HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 10/14/2009 ....... r-" , ~, .. PRE-SUBMITTAL DISTRIBUTION LIST: . RECEI'VED Date Distributed: , /0- /'-/--D0 OCT 14 2009 By:"Y/lf-JUb fWd: I crt t{-q p~ /' Dave Puent - Building v Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire v Jon Driscoll- Traffic .. v' Matt Stouder- Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst/Chris Moorhead, Surveying Planner. '7Y1 fiJJL;- _ ~ -' City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax . Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2009-00027 Date Submitted: 10/14/2009 Proiect Name: DORRIS RANCH MIDDLE FORK PATH Project Description: Pre-Submittal meeting for Site Plan Review. Also involves Willamette Greenway, Discretionary Use, Floodplain Overlay and Tree Felling' Application Type: Site Plan Review Job Address: 205 DORRIS ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1803020000802 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting andBubmittal of the Application for Development Review: Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns, ' A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. vRS1.o0Q- ()(:X)/Cj PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D OCT 1 4 2009 PlanJobPrint.rpt 10/14/2009 2:31:15PM Pre-Submittal ~eeting Development Services Department Room 616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, October 27,2009 I. PRE-SUBMITIAL MTG #PRE2009-00027 (SITE TENT) WILtAMALANE Assessor's Map: 18-03-02-00 TL 600, 802 Assessor's Map: 18-03-11-00 TL 1800 Assessor's Map: 18-03-01-00 TL 1100,3100,3101,3200 Assessor'sMap: 18-03-12-00 TL 500 Address: 205 Dorris Street - Dorris Ranch to Clearwater Park Existing Use: Parks and Recreation/Residential/Open Space/Quarry & Mine Operations The applicant submitted plans to construct Phase I, approximately 4-miles of a proposed ~-mi1e multi-use path between Dorris Ranch and Clearwater Park. Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, October 27,2009 11:00 - n.oon DSD 616 Planner: Mark Metzger PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O OCT 1,42009 . ,CIty of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Applicant Name: [company: [Address: , IAPPlicant's Rep.: [company: [Address: , I Property Owner': [company: IAddress: Willamalane Park and Recreation District 541. 736.4055 Willamalane Park and Recreation District 541.736.4043 250 S. 32nd. Street, Springfield OR 97478-6302 Colin McArthur, AICP Phone: 541.485.7385 Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe Fax: 541.485.7389 160 E. Broadway, Eugene OR 97401 " Willamalane.Park and Recreation District Phone: 541.736.4055 Willamalane Park and Recreation District Fax: 541.736.4043 . 250 S. 32nd. Street, Springfield OR 97478-6302 I Multiple - See Attached [ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: ",",emen' TAX LOT NO(S): Multiple - See Attached Statement [propertv Address: Multiple - See Attached Statement [Size of pro.pe.rtv: 8.3 I Proposed Name of Proiect: Middle Fork Path , Acres i:>'J Square Feet 0 I I I . , I I I Description of If you are filli~g in this form by hand, pleas~ attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: See Attached Proposal . I Existinq Use: Parks and Recreation, Residential, Open Space, Quarry.and Mine Operations INew Impervious Surface Coveraqe (Includinq Bldq. Gross Floor Area): 96,260 Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the a ro riate box on the next sf Associated Applications: /L-rJ'\~t:L--.f\ .....\'D\)C\:\ j1 fu't~ns: ~ () .J, Ipre-sutcJse No.: PPE2.00Q-CCO,11 I Date: 10! Ivl .()1 Reviewed by: 'f1. vl1 JiA _ ~ Icase No.:' _ I Date: .1 Reviewed bV:~' 1/;1)11 ^-. I \U,l)~ . (.,,\\\ rv'l I I. I - I Application Fee: $ --J.1'\) , \)J Technical Fee: $ _ Postaqe Fee: $----- J~!t~~~~,~~,~;,J1.S1~~,~QLt.J~!7rf.~e~;~S~,,~,~~,~.~~,~.~,I~'~L:ID1J~L! Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian . OCT 1 4 2009 1 of 10 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at" both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature willl10t be accepted. '" Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the. information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling. of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. . Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal l PRt ') I represent this app.lication to be-complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pr€RSubmittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided'if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin' processing the application with the 'information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: ~DAJ.....