HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1991-10-15 -.;. . . I:a' SPRIN(j,FIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBUC WORKS METROPOUTAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 October 15, 1991 Mr. Ken Martinson S ta te Realty 143 Madison Eugene, OR 97402 Re: Property Located at 660 Oakda1e. Dear Mr. Martinson, I have found a record of Partition Approval for property located at 558 and 660 Oakda1e. Each dwelling unit is now considered to be on an individual parcel. I am enclosing the sheet from the Partition file granting Final Approval and a copy of the survey. If you have any questions, please call me at 726~3777. f:- o Gary M. Karp Associate Planner PARTITION APPLICATION/REVIEW 'tity ot Springfield 225 North 5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 PLANNING OEPARTMENT 503-726-3759 1. Two copies of the plot pI an Appl ication Fee: $100, l1-o~-';l.:l-"" \ Assessors Map Number 2 , 3, 4 , 10.10D lax' Lot Number REQUIREMENTS OF ~Ei~:~IONER 7fL () Signature of Owner(s) Address Phone 5, Partition Location jpbO + /.,Sf'-, ~ ~ ;J. "umber ot t'.r<:els Panhandle InfOnMlion Staff Public Review Heeting lJ.-)" ( ) ( ) ( I ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) D4te~' Date ~II Rev, 10-26-81 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sewer Mylar .toning Depth Pan Only Total Depth == Pan Only == Total lamp. Plan DeSignation Parcel Parcel Width Width pa'~~Number: Date of Receipt: 5.f?5 _~"'-U>. Mck\ Partftioner l~{-n ~-e ~t~ co(, 1':lk5DJ.l1 Phone Preliminary llpproval (subject to the primary and secondllr"Y conditions on page 2.) Referral to the Phnnlng Comnisslon Continued until Denied "i't. \ i \ '!"-', h..'!'( Altend4nee/Staff ; ,\1"1'-' .;; Attendance/Publ Ie jj _ A.Ji .,,7-0, - '-..-- , - --.j "'7? u- ~ Ie> r-.. ~ -to 2 ~ :l ,:., ~ "' 8.'>\ ~ ;j, . '" , I 01 ;) , <3 :ll ~ '0 ~ ~ :. ~ ..... 4' 'II 10 <> ~ . ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ '" I I '" "<5 I I ev@ '. q i ~I;;' 0,,_ .., 8 C? 81 ~ ~~ ~'.j ~.): ~ .,. , ". :&J Itl -J .0;;; ",' 0 ,'J.~ ~ ~ Q~:; ~ ~ l 2~ "'" "'" /'. 2i3J ~3 o @ '. i.J ~ " \ - " I \ j ~ x~ FINAL For final Approval Only ~;"'((/(':CII~;-\.\\t\i\/\ - Sec-r'etaryl tC>.Jhe Partltlon '1/1;'/;'; HeVlew l..orrm. ~ .1. / "6~ ; . 1 I , o " ,- I kJSE.T '52," e- N 7(,. z,5 (pI ,4-0 ''// " KeLl I'll I L PJ ~ ~~o . "'.... :>....,-~ .... u:". w" ..., ~ A. '&; "~ -~~ ~:~o 'c ~.~~- z.,s- Q&' o~ -- '~ \ \ ~LL ' 20' EHS"€/'/,:~Nr5 ~! w/L)c- , ~ - I .' , \ , () ll) 8 , glO6, III ~ II) ll) Cl Cl ~{ cNb ('5A,OJ I I M,H i , I 0-/.J 7.41'35"e 4(.,00 ~ 7"41' 35 "e; 4(,,00] @- 11.. -.~,oo '_ -3(",54- C,.Ii," fJ 5"'.34', 'TW 35,S' ,J:;5"'5(,'S, W .35.00:) ~"'-""-"". " p,~ ~).;;: -,: .: IL:~/-4l g LAr"0 ,-' II \/:.'(01'1 __.__ _n___,___ @-R.-4t.,oo L-ZO,47 CH-584"5f.'33'W 20,3/ @-S2-T08'40"E. 1(',70 @-I2.-4(..,oo L-15,45 CH-5("Z..34'OC}"W 15,38 I, 1.....