HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/27/2009 pty of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision Applicant Name: \20'-( I.-UI-i~~ Phone: '74-\ -0'00<.- (companv: Fax: IAddress: lM4 \lltr2A LA1..l.L ?PI2-II-l.,<=tFlf':-(A) OIL <,\..,4" 'IAPPlicant's Rep,: 0 O~M-I Cl-kL-Z6 Phone: Icompanv: .roM€.. ~"'1I'.l.E.E.<'U>-iG..' ~E.-r\\..l.('1I~, Fax: IAddress: p,o.!Xlr LSZ-, ~4€}..l.E. C>e- q,w'Z...- , I Property Owner: Icompanv: IAddress: , 4:0'S-4s0S <\Jbs-SCo?.<Y ~e ~ ~PU c.A+i.T I Phone: IFax: IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: ll-OZ--'7{-l'7 ITAX LOT NOeS): Zoo Property Address: '1'30 '=:<0 \l'\-.".~ ?Pi:2-1 r...l(, F-llU...tl 012- q,<:M ~ Size of Property: 'Z.:zS~'O 0.F. Acres D Sauare Feet R IProposed Name of Subdivision: P-A-CLT\TI"'w PLA:=1 , I Description of If YOU, are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Flt-tA-c. PAiL-TITlON PLi><1 frl'PlLO'-i~ IExistina Use: i2.-ebiD~-\It\-L. I Tentative Case #: 2-002>-000'30 1# of Lots/Parcels: 3 lAva. Lot/Parcel Size: <"\ \ 1~ sf I Densitv: S du/acre Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the a ro riate box on the next Associated Applications: ~(~ZOO'b- OOOy) Revised 1/1/08 rv10lly Markarian Date: I Reviewed by: Date: <f,f2-,Jo~ I Reviewed by: l31L- ITechnical Fee: $ if IPostage Fee: $0 I PROJECT NU~.lm~~':?-" ':'-'," _ _,', _'.0"_"""'-:"; .",~".,,,..' ,.'._."."..,,=....~...._. .".r."'.'''._._",....''~_.''''_-~'''.''''''''_~...._..__?~......,''_ _.'_"':,' , AUG 2 7. 2009 1 of 6 Pre-Sub Case No.: lcase No.: P12-6 ZOoq- OD'D 6lt\- Application Fee: $ 31.}1.,fJr) TOTAL FEES: $ j~~. ()f) """" ..,....~:;~............:.::.~ Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. s;..,.'!!:; f(OY 14/ ;liP Date: g -:26" -20() OJ \ w LU/!/f} t3LfJO Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O AUG 2 7 2009 .....__~.,_",);.0...."...... .-,."'- Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of6 WRITTEN STATEMENT ADDRESSING APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR A 3 PARCEL PARTITION FOR ROY LUNDBLAD JOURNAL NO. SUB 2008-00030 LOCATEI)AT 750 NORTH 66TH STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON , August 25, 2009 ' This written statementis intended to address the conditions of tentative p]atapproval and discuss how each has been satisfied in the Final Subdivision Application. The subdivision was given conditional approval under Journa] No, SUB2008-00030 The conditions of appro va] and our response to each are as' follows: 1) Street trees and or on-site vegetation shall be placed or relocated as necessary to ' maintain 10 foot vision clearance triangles at the corners of all site driveways per'S.D. C. 4.2-130. Req'i.liredstreettrees will be sited in accordance with SDC 4.2-'] 30 , . 2) Prior to final plat approv~l, execute a~d record,the irrevocable joint access easement, and maintenance agreement as proposed, ' A copy of the joint access easement and maintenance lias been submitted withthis application for the review and approval by the Planner prior to being recorded, , concurrently with the final plat.; 3) .Fire apparatus access driveways for Parcell and Parcel 3 shall be support an 80;000 lb. imposed load across th'e entire 20,0 foot width as per 2007 Springfield Fire Code 503,1" 503,2.3 and SFC Appendix D102,l The fire apparatus access driveways have been constructed to support an 80,000 ]b .load over entire width of the access drive, ' I ' , " 4) "No Parking-Fire Lane ", signs shall be posted on both sides of thefire apparatus access' roads to Parcell and Parcel 3 as per 2007 SFC 503,3:and SFC Appendix D103,6, - . The required signage is scheduled to be placed upon completion of the final grading' associated with the fire apparatus access drives serving Parcel], Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 , currently under construction, ' ' . , 5) Prior to final plat approval applicant shall revise plan drawings to provide necessary cleanouts in accordance with Section 2,01.07 ~fthe Engineering and Design Standards , and Procedures Manual. " ' PRE.SIIRMlTIAl REC'O 'AUG 2 7 2009, ." . '; A revised copy of the grading 'plan indicating theinstallation of a cleanout on the sewer service lateral serving more than 2 properties has been submitted with this final plat ~~oo '. 6) Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall ensure that the existing'structure on Parcel 2 is connected to the sanitary sewer " Th existing structure located on Parccl 2 has been connected,to the public sewer as inspected and approved under Building Permit No. 09-677 ' 7) Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall direct roof top runoff from the existing structure on Parcel 2 to an approved drywell as proposed in the plan set, Grade conditions permitted'the roof runoff from the existing structure on Parcel 2 to be collected into a closed pipe system and directed to the existing curb and gutter system in the 66th Street cul-de~sac,' - 8) Priortofinal plat approval the applicant shall show proposed water service connections, sizes and locations of water me!ers for each lot, ' Accompanying this final plat application is the grading plan submitted with the tentative plat application which has been revised to show the location and size of the water meters serving,each parcel. J' PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO AUG 2 7 2009 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number PRE2009-00024 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceintl RECEIPT #: Description CTY Partition Plat Paid By ROY W, LUNDBLAD ty of Springfield Official Receipt tJevelopment Services Department Public Works Department 2200900000000000972 Date: 08/27/2009 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received ddk 4609 In Person Payment Total: , PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO AUG2 7 2009 Page I of I ~ I 8:25:45AM Amount Due 346,00 $346.00 Amount Paid $346,00 $346.00 8/27/2009 j' " .' ,CLOSURE SHEETS FOR ROY LUNDBLAD PARTITION JOB NO. 3741 8-25-09 JAO CC 84 "5159,2783 5255,2446 , DELTA= 9-32- 8.5 L L= 45,7680 CHORD=S 53-26-1O,2E 45,7152 SEMI,TAN= 22,9370 E= 0:9549 M= 0,9516 S 31A7-45.5 W 275,0000 85 4925,5477 5110.3482 82 4801.0411. 