~ ~~ature / Date: 10,13.09 1<P.lO~ G~SHv\N I Pavk... P\t)\.V\~ Print PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D OCT 1 4 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: . ALL dthe following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submittal and Submittal. . If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. I2<:J Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula, A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department, Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. i:>'J Site Plan Review Application Form i:>'J Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. The narrative should also include the proposed number of employees and future expansion plans, if known. i:>'J Copy of the Deed i:>'J Copy of it Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. [8J Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to 8'h"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the. required neighboring property notification packet. o Right-of-Way Apprpach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. i:>'J Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Storm water Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. o . Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact. Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4:2-105 AA. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIS must .explain how the traffic from a given. development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems, A-TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. I2<:J Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR Eighteen (18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal i:>'J All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and . sufficient to show. detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. i:>'J All plan sets must be folded to 8V2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. a. Site Assessment of Existing ConditionspRE-5UBMITTAl REC'O i:>'J Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer. OCT 1 4 2009 I2<:J Vicinity Map Revised 1/1/0S.Molly Markari~n 4 of 10 i:>'J The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, .and distance between buildings. ~ The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and .required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department ~ The 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ~ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3"200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department ~ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5'" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '/2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock.outcroppings [2J Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Site Plan i:>'J Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or Engineer i:>'J Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings i:>'J Location and height of e~isting or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs i:>'J Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping . i:>'J Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces o Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district o On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation i:>'J Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and. dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed i:>'J Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces o Location of existing and proposed transit facilities ~ Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public. uses o Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between .the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements, including but nOp~~SUBMlrrAtREc;Dwer, stormwater OCT 1 4 2009 Revised .1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 10 management~ water, and electricity, The applicant must indicate which phases apply to the Site Plan application being submitted. c. