HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-9-18 ". .. RESIDENTIAL" SPRINCFlELD ~ AFPLI:A:' IC.'I/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street . ..' l' 0 97 '77 S?1"'.r.tJJ ~e.a, regon ~ BuiLd~ng Division 726-3753 .lob !Dc.:io.: ~"'f'~.(~:;6. C:>AA'a,,<~ /~E "'lIfJesfJor:t .~ # Tc= !;.at 1/ Subdi:ri,ic.: 6H.I#N A.P~ hhS';-<2r . . , ~r?/ ~.".r: Po /3 en 1- M. DG M 1/ rl-l- Ma:-m: J';) 7 ~_ ~J '--.,} W;y: SPP/,p. f;)~ ~ ~~~ '~cr-,r-D ,.M l~, '?31'<6~ va!uBjj?~JC;77.;;<5" "0 rxJ n n n 7,p1 ~c,:i tien R~o.1d .'!ob~l. ,~~3 Cata of .t?pIio::z~ic" :.:c1t=r-::c:ora C""Bl'a1 ~~- PltDnOing !ldct~cc:l ,'.fa::har.ic;Z c,'l.4e,...Ic~~ t.crtdq,. ..-"0.. ~A. Pr.on., ? Y J- '- 3.7 ~ Zip: '17 '-/7 K Describe ""ork: Aid....es3 . "cae;o:' t -=3 ~-7 7 fi1f. ({ /; t/t<l !/hI Siqr.sd: Oats: 4-4-- 9//J'/N l.i3C.., E-~ir::8 Pho11~ ./ , '1 !~ U tlul reaponDibiU:!I of' eJw p.r'11fi.~ hDtd.u to tic. ~hat an i7U1pCCtia'f'LS ar. made at :h. ;rope.r ~im~, t.".a:t &:::en =ddrIlSB its ,.....:..,:.: front eM ,Hrece, end that tit. ptu"n'l'i.: ca:rd i. ~ted ..:t ths front of chs property. .~u.i!.1.i:-4 JilJi:io:-: C?;:roT:ed ;Lc:n ar.c:Zl rft1a~n 01'1 the BtriZdinf/ S:.t:; at all times. ?_'?oc~,u.~~ !'lJfl ;,"'sp:;(.':'!~,oJ .=?!:::'U!S?':CALL 726-3769 (rcc01'de:oJ stata ycu:r City :iesitp"~tiZd job 1tU1:".ber, job ~css, tY~6I of wpd::-:icn l"~encd CI.""'.a :.t::en .you :ALL as ready [Of' ir.3pcct'-:.cn, Con'trac~rs Of' O:.,'ne:'s 1U:':'tS ~ phar:s rw.':'lbcr. Requ~s:s recei:nui cererfl 7:0a ~ :...,:a b. tfC(i. the aar.6I t!.c-J, requu:s .~e c.fta 7:00 c:'7J tJiU ba r.r:uie t.1:s ru=t :.t3rkin.; day. '. rOW" City. Ceaigr..ated Job Numba' !o: <gyo&:UJ o o tr.10~:~Sr..U ?~l.:ftJI.'lG. E!:.EC":'.f?IC.l!. ~ XECH,J_:J4~:;~~: 'I'o DB r.ruU beforfl any Io.lOr.ic ::s ':oIJc:oed. ~ ~!,YC ~ :CU:.'D.1TI:.'I: To';. ~ds aj':tlf' ::osncitas C.1'e i!:C'CVQt'old cr.d f~3 c:re erec:~d, but pri,."r :c pourir.g c::ncre:'. [Kf !r.:~nc:~.,:.r.!D ?~l:~C:::$. SZ'".r::R, :I.l:",:..~, D.f?A~:!.:..t;~: ro i;e r.r:..;e p~a:' :0 ~-'i~- Z:Z;r.g :zot?:cr.as. ~ Ul1CE.f?~:'CC,f? P!.u,'.~r::C ..~C!!.Vl[C.:..::.: '1"0 ;;e ~ Pl""L.;ZO :0 iI13:.:L~t':.on of J1.oor iro8UW:tiC71 or cUcici"J}o MST AN!) 3r:,'.(: To bs r.".t:ZCc pr-;"f' eo ina:al':":::-::.cn. of j1O<Jr i,...n.La::i01'l or d.ecki".. ~r ~ ":1"'.'1;;; ?':.~~~,:....c _~".z~:~.:.:. ~ :.~C.l- ,l,.YlC.J.[,,: ."/0. "JO:'': -~, :0 ~c COI.'e:,'!€: . ~:hCS4 i"~~ec:i:r:s ~~u. ~ecr. I~Ct::#J =r.a :;;Fl'7Je::.. F~::?!')'...""E: .~or ~ ?l.e::-;~.:] .'c:-Jo.g mc~erwL4 a,..d b~lol'iI lr=::ri.ng inepec- tier.. ~ ~ FP.A"~!."r:: N1J.3: be re(;9..l.~3:~d a;"~~l' Ci'Pr'ClJ':!. of 1':1U~h pl.trJJir..g, ~!41CtM_ cat 4 ~ecr.ani.::;zL. At~ :-oo:"i~ br:zC'i:,..g 4 Citinrn~Y3, 6t.:. r.r..rer; b. conroL.:cd. ;'/0 """1'<' ie :0 De een. . CtIC!.Jd untiL ::J:i3 inst'ec:ien ;...a8 . bc~ ~~ and i:;1?l"':n.:ed. " o F[::ot.:. P!.:J.