5109,7325 56 4809,1936 4923,0104, AREA= 27537,688 SQ.FT.=0.63217833 ACRES PARCEL 1 (Fig. H) 56 4809.1936 4923,0104 " 80 4959.3248 4923,7528 83 4952,7810 5073,6300 CC 84 5159.2783 5255,2446 S 0-17-0,OW N 87c30- 0,0 W N 0-1.7- 0,0 E S 87-30- 0.0 E 'N 41-19-54,0 E 124,5081 186,9000 .>"'" ...:"',t'KI==:. 150,1331 150,0200 ,275,0000 DELTA= 3-17-34,8 L L= 15.8053 CHORD=S 50-18-53.4E 15,8031 SEMI,TAN= 7,9048 E= 0:1136 .'M= 0,1135 S 38-2-19,2 W 275.0000 393 4942,6897 . 5085.7916 373 4930.4600 5076.2285 374 4934.2300 4989.8808 368 4927,0752 4983.4834 367 4806,5106 4984.4619 56 4809,1936 4923,0104 AREA= 11260.061 SQ.FT.~ 0,25849542 ACRES , , S 38- 1-25,8 W N 87-30- 0,0 W S 41-48- 3.4 W 15,5247' , 86.4300 9.5978 S 0-27-53,9 E . _1-20:50ao .- ' N 87-30- 0,0 W 61.5100 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O AUG 2 7 2009 (] \ PARCEL 2 (Fig. 12) 368 4927,0752 4983.4834 369 4866,5086 4983,9749 370 4862,1467 5083,8798 371 4873.4161 5095,2902 ' 372 4917.1155 5095.5063 395 4921.6386 5089.4228 394, 4933,7534 5097,8804 CC 84 5159.2783 5255.2446 S 0-27-53,9 E 60,5686 S,87-30- 0.0 E 100,0000 N 45-21,23,O,E 16,0374 N 0-17-0,OE 43,7000 N 53-22- 9,9W 7,5807 N 34~55-IO,9 E 14,7749 N34-54-22.1 E 275,0000 DELTA'" 3-7-57J R L=, 15,0351 CHORD=N53-31-39.4W 15.0332 SEMI-TAN= 7.5194 E= 0.1028 ,M= 0,1027' S 38- i-19.2 VI 275,0000 n, \ 39C 4933.7534. 5097,8804 , CC 84 5159,2783 '5255,2446 '. N'34-54;-22,1 E 275.0000 DELTA~ 3-6-36.5 L' L= 14,9277 CHORD=S 56-38'56,2E 14,9258 SEMI-TAN= 7.4657 E= 0,1013 M= 0,1013 S 31-47-45,5 W , . 275.0000 I 85 4925.5477 5110:3482 82 4801.0411" 5109.7325 367, 4806,5106 '4984.4619 AREA=8660,1l0 SQ,FT.= 0,19880877 ACRES' S 0-17-0.0W .. 124.5081 , , N 87-30- 0,0 W ' 125.3900 > - ,PRE.SUBMITTAlREC'D AUG2 7 2009 " ,_.----..-_...~. R0'1'Lundb1ad 541 741 0802 p.2 " \ \. SCHEDULE A 75'0 ttTIJ Sf "@ Order No.: 02-108575-46 Policy No.: Amount of Insurance: Premium Amount: 27-031-92-389357 $ 263,000.00 $ 863.00 Date.of Policy:, August 16, 2005 at 01 :02 p.m. 1. Name of Insured: Roy W. Lundblad 2. The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is: A Fee 3, Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: Roy W. Lundblad' 4. The land referred to in this policy is situated in the County of Lane,' State of Oregon, and is ' described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF . PRE-SUBM\lTAl REC'O AUG 2 7 2009 ~----- THIS POLICY VALID ONLY IF SCHEDULE B IS ATTACHED Page 1 ---- Ro~ Lundblad 541 741 0802 Owner's Standard \", \ Order No.: 02-108575-46 Policy No.: 27-031-92-389357 EXHIBIT "ONE" Beginning at a Point 2128.3 feet North and 174,1 feet North 870 47' West from the Southwest corner of the William y, Miller Donation Land Claim No. 48, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; and run thence North 870 47' West 186.9 feet; thence North 150.0 feet; thence South 870 47' East 186.9 feet; thence South 150,0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, ' Oregon. EXCEPTING: Beginning at a Point being South 00 13' 36" West 1826.41 feet and North 870 30' 00" West 176.54 feet from the Northwest corner of the William Y. Miller Donation Land Claim No. 48, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence along the arc of a 275 foot radius curve right Ithe chord of which curve bears North 530 26' 12" West 45.72 feet) a distance of 45.77 feet; thence South 870 30' 00" East 36.88 feet; thence South 00 17' 00" West 25.63 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. , PRE.SUBMITIAl RECID AUG2 7 2009 ~,..~~ Page 2 p.3 (j) Ro~'Lundblad 54-I' "74 r 0802 p_ ,4 , r-<' \ Owner's Standard Or'der No,: 02-108575-46 Policy No.: 27,031-92-389357 SCHEDULE B This policy does no't insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of the following: c0 GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the, records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records, proce'edings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or' notices of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records, ,." 2. Any facts; rights. interests or claims which are not'shown by the public records but which, could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession. 3. ..Easements, or claims of easements or encumbrances, not shown by'the public records, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the iss~a'nce thereof, water rights, claims or title to water. 4, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose. 5: Any statutory liens for labor or material, including liens for contributions due to the State of Oregon for. unemployment compensation and for worker's compensation, which have now gained or may gain priority over the lien of the insured deed of trust, which liens do not now appear of record. SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS: 6. Property taxes, "which are a lien not yet due and payable, including any assessments collected with, taxes to be levied for the fiscal year 2005-2006_ 7. Rights of the public and governmental agencies in and to any portion of said land Iyin_g . wiHiin the boundaries 'ofs;i"reets, roads an,ffiIghways. -.. '-" - PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO AUG 2 7 2009 Page 3 " .."; .._.._._~--._-_.- RO':l'""Lundblad 541. 