation is conceaLed. II r-il m::tYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made ~ after aLL drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. o MASONRY: Steel beam3, grouting accordance IJith 2415. Zocation, bond 01' verticaZs in U.B.C. Section job QCC1'CSS, type of ir.=pca=icn Requcs:s recei..'ea ccfcre 7:00 (:'. 5570<5"87 I DE.'1:-LITIO;'.I OR ;~:Ov:::; aUILDI.'.'QS =:J Sanita:ry Be..1er ::apped :::~ p:.opcrt-.:f. 1.ir.e ~ Septic tank p....-ycd cr~ f-:'Ll~~ r.ri.th gra~et :J Pinal - rl'hen abeve ite."!ts a:re cc::mletcd ar.d when d~clitior. is complete or st~~- ture moved and pr;:::rL3eS cle.::ned up. I Nobile Hemes =:J BLocking and S~t-';.lp =:J pZum~~ng connections sewer and water . ~ ~lcctrical Ccnr.ection - Blocking, set-up ---..:.l and pZwnbing connections rrr~st tc cpprat:cc ~eforc request~ng elec:rical inspec:io~ =:J Ac~esco1"':1' Bui l.C.:.ng :J FinaL - I.ft;:r ;;,:;rcr.es, etc. arc co.mpZc;~d. sk~rting, decks, o WOOD$TOVE: ccmpZ,eted. After installation is o -ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOlnS MUST BE ACCES!:IBc'E, ADJUST!!E."lT TO BE "'~"DE I:.'!' 1:0 C~S! TO Cr:Y I ~Fe 1 of 2 (J ~ CURB & APPROACH AP.~N: Afte:, forms are crected bu.t prior to pouring "''''crete. q I SIDE@/? & DRIt'EW!.Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-lJCy~ to be made after all. exca- vatina comvLete & fo~ work & sub- oose ~terial in place. [2J O [,ENeE: r.lhen compl~te -- Provide gates or movabLe sccticns through P.U.E, o JOB NO.B7~::;-fj? I Z=e: L DR Lot Sq. Ftg. 7,C2 q : :;f Z"t C:J1}(!rag~ -;:?~o .# of Stones / :otal Height I.)' , /?~2~ L-COG"" SOLAR AC..SS REQ.- O/'f c:.,# &'1'iII8'? OCC1J.r;an.~:J GrO".J~..R- 31'r/?-/ T;.;pe/cor.st:~,A/' Beiroor-:s: LeT TYFE 1 Lot Faces. C:;::;h lJ r# ' I I Enerr.:J So:~r~~s I Scthcci?:: I Heat /~ :!JO~~~' II ;:.:. I CarQne I Access. : ~~~;~ .ut':~~r'" ,., lEast "7' '3 1 1 I 121 FireDZae,' ISouth 1=<"9- I?.:>' I I i WOO"" 'o"e IWcst I /IP" j I I I 1'opogr.=pny !'I'E:-.' I S~ r__ i7'// I Q'f I I I ,'.Jain Gc:rac,'! Carner: .-teCCSSOl":J TOTA!.. VALUE S.D.C. lva...",.;) 1.5 = Building Perm":'t State Su:rci1.'Tl'{1e Total Charoge3 :TE!.: ,'.'0, ?i..:t'l.;.r;'!s .=iesu:c:r.tial :2batJ:J $cr.i t.=.!"",J Se:"'cr / 1/ 2)gH~ :.'c:te!" ~..q.ni Plur.:bir.;: Pe1":':7i t State S:.aocr..=rpe Tete? cr.crncr: ";.;.. I:,'". i II I I 1/1 I I ':?c!:. S::. ftc, I?// ~GW/E=ter4 Cir~.Jits ?e:r;JOl'CT!J Service Elc::tricaZ Pe~it St:;te Sur::i:.::.rae TotaZ Chxf'ces :T~.',~ ,';:;. I F:::E .=-urr'..:7ce PTU' 5 =-==haust Hoo.: / / 51;?-=- I I l'ent F:n ;":;oasto:Je Pe~;;t ]3SU:;:nC<J Me::n::.r:ic:: Z Pcr,o:i t State Surchcrac Tntcl Cr_'1'rfJi":': -- E,','CROACH...:E:,''j' -- .CC-..lT""~tu V:::vo:;i: torao(J :~intr.r~r~,'" '.:rmit Total. Cha1YJCS U1".?CU: 1- '2[6 I /79/ idc..J.:llk '('n~c 'l.cctricaZ Label 'obiZe Home w ."'ft.::. A.~:.jjj:.:' ;,;,;:.".. I I I I I I I Ib~~'" I 96'a~ 1- )..2. I I -SZ-sP I :;?~..ore> I /5'."..-p I I ~.:::P_ - I lo:? ,S"'""pj 5'-:381- S- //2.~I. Intcrior L Corner Panhandle Cloll-de-sac x \'alue 15' :;?;)? _e> /6.:<S _:> 1-:B'7'/.2slo FEE Ci-:'.;;-:.7E ....::."".-.-"- -:(' 7. s pi I /,")-. --I 5"2 ~S-D '2-bYl Y I~./~I C,:;';,.i:C3:. I c:, . -0 I tI. .')l:? I 9_- I I I I / 9 ,~?> I L, I ."78 I I :<0 . cr:€, I '3" Tu;'lC r'A F:;r?s Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in aU respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by till? City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zonin.g Crdinancc, regulc.til1g the ccnstI"'..lcticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revokec at c.r.y time upon vic- lation of any pr~vi3ior.8 of said Ordinances. /..... 'P!an Check Pec: Z II . 'Z ~ Date Pa;d: g - /7-8'7 R~e.i~t #: #' -i:56'&'-''''--' IS<gnea:/ ...-4__~_ . / Permit Plumbing No percon chaZZ construct, instalZ, a;tcr 01' change c.ny r.e~ cr e:istir.g plumbir~ or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, ur.less 8uch person is the legal possessor of a vaLid plumber's licence, except tr~t c. pc~son ~a~ do plu~bing worK to properp~ which is o~~ed, leased or operated by thc appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State Law reauires tr~t the electricaZ worK be don~ b~ c.r. Ele~tricaL Contractor, the eZec:rical portior. of thi3 pc~~t sr~ll r.o:'bc v~lii untiL the i..a.bel has b~en zignec. by the ElectricaZ [;om:.rc.c::or. Mechanical Permit /'2~____~~ .rr~~ner ( ",.;- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINEV the compLeted appZication for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL i~fO~4tion hereon is true and ccrr~c:, ar~ I f~rther cer~ifY that any ar~ all work performed shalZ be do~e i~ ac~or- dance ~th the Ordin~nccs of the City of Springfield, and tn= L~~s of tr.e . State of Oreg~n p=rtaining to the work cescribcd herein, cr.d tr~t NO OCCU- P/'.!JCY will be rrrl.:1e of an.y structul'C without p:!rmis3ion of the 5uiZdir:g Vi. I~ 21:> I)).. vision. I further certif~' that o:1ly contra=tors a;:d c:npZ"yecs who arc ir. ::??:'.&SI13 coo:plianee with CRS 701.D5S wHl be used on this project I I I 157fO.79 g-/::: O? uatc j' Y-/3-P7 ~~