HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-6-28 .. RESID~T1AL" APPLICAT lfJI/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97177 Building D'iviDion 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD Job Location: \~'")d\ 19-L.SCVU'\(~ ASDeaaOl"$ Map H Subdi vi sian: Ta;r. Lot /I .. ..~ 8cceo{"t ,~ \ 4d 'u <r', ~~ QJne", ~\ ~ 1\ u, ~ '?'J ~ 0 [\ ) Addms: ?Jnr\ \- \,\\Q JOl ~\11[J P}'O";;l\h~_~\1 \ lo City: y. ~ '"'('~ A\ Q J ((JXL;' Zip: C\ f\4() \ Date of Ilpp'li(:tlticn Contractors General (\ [Plumbing 0:.-\.~.s.)~\ :v.\t1\\\'\ I ! I H~chanical II Electrical I Supet"v~sing ElectrJcLln rvr n n n Np1.l clt1Ul1 \ 0 .~<() .RQ Addi tic" Rcmot!al. ".Iabile llor.1<J VaZue Y\ 1(\0 ",,~~fhm ~~._, Date: .1\)\./'iD~n .'C:)~ AddreSR Lis". II llld rs Board Re,-~. PhOTlP \C)N\ \ \\~, L.\ \l-\ rt \ g){pir(~s LI; !'U7/l.W I It is the l"cfJponoibi'Uty of the permit holder to see that all 'invpcctions Ql'e made at tile propel' timE:~ that ~c:ch ::.dtboOS8 is readabZe fl"O/'lJ the streot, and t.hat the pel'mit card is located at the /Jl(mt of the propopty. ~Bui!ding tr:vi:::io~: ap;:n'o!,..'ed plan Bhc.:.Zl remain on t;ha BuiZding Sit;] at alZ timeB, pnocsvu.r?F. FOR INSPECTIOn R~OUES1':CALL 726-3769 (rccord.!1') Btate your City designated job nun:ber', job address, typo of in3pcc:icll raquc9tcd a~d LJ,J~en you wiZl be I'eady for' inspection, Contr'actor'fJ 01' OlJnerD nl'.mc and phone number'. Requests r'eeeir.:ed b6fel'e 7 :00 ar.t r..>iZl be made the Dame dc.y, requests made after 7:00 a-n !JiZZ b~ rrode the next :.JOl'kin.] da~ "'-I 0 " 0- YOIlr' City DCaiO'U.ltcd Job Nlfmbcl' Io: r)'-'\l ^ <::i\ U ,RP.~I1:t',.,1 T"':n(',~f,-i.~n.': o o SIT!:." INSPEC']' ION: '1'0 be TOOde after' excavation, but pl'iot' to set up oi forme. UNDEnS[.AB PLUMBING, E[.E'C'!'RIC.1l. & MECHANU,:AL: To be made befo'1'i) any wor'k iD covered. . D FOOTING & FOUNDA T TON: To be made after tl'ellchcs m'o excavated and forms are erected, but priol' to pouFing ccncret~. ~UNDSRGROUND PLUMt!INC.. l.::J DHAINAGF.: 7'0 be made lir.g trenches. SSIIF:R, r/,1TE.~ pr-iol' to fi l- 10 UNDERFUJOR rLUNBINe ,~ f./EC!lANICIlL: ']'0 be made prior to inu ta lla t ion of [7.001' inDuration or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prioI' to instaZZation of fZoor inauZation or decking , Rouell PUJ!!BING. n.EC'fRIC/I!. ,I; MF.ClI- ANICIl~: No :.-'ork ia to bc copel'cd '. ur.ti Z. thena i flspectiOt:s have beer. made mul apPl'Ove..:. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir~ facing materials and beforc fr~ing inspec- tior.. D FRA}.!ING: Mu3t be requested after appr'ovaL of l'ough plwr.bing, t:lcctri- cal & mech:miaal. All. roofing bracing & chimneys, et~. nr~8t be ;' completed. No l.XJrk is to be con- ," cec.led unt'il this inspection has '~b~cn made and approved. o D D o INSULA'I'IVN!VIlPOR /l.4!UUf.'R INSPECTWN: 7'0 be roode aft;er' all insu lati:m ar-.d required vapoI' L'CU'I'icr's al'e in place Imt hefo?(! any l.at11, gypmml bOat'd ot' wlZ COfJ(J1'1:lIg is applied~ and before any inDulation iu concealed. 'DEUOLI'fIVN OR MOVED BUILDINGS :=J Sani tar'y se'-,c:r ~apped :It p~opc.rty lir.c ~ Septi::: tank pumped and filZe~ LJith gra"Jcl --, Final - When above items are completed ~ and when demolition is complete or 8tru~- ture moved and prcmi3es ~leaned up. Mobile IJcmes ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections sewer and wa:er --, Electrical Connection - Blocking, oct-up --.J alld pl!unbing connections rrr~st te apPl.ot:cd before l'cquesting,electrical inspection :=J Acaes~ory Building I Pinal - /If tar p:>l"cr.es, ---l etc. are completed. skirting, decks, o DRyr'AU, .TNSPDC'l'TON: Tc be made altep all drywall -ill in place, but prior to cny taping. ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beanl3, gl'Outill(J or' ve'1,ticaZa bl accordmwe with U. B. C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVK: After installation is ccrnplet(;.'u, o All P"Ojcct conJit1:mw. mwh WJ the 1:n8tallation of st'1'cet troes~ co.':!plotion of t;IC required landucr:l'ir.a, etc., mllst be satisfied before tho BUIWINC FINAL can be r2~ueDtcd. o FINAL PLUMBI!