741 0802 \' ,Owner's Standard" . \.' \" Order No.: '02,i 08575,46 Policy No,; 27-031-92-389357 8. , Matters contained in that certa;!' document entitled' Agreement". dated February 25, 1974, by and between Ola B" Cogburn, et ai, recorded April 17, 1974, Recorder's No. 74,15430, which document, among other things, contains or, provides for: "Access". Reference is made to said document for fuli particulars. , 9: A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below; and, any other obligations secured ,thereby Amount: Dated: Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: ' Loan No.; Recorded: $201,600.00 August 11, 2005 ' Roy W, Lundblad Fidelity National Title Company American Brokers Conduit 0000940921 August 16, 2005, Recorder's No. 2005'063757 ."0) PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O AUG 2 7 2009 Page 4 p."5 r3' l" . "r"" r~" RECORDING REQUESTED BY FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF OREGON' \, \ GRANTOR'S NAME Bryce N, McLean"and Shellia Lynn Evans' GRANTEE'S NAME R~y W. Lundblad SEND TAX STATEMENTS To: Roy W. lundblad -:-:: :';ll. St,,,..l Springl;,,;";,':;;: B'1 ;-;.g. 1'1'1'1 vr'fM p~/'I!:: 5Pft.1fJ?flJ!<iJ; Of'.'''I7'f77... . Division, of Chief Deputy Clerk L~ne County Deeds and Records 2~~5.~DJ156 I I I ! AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Roy W. Lundbiad ." 1 , 750 GGt~ St"" ~ CJ5 !A1:XlV~' _Sr;ng~~ljjI. QR 9:,ng. '"11111 ~111I1111111II11111111111II11II111111111 $31,00 . 0072637720050063756002002808/16/2005 01 :02:06 PM RPR-DEED' Cnbl Sln=4 CASHIER' 02 $10,00 $11,00 $10,00 ::>t'ALt AtlUVt, I HI::> LINt: I"UH t1tl..UKUCK-::> u~c' STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Bryce N. Mclean and ShelliaLynn Evans fka Shellilta l. Mclean, Grantor, conveys and warrants to j Roy W. Lundblad, Grantee, the ~ollowing described real property i free and clear of.encumbrances except ~s specifically, f--~J-set for~h b~,I~W, si~uated i~ ~h~ COU~~y of ~~.ne, State of Oreg~m,>. . . _ , SEE EXHIBIT ONE,ATTACHED HER'ETOANO MADE A PART HEREOF Subject to_and excepting: Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements of,Record. 2005-2006' Taxes" a lien n~t yet due or payable. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLA TlON OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930, , * THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE,IS $263,000,OclISee ORS'93,030J *BEING PAID BY A QUALIFIED INTERMEDIARY PURSUANT TO A 1031 EXCHANGE ' AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON 800 WILLAMETTE ST., #500 EUGENE, OR 97401 ~ --....-z. </-// 8Z;YJ;&;i~/Jvl ar~, 5hellia Lynn Evans DA TED: August 8, 2005 " ~ - oFFj;lAl SEAL. STA TE OF OREGO . NOTARYP~:lTJ~ ' COUNTY OF LANE, ,.."c', COMMJSSI~~n~~~~N '- - - -';,.c:,~""',~~~E I ESJUlY26,2009 This instrument was acknowledgedb~~e me'1f7\ --~-- 7]..sL :::>5 E~-CD SH~YNN EVANS NOTARY PU IC FOR OREGON} ...- MY COMMISSIO PIRES: PRE.SIIRMI rIAL REC'O 'AUG 2 72009 ,"-'...' <._- ~,....- _.:....t'-. ( FORD-313 (Rev 2./961 STAT~TORY WARRANTY DEED ';bre:,,'I06575Y'7- " " ,", ,"',~.I " " 'I r' Escrow No. 02-108575-88 -46 Title Order No. 00108575' ( \'. r' \ EXHIBIT ONE , ' Beginning at a Point 2128.3 feet North and 174.1 feet North 870 47' West from the Southyvest corner of the WJlliam Y. rv'!iller Donation Land Claim No. 48, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette ry1eridian;,and run thence . North 87047' West 186.9 feet; thence North 150.0 feet; thence. South 870 47'East 186.9 feet; thence South 150.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in'Lane County, Oregon. ..'- '.' . .: EXCEP.TING:, Beginning at a Point being South 0013' 36" West 1826.41 feet and North 870 30' 00" West 176.54 feet from the Northwest corner of the William Y. Miller Donation land Claim No. 48, Township 17 South, Range 2 . West of the WilJamette Meridian;'thence along the arc of a 275 foot radius curve right (the chord of which curve bears . . North 53(126' 12" West 45.72 feet) a distance of 45,77 feet; thence South 87(1 30' 00" East 36.88 feet; thence South 00 17' 00" West';25.63 feet to the Point ~f Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, ') ,( PRE.SUBMITTA LREC'D AUG 2 7 2009 f ',.. J..,iiIl= \ -, '('.1 1':>,130 j . . --------.----'.--.--- .--------- . .~~'.F4S4;;~~;i~;~~,~j.t:~;.~:.Zt,~~-;r;~.:. ~;:.; ~:__.;.i.::...;-;~If.0~~::~;~d?;~~~i0~i~~~~:;.i;.; 'if:~ .:~~r1.. .;:f::5~~,[,.;r:i~if~.:~i;i~~~#t~;li~i.~~;~~~~~.;;~:.-~;~;:.~~,-:~ ,;:~;..:" - -. .~:. -:-,'.-' ,THI-S, AGREE~lENT,'made"ancl"C!nterccl htO'"t:h'is cloy b<ftV:ean ,oLAD.,', COGB'UPI;' " , ~~~~~~~F~~d:ts: COGBU~inheieina:fteY'!~IerreciO'to'as" "CQ.9Q1ll::[1 "_,__and JAl"~S _ Ii ._,JIJ RG~liS.EtL"n"m"'rJN-I-CE-B-_,nmGEt<SEN'F=he!;-e-tn-~ ' __;:':"7:::==:-;.;::-:-:--'." .... ._u_.:c' ...",.-~, '''':,;=---===.7=::''---;',--:--:-:.':;-,-., ..._'.":-:;-:-;~~~:.;-"':--.--:--..-.-:7:~:--:-";-._-:-''--''-:'":-''-'.-7:-;.-':-:---.'." -.-:-.. 'after 'referred tc as "Ju,rgensen", ,W, I TN E S _ S ,E, T"Hc-h JIECITALS: Cogburn is the own~rof real property described in Lots 1 through 14 of that copy of,proposed plat marked Exhibit "A", A. 't...... attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. ' Jurgensen is the Ol'ner of a tract of land adjacent to the south- westerly corner of said Cogburn land. B. Jurgensen presently has a 20 foot easementi"dcross the , , . ,', . land 'of Cogburn from the County Road to the ,north, and the parties have reached agreement whereby Jurgensen will 'release to Cogburn that 20 foot easement and dedicate the northeasterly corner of ,Jurgensen's property to -street and '-Cogburn will pave the' street thereby furnishin, access to Jurgensen without any cost to Jurgensen. NOW, THE:REFORE, in consIderation of th~ pre~ises and in con- sideration of the mu~ual cevenants and agreement herein set forth, the; paines fiereto asree as fo11C;';5: 1. That Cogburn at their sole e':;:>ense shall complete that plat of their land picturec 'in Exhibit "1\" attached hereto and ,)y thi" reference i:ocorporateJ h...rein e.s though fully set forth. 