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan. i:>'J Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer i:>'J Location and width of all. existing and proposed easements i:>'J Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, including ownership arid maintenance status, if appli~able. o Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting o Location of existing and required traffic control devices; fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities i:>'J Location, width, and construction material of all existing and propo?ed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails i:>'J Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points d. Grading, Paving, & Stormwater Management Plan [g] Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer' i:>'J Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system o Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations i:>'J Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns i:>'J The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detentionponds; stormwater . quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained i:>'J Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour line~ may be at 5 foot intervals) i:>'J Amount of proposed cut and fill e. Landscape Plim . i:>'J Drawn by a Landscape Architect i:>'J Location and dimensions of landscaping 'and open space. areas to include calculation of .. landscape coverage o Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 o Written description, including specifications, of the permanent irrigation system o Location and type of street trees i:>'J List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size, spacing, and method of planting f. Architectural Plans o Exterior elevations of all buildings and structures proposed for the development site, including height PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 4 2009 6 of 10 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian o Conceptual floor plans g. On-Site Lighting Plan i:>'J Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached ~ Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, ~attage,. and luminous area i:>'J Photometric test report for each light source ~ Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: o Where a multi-family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3,2-240 ~ Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW . . ~ A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present ~ Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overiay district .~ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as speCified in SDC 5.19-100 . ~ A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Land? must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property ~ Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review o Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development ~ Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 o An Annexation application, as speCified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the. city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D OCT I 4 2009. Revised 1(1(08 Molly Markarian 7 of 10 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2009-00027 . Willamalane Park and Recreation District Dorris Ranch to Clearwater Lane Ramp .= 'n"."C"".~" I-r ..,,,. I \~ ,;t SITE Map 18-03-01-00 Tax Lot 3100,3101,3200, 1100 18-03-02-00 TL J 600, 802 ~.. .. ---d 18-03-11-00 TL ~~ 1800 .' . _~' 18-03-12 TL 500 + . ~" North ~I ,-'Kf~ JJ l'\~ PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO OCT 1 4 2009 . \1 ___-I ' , !: L----_____u_n_n____ \_____~ Of ',\.__ i______u_______ ! i i! \ . '.-,-;---r--,u,-T'''i ~____-/ I H ____, .-:~-- i I I,+~~---!' \ \i 1 ;::{1C_-;-~,,--I~---=:l!:::.~~t~::-~iLr'--------_____________. '\ t ~J -j -- I~~~~:~ it )" . \,\ 'j '~, i. 1--_----f\-t=J ,~ Ii 1,1 0} ----- '\: . :' 1 : 1 II ,\ 'I i \1' ..." \'-'-'-- I, : 1 \\ ,/' \, ''-, '--O~ II 1----__________ i \ ../ / I 'r. "", 18-03-02_00.00802 i ' ----""[ \./ [I ~ ',,:' i': ,- .~. ' .(/.I~03'{)1' : . I. ,\\ 'I. i ! .iV! . Ij'----1- -----'~~:___--.i - _____________-1 . ~ //~ I 1 ,I _.-.!' I.. -~ ~ i \ / i ,"'.,00-0"" :d'; 't~"'--'~c:: ~~, / i ./ .h/./ -,~;.;o;'h)' >"';;.":> '~, , I ( ! /12"T ~:=__:.-;; \/ ' ~. ~~.'i ,/ "-.......-.,.-.". 16-03-0'2-00 00902 ''\-~. i/ J<;:---- /,- ;.l'.()3.(lI-DO-OJIOO /' ~~''" 1\ / 'I. ~"";:7 ..--~~~ ,/ - __n_"_ -__ _ -------~~'""'to _ ~160J0200.00600 i- IO..o3-lJl-OO-OIIOO .- ~~ ........ // _..".__"'",'..-......- r, "u........--n_-- ~"- --- --~ . I - --__n___ ""...... _~,A' ~ ^". ~ ""-"'lS.ro:\l.00-0IBOO ~, I: 16'03'12-00-00~ ,.,........ -l~~~.~?Oo:noo' , t ,~:! _<.:.~: ........ _ ,c~<O-""""----7 / ~ ~~ I . ..sI!".)')"'"..";' .... /'7,- iI1"-'. '/ ~ '~ : ,,~4' .........":'.----- ./>"*f'" / : I ~~.,pi" ........ C--:r:~'':,' \..-______---.-j ,/---- :.,. ~:--- \ ,.,,~~~::4>"~;~'7~'#;""""~:'/'':''''''____"-------'1--------_.' ;;""~-":':':':::.'________~ \.~..P'-:::.--- ~...,.,/ ./. ~~ .~.. ,/."'1 I ___~~~~i~=-=_::-~_~"~"ce:/ ;/~;:f:~::-/ I. I. ~--------'" /' i i : .__"'-.., ....""-0 ,....- ..--;J" I: : '. . I r--.----J - .,,,..! .-.__.