\'S!::c .KJ .~I:I:'(' :.'!::.:r.A:/IC.U, i(J l!:I~L r:.z:::.~t:~L .=:J rV1 INSiJLA'J'IQ,V/VAPO.f? 3A.rmIER n/s?=c':'!O.'l_: t3.J To be r.-zuis a.fter aU ir.suk:r;:i"n a:"'.a . rcqt4.ired uapor 1:a::ror-i.ers are in p lacs Cut: cstors any la;:h, gypf1Ur.l board. Ol" u:U covering is apptied, and before any i".3"..l.Lar;:ion ~s conceated. h71D!1Y""/ALL INSP!C':'IO.'l: To as mada ~ aitCiI' all. Q-,:'!.laLL i.a in place, but prior to c.ny taping. O l.fASONt?Y: Stael. l.ccation, bo1u! beam3, grouting or uerticals in accordance ~::it !J.B.C. Section 241!. O ;n)ODS'!'OV::: After inst:al.Zation is cc.1TpZ,.at:.d. .,. o Cl.'P9 ~ APP.qCACP. AP.C!f)N: Aft.:- forms are erected but pf""'L,or to PCU1"";ng ~-rete. SID=..IALK & ,nI'.T"I.:: Fur all CC'J1- creta paving ~ehin. street righ:- of-I.."C'J, eo be mads a;":o1r aLl azca- uatir~ eomplata & jO~ work & zub- bass :11::tertal. in pZa.:::s. CS::OLi':'IO.'! OR :,.'O~;'.3~'Zr.[)IiiCS ::::J Sa:ni:.zroJ 1Ie"..JtI:o ~?cd ::t ~OPn-t:"i ti~s :=J Stzpti.: tc::nJc p"..4.,?~:i ar.d li.lZ~d uith ;;r:i-~J: --, Final. - ~num: c.;...""t1Q i~~s ors c=-~l.ste:i --1 ar.d when ::er.lCl.i.:ior. is Ccr.rpl4tS or s~..;:.:~ ture "".oIJea anC prcm.:Ju ::laa1Uld =-9. 1(] o _~::E: When compl.ta ...- Providfl gat;; or :7ICf)ablQ s6cti..cns through P.U.E. I Nobi.!.s Hc.-r:es :=J al.ocidrzg and. S~t-:.lp :=J P1..umbin:; cOMec::~ 8aJtI1" and wat"r --, Electric::!. Ccnr.ect:icn - Slocki"4, sat'-te -.J and p~ing C:~1:aet;icna nr..;st =_ C?pr::t.'J':: beJ10rc Nlqusa::.,..g e!.ac:ri::::l i"..$pec:icr.: :=J Ac.::ssso~. 3ui!..::.ng --, Firul - ,1ftcr ;::rei-.tls, --1 eta. al'S c:r:p~8:.d. a1d.rt-;,..g, ds.::;,..JI, o o ALl. cro:;ec-: cor:di.-:i..:111S. ..uc.':. as :he ~.-ns:.:UC::-;~11 of s:rllec :rUSt ;o::::-:?!o;::"J1 0;" ::n. Nq"..tired ~an.d3c=?ir~,::tc., :r.ust; :,e sae-:"sliad ~i:fore :r.ll 3l.'Ir.:I::C :'!.~').r.. ::":11'1 =e r3C;.lesr;:.:d. @ .':'!.'lAr. a:;r:'::J!:lC: 11:0 rinal 3uiLdi,...g !r:3.,ec~io11 .~t be requs3tad. ~/~ar :ho1 F';n.:Jl .?!tlr.:bin; ;!Ciccr-i."a.l, and .\!ecna."':.i.ca.l Ir.spec:i..::ma :...:wa eBBn maca and c.pprolui. 'A':': :.!A.W!':~!E AND Cl.~ANClJ':'S .'{US: 3& .~C=!SS:~!.E, .4.~.tcsr:!E::: :0 3S :.~'tCS :~:' ::0 ::s: 7':J Cr:'! f ':J.....~ of 2 i Occur;anCIJ Grou& ~ 9. 7f:R ~ - '2~Cfo ? 12..~ J.... e\:lSL iJcb Number': <61.(0 Co 10 ; Zona: \<~ i Lot Sq. Feg. ':: :Jf Lot C.:roeragc; 1# of Sto,.;.es :TotaL Height : ~"opography lITE,'.' I I. Main Gc:raae ! CaM>Ort I Accessorl/ I I ';Q~~ I ~\(O I TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. (lJct.UCJ 1.5", Buildir.g Permit State SuPchm-ge Total Charoges I ITEM ' NO.. FEE I Firtures I Hesidential () bath) I Sar.it::z~ Sewer I Watel'" I Plumbing Pemi t State Surcr.arge Total Chc:raes I~'EU NO. I