- ,=,;, ? I{, /VAIL tJAR.R.A.TIVE.: THE. ?ull..?OSe:. OF THIS SuI2.V€.Y WAS TO ~ FI"'D A>JD VE.iUFY THE. C-olUJelZ... MONUME.NTS OF LOT 119 A/VD <\j:'l THEIJ DIVIDE. THE!. DuPL.E.X i3UIL.OI"G AIJD LOT /!JTO TwO PAR.c.e.LS, ~... AS SHOWJ.J 1-IE.ILE.O,,", , WE. FOuIoJO AL..l.. OF THE. COI2.,,",E.1Z... MO,,",u- '" ME.""'TS AS SHOWIJ HER.E.OIJ, €'Xc.ePT FOIL THE. SOI.JTHWEST C-oI2.- ~ '" /JE./Z..., We. llLSeT THIS COIl.IJEJZ.. BY HOLDIJ./G THe SOLJTHWE..STEe.ct ~ ~ r LOT LIJ,JE. PAR.ALLE.L. WITH THE-. to- :z .....0i"1 1"10 10.} AR.E........ SOIJTHWE.STeI2.LY LIIJE. OF THE. :z L::J ~I (S FOOT ACCE..SS TO THE. COMMO'-J , :e. 105'\'...1. "''0 ' Afl..E.A A"'O 8E.IJoJ(; 4f., FEeT FUJ/o1 \ ~ 11/Z5 I~ "e- 108,14- _'" -S<:.c.. ::J $.3" Oul2. PR.O)E.C.TE.O ce'-lTE.1l.. 01' THE. \.. "z,S'S'l..,._ AU.'74-' ", ...........02'<, e ~<S C.UI- - DE.- SAC.) WHICH WE. e.ST- .::,7&'0 Q' ........... / <:: .~ ABLIS/o/E.O BY, R..E.UJIU> PLAT ~O'" (,01,40 ~ "'! ,..G,~ ~r:iil ~.s_9 8eAR.IJ,JG A"'O DISTA/V(.E. , :c-: Ii> l- ~ Ci c; ~~' FlU>M THE. 50uT"EASr CO"-'-IE.L , :'0' ...e.. "/3 - ~ 70 " 01' SAiD Lor c,'}, ""'. ~"\Jl '<I :~. \S,,..... .,~ '0 ~". . llJ I q, ~,,~~ ~ "- l'1 \9~ '" ~ ';;: ;.">,,~ ~ " ''';) '6>""~ ~ "'~, .. '. ov~ " ",'0) ~ "~;)i>: .s:,~v.. "'.<l: ~ iI) ~ ",' ". ~ -'&;~- '" _ L.."n) ,\ 0\ '-b ~ '0 -io oJ' 4 :~' Q 0 \~ ",jl \ , -;, r q, Vl of) , / '\ ..-.r '62" ~o ,.I' 3.. L::.J~. / , ,\ r(} '0 <~ ,..... ~W,<1' r\, -~ S' '\/ t;;\r:;t-h' tp.' .t:> '~..:v 10&"0 _,?"i 'I'}" @ - N "'704,,"00"[ /~. S2 Fd,I/{/.!<.DO-'// '~~ I ,/0' \ <;; @-N27"4,j-'OO-W /3.68 I 'O/~/..b' I @'N'::>6030'OO-.-v /3,2.>- , @'NS",O,gO'OO"VV 3~~2? \ ~ I J @'NBSD47'3S"N //,.99, 'eN, v /2'.O/'G. 4~.oo-/? ~I' ~ 0-/VB40/0'3':"Jo1/ 3.00. Ch', ~. ci j,oo - l:, 4&',00 '..-i', -, ll) - ~'N30/':'''-a''vv 5/,89 lIJ' :!J -/V/3D4.5-'OO"J.V 29.37 1- j ~T'\_r7~0/5"OO"VV30,...'2 , 25': ~: zs "-:.I ~ It) ......SET {./;:N,o r~{/cS k// ~()CK . I f"- #/91<. f y&~tLOI./ "ct,;'/5rl< Ch~ - :ll UK'EJ "($UI(.C ,PL.f47R" l:j _ O-SET 5/e",fU)J,J RJ::>oW/CAP :< MA."-<.E..O "GUILE. PLS 472." 1--- SUIOLVE.Y ~OR... "'';:1 <\j '" HAROLD E, AL[).A.. L LOT Go", GLE.IJADA, PHA.SE. II '5W V4 See, 22, TI7S, R. 3 W, IAJ,M, SC.AL.E.. - 1"=40' APRIL 25, 1985 5Pe.IIJGF/E.U), LA"'E. eoLJ/oJTY, OR..E.GO/oJ (;:-1'''' [~W GIll! F, ,~ l;SSIJCI.ll. rr s. ((' ; a:ij.. ."; ":r :l~' Lt'n!j>t '''~ ; ~",.l b~t'fle. L'.~ ~ 1.;;~j @- /2..-'(',00 L-:>,o3 01- -;),01 ~'44'35"W {j4<o"J'50W 'o.cx21 r.s 88'01'42"" ?M ~7 =,- . .- ~/-',,-- Fd, PI( 1J41L _ 9 =- . i . L PJ \ r-' -- :~' PARTITION APPLICATION/REVIEW City of Springfield 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 503-726-3759 Partition Number: 1\1~ Date of Receipt: -.S -~S 1. Two copies of the plot plan 2. Appl ication Fee: $100. 3., 11-o~-:)~.'<>\ Assessors Map Number RE;;L:Tlr ::;;;JIONER Signature of Owoer(s) R"~ tt.\ckl Partitioner t.,(.D ~.q, A~tl /:).b.5DJ.\ I Phone .J. Address 4. IO/10b Tax Lot Number Phone 5. Partition Location r..