HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-12-4 I't is the responsibilIty of the permit holder to see th3.t all i:1spections are IDllde at the prcoper readable frem the street, and tha-= the permit card is located at the front of the property. 6 All manholes and cleanouts are to be adjusted at no cost to the City SITE: nrSPECTICN: To be made after excavat'ion, bu't prior to se't up of fo=. FRAMING: Must be requested 4fter r:l' approval of rough plumbing, electri-~ cal & mechanical. All roofing, bracing S chim:leys, etc. must be completed. No work is to be con- W cealed until this inspection has X been made and a~r__._j. INSULATIONIVAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION' To be made after aJ.l insulation and. required vapor barriers are in place but before any la 'th, gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and befC_~U any insulation is concealed. .... ___ ._.;...~w__..._~ REStDENTI.6. CO~BINATION/APPLICATION PERMIT ~. CITl OF SP.~l,7CF lELD 2~5 i,'O.:mI S'iH g-:.":fEET SPflJ:IGFIELD, (IREGON 97417 Euildi7'.g DiviB~ 726-5753 Job I.ocation: 654 & 656 Oakdale Avenue Subdi.lJ~' sian: Granada Phase II Lot 71 .(SB3SBors Map 1# T= Lot g Q,m.r Vprn I Fnnp 485-1515 Phone g 484-9076 Zip 97401 ~.. 90263 Eooe Road City Euoene. OR Dsscribs work W"l N"." n Addi tio" n .~cmod. t Duplex with attached garages Zero lot 1 ine Value: $78,977 .25 Contractol"s NQ11tr Addx.. LiscD """,rat Eooe' s Sand & Gravel Co Plumbi7lfl ?l.ctM oa t Uscha1!ioaZ Constru::tion Londor REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o w FIREPLACE: Prior to placing materials and before framing ticn. o ~Do:!.SLAB PLUMBINr.:1.... E~C'1'!:tIC.'L & MECHANICAL: To be llWlde before any work is covered. o Q FOOTING & FOUUDATION: To be made after trenches are e::eavated and farms arc erecUd. but prier to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER, WATER. DRAINAGE: To be made prior" to fil- Ung ~renches. w Q GI UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING ~ KECHANICAL: To be made prior to install~tion of floor insul.Jtion or decking. GI w POST & BEAM: '!'o be cade prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To 1:le mde 4tter all drywall is in p~ce. but prior to any taping. Q o ROUGH PLUHB!NG. ELECTPICAL & HECH- ~~CI~L: No ~ork is 'to be covered ~these ins~ections have been made and approved. MASONRY: Steel location, bond be3.mS. grouting cr ve~icals in accordance with O.B.C. Section 2415. . --_......_..,....:.-.,;..............~.. .CEIP'l' .. !1(]7 /1... $ Building pennit 4% Plumbing pennit 4% Electrical permit 4% Mechanical permit 4% Sys terns Dev Cha'rges Curbcut 26' Si de~/al k 35' Electrical label Plan check fee due 245.00 9.80 90.00 3.60 60.00 2.40 37.00 1.48 1,184.66 15.12 7.00 .20 14.70 $1,670.96 cJ-hL Autho";red Cit":I Agent Ezpir'B Phon. g time, that each address Is facing 0 inspa-=.