HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-6-4 '225 FIFTH STREET "" t,'" ~1-"; "...." ,'" . 'SPRlNGFIELq, OREGQNJ7477 ".,.j, ,~ i, ~i.; " ; """ , . .,..... INSPECTION REQUE~T: 726,~769'7' : ) i ~h ' !'CilyJob NumJier 02 -00 '310RQf!H;01. nn09371 ",' OFFICE: 726-3759'"d' '.:} :'::-"":;):1 " .' . .J)fm:~JUH042002 ''.,::,~'" '[-' ';"',: !.;' '.::' \ i. .::: .:.,-.. ! i l~\:"'~ } ,',C,OMPLETE FEESCtlEDULE BEL0wA-MT- RECD.2S 57.50 '-2..;, j ',I. LOCATIQN,9F INST,'\LI,ATION :'i ,",."J, ".,i':,;' "f '. :;'" :. .,'. ~ . :.": ,CHANGE: .,,,. t::.)q qc; '-r-:;Ir. ;::;-',t (;,[;(,0";:: JMle==-----' A. "New Rc';identi;II'Single or''': .'- -"""......:.- --.... ~.GAstiitR: 001 . The. fOllowing project as submilled has OOlY.lhlwa~i1y per dwelling unit. LEGAL DESCRIPTION zoo<ng, and does not require spacifiCSm~n~luded: I?<::D 70 30 0 t"ff'f!!l'b( j~A. ' Items Cost Zoning ( H'-'" J~DESC!ll'TION Date ~- 4-0z, 1000 sq. ft. or less ~ pm."J.-tA. '.h, ..oj 3igrmture ~J Each additional 500 I. ~lj, il Vl pan:.:.... Permits are rion-transferable and expire thereof if work is not'started within 180 days Each Manufd Home or Ii;; ( of issuance ~r:ifwork is suspended 'for Modular Dwelling /." ,>':, '. ':"" 180 days.,:!~;::; ,~ Service or Feeder /.,;:,~,:;/;~+, $ 50.00 :~'~.. 2. coN1'RAeTORrNSTALLATIONONLY B. Services or Feeders k:' ...' i'" " ,'7 , '.e"~ . J:~';,~ Installation, AIteratiOri,~~'ot::, ~~I:', ~ ,~o" (' \ ;:\ - { , ~~'~f~~' Electricarfub'~t~cto~~'~i;FnT+,qt~~~n~ectric Inc Relocation:. I<:':--~'i"~ -~' '~~;i~:, ~.'~.. .'~~:;~~;~,:,: ~S:'l~r~: ''''''',..' ,"J.';; ,time''!!.',."" . -' '-d"'~" (." " ""'I~" :; ,,' .\', . \. ,.1"" ;,f,'~\;~\: -....... _':.:.::''':~r'~j''':\:;JoseruI3~:;trr~.::::"."":;,,,, .I- '~,-t,:' - - -t,::','" """'~f\"'~'~;' ~ , ~dgies~l;??" ..RIR"':1j~lh Dri,v"'''^'~ ~:, ">',: ,,'~ 200 amps orless~ " ': '.. 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'. ,~iC: .'. i. ',: SigIi(o.utiine;Lig~tiiig;"; i =$~O.OO . :.- '~::Own~rs'Signatu~e: ,. .,.,,',":' ... "I<:.;;":~' , Limite~.gnergy/R'es:. ; ; $25;00 '---,-- ' . ',' .:, "<~:' .::,; : ," ,'" "'L,irn'~tedEnergyiComm: $45.00'~' ,.j' ,,,' ..... .....' "~},"..Y .,.. '\.'~. '~'<, -' '.~ \ '" '. ' ,:~.;..., .' '\$:~i:i:;;~Ezr:;t::::rction Fee is S45'OO,~~~~d::es , '.. . .' ,: . , 7% State,Surch,;rge, ".' 'l,"C:;O . " .. '., ~ S'\ 'iftJ 8% Adm!nisirative:Fee, LJ ,il D ,,~~.; ':~'0~' TOTAL 51-SD "}~:;:-.~';~' ~:..~t.S~"': ~, '- ;" ;",- . i-f' ~' .~--' \.\,"1.,: j."':-"~'~:~ r:~'.~.! 110-' ".,(" '..:~i,'/ 2.';,~.~''': l~";: ,;,,' .... ; ~.~~ {.~ ~':::::;~~:~ .' "',~, .'1' ELE.CAL.PElUvlIT APPLICATION Sum. ';l;.., .,' '..; $106.00 . , .. .:;. .' ~ ~. ..;: . ~ $ 19,00 "'';'';'., :. :-,1.".,' ,~'. , . ,'.~ . ~ ~. '':'''..1- .. .... . ":,::"d~.Q;C\~ '..~\cL.'"