HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1993-1-26 .., r . . M E M 0 RAN DUM $=1 CoXdalL CITY OF SPRINGFIELQ DATE: January 26. 1993 TO: Lisa Hopper. Building Services Representative FROM: Troy McAllister. Engineering Technician IV SUBJECT: CREDIT OF $23.185,45 FOR AN IN-LIEU OF ASSESSMENT FOR BUILDING PERMIT NO, 93-1852 For your records. the City Engineer has agreed to allow Sycan Corporation to apply their $33.500 assessment credits to the In-Lieu of assessment requirements needed for building permit project No, 93-1852, These credits are mentioned in the attached September 13. 1993 letter from the City Manager to Richard Boyles of the Sycan B Corporation, The ba 1 ance of credits after reduci ng the $23,185.45 In-Lieu of assessment charge is $10,314,55 ($33.500 - $23.185,45), Thank you for your continued hard working efforts for the City of Springfield, Attachments: Letters C:, Dan Brown. Pub 1 i c Works Di rector Al Peroutka. City Engineer File: AGR 4-20 (SYCAN B) r . "'''I/a~ reY/I1l. /'IG. 73-18SZ . S y~an ",' SYCQn B (5031 746-8444 . FAX (5031 746-2590 3405 Baldy View Lane . Springfield, OR 97477 January 24, 1994 'JAN 25 m3 Mr. Troy McAllister Public Works Department Cl..~'~ nf ~r-~-~.~~-'~ -.I - _Or_ ......':;lI.a...r..__...._ 225 Fifth street springfield, OR 97477 Dear Troy: Attached you will find a copy of a letter from Mike Kelly to Sycan showing that Sycan has a total of $33,500 in credits that may be used "against future projects for which Sycan has assessment obligations". Sycan will apply a portion of these credits against the $23,185.45 sanitary sewer assessment on our Cloverda1e Apartments Phase II project on Oakda1e. I would like, to pick up our building' permits as soon as possible. If you could inform Lisa Hopper that the $23,185.45 will not be due I would appreciate it. If you have any questions or need more information please feel free to give me a call at 746- 8444. Regards, - ~.-::? C72 '~~dJ:!~~ ' ~4}~hV '~?9t, Directcr Real Estate Development jth Attachment " ..... r CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE BUDGET CI7Y RECOFJDER COMMUNICATIONS 225 FIFTH STFJEET SPFJINGFIELD, OR 9iJ77 (503) 726,3700 September 13, 1993 Mr, Richard Boyles Sycan B, Corporation 3405 Baldy View Lane Springfield. Or 97477 SUBJECT: Clarification on Terms of Acquisition - Tax Lot 1001 Dear Richard: This letter regards our recent discussions surrounding the terms and provisions of our agreement for acquisition of the Sports Center property, Tax Lot 1001, There are several issues in the agreement which I believe need clarification and I would like to formalize our understanding through this letter and obtain your concurrence, The first issue is on the signal improvement obligation for Beltline and Hutton Road (paragraph 2b), This was listed in the agreement as one of the obligations which would be removed from Sycan and taken on as a City obligation, You pointed out that the value of this obligation would not be realized in a timely manner if. as is possible. the signal is not warranted at the time the commercial zoned land north and south of Beltline is completely developed. and its eventual necessity thus becomes questionable, You suggested that over the next five (5) years, the City should seek and record improvement agreements upon properties which would be benefitted by the installation of the signal improvement, in accordance with the City's standard assessment practices for such improvements, Then, any assessment rights which the City acquires through improvement agreements shall result in credits for Sycan on a dollar for dollar basis, up to $105,000. which could be used as credits against other assessment obligations of Sycan, If, at the end of the five year period. the signal is still not warranted and programmed for installation. then the entire $105.000 credit shall be available to Sycan as assessment credits for other obligations, I believe this reflects the intent of this part of the agreement, which was that Sycan would obtain credits of real value against projects which are an obligation of Sycan and which will actually be built and benefit Sycan properties, ,The second issue surrounds Sycan's satisfaction of the assessment obligation for the Sports Road improvement (paragraph 2d), The credit for satisfaction of the assessment was originally estimated based on tile City's standard assessment formula for street assessments, With