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Permit Correction Notice 2009-12-3
, -. '~. ,~~,Jtt4'....-~f..~'..t.,~~...{ ~ j .' . " . r ..", ,.. , , ..,' ~ ,r,' :;,/,,'"- '~r ',; ", r..,;' ......'I..:'~;~..., ,~." ....~:.":..""',...J.tl~\l'...(..\.(.~~I~~.""'-,~~-r(- " , City of Springfield/Development services'. ',' Building Safety 225 Fifth Street ,., /".,' '~ , , :'1 .i, " TO: Of'lA.!AI,D /VlA-"-IJ-T,II H()f)xr?l(} Date: I 2 '2/ >~ erR. lob# ,/ OM 2tJd7- (") / hc;'7) Address:_ '? I ') '( ~ I Inspection Type:_ I F,"1 P t=:Ak'./, .(,r;.]>.A'}.u.1'. /lJr;c: L-Jf)L,'i(,P, TilE ?Hil IIrJJT , /') r= L r: Sf!'..D A,C; ,/;'1 FA-iiHJZ - D~,<'I<.TA<./I 'j' ,,I j}" r= /" /) (,'-62... 'QJ:upruA-L L r A-L (,c} ,;1) E-WS /1/ t.ti){ If) 4 !Ju.;c,ltJ.Jb ::t:t /2 TrlH.v T.~ f2Mf:.D r-cJ~ 20 ANlf ,ONE /9f ~ THF f2.E-e-UYI1:uUS r.s ~L/[;"rc.. r:-05 &D f)y (7, I=--L.-v'& CJN A- ,? (') A-MP g (2.j:;~JC. A ,7 r7 /:J,..".J j(, /Yklu::-fG ~( /))Et[)f,O. .. Corrections and reinsp~on request shall be mad!! within. 30 c~lendar days.' , ") ,.,,,Q Call for reinspection llZJyes DNo, Inspector (_ 1)'/ J) 'r;'IoA.J _Date: I 2-,~ - C-IA./ I -:, ~~~~~~N,~~~~,,:~Call for inspE!ction 726-3769~;(,~~~~~~~~~Questions 726-3759~~~~~~~~~ , , ' _ r./, .J".. ,.,g: 'c"," ;~~,.\; ",w."~,,,,_' ::',A~~~~,;..'",).:;~' .,.,.j',i;;dl,;.__~l.'" '~".ti,"~:"~:~: ': :":... ~4';',;~,j.~,.':.,~,:,;" ,1, .'" ,'L,.~.l' ./;:,.;.: ,~ d..~~,;;" .~\.,'~..:~....j:,'~. ..-;,,;.