HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1994-10-13 ~~ce --;:1// ~_ ~ o~,/,'-?-z--/ ~,,:.-,.y, CJ; WJ..s -s~;;' c7h ~ FJ'. ~ . -~ . ./ S"RINGFIIiI..D.. , ~'I " 225 PIPTB >>.......:.. , ......:.~PIELD, OREGON 97477 n.o>........ON REQl/ESI: 726--3769 Zoning Q1Qe...- om~: 726--3759 , OeloJ 1J~13~c,4.. : I 1.' LOCATIOH OF IHSTAltLATlGIIthoriz9l! Signature <;'""'l. 9' @.."Jrl -bL.rl~ [0_ City Job NUlllber CjLj,/ '1-R-C) 3. COKPlZrR FEE SCBEDULE BELOV nrY\. A. Nev ~eS1Qend'al-SIngle or Multi~ramlly per dvelllnl unit. Service Included: , -- . . ~ Pe~its are non-transferable and expire if york i8 not starte~ivithin 180 days 'of issuance or if yorki is suspended for '180 days. I , 2. CONTRACTOR IRSTALq.TIOH ONLY B. Services or Feeders , 'i '1' I 'J ~ Installation; Alterations Blectrical Contractorot:.J_J f ~ ~ \, ~......c... or Relocation: I ' AddreslQ'?' ~ YJiI#~'::,l~... ..z:tB 200 ups or less /J I 201 1llIIp$ to 400 amps city ('>,IJ)., I . \. Phone~(J- ". J? I 401 amps to 600 amps , I 601 amps to 1000 amps , Supervisor Licen.se Nweber ~l)" - S Over 1000 ups/vol ts I Reconnect Only Expiration Date 10-+ I - 11"" Constr Contr. NUllber..1o?'3t, '2.. Expiration DateJo-l9 ,-if :1Z~~TY .~ 'j , ., UlGAL DBS-.u ullN JOB DRSCRll"fiOH pvners N~e i I I, '~hone ' Address City "'..~ INS'rALLATIOIIi , I The, installatioil b,b@i~ _de on property I own which is not intended for sale, 'lease or'rent. . , ' Owners SigDature: ,. . ~ . .' ." . " ,'. .....1 DATEI . \0 'j\f? .+14 RlfCEIPT tl .~' ,l r ,,'.'.. r" 1lECEIVIID BY: . l,1 !'--,. (l / ' - "'="-' Items 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion / thereof , -J....... Eaeh Manuf'd Bome or Modular Dwelling Serviee or Feeder Cost SUII $ 85.00 $ 1S.00/r;'1&_ $ 40.00 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 c. TUlporary Services or' Peeclers Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 asps or less $ 40.00 201 ups tll 400 amps $ 5.5.00 Over 401 to '600 amps $ 80.00 Over 600 ups or 1000 VOlU"see -8" abOve D., Branch Circuits ' 1, , , , I Nev, Alt.ratlon or ExtensIon Per Panel o~Cireul( ..'. ,Bach Acld~tiona1 . . Cireui,i"Q[ v,fth servic:e , orPeed~r. Pe,:mh . S 35.00 '$ 2.00 E. HiscellaneoWl (Service/feeder not included)' -Each installation Pulapor lrr~p.tion. SIrn!OUtl~~e,Liihtin.. ~~eit,ecl,~.rgy/Res Liaiited ~~rlP':/ColIII!I 8.....".AL 01' AllOVE 5%'State.Suich8rge ,TOr,AL . , ..,.. . :... .Lt:).OL ,,~~,',~ f""~...,' 5~ '< $ 40.00 $ 40.00 .$ ~O.QO $,36.00 ~... /f;'~ . ?f I '-I' . .\ ~ ,j .. , \. " / ~.?O . SPRIN4o: , 1 Tho, following project a. submlttod ha. the follow, . 225 ' zon,ng, and does not roqulre spoclflc land lBfiDCTRICAL' P""uTT APPLICATION .t ~~.l.tI t>.l.u.64. I approval. -r;.w;, ~ ~~ ~~~=~9~ir.3769 Zoning 0\ De... Ci ty Job NUlllber C14 I? RU OmCE.l 726-3759 I D"'~/)-I-0Lf . - ;3 COKPlZrR FEE SCHEDULE BELOIl 1.' LOCATION. OF IN. ;:;'~1:rtzodSjgnsture ru/V'- ~ q Af'J . 0, A. Nev Residential-Single or Hulti-,Family per dvelling unit. Service Included: ~DESCBIPTI~ _ c\, n 1000 sq.ft. or less . .-~,. ~~7i-' ~\;'\()0,. Each additional 500 t sq. ft or portion Permits are non-transf~rable and expire thereof , if york is not started yithin 180 days Each. Hanuf'd Bome or 'of issuance or if york is suspended for Hodular Dwelling '180 days. ' , Service or Feeder - 2. ...._.~..AcroR IRSTALLATION ONLY B. Services or Feeders , '.L "1 I 'J Installation; Alterations Blectrical Contractor~wf ~ ~\(. 1'......c... or Relocation:, I AddreslQ"')" ~l....) jAiI#H~ 1 ~... .rtB C1t~ (l'U'~, II. l p~one2" (J- (. J? I , I ' , Supervisor Licen.se "1er "J htJ" - S Expiration Date 10 I - 'I r Constr Contr. Number : 1o?3e., '2.. ,Expiration Date.,k. - ~,9-,9 J. ~~y · :.:.~'~{;fo;;1 CltC~[)h~h~ne~ OllNER INSTAIJA~1 The, installatioil is, b~lrig made on property,~ own.Yhi~ ~s not intended for sale, 'lease o'j,- ~ent. ' .. .' nO ~~I:'S ~ture: " I" -__ ", ','" J , ", .,'. .1 . . j -/ " : 5.. \\ ) ,Ii\'~ /Jf"'1A- "l~~('n3\t\ \ ~'" .J0MtfIlroON ,rA i nm DAftl ...."...,.,.n: tl ' ........... JKD BY I Items I 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only Cost SUIIl c~ R)~ ",c. ~ /~ ' $ 85.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 " " $ 50.00 ~~ S 60.00 $100.00 J $130.00 .' $300.00 , . $ 40.00 c. Temporary Services or'Peeders Instal:lation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less S 40.00 2Q1 amps t9:4oo amps $ 55.00 Over 401 to 600 amps S 80.00 Over 600 amps, or 1000 VOJ.ts"see "Bw abOve D.' Branch Circuits ' ~ " ,j l Nev, Alt~r~tion o~'Extension Per Panel 'on~c:ircui\ . ,Each AddJtional . , Circui,f"or v,1th Service .. or' 'Feedi1rPe~mh ' : , , .r S 35.00 's 2.00 E. Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not included); -Each insta1~tion p~iIli> or. :lr~~pdon ~ignIOj.ltlJ~~ ,L,ightin/f ~t~,~.rgy/Res . Uaiited._Enerll)':/Collll,D s;......~AL up', 'ABOVE' 5%'State,Surch8ige '0 ,,,,,.,,~~,,',;..., :\- 301, . ~'\i\ ~~ $ 40.00 S 40.00 is ~O.QO $ :36.00 ~ //>O c<- "--, "3 to r ~. , i ...c.. -