HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-12-4 'H~' ~ .. -~,,'-"- ....-.-- -..--...- ___~... ..0..-:..._........_.___ .~_ .' _ -- RESIDENTIA. COMBINATION/APPLICAT , PERMIT ~. .eElPI' # 13,.-;ry / b. a.m.,. Vern L. Eqqe AddNa. 90263 Eqqe Road Euoene. OR -, 485-1515 484-9076 Building pennit 4% Systems Dev Charge Plumbing permit 4% Electrical pennit 4% Mechanical permit 4% Curbcut 26' Sidewalk 35' El ectri ca 1 1 abe 1 Plan Ck Fee Due $ 245.00 9.80 1,184.66 90.00 3.60 60,00 2.40 37.00 1.48 15.12 7.00 ,20 14.70 $1,670.96 erry Of SPRIlJGFIELD 2~S t:O.rrI'H STH ~.~EET SP.U:IGFIE!.D, OREC<J,v 97477 3uiZdi~4 DiviBio~ 726-;;753 Job 'acarion: 658 & 660 Oakdale Avenue Subdiviaion, Granada Phase 1 I Lot 69 .~..a..o'" 11ap' 17-03-22-31 T= Lot , 10900 City Zip 97401 o..cM.b. ",O>'k r7l Nil'''' n Addi ticn n ,qemod. . Duplez wiatt garages Zero lot line Value: $78,977.25 (1..1 ~) Authori.x~ Cit'j Agent E:r:fri.rs8 Phone 1# Contractors Yam. Acldrss8 Usod G~n'al. Fnnp~ ~~nrl ~ r,r~vP1 P.umbing !ZectricaZ f.ll1chm:i.ccl. Ccn.s~tion !.onder REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsi~ilSty of the permit holder to see th3t akl ~pections are made at the proper readable frem the street, and ':M': the permit card. is located at the front of the property. . Al~ manholes and eleanouts are to be adjustsd at no cost to the City O SITE IUSPtCTICN: To be made after GJ F!REPLACE: Prior to excavation, but prior to set u~ of materials anc! before forr"..s. don. time, that each address is plaeing faeing 0 fr"",ing insp.,.,- WOODSTOvtS: After installation ~ .ts complet'ed. o UNDERSLi\B PLUMBING \. tuCT!tICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is eovered. CJ F'RAHING: Must be requested artm- rI approval of rough plumbing. elecn-i-flLj c:al & mechanical. All roofing. braeing & chImneys, etc. must be completed. No work is to be con- GJ cealed until this inspection has bun made and approved.. CURS & APPROACH APP.ON: After f10rms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. GJ FOOTING & FQC!lDATlON: To be made after trenches are e::eavated and forms art: erect~d, but prier to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBIlIG. SEllER, WATER. DRAWAGE: To be made prior 'to fil- ling trenches. GJ INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, To be made after all insula'tion and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied. and beforeo any insulation is concealed. SIDEWALl< & DRIvt'rlAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- pf-way, te be cac!e atter all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base materl~ in place. CJ [J UUOERrtOOR PLUMBING ~ MECHANICAL: To be made prior to install~tion of floor insulation or decking. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code, to be indicatee in ;:14:-.5 or by no- tice from Building Inspector. GI POST & BrAM: To be reade prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. GJ DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be T!l.'1de after all drywall is in place, bu't prior to any taping. . GJ ROUGH PLUMB!NG, ELECTP.ICAL & HECH- ANCI~L: Ko work is to be covered ~these inspectior~ have been lI'l8de and approved. o MASONRY: Steel loc.uion. bond be3mS, grouting er verticals in accordance with U.B.C. 5oc'tion 2~15. GJ FINAL PLUMB mG All project conditiocs, such as- the installation of stree't trees. complc'tion of the required landscaping. e'tc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. GI G] FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspec'tion must be requested a:ter the Final Plumbing Electrical, sod Mechanical Inspections have ~een made and approved. FtNAL EL~CT~ICAL No occupancy of the premises C3n be made un'til the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved. and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS B~~ ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVI- SION ~~D POSTED ON THE PR;HISES, ~ FINAL NECMAHICAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REOUEST: Call 726-3769 (rec~rder)state your City designated job number. job address. type oi inspection requested and when you will be ready for ins~ec- tion, Contractors or Owners name and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.o. will 'be made the s~e duy. requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day, YOUR CITY DESIGNA~ED JOB MUM9ER IS: Pago 1 or 2 810773 -~~:-..~..~~~:.~~\~:.~.~;:=:k~~..i~4Ii~~.;-:~:c.;~a~;;2:~'.;l.L~~~:1::..,~;?;~::~S:1~i;~~~-2:.:&..l~~!~:::'~:~~_-~~':'~~.::::~~~:~~~~2-~~~~~~~0t '''~ -,' . . .. .'-- , . i PJ.ge 1 i . JOB NL'}!SER A10771 REFERENCE Nt'!!BERS ZONE R 2 OCCUPANCY (,ROUP R3 TYPE!Cn~ST~UCTION V-N -..', -''';;'-'':-' , - 'i " '. L-COr. :: , I I I I I 'I i I BEDROOMS 6 Lot Squa:l" ~tg, ~7 'l:! '.1 of Lot Covered ~ if. of S;ories ---,-- Total Hoigh= Z,{ , ':opograp:"'y ~1I=~1 Lot Ty;>e Setbaoks X Intenor Lo~ Fa~es: South Corner P.!.. IH4"'~'s,e, '.rarafliACC<:lSd PCD".handla Nor'th [11 I de Othsr East I ) South i ~ West I~I J E1!€J1'flY So:.~'~es I ';!}1" I' I ec Lt1 I l"O";"'r.~e I ;;~c:ter Hea.ter 1: lee - ;v'o=;. SC:J'Ja I ,~ange t I ec ~ ':'0..";:' I Poo~ I I ,-I FEES I; BUILDIOt; VALUE/PERiIIT I.<~- C'~,,_ 1,:1']'-1"1: 2.2{lJ,5 Isq, Ftg. C-aroa.J6 516 Isq, Ftg, Car;wt ISq, Ptg. A~Cd~3a:'Y Iso, F~a. VaLus ~ 33.50~73.817,~5 .: 10.00. 5.160.(0 Thf.s pcrmi.t is grantsd on ens ezpress c:mdi:..;on that the said cons:ruotion DhaZl. in aLZ I'Ss=act3, confo~ to the 0!'di."UD':C6S adopted by ths Ci7: 0;. Sp:"::ff~:'"isld, incl:.u:iing er,a Zoning Ordinance, rS~.l.1.at~ng -:;;'.11 aon- stro.LCt::on and uss of lr.4.ildings, a::ni.'"ray .:,S a:LB~(I".ded or I'frJoksd at any time upon triolati.;n of a7l:-' previ- sions of llaid Ordinances. fee $73.50 - 58.80 $14.70 PZan C1ulok ~.e 58.80 ~ate Paid 11-2-81 R.ooipt # 57563 -I ?g!'nit CJI~BS St.::t:1t S1Jl'f!hmt(l~ TOTAL CH.