HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2009-12-3 Sp'RIN GFI,El~,.. i'" """'-' ~'L,::'\.'~' .: _--.~: ~ OREGON City Of Springfield 225 Fifth 51 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Email: permilcenter@ci.springfield.or.us Residential Electrical Authorization To Begin Work 69600-BEL-09-00264 Approval Code: 015270 12/3/2009 9:12 am In'~- --".-~ ,~-------,. ~-""'~'="I '." :.;.. ,u;,,"; 'i'/': i't-'.!',.,Y.S,-' :1:1-'.I'iiri~TVPE'Oo WORK', ,- -~ '.--'.~'r!'7'C;;' '.f'"":'':;, :;'1-'1,. ~.- f ~ ;_,_' .........,...-,--' ,.-,:n '.,' ;-,-":1,1,,, roo... '_L --'--. i-A"'H-'.'<';"';'. "!__~' " D New Construction [RJ Addition/alteration/replacement I~:~ ::~:~~J~_-'" CATEGORY 0F.iCo'NS1"RUCTlbN:l::i,.::~'~',: 001 or 2 family dwelling o Commer~ial o Accessory :0 Multi-family _ ,'jOB:SITE INFORMATION A-NI5'LOCAl'IClN I Job Address: 1816 SWANK CT I City/State/ZIP: SPRINGFIEL:~. OR 97477 Suite/bldg.lapLno.: :-;<o-;..'IJ , -d Project Name: I Cross StreeUdlrectlons to job site: I Tax mapfparcel no.: 1703264205700 f "'?t:i~~~:~r~~1"':~, itlf;iOESC'RIPTIONjbt.wO'RK'.i??<frqVt, ~~0:zti~l;'1'~t~,,)~~"~~1 I '_ ..~"c ,.',_'1<h.&JJ: ,__.. __m' ._" ,"., ".C;;;......__ ,Yt.7,!{r"J!>~.... "....\i,...,." '" Wiring of a spa disconnect I" i:' 4:~J,~"1~Yf~:cON.TA9J.~l~:':~'~~J~~ :"?.' I Name: Cvres Fouohtv l Phone: 541-228-2151 I. Email: Fax: II'" ";' ,.;- ':CONTRA"CTOFf: ~ ",;;,;,'7i~~':,' .. ,~.~", ,.'" .i~";J '~'~7' "il. I Elec lie. no.: 20-442C CCB lie. no.: I Business Name: BURRELL BROS ENTERPRISES INC I Contact: I Address: PO BOX 697 I CltyIStal"ZI""l'(3qrtlili~E, OR 974890697 ~~AAW '1'00K I Phoo" 54174Um, PERMIT SHALL ~Kt'j.\ir. "I~' MnT I All,,!, NVt'I'LI:U J;J~E~ -:-111:1 p . EmaiJ: bUrrelll:)~b'S'~i~~e~~br\TIn~co~R Ie AaAMD(lNFn FOR... I v3,;....~tJE:_r - ,~. M_k~Aw1MnwPffimD~k~ I Supervising E'rectrician's lie. no.: 47215 I Supervising Electrician's N~me: JOSHUA J BURRELL 136446 Number of inspections included in paid services: Residential Service: 4 Reconnect Only: 1 . All Other Services' 2 Upon review and approval by your local JurisdIction, your permit will be e.malled or faxed withIn one business day, with Instructions on howto schedule your In spectlon. NOTl": This Authorization To BegIn Work expires within 180 days If a permIt Is not obtained. The local building department may determIne that an Authorization To Begin WorX Is null and void If II does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances. E-mailedTo:burrellbros@integraonline.com 1~",t:}:;?:{:t-;;h;~~!'~;\:~~')~;;.~'pL:At..EREVIEW )~:. .:.jl Please check all that apply: 0 Hazardous locations o A service or feeder beginning 0 A service or feeder rated at at 400 Amps where the 600 amps or more available fault current exceeds D Buildings more than three slor 10,000 Amps at 150 Volts or less to ground exceeds 0 Marinas and boat yards 14,000 Amps for aU other 0 Floating buildings D Commercial-use agricultural buildings o Installation of a 150 KV A or larger seperately derived sys D "A", "E", or "1-2" or "1-3" o Recreational Vehicle Parks o Supply voltage for more than 600 supply volts nominal 1~~~~t?~;;..~~:~i~2:~'~E'~J;1~qH~Q.VLg~~~:;lP~'f;~;(~~~ .;' I Description J Qty. J Ea. Total l~i)lhch.circuits~;:~i~'< ~ -:~~.f2~'::."'::'~-:t~w?'~ .""_~ I Branch circuits without service or $55.00 feeder IMis'cella'netlusf:.'jty '.~ '~:i. :~:' I Balance of permit fees 1~lectriCal Permjt:F:e~s.' I Subtotal I State surcharge (12% of permit totall I Technology fee (5% of permit total) I TOTAL PERMIT FEE o Fire pumps o Emergency systems o Addition of a new motor load of 100 HP or more o Six or more residential units in one structure o Health care facilities i~:.,~ c q , 117-D $55.00 I. . "~'_ :;~-':;f-t.;,.'"f, ,_ '.,.q;":',p " ,~..~. ; CQ-f13D $3.00 $58,00 $6.96 $2.90 $67.86 f!JL /J'/3/rA ATTENTION: Oregon law requires yau.':O tlllow rules adopted by the Oregon Uti:L Notification Center. Those Nt_ARere:: AAoI_ In OAR 952-001-4010 through 0 -.. 0090. You may obtain copies of the rul881lr calling the center. (Note: the == IIIIIlI* for the Oregon Utility Cent8r II , BOO W'l.aaH). '~ ~O\,\ ro~ -...' ~~.. ~tP Inspections Phone: 541,726,3769 This Authorization To Begin Work must be posted at the job site until replaced by a Permit Status Issued, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-0I720 ISSUED: 12/03/2009 APPLIED: 12/03/2009 EXPIRES: 06/03/2010 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street. Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726,3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line " SITE ADDRESS: :1816SWANKCT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703264205700 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Electrical Work Only TYPE OF USE: New Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Wiring of a spa disconnect in residence. Owner: Address: RENE LAUGHLIN REVOCABLE TRUST 2525 CAL YOUNG RD #123 EUGENE OR 97401 I ,CONTRACTOR INFORMA~I?~ ,I Contractor Type ii Electrical Contractor BURRELL BROS ENTERPRISES INC License 136446 Expiration Date 08/20/2011 Phone 541-747-2724 BUILDING INFORMATlONJ # of Units: i , Primary Occupancy Froup: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type , Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: ~! ,I; # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Building: Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: nla I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION 1 REQUIRED PARKING F~ontyardJiit'EN'nON: Oregon Jew requires VOU.tdverlay Dist: . SS~dde 21 Sset ....nnw rules adopted ,by the Oregon uti~~redeDt TreeRs Rdqd. ,e etB'lle,K, ion Center. Those rules are seh",...e nve q : Rearyar~~2-o01'()01 0 through OAR Q52.QO>1ef Lot Coverage: Solar Set'~ You'may obtain copies of the rules_bV Calling me OlIn...'. \'''';... ;1.- lal~Jl~~~:: number fOr the Oregon Util\W N~tIfilltliDDIMPROVEMENTS I . ',. ,,' Street Improveme,~ntar II 1-800-332-234't). ., NOTICE:>idewalk Type: ., ,',' ORK Sturm Sewer A vai",~le: '.. TAHUITSHPOER1WAf'ZEO,$U' MAoiJrR.EXPJ~pEEI~~~E: NOT Speciallnstructiun: ' 'f-lOl: itR'tS" ~_=='-o,-= COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR , ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Total: Handicapped: Compact: Notes: I Valuation Description I Description Type of Construction SPerSq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Value Date Calculated P~ee 1 of2 -r;;~' --., CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01720 ISSUED: 12/03/2009 APPLIED: 12/03/2009 EXPIRES: 06/03/2010 VALUE: Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769Inspection Line Total Value of Project Fees Paid I Fce Description + 12% State Surcharge + 5% TcchnoIogy Fee Add, Alter, Extend C;rc Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $6.96 $2.90 $58.00 12/3/09 12/3/09 12/3/09 1200900000000001295 1200900000000001295 1200900000000001295 Total Amount Paid $67,86 I Plan Reviews I To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspection's requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I Reollirerll nsnections, I Rough Electric: Prior to Cover Final Electric: When all electrical work is complete. By signature, I state aud agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify thllt all information hereon i~ true and correct, and I further certify that iwy and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinllnces of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the Work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project, I further agree to en~ure thatllll required inspections are requested lit the proper time, that each address is relldllble from the street, thlltthe permit cllrd is locllted at the front of the property, and the approved set of plllns will remain on the site at llll times during construction. ' Owner or Contractors Signature Date Paee 2 of 2 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541;-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2009-0 1720 COM2009,O 1720 COM2009,O 1720 Payments: Type of Payment ONLINE CHOS cRcceintl RECEIPT #: Description Add, Alter, Extend Circ + 5% Technology Fee 'I, 12% State Surcharge Paid 8y ONLINE PERMIT CHOS (l afR~~f;.'.," :,: -.;:.. '6.!i', ~?.. ,l -, ...',.. _.__w, """,:' .~" ," .~ City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 1200900000000001295 Date: 12/03/2009 Item Total: t:heck Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received KR ONLINE BURRELL Online , BROS Payment Total: .' -~ Page 1 of 1 9:27:20AM Amount Due 58.00 2,90 6,96 $67,86 Amount Paid $67,86 $67.86 12/3/2009