HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-11-28 .. RESI~T1AL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: 0S~ \J()3?_'2~\.9 '"' ~ rJ:)a/I;~ AiT Tax w;; -\()q(Y) ASn8SGOl'C Map # Subdivision: . M73'1D7 Rcce:pt ,Ii gd ~e~: fl~ 1L:i ~-H!J mJ d/d" ~ Address: II/ro ~ / Y Pr.cne: 7 d fa - GlYV/ City: (\ S-LJff!-I d, o/<? Zip: 97<,17 7 V ' ~~ ~~~ /I~~J<I v~zue<-fl 6 Sv-~ n n n n Nm,) Addi ticn Remodel .'.fobi le Homa Date of Application Describe fl'ol'k: Address c.:ontl'act01'8 Generoal Siqr.ed:.N / ~ Date: ' d,lrY.t)/rPv Lise. II Exnil'CS Phone PZumbing Electrical r Il ) MeChar.iCOZ@AA --V~fA r{IJ~o , fl"5?/)~g 4''iJ.JI Construotion L<nde~ .~" )~~ evrAld, tJk? 9){/b<{ ~ ' It is the responsibility of tho permit holder to S8e t all. inDpections are made at ths proper timG~ that each .::ddr888 is l'aadabi..B 11'OITI ths street, and that thB permi t card is located at the front of the property. ~Bui1ii~ zr;vi=ion approved pLan shell remain on the Building Sit$ at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RSpUEST:CALL 126-3169 (I'ccorde.rJ state yOUI' City designa.ted job number3 job adi:rcss3 type of inopec-;icn requestcd ar.d when you wiZZ. be ready for inspcction3 Contractors 01" OIJners name end phon.e nwnbcr. Requests received beforo 7:00 a":'l :..'ilL be made the same dcY3 requests mede after 7:00 am will be made the next :.JOrking day. R~~fi~p.n T~p~~~t~r.rR O SITE INSPECTION: To be mde after e.rcavation3 but prior to set up of fol"ms. O ~~~UBnmmI~, U8~n~L& MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be rrrlde after trenches are excavated and forms are erected3 but priol" to pounng concret;;. o UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SF:WER. w'1TER. DRAINAGE: To be made priol" to fi 7-- Ur.g trenches. o UND8RFWOR PLUMBING & M8CHANICAL: To be made priol" to inata7-1..ation of fLoor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pmr to insta7-1..ation of floor insulation or deoking, ROUGH PLUMBIllG_ ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be c01.Jered .ur.ti~ these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: l'Pior to placir.g facing materia~s and before framing inspec- tion. O FRANINc: Must be requested after approvaL of rough plwr.bing3 electri- cal & mechanical. All roofing bracing & chimneys3 etc. Tn".4st be :" completed. No work is to be CGn- ",.. ceaLed until thio inspection has ~be~n made and approved. o o o Your City Desigr.a.ted Job Number 10: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRI8R INSPECTION: To be rrrlde after all insulation w.d " required vapor barroiers azte in p 1..aoe " but before any lath3 gypsum board or wll covering is applied3 and before any in3uZatw'11 is concealed. O DRYWALL IllSPECTION: To be made after aU drywaLL is in p1..ace3 but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: S~~el location3 boiul beams3 grour;1-ng or verticaLs in accordance LJith U.B.C. Section 2415, ~WOODSTOVE: After installation is ~ ccrrrpleted. o CURB & APPROACH APRfJN: Afte"1' forms azte areated bu t prior to pouring aonarete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-liJC.Y3 to bc made after aU exca- vating complete & form work & cub~ base material in p~e. J ~,fr- bl\9a/~ o O PENCE: When complozte -- Provide gates 01' movable sections througr. P,U,8, o '><.'