/G D FINAL MoCIIAIIICAL o FINAL oU'CTNICAL CJ D o o CURB & AJ'f'RCACll AP.'?ON: Aftc;> forms ar'e :!rected but pr.ior to pouring .:!on~l'e te. SIDF.IIAf,K .r, DRIl'Er./..1.Y: Par all con- cJ'{~te pav'ir/g w'itllin stl"ect l'ight- of-t.x:y, t'o be made alter all exca- vating c~npletc & for~ work & ~ub- ba~e material in place. o 'PINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Building Inspection nruot be requeoted after the Final Plumbing Electr.ical, and Mechar:ical Inspectiona have been made and approved. .\0 D D !'ENeE: "'her. complete -- Pl'ovide gate6 or movable sections through P.U,o. ,,,,: ,'1,1..'':,';'-'1,,1.,':: ..1N:" r:,rF..ll-/fl!J',I':' :,'II.':'!' n,l,.' ,l('~',":::::!n!J:. i1f.l.TI/::T,',!."':l'/' 'to !jf': r:.-Hl,": .I'.'!' '.'0 r:1!:,/, TO r!,./',! Il":~:\' or o SOLAR ACCESS OacurxmCI/ Grou. WT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle cut-dc-aGe I JOB NO. Ilona: Lot Sq. Ft{;. s ~f lot COUBl'ag:; .f of Storias Total Height Topogl'aphy I I ITEM SQ. FTC I Main 'I GaPaoR Carport ACCe8G01'l( Is.a.c. TOTAL VAWE (,X::l..UC) 1.5 '" Building Permi t State SU1'charge Total Cha.rogea x Value IITr:M I Fixtu:ras I Residential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer NO. Watp1' - \ D'i\ lXH Ulftx rill.Y\ \~_,OU_ ,",,\' p~Wllbing Parn:it~ - \S.oU Stat. Surcr.arg. . 1 I.':::::> I In.r )5J . CHARGE .. Total Chnrqea lITEM I Refl. So. rta. I N;;w/Extend Cil'cuitlJ jTemporary Service I NO. eZeatl'icaZ Permit I State SUl'c1uzrqe Total Charq06 IITSM NO. F'urna.CP. !!TV' 5 Exhauo t Hood I Vant Fan I wood; ;~ve Permit I3suanca " Mechanica'Z. Permi t Stato Surcharmz Tota l Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SOC"""ritll I Storago DtJP03it Maint611anCe permi t Total. ChaMCS I Curbcut I Sid_Zk I,r;>mtaa I Electrical labsl I Mobile Home J ':'/!'~,1[. AMOUNT DUE;" FEE CIIAHGE fliE' FSE CIIARCE REQ.- L-COC' I I \ 1 1 I 1 Type/Cor:st: . Bedl'o(,ms: I {.ot Faces - I I P.L. INOl"th East ISou th [Irent TIme SctlXlckn /lousP. r.at'a(J/1 lilaC-OM, I f:naJ'f/.I/ Soal"(~er, Heat Ir'atm' .rInatm' Range FirepLace Woodotol,;e fees Building Value & Permit Thia pennit ia gronted 011 the expreas condition that the oa"id construction shaU~ in all raspccts, conform to the Ordinanca adopted by the City of Springfield,; inctudina the Zoning ardinance, l'C{JU'Latil1g the CCIUJ tructicn and u:.;e of buildilU]6, and may be. nuapmuled or revoked at c.r:y time upon 1)ic~' Latia" of an.!! provi:Jior.a of oaid Ol'di,.:anCC3. . I. IPLan Check Fee: IDate Paid: IRacdpt 1/: ISig"cd: Plumbing Permit No percol1 ahaU construct, inataU, alter or chango any nelJ cr e:::iDting plumbing or drainage GYGte~ in whole or in part, unless s~ch person ia tho legal pOGscor.or of a valid plumbar'~ ZioanGe~ exoept tr~t a per~on may do plumbing IJOrk to property which is owned~ lea~ed or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t I I I I I WherG State IAlJ require3 tl:at the electrical wOl'k be done by an Electrical ContJ'a.ctoJ'~ the elect~ica.l portion of tlli:; pel'mit :;ltatl r.ot be valid until the label haD been signed by the I::lectrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit P tall t;xcmuler uat.:e I llAVE CAREFULLY SXAUINED the completed app'Lication for pet'rnit~ and do hereby certify that aU information 1toreon is tl'Wi and corrcct~ and I further cel'ti[u that allY a1".d aLl work performed shall. bs doilll in accor- dance :uith the Ordinancea of thG City of Sprin(Jfic1.d~ and tho: Ur"J8 of tho " State of Oreg,m p$rtaining to the work de~cribcd hcrein~ end tltat NO OCCU- PANCY will be rrrz.:1e of any atructura without permisaion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:1ly contractors aJui l?:TIpl"yess who are in co.-npliance witlt OR5 701. 055 wiLl be used on this project . ~~g~, ?'- .;rF...?}? futa