- WOODSTOvtS: After installation ! is completed. CURB & APPROAC!i APROtf: Af'ter forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIV1rwAY: For all con- crete paving within s'treet right- ~f-way. to be ~~de arter all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base materi~ in place. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code, to be indicated in rlar~ or by no- tice from Building Inspector. FINAL PLUMBING All project conditior~, such as the installation of street trees, co~plction of the required landscaping, etc.. muSt be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. Q GJ FINAL BUILDING: The final Building Inspection must be requestod after the Final Plumbing Elcc~ical, ~d Mechanical Inspec'tions have ~een ma~e a~d approved. GI r!NA~ EL~CT~ICAL No occupancy of the premises C3n be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved, and a CERTIFICATE or OCCUPANCY HAS BE~~ ISSUED BY THE BUILDING OIVI- SION ~~D POST~D ON THE PR~ISES. ~ rINAL HECHANICAL PROCEDURE rOR INSPECTION RECUEST: Call 726-3769 (recorder)state your City designated job number, job addre~s, type or inspection requested and when you will bo re3dy for inspec- tion. Contracto~s or Owners name and phone n~ers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be mada the sa~e duy, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day. YOUR CITY OESIGllATED JOB NUN3ER IS, 810774 ?ago 1 of '2 ...: .....i~~.:;.c:'.::~..;;~i-:.;.~.i:::iil~.'~ ..,~~g~;~~~~~~~8-:.;;:.:.~~i.:IT2{Z~?E~.~---.:.-:.Z:;:~~:r:- .-]-:.C';:-~-:.~t~:-;;~:;;S;t~t~~~.ib~~l-3~~;J,:1f:i.f,f;Z2~~;31 . .-:ii!;; . ~ .:::..:-- ~"'.' ..:.. -~ ..".' . i . '. i P3ge '} L-cnr; i! I j I I I 1 . '1 1 I J JOB NUHEER 810774' ZONE R 2 OCCUPANCY C-ROUP Lot Squa:zoo ,tg. ,; of [,ot Cove~od ;;. of Stones Total. Height :opogM?:':y R:lnR f\!i :17 ~ ? ?'1' Ipvpl_ I I I"P. ."n. 'p;. 2.203.5 ISq.. ltg. 'Jar"-]O 516 I Sq. Ftg. Car;-or: ISq~ Ft;]. A::Cfl:SO::Y Isa. P;a. VaLUfl R3 REFERENCE Nl'!-!BERS 810773 TYPE!Cn~ST~UCTION V-N BF.DROO~'S 6 [,ot Typo Setbacko X I..teri.o~ I [,0; Pace': Vest COl"JU'r I P. r.. I Ho:.Ule r.idrarret ACC'Z8d I Par.handl.ol NOl'<I;h , .0',' rill ~a Oth9l' Jt'ast I~ ISouth I f1 'We't -1EL-' FEES r El:el'f1Y SO:.:,'::flS I ;1''71: ~ l.e.c......C~ I I ~..:""i-;r....e I i'.'a:te~ Hea.ter l:. J ec I ;v~;..: - s;;ua I ,~ange I:: I ec: r, "C;;_~. I?ool I BIIILDING VALUE/PER!IIT .r 33.5(k73.817.35 .:: 10.00- 5.160.QO .:: . I Street Trees Req. 30' O.C. Th1~s p~t is grant9d on tM tu:pra8B c~mii:*," eha: the said construction shaU, in aLZ re8=BC-:~, confo~ :0 ths Ozodi.'1ar.ces adopted by the Ci-:;; 0;. Spl..;,ngfisZd, incL:u:ii~g tJur Zon.ing Ordirumcfl, reg-.l.l.at~ -;;... con- otl"..lC~on. and use of bo.lil.dings, anti ,""fay be J".l.s~er.dsd or N"Joksd a: any tims upon Iliolati.;n of a:n:-' ?f'c'Ji- siens of /laid Ordinances. " . " . pgmi t Cftar-:1SB St.7t:,. SU1"f'!hITtVtR TOTAL CEWiCES IS~stem Dsv'~ene Char~s 11.5'" Vabo nR.q77.?