1 -' l.fjrce:-PE:Jl t PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D . AUG 2 7 2009 , L_' .".____ '.'--:-'.-.''-'. 1:" r ! I. i~' .', . ~J~;S! :-. i:' ~ ..:"" i;'~';;:;, i?:''T,.,. 'I 'b'i~~( '.~,~.' _ .-..t.:.}"~"$' '-~i~\1~;' ~~~, :~~i' ~k.~::' I .~;1W'~~ ~l.;:}~W~, I ~>, - ,-J'< '2 ;..> ..;'t~~':~,-:':":',:..i.:::_L.---,_,- '~':j'L::;:;~. , ...-. -~ -...- '.--- ------ --~-- ----_._.-.- ---_...._~----- .:= .~;~:;-i'~L;i~;'-;~~;~:':'~~~"::f.~ii:;~._~~:+~~~;:.~~-~~:::-i::~~~:,-6n:~~::~:~b'_i: .':"'o:"~~j,~-. ::5Y,~~~; . , ,',1 Y>.li3U, ' '" " ., ",... " ".. .' , That Cogburri'alBp agrees to furnish"ti:>, Jurg,ensen by d.,dication: ".. ",-:;-thereof'''to the" use"o'f'o'the"puhl-ic' th'at'.,;,ccess",pictured' 'as'66th" .." .- ....- . - . ..,.....- - ....--. ... ---.. '.. -,- - .,- - ... .,. __._.__n__'. ,~.. ,,_.~ _.._.~~:~.. "'...'_'..;0-,:''':_._._ _ .~ r n Street and"'-thero""d";~y ending" in'-~~~Jf~d;;::;a';:-that-,-~!,tlil!lds ' westerly-northwesterly frolll,',66thStreetacross th,l! northeast ".......::,..,..".,'"., carRet of the jurgeiuien proPerty'- andwiil pave the;u~~ all at ..,.... "-~''''-''-''~"~~''''' Cogburn's sole expense and Cogburn will save Jurg~n"~~,,,~~~~~fiilellii from any liabiE ty or expense \~hatsoever for the e's'tibUshmellt, " j-'-""" i" i , 'I . !-- 'f construction, installation and paving of said access. 2. Cogburn and Jurgimsen coincidental ...ith signing-this agree- ment, will execute that Boundary Li~e Agre~nt, copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference incorPorated hereili, and deliver the same to Lee Plants, Surveyor, to be held Subject to , J' ;. ..~1~j{:.. , the terms of this agreement. (Marked Ex.'libit, '8.), 3. Jurgensen "hall execute that Street Deed, cOpy of ,WhiCh . -' .. is attached' hereto and' by this refereEce incori>orated:'hereli1,' and deliver,the same to Lee Plants, Surveyor, to be held subject subject to the terms of this agreement. (Marked Exhibit "D") i,:,:-)., ij~f'T,'~1 i '"..", ; ::;'-f. , ~'I. .,~~ I"" _';Ii '." -"'. f' T .-<;-.- to 'the te..."1!lS of this agreement. (Marked Exhibit 'C") 4 . Jurgensen shall execute and deliver to Lee'Plants, Surveyor, that Release of Easement, copy of Which is attached hereto and by this Ireference incorporated herein, to 'be held 5, Cogburn agrees, to execute that Road' Easement to i" incorporated herein as though fully set forth, providing for . ..,,;>~ :,': ,,' ! <?:~~:;J;~ ,Jurgensen, copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference 2 - An reeIT'.ent.- i: -,-(,,-,,* , -:-::-::"-:;::;;;-~_'.,...:.'_.::'3;;':3'::::i~~~~, , . .. _ .., ....' , '" ',.,.." , __ t ," ' .. " .. , ", --. . ., 'm'-~;~r::~;:i~,r~::""."'~~"""'''''-~~~',' ',. '; ~ '. --;..,':". \ "'-.... ,-', , ...", .' , '".. , _m' ",..,. _ , _ ,.." n, n. '\, '. '.. , ,_"" n ,-- -., .. , ,..".... ,.."" _.'" _~"u'.. ,', _ ' .., ,. , " , ...., ......" - ...-' .-, '" '!~;~i~:~: ~~=~~.'==-.: ~~:,~,~'.=~..=~==:,~:~~=:_-'-; /1:-'1: ;,. ~~o-,,-,.,. .~:=~- .. ........~~. :."'~:-- ~~~:::~~,A~~2-':. '~lfl . ",,~ ", '"~~ _,;:. 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I l',::'/.~:;l~:J: :f!.'~~.f~,: ,:~;'-.,~.I:'~l:;:!;'lg.y~tl'f~ I i~>,'~l:,~,~~,t,"i. :{r,-:'i,~~~~', ' .....r l.'~f~~r...~ ~:,; .~~. :'r,~l;"'~':~~l' . ~f'~ ~ri/f;~ld'/:~"f'.;x;%f,; ; ltr:Jlili~J2;~~~~ : : ':""1''''~''; _.~.;I(T,;j~~r r ' ~,~g'~1 ,;''';~~I\~~r.~.~ r: ,~ tl~~l I '1, ", , >, i~'ll.' :1 . .. ~'a /~t)~ 'fro :. ;~.:J -"''';il .... .~~ ' ,,'J~ \.ti~ '{; (1 , ., \ \: ) i " j' " . '" ): 'i , h 1 '1' After recording return to: Roy Lundblad, 1444 Vera Drive Springfield, Oregon 97477 Until a change is requested Mail all Tax Statements: No Change PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O AUG 2 7 2009 ,- PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT .. AND MAINtENANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS: Roy W, Lundblad is the owner of a certain tract of real property located ,in the Northeast one- quarter of Section 34 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, The legal description of the real property is as follows: Beginning at the, southeast comer of Bralyn Estates as platted and recorded in File 73, Slide 35 of the Lane. County Oregon Plat Records thence along the eaSt. boundary of said BralyiJ. Estates North 0001 i'OO"East 150,13 feet to the southwest comer of Lot 12 of the 'plat of Cogburn as platted and recorded ih Book 66, Page 25 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence leaving said east boundary and running along the south boundary of Lot 12 of the said plat of Cogburn South 87030'00" East i50.02 feet to the southeast corner, of said Lot 12, said pomt being on the westerly margin of the 66th Street ci.ll-de~sac ~s dedicated in the said plat 'of Cogburn; thence leaving said south boundary and running ~long the westerly margin cifthe 66th Streetcul-de"sac as dediCated by a street deed recorded April 11, 1974 Recep. No, 74-15430 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records, along the arc of a 275.00 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 53026' 1 0" East 45,72 feet) a distance of 45,77 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 13 of said plat of Cogburn; thence leaving said westerly m,argin and running' along the west boundary of Lot 13 of said plat of Cogburn South 000 l7'OO"'W est 124.51 fed 'to the southwest corner of said Lot 13; said point being on the north boundary Mthe plat of the Second Addition to Seeger Estates as platted and recorded in Book 67, Page 7 of the Lane , County Oregon Pl~t Records; thence'leaving said west boundary and running along the north boundary of the said plat of the 'Second Addition to Seeger Estates North 87030'00" West 186.90 feet to the point of beginning; all in Lane County Oregon The owner is partitioning said real property into 3 parcels as approved under City of Springfield Planning File No. SOO2008-00030.' This easement is being created to provide , ingress'andegFess acrossParcel,l, Parcel 2 and,Parcel3 .to serve Parcell ,.Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 with access to the public road and impacts Parcell, Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat No, , recorded ,2009, - . Inst. No, ,Lane County Oregon Official Records.. DECLARAtION OF EASEMENT: 1, Easement Created: Roy,W, Lundblad does h~reby create a perpetual easement as described in Exhibit "A", attached, for the mutual and exclusive use of Parcel 1, Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 of the aforementioned partition plat; as recorded in the Lane County Oregon Official Records, " Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement - Page 1 PRE-SUBMITIAl REC'O AUG 2 7 2009 2':" Pumose. The easement is created to provide for ingress and egress and ,J ' emergency vehicle access from Parcell, Parcel 2 and Parcel3-ofsaidTaii,r"'---' Partition Plat to the public street That portion of the access easement not ' encumbered by an underlying public utility easement may also be used by the , aforementioned Parcels for the installation of private utilities, including, but not limited to water service, electricai service. telecommunication services, storm water drainage and sanitary sewer service lines as long as such use does not interfere with ingress/eg~ess access provisions granted herein, No vehicle parking ofaliy kind will be allowed within the easement area 3. Use of Burdened ProDerty The owners or Occupiers ofthe parcels affected by the easement shall have the right to use their property, including the area described as the easement, for _any purpose as long as the owners or o~cupiers ' do not interfere with the use of the' easement as granted by this instrument. , . .' 4. " Maintenance imd Repairs. ' The cost of any maintenance or repair of the area within the easement shall be shared by the owners of Parcell; Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 of said Land Partition proportionate to their use as-described in ORS 105.107 to 105_185, and as may be amended from time to time. However, any repairs necessitated by the negligence or the misuse ofthe easement area and rights granted herein by either Parcel I; Parcel 2 or Parcel 3, their agents or invitees, shall be the sole responsibility of the negligent party. All work shall be performed by a licensed contractor and the repaired area returned to its former - condition'once the repair work has been completed, 5, ' ProDertv Taxes, Each Parcel shall be responsible for the property taxes for that portion of their property within the easement area.., 6, Private Grant. 'The easement created by this instrument does not constitute a dedication or grant for public use, ' 7, Successors in Interest. The provisions of this instrum~nt touch and concern,. arid relate to the use of Parcel I, Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 of said Land Partition Plat, and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land. - . 8. Indemnitv, Users of the roadway for access or maintenance ("Users") shall assume all risks arising out of their use of the Easement. Specifically, but ,yyithout limitation, Parcel Owne~s shall have no 'liability to Users or their agents, .and employees, or any independent contractor hired- by Users' solely based on ' , theIT status as a Parcel OWner. Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless Parcel Owners from any claim, cost, dainage or expense of any kind or nature arising out of or related to any negligent or wrongful act or orriission of Users arising out of their use of the Easement. ' 9, Lel!al Proceedinl!s, If any legal proceeding is commenced for the purpose of ,interpreting or enforcing any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party in such proceeding shall be entitled'to recover reasonable attorney's feesin such proceeding, or any appeal thereof, in addition to the costs and disbursements allowed by law, .-, Access Easemenf arid Maintenance Agreement - Page 2, 13. Arbitration, Any claim, controversy or dispute arising out of this Easement shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the applicable rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Any such, arbitration shall be conducted in Lane County, Oregon. All provisions of this instrument, including the benefits and burdens, are binding and enure to the heirs, .successors, assigns, transferees, and personal representatives of all parties who oWn any ofihe aforementioned parcels. Dated this day of ,2009. Roy W. Luridblad STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss ) County of Lane ~, Onthis ' day of ,2009 there appeared before me, a Notary Public for the State of Oregon, County of Lime the hereon named Roy W. Lundblad, being known to me, or proved to me by a satisfactory evideI!ce, 'to be the same person who , executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same to be his voluntarY act and deed. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my'hand and affixed my seal. Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O ' AUG2 7 2009 \. .i Access-Easement and Maintenance Agreement - Page 3 , , v- Exhibit "A" Easement Area . Beginning at the southeast corner of Bralyn Estates as platted and recorded in File 73, Slide 35 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records thence alorig the east boundary of said Bralyn Estates North 00017'00" East 150,13 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 12 of the plat 6f Cogburn as , platted and recorded in Book 66, Page 2'5 of the Lane' County Oregon Piat Records; thence , leaving said east boundary and running along the south boundary of Lot 12 of the said plat of ~ogburn South' 87030'00", East 139,90 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence leaving said south boundary and running South 2030'00" West 22.19 feet; thence South 53"024'i 7" East , 26,89 feet; thence South 00017'00" West 52,88 feet; thence South 8T30'00;' East 26.17 feet to a point in the west boundary of Lot 13 of s~id plat of Cogburn; thence along the west boundary of saId Lot 13 North 000.17'00" East 64.54 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 13, said point being on the southwesterly margin of 66th Street, 25,0 feet from, wh~n measured 'at right , angles to, the centerline of 66th Street; thence aiong the southwesterly margin of 66th Street, along the arc of a 275.00 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears North 53026'10"- ,West 45.72 feet) a distance of 45, 77 feet to the southeastcorner of Lot 13 of said plat of, Cogburn; thence leaving said southwesterly margin find runilmg ~long the south bOUlldary of said Lot 12 North 87030'00" West 10,12 feet to the True Point of Beginning, all in Lane County Oregon. PRE-SUBMITIAl REC'O AUG 2 7 2009 L '\ -"- Acce~s Easement and Maintenance Agreement - Page 4 SECOND A,DDITION TO SEEGER ESTATES T 17 S, R 2 \'J ,'\'J.r.1-;C SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON In a GO' r.1ARCH SEC. 34, SCALE 1974 DESCRIPTION BEGINNING AT A palMT ON THE (loST LI....E OF'SEEGER ESTATES. 80011: 60, PAGE 26, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, SAI.D PO''''T BEING 1937.63' SOUlH AND 6~1.87' WEST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER Of THE JOHN KllER D.L.C. It O. ~2, T 17 S. Ii 2 W. W....., RU "IN ING T'H [" C [ E '" S T 290.2. 4' ~ TH(NC[ 5 81.36' 11- E 361.0'; THENCE sou lH 529.81'; THENCE wEST 31.20': THENCE 5 85046'12- ~ 621.39"70 TIlE EAST LINE OF TilE fIRST ADDITION TO SEEGER ESTATES, 8001C 66. PAGE 8, LANE COUNTY Of/EGOH PL"Y RECORDS, LJl.NE COUNTT, OREGO,.; TtlENCE NORH1 590.43' ALONG TNE ,["57 L".E OF 5 A f 0 1'1 R 5 T A DO IT I ON TO 5 [EG E R . [5 T" T E 5 J\ NO 5 E [G [R ES T '" T [5 T() Tit E. PO ~ It T O!, BE GINNING, 1111 LAlliE COUNTT, OREGOIII. DEDICATION DSJ, LJ,NE ~ NO... "LL. '-l E N T ti "T N.&. T ION A L TIT LEI NSUIl" IIICE COMP.&.NY, "N ORE GON_ CORP OR AT 10 N, COUNTY TITLE IHSUR""'CE COMPANY: TRUSTEE, IS THE OWNER IN f'"EE S....pLE OF T,HE tiEREON DESCRIBED, THAT-ll CII.USED THE S.&.ME TO 8E SU8DIVIDED AND PLATTED"S AND IT DEO.CJ,TE 5 .TO THE Pu8L IC FOR(V( II ALL ST ~E( TS "NO EASEME NTS SH?WN ON THI PLAT. ,. .. ".. " ~~L-T: P DAN~R-rtNiIEL- J jJ~ ,,~:.~ ~~,.~ ~~_2 GLOR-IA GENE ADAMS ASSISTANT SECRET4RY ""^^"" I,,.t', ,~'ljl!~I~~!' '" i' .;,l.'~L~It'''JJiI.\'' r ' i if'S' "\'" J (. ~ ./. .. LI.- ~I,~ '101' r ". 4 \-vvvv,,-l VICE PRESIDE NT A'CKNO\'/L EDGEMENT STATE OF OREGON) 55 COUNTY OF' LANE} THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THE Z8Tli DAY Of MARCH 191" THERE APPEARED BEfORE ME THE FORENAMED DAN R. WEI't~IEL AND GLORIA GENE 4DA':IS, WHO SE1NG DULY SWORN, SAY THAT 111EY ARE VICE PRESIDENT AND "SSIS1ANT SECRET"RY RESPECTIVELY Of NAlIOIUL TITLE 11.- SURANCE 'COWPANY, AIt ORE GO'" CORPORATION, OSA LANE GOUNTY TITLE INSUR..NCE COMPANY, AND THJ,T THE SEAL ..FFIXED TO 'THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS THE CORPORAT~ SEAL OF THE CORPORATION, AN.O flUT TilE S"M[ WAS SIGNED 1111 BEHAl-F OF SJ,IO CORPORATION llY THE ABOVE NHIEO OFfICERS AND THEY ACICIIIOWLEOGEO SAID 'INSTRUMUlT TO BE THEIR VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. .~ lln"".;;f.J,:'J ""oR OREOOrl EXPIRES 2/22/1918 .-G ~' , ~ . < . ~ ".' L '" .. '" .... r ' ~L.- -J-I -"'YVv,,-.J . BEFORE NOT..RY PU8l.. lC MY COIUIIS~ION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OREGON)SS COUNTY OF LANE) R. WilSON HUTCHISON, REGISTERED PROfESSIONA1. [ItGINEER, 8EING FIRST DULY SWORN ON OATH, SAY THAT I HAVE: CORRECTLY. SURVEYED AND ..ARICED WITH PROPER MONUMENTS TNE 1.ANO MEREON SHOWN 0'1 THIS PLAT, THAT I P1."C[O "T THE INITIAL POINT A 2" X 315- GALVANIZED IIIOH PIPE ~.. BELOW G,!OUNO,SURFACE. -SA.O INITlAL POINT IS 1,931.63' SOUTH AND 6'T.81' wEST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE JOHN ll"IZERD.L.C. NO. 52, TI1S, R2W, W.N,; A1.S0 8EING 12.IS' NORTH OF THE EAST CORrlER'OF 1.0T " BLOCK 1 OF SAID "u0l"'" '~ ~'''': ,~,~,,::::.!: ~'O'OE.E ' ~~ /"'\ TH.S 29TH DAY' Of' MARCH 1914 < . ," > < .. > ' ,\.\, -" t.. .J ~ '-,;, ,;: .,~" ..,' ,..J. L-.... ';"~r.t1~'\".... ....v'vVVV",,~-4;. e<-_' .t;;i ii'H /'f~.9,...J t{.r.L.;,~ HOT.. RY P.vBl..IC FOR ORE liON .MY (;01olMIS510N EXPIRES 9118/1916 651.81' "\jSW CORNER JOHN KIZER O.L.C. NO.52 ~UBLICUTILITY[ASE"ENT , ---T " 1".0' WIDE U~SS ~R_-i- WIS( IHOICA'TED WEST ~'" ..' :;; ~ INITIAL ! ~ /' POINT .~:,~z...290.24' ",""'~, - U) ["ST . llil.O' lO.H~.U.ll' - I r.\ ,- \!;' L I 25 _57'~"1 '~O.'7' ~ I;' 24 19 21 ;,; . . . o . /\ ~'\ r--"~':;:';~';',~" ., ~.1"- 16 ..::,.(. ..::':' + :',,' "716' !>.. + "..,- -.. ~.$O'H'( ':t I I. 1 ' , \.._e_'$.U ~_'~"6''''_ IO'.~O' '. 22 2' 27 '. . .6'0~", 5~;~"~1." ".0' 17 ".0' nz..~ .y 10...~:. ..:~.. ~o..~~" t ," -' 'IIEn ro:~';\'~'''' 5 ".0' .u;O' , H,O' 2'.0' , . _"U.O.---.J..._ _t~ '0 o i I .~ 4 . 'Ol.O' EllS' a:: "'(" ,( :~ ". ...~;.. > 3 4 " L t 7'.0' : '. . 6 , 15 1 I '. . T " '03.'0' "7.Z" . .....10 L0:.2...,' ~~.~""-~ c '. ; 1..:) ,00.l..' ---' -1 '. ; '0 q I:IG) I I ...."! , '03.'''' ;1 " " 7 " , '''~,'O' '30.0' 10 ~ S' / ~IIEII '. . 2 STREET '0".0' '03.0' ~-,--L--- .-' '00.0' . . " . '0 13 2 \...C_ l'.:'~' ,~:,:;;;~,(y j,/"Ol~''''~~ UH :. -,;,~ ....u. L '_ . ,,'3. .- 1.7.'* .-;- PUICI:L _.. , 58504812 '/II . ; g 30.0' ~i@ g 1 '0.0' 1 I, J " '00.0' , .. '!.. l' . . :: -..'~ , '. VO :: >; ...., .A.cI:L-.- , ,.:..J 15.~1 '00.0' EasT Elln ",~ 0~ ~ 14 () :J..i L 11.1." ~, .. <1: !:::l j.- ':.) ~~1' 621.J9' <~. ,'r APPROVALS 0) :".