&o + l..,5~ ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Number of Parcels Sewer Mylar Zoning Compo Plan Oeslgnation ';\., Panhandle . Infonnation Parcel Width Parcel:::::: Width Depth Pan Only Total Depth:::::: Pan Only:::::: Total ~ Staff Review Public Meeting rJ;t' ( ) ( ) ( ) Preliminary approval (subject to the primary and secondary conditions on page 2,) Referral to the Planning Commission ( ) ( ) Continued untll ( ) ( ) Denied Date (:)!iWt" Attendance/Staff ";-,~j.),j, '?I~I2I"gJZ., ?L~106I, MP-C-r Date Attendance/Public / 0"'001 f 27 ,~ .... :ll r-.."5' \rl <> R "'- "".. . ~.... 2 3 ~ .. '" ,. ""iG-- -.J:;:: :J.J ..J ~ 8 jl! .~ 8 ~ ~~~~~ I I ~ I I oI~"'oIi5 I " 6> @@ III ;A:;;'81 .. ~~ q , :::~ i " . ~ .3~ '-t " l- ., 'I- I ...' III ,.., ,'<IllJ -J ,0 i;l <II ",' ~ ~~ ~ 2 ( , ...'" "'. . '" ....'" ~ '- '" .. ~ . ~ ~ 2~ - IJ ... ... / ' ~~ ::z~ oJ 5 n -n , , ...- ,.. 8 @ ~ LL.. ~ Rev. 10-26-81 F j NAl For Final Approval Only (kQ~."wt-A Sec~etaci9 t~the partltlon 1/1?/7i:. ReVlew ~omm. ~ I ~"""""""~W"=-.~___,.. , PRIMARY CONDITIONS . - ... .-.. .. .- . . . to include: oavinQ with curbs. Qutters. cannot be built upon/sold until Sanitary Sewer: ( ) The exi5ting structure(s) is/are required to be connected. Dedication of Public Right-Of-Way:' (Documents to be recorded by the City): ( ) For street: feet from the center line on ( ) Public Utility Easement(s): feet wide along the N. S. line of parcel(s) -- Private documents (to be recorded by the partitioner): ( ) A feet wide Utility Easement for I~ ~o serve parcel ' (~~ Joint Use/Maintenance agreement for ~~~~ Y,..}0 A homeowoers ~greement. , Proof of O~mershi p: - ( ) A copy of the deed to varify the signatures on required legal documents. Other: _ () The oartitioner shall eliminate all assessments or arrange for the segregation of assessments with the City Finance Department ( ) ( ) . .. -, E. H. proper.ty -- -- -- - - .', across parcel . to serve parce I s ).,.It~ . , , .. /, , I . SECONDARY CONDITIONS Develoomental: ( ) The developer is required to give Teleprompter Corporation reasonable notice of property" development to include the particular date on which open trenching will be available for ,the, installation of TelepromRter's equipment.' ( ) The developer is required to give Rainbow Water District and/or the Springfield Utility Board reasonable notice of property development so that the availability and location of existing water facilities, electric facilities. new service requirements, the location of new service connections and applicable charges may be determined. -- ( ) The panhandle driveway shall be paved'( feet minimum width) with the parcel addressed j on the street. ( ) An engineered foundation shall be required. ( ) A soi I report shall be requi red. ( ) A hedge/fence shall be placed on the N. __ S. __ E. __ N. __ property line on parcel(s) ( ( ( ( . Development is subject to Site Plan approval. , ~ APPLICATION VALIDAT ION. . . ,t., ....... '