HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-12-4 OWNER:J)f.J..ry I li Wv ImrJo. ,tJnLf-l ADDRESS" ~iJ(L S-t CITY: 5PflY1fJ}/pjr} . . DESCRIBE WORK: LrtS+CU I bas r-uyna [L REMODEL V RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Oltice: 726.3759 ASSESSORS MAP: LOT: NEW CONTRACTOR'S NAME .. SPRINCFJELp BLOCK: :>TATE: -Dr;? ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHEfl . JOB NUM(JER 9? /'1 rb 225 Filth Street Sprlnglleld, 0'''9011 97477 TAX LOT tJ'iooc SUBDIVISION' PHONE: _1'-/-7 - t:Jh()6 Z1P/174-77 ADDRESS CONST, CONTRACTOR K PHONE GENERAL: PLUMBING' MECHANICAL:~l1r+> alLW Iq5l11'1J5-~ste~ t) ELECTRICAl' EXPlnES ~o (0- d:7 .qq TZbfJli) - OFFICE USE - . 0 egonlawrequiresyoUIO ATTENTION: r h Oregon UlililY OUAD AREA: LAND USE: _.__ . r "".rul.,., Adopled bYh8fi>& \ir6'!ltl1 Inrth l\1(j'ij"/l"e. ,oJ:":" f Cenler. Those ru~ n.'o.Q<;~ 001- K OF BEr>GS'\,?[o:;. N OF UNITS: _ NOllfIC~_IO~ -0010Ih~!;l'~= ~ TI-II~ ol::RM in OAR 9~i!-VU I . 'AS of the ru es uy OCCY GROUP, IT RHI\II I=YPIRE-IF THE w5~NSTR. TYPE: -"()OOO: You I'l'l'Y obtain c9~r. ~qa\~~t~~ AIITI-I(lQIZED U i\ . he center. (Note. Iii , ' K OF STORIES: _UNDER THlC: cr::qMIT IS l'JeA'r sounCE: __-!@j~!:1g I 0 gof.l>l;IUOXI)Itf>lQli~Gl/-~~?: "_...n COMMF"Nr.ED OR IS A I numbertortml, re ~3:>-2344). WATER HEATER:' I?t\NDONED FORRANGE: ___._ "MtAPS 1-80Q;01J7lnL'. FOOTAGE: ._____n_. Nty 1.''- '~f V P,-R'r'ln To request on InspectIon, you must c~1I 726.3769, This Is a 24 l)Our recording. All Inspections relllle~Hccl before 7:00 n,rn. will be made the same working day, In:.pectJons requested after 7:00 a.tn. will be made the following worl< day, o Tompornry Electric D Silo Inspection - To be made after excavation, but prior to sctllng forms. o Undcrslab Plumbing/ Electric..1! MechanIc..! - Prior to cover. D Footing - Afler trenches arc excavated. o Mnsonry - Steel location, bond beams, grouting. D Foundntlon - After forms cHe erected but prior to concrete placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior to filling trench. o Underlleor PlumblngJ Mechonicnl - Prior to Insulation or dccldno. o Post nnd Benm - Prior to floor Insulation or dccl<lng. o Floor Insulnlion - Prior 10 decking. o Snnit.1ry Sewer - Prior 10 filling trench. o Storm Sewer - Prior 10 filling trencll. o Waler L1no - Prior to filling trenctl. o Rough PlumbinD - Prior to cover. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Rough Mechanic.11 - Prior to cover. o Rough Electricn! - Prior to CQver. o Electrical Service - MllSI be approvecl 10 o:.>btc1ill permanent electrical power. o Fireplace - Prior to facing materials aneJ (raming Insp. o Framing - Prior to cover. o Wall/Ceiling Insu!ntion - Prior 10 cover. o Drywnll - Prior to t'aplng. o Wood Slove - 'Afler In5tallation. o Insert - Arter fireplace approval and Installation of unit. o Curbcut & Approilch - Alter forms arc crnclcd but prior to plnccmcnt of concreto. o Sidewalk & Drivew:l\, - After excavation is complete. forlllS ancl sul).baso rn[l~c:rltll in pl,lce, o Fence - WI,en compleled. o ~ltrool Trees - Wl1cn all requIred trees arc pl~,ltcd. o Finnl Plumbing - When all plumbing w9r1< is complct,e. o Final Elcclhcnl - Wilen all eleclrical worl< is complete. ( Finnl Mech;lIlic<l! - WIlen all ~,eCllLl/ljcal worl< Is complete. D Finnl Ouildino - Wilen all required Inspections have been approved <lnd builcJing is completed. o Ol.hcr MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o