~ ::.,:) '-... LANE COUNTY, OREGON r.r:: BOOI( 67 en Gr3 U F~ N .::: '_,".6 r;:: '.3 S 81": J/S' 11~ E ~l.2..' ., r 'QO.32'_ 26 , . ; 1'1 29, II '00:11' It ....".. " "'i] I " . , 2. II '00.0' .~AT STREET '3.u' ... "'. ~ " '. ~ .. 5 U.3" EII3T 10.1' '03....- 7 '03.i" . '''3.3'' EA'T ; 9 L ---,,,,.50' CURVE " l' , ' '" 175.0' 11'~.0' 214.89' 2"1'''9', S4!S"w c , L_C.' L'_ k'..n ~. Ot"'ht;-1 COUNTy\;O....ISSIONER t:_~....k /;\ t=L\~..,tt _ ,COUNTl' CO.....ISSIOlllfR ~6~:; y OFOFOR~~~: ~ SS ...... 7'.0' 6 D AT A PA,G E I'NIT'ALPOINT COGBURN E5T..TES ,( '-- '0,02' ., . '0.0' 7 -~, ~ " '" .. '~... '" I. ~. .'lSO.. HOTCH'lO". . IE' IIG """ OU." ..0111. OE PO,E ""0 ..t7 ;"., 'H" IS AIt (XAC' 1;.0'" O' .It~ ,,1I11\-. to A' O' T HI; ,(COIIO 1I001T.0" TO 'EtGEI (ST.trEI. ..feltO_ '0, Tl71.':"', .._..... .s . .t..~ Eo . 01 "L'''G ,.. I.II..E COull. T O''':GO'' .\..111 mo.", '~" m~~ ~ SU'SC."EO SWOI"TO"E'O"E"(~:"'H"ATO' ..lIleH. "". ro.lnnc.,,;, M ~""vu)4...d COUNTY GOIllMISSIONER u -P~d' b .............3- _ COUNTY "SSESSOR I~l..._ Lr:: SPRINGFIELD PLANNING .. '-'_ _c ~~~"... -L.~ I COM~15 '1 ' ' ./, / 1 I " _1M,' Aul 0, t~ r;-;#.RETUU c";;/..c ~1 CITY SURVEYOR .:;. .'.jj :':'~ ~V::' 3 r P~71: '~ ;r;,i';',",_. "......_, ,..' ; "h',., .:".::'~d:". :-i" .,' ,l, ,,'. C ~.tL~'(;, ':,:", i'f_, > i:.J)____ / /' Or.;>UT't . ~ ,~:::. o . .~ : I- ... ... a: I- Ul 'PRE~SUBMI1TAL RECID AUG2 7 2009 ti'. hr N.....~ ;;Lr.;/..&.;.,' . ~O'''''T .U..'<: .0.. o..t.o~ o ; -" " ; '. ~ . " ..v..CO......s'O.. EX.,IES.911"'"'' ", , ". . J: I- '" '" o . .~ ;0 ;; ,,; . . '0.0', 31.20- WEST ie, l8lRAlYN SECTION S P R I N G FIE L D, SURVEYORS CERTIFICA1E: State of Oregon) Count,v of Lane ) 55 ESTATES 34" T., 17 S,' R. 2 w., LANE COUNTY, W.M. OREGON I, L~e C. Plants, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, being first duly sworn on oath, say that I have caused to be surveyed ~nd lI\arkcu with proper monuments the following described plat: Beginning at the Initial Paint which is Clarked by a 2" x 36". galvanized iron pipe driven 6" below the surface of the ground, said Initial Point being South 1:578.87 f"'et and West 4ii'7JO -:feet from the southwest corner of the John Kizer Donation Land Claim No. 52, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wi-llamett<: Meridian; thence South 0"' 10' 43" West 161.60 feet; thence East 60.00 [('Oct to a point on the West boundary of Cogburn, as platted and re- corded in Book 66, PaRe 25, Lane County' Oregon Plat Records; thence along said West boundalY South 0" 10' 43" West 195.00 feet to a point on the North boundary of Second Addition to Seeger Estates, as platted and recorded in Book 67. Page 7, Lane County Oregon plat Records; thei)ce along said North bounuary West 290.24 feet t(l the Northwest c(<rner (If said plat which i5 also a point On the East.boundary of Seeger Estates, as platted and recorded in Rook 60, Page 26. ~e County Cregan Plat Reccrds; thence along said East boundary North 339.15 feet to a point on th~ centerline of Thurston Road: thence along 5aici centerline the following courses and distances: South 83- 22' 30" l::ast' 108.02 feet; North Sl:!"' 10' 43" East 146.17 feet; thence leaving said ce.nterline South 0" 10' 43" 'tiest 47.17 feet tn tho: fnitial Point of Geginning, in Lane County. Oregon.' Subscribed and-sworn to before l:Ie this l~day of ll.o...: (). 1978. \ r REGISTERED 1 PROFESSIONAL L~rt)l SUR;w'Yon. ~~/d'0 ,-. ::~,~..~~~O,~, ,'." , ' . LEE C. PLANTS 1300 ~ ~.. 1'1'\, "'''n::,q ""'f NOlarvPubljc'O~n My edm"'''''dn E.~n'" .~-..,~ R:l DED1CATlON ,/~./J 11 ~r6::.-Y,>-- Lee C. Platrts, P.L~;:;. \) Know all lIlen that Cascade Title Company, TJ"Ustee, an Oregon CO'l'oratlon,is the owner. of the above d('scribed.property and they do hereby layout.and subdivide the same as shown on the plat and thr..y do hereby dedicate to the public all- streets and .::asements as shown hereon. CASCADF. TfTLE CO~PA~Y, TRUSTEE ~A7)r~--=- Fred'!.lcNahon, Vice PreSIdent ACK.;-:OWLEDGI':!,lINT : State 'of Oregon) County of Lane) 55 ~ c<t.....,;. ~ Ii,;, 4. .* DorlS J. Gllber ,~ecretary. Personally appeared Fred ~kMahon and Dcri:. J. Gilbert, who bcing duly l;worn Oil oath, say that they art ,-ice Pl'csident and Secreta'y respectively, of Cascado: T~tle Company, Trust_ee, an Oregon Corpuration, ",'ho being known to lI",e to be the identical indi,'iduals who signl..d the forego in!} instrument and that the same instrument was signcd in behalf of said eoq:oration.by the above named officers and they acknowledge sai~ instrument to ~e..their voluntary acts and deeds. Subscribed and sworn to before me thisl~day of. ~.L.9.. 197(1. ~_1!'L_~ Notarv P<Jblic.Qre;l,on Mv C~",,,,',,,e~ E.~"", _~-=. '1:-B.d. APPROVALS ", JIl~/.{J/~. ' ~//'~ CO[:~':'~ ~ ~ ~f~/~ 'county co:, ""oJ 0, .,--:,Q 0 .-..l-~ ~ ~ co~n~y A:Ssessor v /. , ( ~);'-J , -,,-/-")-?tj c,it,~~ Springfield Planning Commission fZ~.#..I'ff~ .Presu!cnt ,CtlJ I/~ 05!ctary- ! /4~uu';' 'f I L E Il Dnl ~-)-/.Q./979 u... Cdnn <cu. . "..uen "" c....uu..c.. D~~unf!lfr~/'j~~ L -77: ....s~~,,<". ~ . "c>a~-:/""""'ac-:." P~~~?I'.. ,(<. ,.~.. ~.tl!.1' P.. ,1' t!,U' , 'to /1 // I ./ F~;t~ k .../ . ~ I~ .r / I 7$' ~ I 1 9"::.~' I I ,~A."r I ~ '" ", ~~ ~L/E 1 .~ ~ , , ~ -, .- :~ r-J~=-"-C- - I . -, 1 , I ~I ~ ~ ~I ,.c::I I~ 1 I I 1 S'5.&S-. ~4.sr u' 4-5:00' ~.sr " Ib ~ ~ \J ~ ~ .Q: " ~ Il: ~ ~ l K 'll >Il $~V~ r" -,"5' ---- '~! '" 1 . I "7~v:~ ~ :~. ~ ~i p I~ " !\'I .- 1 ~ A!'.~=' .::o.p.r:.7i ~,; ~ 1 d"~'..!I>7'.dl. -{~ _ _ _ ~ _y,..r.-d~~::; ~ ~/' . I ;'_ ....... l\. I .F-4.sr II .,.. Z"-; ~ I,. _,DO.<::'''''/~"E. I .-' ~ I .d.srJ~ t. '. :"l; . fO~'4b'i'Y,.:t:l _\ ~ 8' , ~l '\ " - I ,;e ,})<, ,/ ~/ I ct' i" lo~ '-e.- ":~ I ' 9".fJ .~. tP ~"i,~ 1 ';1-'./,,;' '~,,< ..:1 T "" ~ ~.'.... I .~:~, ? ~," E ~ . 'I:':~ , ,p.p ", ~ , I .. J """;" ~L_.!_____ __ ___~_____~ //4.r. /",.,.9<'1 '" ',' , " ~;..