-1 n '3 ";;Lv I I DEUOLITION OR ;',:OVED BUILDlilGS :=J Sani:a.ry Se'..JBP :!apped at p~opert-:i Lir.e ~ Septio tank 1T~ed and fille~ LJith gra~eL :J Pinal - >>?wn above ite~s are completed ar~ when demolition is complete 01' stru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. I Mobi"Le Hemes =:=J BZocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections scwer and Wat6~ ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking3 set-up ---J and plumbing connections nr~st he appro1.Jsd before requesting electrical inspec:~o~ ~ AcaesGoP',l Building :J Final - Aft;;r porcr.es3 sk-;rting3 decks3 etc. are completed. o All project conditions3 such as the instaZlation of street tr68s3 co.'71platio'11 of the required landscapir.g3 ctc'3 must be satisfied before tr.e BUILDING FINAL can be rsquestad. o FIliAL PLUMBI/lG o FIliAL MECHANICAL o FINAL 8L8CTRICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted after the Final Plumbing ElectricaL3 and Mechar.ica"L Inspectiono have been made and approvad. .<tALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUT.S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE3 ADJUST!fEIIT TO BE f.t.1DE AT NO COST TO CITY f Page 1 of 2 ..... 1z~::B No8<1 0 ~&loc::a~"RclcEss Lot Sq, Ft:;. S of lot Caverag< .II of Stones Total Height Topography ITEM lM7in I Gerace I Carvort IAace880r~ . 5Q,FTC TOTAl VAWE 15,D,C, IVCI,UC) 1.5 x BuildirllJ Pernrit State Surcharge Total rJha.......gsa lITEM I NO, I FEE: I Fi:rtures I I 'Residential II bath) I I I Sanital"l/ SetJ6I" I 1 Water I I I I PlwnbirllJ Pernri t State Surcr.arge Total Charaes lITEM I NO, I FEE Res. So. fto. I NSUJ/Extend Circui ts I I I Temporary Service I I I I I Ele:!tI'ica l Permit State Sur~harqe Total ChaJ'oces lITEM I NO, FEE I FUrnace ETU'S I Exhaust Hood I I Vent Fcm I j wbodstove II I 1 I I Permi t Issuanca Me::hanic:::l Permit State Sw"charae 7htn 1. Chtzr"R8 - ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~drit~ D3POsit I Storage I Mainten.ant!8 I Perrrrit Total Cho.l'II.1CS I CUrbcut I Sidewa lk IFe~e I EZectpica 1. labs 1.. 1 Mobi lo Home I I , I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' WT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle CUt-de-saa x Value CHARCE I I I I I I I I, I CHARGE I I I I 1 I I I I I I I , I CHARGE I I I I I I /, " r:nJ1 I I I I btJl I/'\:"h.1l, I I I I I ' IS':{,O .:-:.:.gc: .:. REQ,- L'-codj, . Bedrooms: Type/Cor.st: Lot Faces - I Enef'au Sou.pabs I Heat II II II I J TU'08 P,L, !North lEast South IWest Setbacks l House Carage I i I Water !/rwt/H' Range FirepLace WOod3tot:e Access. Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the erpl'ess condition that the sdid construction shaLl, in all, l'espccts, conform to the ordinance adopted by the City of Spl'ingfield, including the Zoning CI'dinance, regul.ating the construction and use of buildings, and m:zy be sUDpended or revoked at c.r.y time upon vio- lation of any prQvisions of said Ordinances. , , IPlan Check Fee: IVate Paid: !Reedpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No pel'son shall constrouct, install, atter 0'1' change any new 0'1' existing plumbing 0'1' drainage system in whoLe Ol' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing tJOl'k to pl'opel'ty which is oz.med, leased or operated by the appli- cant, Electrical Permit Where State LaJJ requires tr.at the electrical wol'k be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label, has been signed by the ELectrical [;ontractor. Mechanical Permit P7-an Exarrnner va.e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby cel'tify that alL ir:fo:ornation hereon is troue and cor:rect, and I further certify that any ar.d aLl work pe:rfoP.11ed shaZL be done in acao:r- dance :vith the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieLd, and th~ La:.Js of tha State of OregQn pa:rtaining to the work cesc:ribcd herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY bJilt be mde of any structure LJitho:J.t permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contraatol'S and e:rrpLQyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.05S wiLL be used on. this project RL 0 &,/l.-/ 1/ /,.f) 1'f Date I Signed "