HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-9-18 C"':;-': t,"" '1';::: EI::E_ICAL',PER.MITAPPLlCATJON"';', . ,~,jtl,t",d\ j"" '''0''''1'' "~'~I.L 'n' "e':';", '1m;, :h r 1 . J1~rh ti,;nher.: 'd\:o.~(:~;)" ~,/ )':~, \ '\;:I'f'3';",C, 9~kEJE FEE S.S:I}f,]))JLE BE~~Y{ .' ,,;,~,.~, .i' .: ~ ~~, ,~~ t;~',;;\i t ;,.":i.)r L t.,,~ ~.\:l~~.~;~ " '~.~~~' - ',.,J.';,--/ ::',~, ','..'~ A-:--Ne,,"Residentiill'Single'or" . ;;';'~-',,' ":( Multi-Family per dwelling unit. f. .'~ LEGA~~~~\TI~t)~~::"o"",gptn Service Included: Items Cost iG~~~ n) ~~OvqJ~Fjl.Jdoe'1eC!as i'Q":'\!'J ".'...~..\f . S "01 Sub,... t:J,., '~l: ~_I,:t~".'~-..< " fa 'f/ltte .", I r"!~$7'5 Jlill! DESCRIPTION qUite s O'~R sq. ft. or less $106.00 :':,':i,~ r""~~t -W~~ ~ll.)l6>((": I D peci&qlt,{},~.. a[500 'n.'.:i'1 \'>"""'. ,-'lu1'Ot rc sq ft O~lIrtl n ~ ,." ;.;, ~,i:}.~~J p' e t 'bl "d '?ftd..o, fl p (i;.:t;~ r",~,,: ernuts are !)on- ranSlera e an e"llHwgna/ reo ,. $ 19.00 ~: ~,~,2~' if work is not Istarted within 180 days Ute ach flt, '..' , ~~~ ~~~s~:~~ce:!~~fwork is suspended 'for 6~1 t~:-;\\. $ 50.00 ';L~:'~ ~~ -~'~u- l~~:;~..~ ,A,- ~" '., :"-;!:.::r.!:l.'" ~ h, .~ .,', ~ p~{c 2. CONTRAcToR INSTALLATION 0 B. Services or Feeders /"'.. ;~~ "'\,\ ~"~,'f\ f~~,~~.~. . .r:i:>7\ /;~\ .Installation,Altera~~~ris.o~ ::i~;~,/> . i\~ f~,:) ?>j"j<' E[ ctn'cal'Con'tractor'"i, Relocation'. i "'. ",~."~",.".:.j~',, :. ",: ,~~;,";,::,~" ( '. ,H J -1:' \.. ( ~' 1 '.of :.,,>. ^ '" ,r':r; :":.'t..,.~., ", ;"';.' ,', ...,' -,', ~~~t'I\I.} frf~~':'~~ 'I~~.t{\ ~,..... ft1-, .:"~f '(\4:t.~>."." IX:'I,~~. :;o!"l'~~ r,"'~J f:."; ::J I '/" ; " 200 amps or less -'. '. ,:' ~ $.6,3,00 .::___:! \t>~.. /:. ~ 201 amps to 400 amps . " $75,00 ',. i t'", r: I, City .' , : . .', ';,401 amps t,?600 alllp~ '.,,:"1:.....- $ [25.00 "1 ~;:'~"i:i /. .',6QI amps 101000 aIlIPS,,:' ~ $163.00---:i r:~'.1 /' '0\'er.~090 amps/valIS ' .,' ---.-:... $375.00~! r'" 'i Reconnect Only $ ,50.00.....:....:....; ~,':.: "', ,. . 'c' 'T' . , 'S' . ' "F~""tl).,\ ' I ,f:,/': .', . .",: ,cmJlor~ry crvlc.ca~."jgr> ~~el~~rx.~"'< :;~ " ':i I',' "'. " ,-Installation; Altei',rtiolll'Or Rclobtioll ~ , '_', <' _ ~:\. \' ..;....:~'3':;-. ,:"'T:o'.:J", ~J\)" " ,_ i , . '-" " ,,1., .. '"' ,,\ > .J:; >.;j'. 1 c:r-. (!;I:.) . ..:'--Expiratia ," ,,". ',2g0';lDlp~orJ~s"~(:"'''.\~,<:;.'~ ---1-. $50.00~, 1,;<::" ,;,'C.,f\'" -~ " ":,;::;A'1Rt.<).mi3a,1~1~o-'d..w~0\, <;'P...';'" ~ $69.00 ~ !;'':.:,.'~.r.~~',' .,'.,.,S!gil' ,uteo(~upcrvising Electn an ~~;,<&;~~0>!)t6~~9.S(am'p$~\0c1.:Ql:~:: ---'.. $100.00 ~ .'-"" ,~\ \~o\'I~~e c.0<:?vsr)ro.~1!npS ar,gOO~vo1ts see ", '; k"::::l"',;, -. ?;-,.... "0\\0. zj,.\o~'I:'Vm" e,llPo/e ~0\00\"~~'-: .' . , f''''' : "'~" :. " ,r-, o\\\\c <A'?J~ {:<'3-"l ~"J0~' O~ ~'l:7/ ')" ,') ~i,:;~~"~~, .~ ~Xtif.'~N~~~,~\\\~~t\)11:t ~ ~\~~~~'.:~~~~~~f~~'V~~~xtension per'prihe'j' '0' .' ,.1 (:;~: ' '2::ld: "'~c-L c'l> 1"'00~'d#f'~' \ r:'J r'~ . ,;....Address o~f::.J, ',I\JI"!,<:,,\\~ ~<S One,prcuit r 'I V:. . $43.00 ..' ~~~.~~:: '~ ~~~-i~.'> ~~,~.?~.;;';'''~~~'h.;'~~.~,',','~~'I' .~ Ef~t;'X~ditia~al ~;;~Uit or wit~~~ivi~e' ,; ::,::\ -' ,! ,..; _'l.'~": '" '. ~ _ '~. - ~'-:". _-'-~_'.":~Y'~'_. .;':,..' '-.~". ).l.:::~t (~.rC'~-....~. r.. .~,~...!~.;, or.FeederPeTImt.-..~'.;,: ''',~~'''$3.00 . _'1'1_ -.."....", ~ _.: ,. \ ...'~.. - . J.';~:,'" . OWNER I STALLATION}'" , ~;li'-!';... .,> ,LV;'; ,t -:": . .', ~ . .., '. ,'~ ~. .~ .. -." ',.,' . .' .. '\' .<'. '! r ' . The installation is being made on : E. 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