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Permit Electrical 2002-11-1
....;:. , . "., " . ~,. ~~ tb\S '~f",0 ",tb o..\S 225 FIFfH STREET _ O\0C~O' ,0 SPRINGFIELD, OREGO~~.f~0," INSPECTION REQUEST: ~r' OFFICE: 726-3759 <.,~0, i' .' ~,,~ : - .~ ,." ," oJ"", 1...0". , :.~L L,QN\f}Pl'<~tI :'ATIO, '?'~~~'<) --I::M'/T) ~..v' - A. J' ", ...J LEt~t~ICOa1.h Sum , ELWCAL PErovm APPLICATION CityJoh Number~ COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW 'New Residential-Single or' Multi-Family per dwelling unit. Service Included: Items Cost ....L$106,00 J!h~ 1000 sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manui'd Home or Modular Dwelling Sen'ice or Feeder L $ 1900 P/6PO -. ' ~" , Permits are n9n nsferab1e and expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. " $ 50.00 2. CONTRACTOR INST ALLA TION ONLY -\1 B. Services or Feeders ,.; Installation, Alterations or Electrical'Contractor, f1IRT<;'l'lm<;nN FT FCTRIC, INC. Relocation: . ?'<~'- ';0':":(''\.\0 .' AddressyiqA' R~RTiTt<' /~, ", 200 amps or les.,s~'\.\\.\::. ,)..;01'1,.\-'-; $'6~.00 ~ : .~_.. ." /? . .J..j......, 20Iatllps.to~OO'ampst~...h"l",,\0"" $7;,,00- ,',. City FIlr.FNF:C . Phone-<.5fu:5. h'AA-i;121 " ~'''O~O 1)';';iip~,to'~'OO~aitlp~ ~;,,:. ,;i::,':.v . $125.00 ~ I . . \:\ \ . ~ . '- . \ . ~~ R \.,.'1 ..' ." ". ,-~~~ '60l"[Ullp'S.to'1000'ampsN ",I^.;"" $163.00 , ,- ~ \;f;....."'" .,.,- ~"\'. ~'\,J - . - Supervisor License Number "'71 q<;, . f ;'\n~.,~.'N\--Over\1000fampSlvolts ....-., Q' -,f. $375.00' . ....L.L...J.::. "0\ v'\- ~ "J" ("o"h,... ~ \ - - , ' .' ~ '. .~ ~~_ .~,c~~.)~.t~~mnec..t...9nl~'1\'" ,-.. " '. \ u:,nt\ $ 50.00_ Expiration Date 10/01 /()3 . ,J~{,~., ;!,jl!: ,~::;.w" 'X ";'. ,.,.\. C . _ ., -""" .~. <'C.\: .~1(..\S.......-.1...'./F- >.. " \ , . ". , ~ . 'riTenipora .;'" ervlces;or. eeders >, I' , .... 'Constr Contr: Nlimber . 71:.'- ~b.r . _. '$J'tI. jnstfii1!i'tio'ii;~i1e'i-hii~n .0i'(R~io~,;tion . - .:... _....:_:. ',' . ~ ~ _ ' '. 'C(l:"v.-.\Q~\.' .' ".' ..",...,. .' : .... . Expiration Date 10101/(1' -. . -'.. " :','" :o~{)'(,e~tio:G~~/o;les~ . . _ . '-.,-'-<_~.' ':,:' 201 ampsto'400a~p5'. ,,_~ign,itureof.Supervising Electrician < <....Over401 to'600'alllps' " , '. ,: ", Over600ampsor1000vo1tssee.. ,:. ...\ . :: .'~' -...... "Bn nbo,ve , " ., c.. ~ .\ 'i'JO~~ , .: ~!:!.ILIPS D..,ij.I;anch Circuits \~;~f 1"'~ 01 Owners NamSJ. '" 1. -'1'~ 6 ^ ;'~~01\\i~' Ni\'t\'S\-\~~~{sn~\t~ ~nel , , .'nr\ ~/ OC":2 1\-11S p~\\ II~O~~ 1~ O~~\) fl)~ AddressV\jl . UJ' ~ to.U1\-10P.1~ CtiW\S ,.,a"'~'O _ $43.00 "~ . ., l-/Il-/I~~C~'O aIQ\), , Cit. , , _ . Phone~\.qO\ C~'{ ~ a~jJi!1I1onaI Circuit or with Service , ., to. or Feeder Penmt $ 3.00 OWNER IN TALLATION The installation is being 'made on ' prqperly I own wliich is not intended . for'snle; lease or-rent. ". " , , .i.' _ $50.00 ~ $69.00 $100.00. . -, ' " . ~ .~ Owners'Signature: E. Miscellaneous (Sen'ice/fceder not included) -Each installation Pump 'or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res' Limited Energy/Colll1ll $50.00 $50.00 $25.00 $45.00 i\"linimum Elcctdc Permit- Inspection Fcc is S45.nO + Surcharges ~~ ".~ \\nS.lo..O 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 70/0 State Surcharge 8% Administrative Fcc, TOTAL