-~-- '" ;,-: --_ i ,'I .., " l' /1 / I / c:;; I / I W'F\$r r.AO.r4' I ;~F ~/.vr;) / / , /~\ / A.-:J.._?JT/'::':V ,:...,/:.,;.> .sr.=~C;.r.o:.::> , ....~'t \. \ ..7~,::-,-:~.U,). \ ..:'~-) FILE 73 SLI DE 35 ~~;;:..~~~ ----~~" "'"'t' ,.../Q , d,fiilA/'. (i, !J(1n..'fr1 Nolary PUbl;" ~~A" -8/ My Comm'n-> hpo..... _ ...,. p. '~ , d#-, / ' ,..".~ /' . ~ ' ,,/ , i....... . " k~ ~ ...~ . ~ ' '~ ~ /A./~7/AL .cOhc./r ~A" 1-579S7'1' "",,"F.$T4<7 /0- ~,JJ!"~T.H'~.:rH': c-_. ..A:::lM</A""/J'lF"~ . o 4{. c_ .(A:;)_S~. -</7~ ~'-' ~...,. of. ,< ,~ .~ 0 ~ s l ~ .~ , .~ : 7;-d ~ ::~ l~ ~ i~----~-- I I 1 I It'~r....,,,,,,,:' -, 1 I r. ' I~ 1l------ ,~ ~ I , I .~ ;.--:~. e<-'"' ~a':J 1 C) ?...,. 74;..~.:":~~ E,,4$T I :f oF ~~-:_i:-'~a.....,.,. I R .,.-,..."",,1 l;) " ~ I~ I~ I I ._____..J "'00:>' , , I I. .:-4- 1 t,.,-.:.::.-~ .C-;:~~j' i:-:' ,. " '. > ~ ':j ~i - ~- ~~~ ." ._,---- \ \ .1.5. \ (..=-'<l{7.'~),~,' PRE.~IIRMITTAl REC'O AUG 2 7 2009 SURVEYOR1S' CERTIFICATE ~t,TNET"lF"JRE~ 5.5; COGBURN SECTION 34, TI7S, R2W, W.M. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON I, LEE C. PLANTS, REGISTERED PftOFESSIOHAL ENGJ.NEER, BEING FIRST DULY SWORN ON OATH ~AY THAT I HAVE CAUSED TO BE SURVEYED AND MARKED WITH PROPER MONUMENTS THE FOLLOWING Of:St:R1BEO PLAT' BEGINNING AT THE INITIAL POINT WHICH IS MARKED BY A 2" X 36M .GALYAN!ZEO IRON PIPE DRIVEN 6' BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE GROONO, SAIO INITIAL POINT BEING S o<'I3'36"W 19~O. 79 FEET AND N 8~'DO'W 3l.~2 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE WILLIAM Y. Mil '~ER DONATION LAND Cl..AIM NO. 48 IN TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF nlE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; -mEHCE N87"30'cdW J44.\5 FEET; THENCE NOo17'00"E 150.00 FEET; TtiENCE Nar"?doo"w 16690 FEET; THENCE N O"f1'OOM E 291.07 FEET TO THE: CENTERLINE OF THURSTON ROAD; THENCE ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF THE EXISTING THURSTONROAO N58"Iioo'E "IZ7.60 FEET TO THE WEST liNE OF SAID D.LC. NO. 48; lllENCE ALONG SAlO WEST LINE SO"l3'36"W 681.72 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST LINE N8r:>30'OO"w 32.52 FEET TO THE INITIAL POINT OF BEGINNING IN LANE COUNTY,OREGaIl. CONTAINING 4,03 ACRES, MORE ~ LESS. ~,~"jii\ ~", ,,,,,,,~ .~ Il!l ' . ,": ~ ,,,@~/ \~rjJil~ LEE C. PLANTS, P. EI - SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME TH1S----Za-OAY OF" ..;:..>-=.".,......A"T"p-a _, +973. '-1 i;;. 'J'/ 1./....0 NOTARY IC OR OREGON DEDICATION Q_&:;_7,_ MY COMMISSlON EXPIRES KNOW ALL MEN THAT OlA B. COGBURN AND E. FRANCIS COGBURN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, ARE THE OWNERS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND 00 IiEREBY LAYCllJT AND SUBDl\{IOE THE SAME AS SHOWN ON THE ANNEXED PLAT, AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO HiE PUBLIC FOREVER THE STREETS AND EASEMtNTS AS SHOWN ON THE PL~T. ::?ifto.!1, }'7~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE. OF' OREGON COUNTY OF LANE / Y/t'_... -~ ~, E. FRANCIS COGBURN s.s. PERSONALLY APPEARED THE ABOVE NAMED OlA 8. COGBURN AND E. FRANCIS COGBURN, HuseANO AND WIrE, WHO ARE KNOWN TO ME TO SE THE IDENTICAL INOIVIDUALS WHO EXECUTED THE FOREGOING lNSTRlNENT AND THEY HERESY ACKNOWLEDGE SAID INSTRUMENT ;10 BE THEIR VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. SUBSCRIBEO AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS {? _ DAY OF t..'rrJF/ARP"'P ,1973. '-t~ J'I/I {_ NOTARY PUBU~ ! lLCf OF .OREGON l. ,- APPROVALS ...k:e1..' I::::', nML-1 =' COUNTY COMMISSIONER ! i PQAJ\..Ik' ft- E-LJ 10TT C(l.INT'f COMMISSIONER "IA.IC:Y M. Ct)JNTY COMMISSIONER I-IAVWAI<D ,In/./^I H. Fi>C2I<'YlIk?<sT COUNTY ASSESSOR .4':/., c;/~ CITY SllA\."RYOR MY GO"IIMI'!SION EXPIRES 9_6-77 SPIlINGFIELD fLANNl"'; COMMISSION, ~../~~ PRESIDENT V. ~Jl~A--' ~ SECRETARY ( I ~/" STAU OF ORE:OOf\l COUNTY 0' l...."E, 5.5. '. "".1l,~~, '''~~..-jl'ij~~ \ . :;;.'-~r-'\l.i\'~ \,~17,lD~iJl!\l::>~~~j ~ ")~ ...'1 '''l:i;,'<l~ ,',.' " .\" ,c, '(01' vv-rl uftS/. '(~ 0' ~ ,//\ ~e~ ~/:/~oO// ~'( 10 '0 . ~ ~: .'<i " \~'IW'Oi-lJ '> 'i' > ;4a'!~!mt.lI~{p'-"~. ~ <Il'AV""" "-'~''JI~''':.\ j,\'" .,:e:? /, I, LEE C. PLANTS, llEING fiRST DULY SWOfl".DEPO~ AND THAT THIS IS A.N EXACT COPY--j THf' fiNAL PLAT A.S '--L ./Ju: J-- -A-/JO -~ -r-'- ~....-"-I " .SI.O~IDED A'ID swonp TO DEfORE UE TtflS~OAY (?..{,.;';.i~/'-Z;; i?;:'::cL MOT Any . PUCLIC OF O~EOOR SAY tHCt.7H. 1-----,; ~ I' 0 ~ , ;;: , II i'\ a \ '0 ~ r~ ;;:;-", -~:' ~:<;l ... .. N89"45',~4"W 'S O,.~.IDl". N Z7"~~ ~f E !!,> 59006'2.6" SI5"<l9'22"E 22.23' A' Voss' u:;" 12 .. 150.0Z' - N 87030'00" W 186.90'. Sf r,L L~D ..__O.CtrlCK "'"00,_.1.1 liP:; ! 7 1Ti.~ ... g ~ 1-. ~ i ., 13 L I.;.' l \"oIl.Il, \J': " \~, D-;! d/,:h.O'!H..H:/J /J,ll~'Ar,,""'!.. c;m,f'r-<<L~ ...I--Jr-/. O"""JTV UY COUUISStoH EXPIRUR.,,?4.76.. BOOK. 6 6 ;r; ~~~~~~~grL.~Jt '~\~ T 17 S, RlW: Wr,\ ~"., $ 'b ~ . / S60"H'Z7"E \ ,;:!1~ I "~I; -~ ~ eo.oo' .... -- N 89"45 ~4'W ~ ";j. " - ~ . f ~ 2 '0 ~ N lq I~ I IN89"4S'S4"W 86,39' ~ o <:> ., i b o : I~ ',I I 80.00' N8S~5'~4W I I .0 P.ll.E.--i II I, . 5 I~ T I. "so <2s N6.>~9'~' I',' "I ~ -"'00 -~1'0"l'W 1i'=-2<~r;:~,. , 1~. ~ --:-~~. ! $660 4'$9" ~. '-g:: 4 :--..J6':;~ ' ~ ',&<;---.....:.0:;" 18.~ Sa9045'54~ ~ 'i;>.30...~80 C-Z6160.-4,,'30.00' It) 'i ~~'31' . I .... ' 27~ S a~(@'E ~ ..' ./1;14"'6'0 ~'. R:2~Q)' 10' P.U.E.-l . o 1__ 7400'-~-_ 7'O.1~'-.J -:.N 87.'!.30'(x H,W 144;/5'-- ~nn' "8.:; 3 . "'~ 80.00' . . 0 " .~ ~ 4 c '. II~ ~ "-:. ~ = ~ ~ "'''l ~l ~ 10'" 10 w -;:;: .:g g ! I . , . j ~ 0 1 ~.~ " ,^ -~ 14 ---- 'l' "7~-~ ;;~ ~ :.2 " '. -:, c. .. ~.~ <~, ,.' #~' ., ',' ,^ ~" ,- .~# :~ ~~ !.J~ ~\~: ." r~~ ;" ":.;. -:f--- 5 F'UlLlC UTILITY EASE~ENT I , 3000ij / t....~N87"'~a 'y ~,$2 INITIAL POINT, _1:. PAGE 25 WILLIAM Y. .. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O, - ' AUG 2 7 Z009 ~, ----.-'-..- - :j SCALE' 1"= 00;