(RGES IS!/stem Dtlvtllo~ent ':}1lll"3S 11.5: Va be 78.977,25 li;o, I ~; I X ~:turfls r/at6r ssrvic. S!Z"i~1 S'l'Jtl1" Ouplex No psrson ,haZt aonstrvct, inst.::tl, aL~4r or ahange any new 01' ~a1;ing plur.:bing 01" dr::inagg ays~#ff'I in whels or in part, lD'lWSS such per.on is :h6 :lIgat possessor of a vati.d pl:mrber's tiaer.ae, Uef?t that a psrson may do plumbing t.lOl'k ta pro?flr~J w.~~h is """"". Leasl1d 0" opBl'atlld by tho "",Eo.:nt, SUBTOT.(L 90,00 Stat. SuzoO}o.4J'g' "I hn TOTAL CHARGES Q"I hn I ELECTRICAL PERMIT I NO, ' FEE nn I CHARGE I ? Sa, Footaas 11111 7"- ?I:i l:in nn I !/1lLJ 01" E.":'t811Sion/Cireuit I Te::'IDO!"'ar"J C<r:8t:oue:ion In nn SUBTOTAL StlIt'l Sura-haM. TOTAL CIIARr.ES hn nn ?/In i??:4Q Whare Stat. [,a:.t requirss that: ths aZeet:-icaZ worok b. dans by an EZtlctrical C~tractor, the .~gC~caz. por- tion of this p""":t shaLL not bs valid unti. olua ~- bol has been 3i.gnBd by thB E1.ectric.:.Z Contr-"'...::cr. TJu:. Electrical Safst:y l..aJ.J does not requ~r. :: ?4':'"son to obtain a licsns. as an .,z,.ctrici.at ar.d/o1' also- mea! CO'1~'!;or to mak. an swatr-:.cal. ~n.,:,.:Zl.=1:iOPl 0J'l prapflrty which is otJnad by hims,Z.f or a ~ri.:" of his wedic:t:s family fJhi.ch is not: ir.ten:itld .-~;r salll, lease or remt. HECl1A.UC.4.L PERMIT I tIn. I I 2 ~. FEE CR.4Jlar; ~l~~a . 9TV'S E:haust Hood 4.50 ~ nn 9.00 /1? no i (i.(l(l 110,00 137.00 I 1 /lA I"lR /lA '-' Vsnt: Fan Wood Stove/H""t.,. I ? npplinnrp vpnt r-P~rmit. i~~ue ,<_00 SUBTOTAL State SW'cMr(fC TOTAL CHMmES I ,,~ //-1,-81 PLan !::cami."'IlIr Oats I I HAVE C,1REFULLY EXAMINED tlua aomp1.etlld appLioation for p.""';t. and do I heraby certify that aU information her",OJ'l is truo and correot, and I fUrtlm OB1'tify that any and aLL ""'rk p."fo,.,..d shaLt bs dons in ace"": I donee r.Jtih =hs o..dinano.s of ths City of Springfis1.d. and the LorJe of tlua " State of Orocgon p.z-taining to ths work dascribsd hsrflin, and that NO OC... ~ _ C'JPANCY LlilZ b. 1TCl.tU of any s1:r'.4.ctur. L1i.thout pe:'mi.ssi.on of tho Building I : Di'Juion. I i'.a-tksr certify that only contl"aCtors and employ.es who are _ in compZiance with ORS 701.05S witl. b. used on :hia projilCt. E,1CR~ACHNE..rr i Se"",.; ty ~epooi t IS~ra.gs I NaincnmtC8 IPe""';t I TOT:1L AP.OU!lT D!.'E I ~rb""t 26' I SidOlJa Lk 1'; , I r!]'fLCD !;:LsatricaZ LabeL ~ ~o9 fj i Plan Ck due ' 1';,12 7.00 .UJ 14,/U l= ~ / I ~ ~~ru-,~<../ r1Al'IP</ pIt/Iff I I ' B ""cI~idDi' , , d ,- ha" : h "d' .va:. ~ U1." 'Lng V1.St.On app1'O"J' p""-"J 8 "'" remr::u.n on t.. Bu1.'- 1.7tg S1.te at all : times, 'tOTAL AMOUNT DUE $1,670,96 ---'--:-- ""._--.~-' ~'.' -'_....-.".-.. .........,~.';..-:'"~ '! -:--.:--++"" ;-----':"'~':::~.~...~~, ....;~-:~....,...0; _ ";:';,,:..~..; '.:,..:z.. .,~.,.;.lj I