I I 1 1 Res. Sa. fta. NGIJ/Exttmd Circuits I T""'I'ol'a1']J Seroice I I i I I I Ele~trical Permit State SW':iha:rQe Total Charges 1.t':EM aD. I F'urn::ce ETU' S I E::haus t Hood I Vent Fan I W:Jodsto"Je 'I 1 Permi t I:;suance Me~hanicJl Permit State SU:rchal'OC Tota 1 Charrum , -- ENCROACHf.!E.VT -- Ise~~ritl/ DzPOsit Storage '.faintenan.::e I Permit Total C'1wMCS I Cu1'bcuo I sidewlk ?c.,' ~'5' I Pen::o I Electl'ical Label MOM lo H:;me \'Ltl..\..'\C'v_ ?.~Q. I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE,' WT TYPE L'Interior Corner Pan1uvuile Cu'l-de-sac x Value '1~.q,\'1.~ I, I\\.~ I' V2....L9:> 1 \.\.~I \ 'L~.'-\O I, FEE I 1 1 1 1 1 ~'5.00 I \.~D 1 ~(",.'tC> I, I 1 I I I I I I, CHARGE CHARGE I~.C= I \ 'lO ~\ . '20 FEE C!!ARCE I I I 1 1 \ <?, !:O I . "1'-\ I \0. .'2.'i "l . 'SCa ~.fC I i I I I ~.a>O I '2,G;> ~. '10 I Refcrer.c6 numbers: L-COC #: TiiPeICOr.8t:'\\~ Bcdl'Oom" (n , Ene1'au SOUl'"C!es I Heat l-:l'r.=C:\ 1..;-..'1,:\. AC!cess. f/ater Yp.ate'l" ~~ I 1 Range ElF Lt. i 11 Firevlace I : WOod3tove "-- - ..-.----, I Lot Faces - Tuoe I I P.L. INorth lEast Sou.th If'lest Setbacks Hou.se Cara(]6 S' ?,6.s c::t ,:\R Fees Building Value & Permit This pSI'TTT"~t is granted on the express condition that the said construction. shall, in all respccts, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construaticn and uce of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at c:ny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. ~~~) ;;/ Iplan Check Fee: Q+i -. ::S() /' Date Paid, a Ji ~ ~ \":::). ~ IReadpt #: t, 4!.<:;" 17 I Signed, .to J - Plumbing Permit No person Dhall construct, instaLZ, atter or ahange any r.ew or> e::isting plwnbing or drainage syste:n in :.vhole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license, except tr.at a peroson may do plwnbing work to property which is or.med, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State La1JJ requires that the electrical wrk be done by an Ele~trical Controactot', the electrical portion of this permit shall root be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractot'. Mechanical Permit , \l~ }\~ \~}"F\." 1'tan. E':r:annner q-\{')-"f.,~ ua.e I, I HA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pel'mit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and COl'"l'cct, and I f'~rthet' certify that any ar.d all lJOrk pel'for:ned ahall be done in ac~ot'- dance :vith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the La:.Js of the StatB of Oregon pZl'"taining to the tJO.1'k described herein, end that NQ occu- PANCY will be rrrlde of any GtrouctW'2 without p3r>mis8io:1 of tho Building Di- vision. I fUl'"thel'" certify that o~ly contractors ar~ enpZoyees who are in compliance with DRS 701.055 will be used on this project &Il/I~ Signed .f -t r~ '\ <( Vat.