OIocking nnd Set.Up - When <lll blocl<jn~J is completc. o Plumbing Conneclions - When IlOrno has becn connected to waler nnc.l sewer. o ElectriG<l1 Conllcctlon - Wilen l)locl~ll1D, set.up, and plllmblng IIH;pccllons tl~VC been npprovcd and the Ilome is connected to the service panel. o Fill<ll - After ull required ' Inspections O1re approved and porChes, sldrling, dccl<s, and vcnlln{J have been Installed. Lol faces Lot SQ. flg, Lot coverage Topography Tolal height BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. Main Garage Carport I. Tolal Value Ouilding Permit Fcc Slate Surctlargc Tolar Fcc Lol TYP. Interior' Corner Panhandle Cul.(jc'~~c X $/SO. /'T, (A) Sell'olcl" -----'--'.5 THEO PF101'0SED WORK iN THEO . P,L, 'HSE' GAR' ACC I . "HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON -:- - I THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? ---- I If yes, this applicatlon must be signed _L- __ ond opproved by the Historical Coordinator prior to permit issuance. w ----..- -- ---- EO ----.- APPROVED: VALUE BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT '. Thls permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction sllall, In all respects, conform 10 the Ordinance odopled by Ihe Cily of Springfield, including the Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and m.:1y be suspended or rcvol<cd at any tlrne upon violation of any provisions o( said ordinances. Plan Check Fcc' Dale P;JicJ: Receipt NUlllbcr:__. Received 8y: PI:lI1S Rcvic""wcd--i3y-'-------- Dale SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) Systems Development Ctl<:Hge is due on all undeveloped properties witllin the City limits which ;:Ire being improved. PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Re51dunliol Balll(5) N" Sanltnry S!Jwcr Waler I'T. FT, Storm Sewer FT. Mobile Home Plumbing Permit Stale Surcharge Total C/lDrgc MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan N" Wood Slove/lnserI/Flrepl;:Icc'Unil Dryer Vent ~ /~ -~--- Mecllanical Permi I Issuance State Surcharoe Total Permit (B) (C) Mobile Home MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS (0) Stale Issuance Slate Surcharge SJdcwall< Ii Curbcul II Demolition ?tl1le Surctlargc Totol MIscell~lneous Permit~ (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (cxc[utJing electrical) (A, 0, C. 0, and E Combined) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS FEE ~ IS: "t.> I().p~ ( By slgnalure, I slate and agree, 111a! I hayc carefully examined tho completed applicD.tion and do hereby cerllfy Ihal all Information hereon i3 true anel correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with tile Ordinancus of the Ci ly o( Spring(lcld, and the Laws of the SWle of Oregon pertaining to the worl< described herein. and that NO OCCUPAI-.JCY wHI be made of any struclure wilhoul permission of the BuildIng Safely Division. I furttlCl' certify ttw! only contractors and employees who arc in compliancc.with ORS 701.055 will be used on this proiecl. 'fro ? !:_ 7..t.",,,, I furl her agree to ensure thot all rCQuired inspections arc reque~led at the propcr time, ttlat each address Is readable from the street, thlll the permIt card Is locnted at the fronl of the properly, nd he proved set of plans will remain :~g~:~u:~e 0 al:;'~1:rin ~7JL ~ Dale ! a/d-/..f..q'1 U VALIDATION: REOCEOlf'T NUMBUl c'? '3 )- 2. 'J 2... /2/'( 7 r AMOUNT RECEIVED 'h{,. V c.-(/t-J.:./ DATE I'AID FIECEIVEO BY