the success in obtaining County funding for the project, our assessment policy is changed to the same formula used by Lane County, and therefore the assessment obligation of all property owners benefitted by the project is changed to a much lower figure, We have estimated that, based on the bids received for this project, Sycan's obligation for assessments would be reduced to about $45,000 for the street project, and $31,500 for the drainage improvements to Maple Island slough, , . - - ' r . . This leaves a total of $33,500 in credits in assessments which will not be realized with this project, As we have discussed and agreed, these credits wi 11 now be avai 1 ab 1 e for use agai nst future projects for whi ch Sycan has assessment obligations, As agreed, an assessment is a public improvement initiated by the City but for which adjacent or nearby property owners are required to pay some or all of the cost or it is an off site public improvement required by the City as a condition of development of a property, An assessment is not an on site or adjacent public improvement necessitated by development of a property, Our third discussion item was the interpretation of the City's obligation to build the Sports Road by the date certain of October 31. 1993 (paragraph 3), As we discussed. we have agreed that the City will meet this obligation by awarding a construction contract for the work by this date, We have agreed that the construction should then proceed in a timely fashion to be completed as weather allows but shall be at least substantially completed within a one year period. ' If these clarifications are consistent with your understanding of our agreement. please sign and return a copy of this letter in concurrence, Sincerely. ~.l~ Michael A. Kelly City Manager Concurrence , /f\~ ~~_ Richard,Boyles. Sycan B, Corporation ( f . .B NO. c;'?i~52- t CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET (COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL) NAME OR COMPANY: S YCA AI B Co/Z.P LOCATION: 8f'JQ r!JA-i< PA-L.c; 17 Ci;, '1.?.?:>-f - '2-~,o(; 18 UNI7 Apt:fI?...TME-f.f7 C!.')MPLV( DEVELOPMENT TYPE: M 0 rz.' - NEw , fB'I\O~<\: BUILDING SIZE: '2:2 ,'roo Sa..rT'. LOT SiZE SQ. Ft. :f')cP c.~et1l'( fo\Z. 'tlP-'{ ~E:.u.. ~'J.". Co~"(P'2. - -z,z-qoo -='-k>76']rl. I ' I. STORM DRAINAG~ Li ~ To7~~ ~.~ ~q IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT.' 6:':"-0.l::" X $0.203 PER SQ, FT. (,I; i~)%'''2..74 - "'- .-/ oJ uP' I (OICf4' -.. ~" ~ ~z Z) eo .~~ .: '--- .--/ 0 ~~,cfr+ ~~. ('1'17'f!3 $ 2. ~ANITARY SEWER-CITY NO. OF PFU'S , (See Reverse) 52-B , X $42,08 PER PFU 3. TRANSPORTATION ' coPe. "220 ',/.l-P,A-f2.TIYIE?f..l, -:0.../'1 /C:>'\J{3i.I...IN6. U,J,T NO OF UNITS X TRIP RATE X COST PER TRIP t.f8 X ') -I '1 X $424.31 X X $424.31 X 4. SANITARY SEWER-MWMC X $424.31 s ,,~ NO. OF PFU'S 5z.€< x $15.125 PER PFU + $10 MWMC ADM FEE S 7qqb-- (Use PFU Total From Item 2 Above) \~ MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) S 218 5-1 .~~wt TOTAL-MWMC SD~ ~~ '--~, 110 SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3 & 4) $ 5~~m'5o- 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 0~ -z..o.fn ~.1- __ _,~.-o C' 10'7 TOTAL SDC $ ~;> -;>0,""20- BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) X .05 ~ ~Lr..k.. f2./17/93 - U Kip Burdick 'I SDC Coordinator ~ ,}/7/'1{ft'B {t (.,7 %T'AI- =- '50) CoCo'2.. - \\~ ~~~ ' fIl' · ~e y'!!i!I!!!!!!~;!!! . Job No. Q,lR<;? SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET NAME: SV~;Jn R ~nrn PHONE: 7..A..fi- R 4 4 4 ADDRESS: ,40<; R"llc1v Vip., T.i'lnp. Snflc1 STATE:~ ZIP 97477 LOCATION OF PROPOSED BUILDING SITE: Street Address if Known: ARQ ();:\'k-n;:\lp Platt Name: Tax Lot Number: 170,?? ,4 OJ 1i0 0 1. DEVELOPMENT TYPE (Check appropriate dwelling(sl. SDC Calculations and dwelling type definitions are on the back.) A. Single Familv - Detached Single Family home Manufactured home not in a park . I NO OF UNITS X $400 PER UNIT = $ B, Single Familv - Attached NO OF UNITS X $370 PER UNIT = $ C. Multi-Familv Aoartment NO OF UNITS 48 X $277 PER UNIT = $ 13.296 D. Manufactured Home Park NO OF UNITS X $280 PER UNIT = $ WPRD SDC $ 13.296 2. SDC CREDIT Of applicable) SDC-payer must furnish proof of WPRD Credit approval. See SDC Credit Worksheet. $ -0- 3. TOTAL WPRD NET SDC ASSESSED (If SDC reduced for Credit) $ 13.296 Lisa Hooper Community Services Division City of Spri ngfield q I I 0 /~ Date