~ I:vo. I .L-1=-8' I 2 rJatero Servica ~ S'.lnit:aJ"tf SB'.Jer ~v SlI1!TOT.IL Stat. Surc/wog. TOTAL CElARGES I 1 NO. I ? So. Poot""o 1 101. 7'i I !1t1fJ 0:- E.'":tensiQ1lICil"'~u:i i 1 1 T<=o!'tU", Coo:s""'c:ion I SII8TOTA~ Set:zt'1 Sureharr1. TOTA~ CRARr.F:S I t'lO. I ? E"haust Hood 1 4 v...t P"" i Wood Stov,/Hsat8l' LL ADD Vpnt< ~ Permit issue SUBTOTA~ Stata Surc""""a ~A~ CHA!ICES J;l,~"!A _ ~'s j /15,':111.. ~ Pl. Ck. $73.50 I 245.001 Paid ~58.50 i Q Hn Due $14.70 I 254.80 I . 11 . 1 R4 . nn I P!<m Ch6ck "0 $58.80 f)ato Paid 11-2-81 Racsipt ~ B57563 PLEJ/(lJINC PEIIHIT fEE CHARGE 10.00 20.00 10.00 ..2.rl.00 150.00 I 190.00 I 3.60 193.60 ELECTRICAL PEE/HT . ,oE CHARGE 25.00 50.00 10.00 No puson. shalt construct, -::nst'.lZ-Z" aZ~Qz- or change any netJ or e:!ating pLumbing or dr:::-:.nagQ sys-:mrr. in whaLs Of" in par't, unwss such perBo~ is :he :eg:::L possessor of a vaZ,id pz.:m:ber's U".rJls, uce?t that a pBl"S01t may de pLumbing I.lO%'k to pro?flr-:-d tJ!::.ch is or.mad, l.easgd or operated by ths ~Zf.c.::nt. Wh.sre Stats La:&' rsquizolls tMt ths II :eot:-ica ~ !Jork be dons by an ElectM.cat C?71tractor, t~B .Zec~caz. pOl"- tion of thio psnmt ohalL not bo valid ,,,,t':. the ~- boZ has bsB1'l aigMd by the ~14c~~ Con~:or. TIts Electrical. Saf.ty LazJ daes not !'squf.rlil ::: ?s:"son to obt<:in a l.i~sns. aBCIJ'I -3Lecrncicn ar.d./o!' elec- trical COl'1t~~or to maks an elBatr-:.eat -::ns-;.:LZ.:"tion on propwty which is owned by himB.!t~ or a .~~bs:o of his immruiic.te lamiZy which is not -:.r:-:enClld .-.:~ sate. tsasB or rant. 160.00 I ? .40 I!;? 4n MECEWlIC.4L PERMIT ;E:F; I CH.dJlGE 4.50 19.00 3.00 b2.00 I 3. 00 I. ~ . QO 110.00 137.00 I 1.48 !.'1R4R E11CHOACIINElrr I So",,"; ty f)oposit I I Starago , I Maincnanc8 I Permit I TOT.4~ A!!OIIIIT DIJE , I=b""t 26' ISid_lk 3~' I Fm-u:a h'loctl"ieal Labol :tJ 0-3DJ IJ Plan check 'tOTAl. AMOUNT DUE . , "'~"""'-~-~-:'--"" 15.12 7.00 11~/{J-1f1 Date I I E1AVll' CAREFULLY E:rAMINED the compZ8tsd application fo~ pomt, and da I ;: hfll'oby csrtif,Y that all. information hereon. is trua and o01'1"eat, and I . fia'the~ CBrt,fy that ""y and aZZ ",,~k pe~fonnsd ohaZZ bo dens in =0,," 1 danoo wtih the Ordi=os of the City of Spri,7lflfieE.d, and tho LazJe of tho ,. _ State of Oragrm pertaining to ths wrk dasoz-ibsd Juut8in, and that NO OC.. ~ CUPANCf r.JiU bfl rrr:zt::l. of any str'.tottaoiJ I4i.thout pe~sion of the BuiZding I :: Division. I f'..a"the~ c81"tify that o"Ly oontractors and employees wko are in ocmpLiancfl with ORS 701.0SS r.1ilZ be ussd on. ~hia projtlct. I .20 14. /U ~~A-o'''_ ~M'/ . !7;/t;!tt Bufzdin~ Diviaion aptJ:::;"" shaZZ ~lImain o. tho BuiZdi7lfl Si~~t aZZ timBS. $1,670.96 . , L ....~.. :c:.~-'""':.~----".T"".,:~.--,-~---_.~ ::~:. .~~~; ";:'~"~~':.~:~ .-. - .,~ ~-:-:' ,.-.':7": ~'~:-::,~:::,",~._:.~r--:-::---;-~~~."'P:'~_::-:~;:;,;:r