__ -L ::: .I' -':'--:~2:<::~'_::::2J-;=_____.~:!t.:::'~'--""'" ! . n----u-n__.L___n--:L.__._--t__!! ~ i . . .I .I .I ( \. \. \ OVERALL SITE PLAN 0' 150' 300 600' SCALE:,'--300'_iuI I .\ VICINITY MAP LEGEND L1r:nitof WorX . - _ _ _ Springfield/lane County Boundary Wil1amette Greenway Boundary Willamatte Greenway Setback FEMA Floodway FEMA 100 Year Floodplain Top of Bank Ordinary High Water Line Ordinary Low Water Une l iPJ,c ~.tW1~j.~ Eli ==- 5.5 lIP OOIaKJOO DalAR1'lIlJDn'OFmMJ8POIm"Ano~ ill FKWJll\IAY~mECnOM ~ .........,."".~...........oWl_SlIlI''''''..........."...._. , coall.nMl ......IIWtlI<I_....""____ 'rJtaIIlll/J "",-",*""",,, """....... """"'....."" ...... --... """,.....-_............. I I l PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D OCT 1 4 2009 MIDDLE fORK WllLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH S.2ND.ST. . CLEARWATER PARK CITY OF sPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY O..51Qf1T..oml..a<ler.OBtc Onl~n~<I By - I;MGS Orofh<!By.-CMGS I '"'" "' 051.0 OVERALL SITE PLAN CTty of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development Applicant Name: Icompanv: IAddress: I IAPPlicant's Rep.: Icompanv: IAddress: I I Property Owner: Icompanv: I .. ,Address: I . -. WiUamalane Park and Recreation District 541.736.4055 WiUamalane Park and Recreation District 541. 736.4043 250 S. 32nd. Street, Springfield OR 97478-6302 Colin McArthur, AICP Phone: 541.485.7385 Fax:. . 541.485.7389 Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe 160 E. Broadway, Eugene OR 97401 WiUamalane Park and Recreation District Phone: 541.736.4055 Willamalane Park and Recreation District Fax: 541.736.4043 250 S. 32nd. Street, Springfield OR 97478-6302 I Multiple - See Attached I ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: ~btemen' TAX LOT NOeS): Multiple - See Attached Statement I Property Address: Multiple - See Attached Statement ISize of Property: 8.3 I IZOning: IExistinq Use: I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to ~hjs application. Proposa I: See Attached Proposal Acres i:>'J Square Feet 0 Public Land Open Space (PLO) Parks and Recreation, Residential, Open Soace, Quarry and Mine Operations . . - - Associated Cases: Siqns: Icase No.: I Date: Reviewed by: I. I IAPPlication Fee: $ ITechnical Fee: $ Ipostage Fee: $ I ITOTAL FEES: $ I PROJECT NUMBER: . . :~(~";"~".tli:~"'"~'\lWt",:'i-~::r'~'(:;!;;',;:",,..,~,':',,,u 'Y.;:.r."'1-;;"AA'/E~""'':':<;''''"'t:!t"~F:M'',',-",~~~,,kt,~~f!o:l'W..,f,M~~c~t'~'_~?~[i;1fit!i'l~.',,",~i;>_'"$..'~:::*-k.,,"i;ll:~SFi.'.:-~~~:.~~,tir:''s,,~..I'\lli;:'i'c~-<;':il:"';",;J:,t,~,~.:;;,j..':k"C"'''..:4:t!fu.'.:U;/''.i;:iF.O":~<;h;,;r,,,'3','!ti\'j 1<Lr~ O~ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D OCT 1 4 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 4 L.:.~. .. Signatures' The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: Date: Signature Print If the applicant is. not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: @J I. fA /\LR/\A PI. ) Si9'r1^~u~J \ ~ - 7..> ' Date: 10. lQ.O'7 PB1?'2ZL--A. ~"P\+-O\N I ~ 'p\~~ Print r PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO OCT 1 4 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian __co .__n.__ 2 of 4 CIty of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Discretionary Use Required Project'Informatiorl (Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: Icompanv: IAddress: , IAPplicant's Rep.: Icompanv: . !Address: Willamalane Park and Recreation District Phone: 541.736.4055 Willamalane Park and Recreation District Fax: 541.736.4043 250 S. 32nd. Street, Springfield OR 97478-6302 Colin McArthur. AICP Phone: 541.485.7385 Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe Fax: 541.485.7389 160 E. Broadway, Eugene OR 97401 Property Owner: Willamalane Park and Recreation District Phone: 541.736.4055 Company: IAddress: Willamalane Park and Recreation District Fax: 541.736.4043 250 S. 32nd. Street, Springfield OR 97478-6302 I Multiple - See Attached I ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: "t,'ement TAX LOT NOeS): Multiple - See Attached Statement I Propertv.Address: Multiple - See Attached Statement I Size of Property: 8.3 Acres i:>'J Square Feet 0 I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your prop.osal description to this application. Proposa I: See Attached Proposal I ExistinQ Use: Parks and Recreation, Residential, Open Space. Ouarrv and Mine Operations Si natures: Please si Associated Applications: Sisms: Icase No.: . I Date: Reviewed by: IAPPlication Fee: $ ITechnical Fee: $ Ipostaqe Fee: $ ITOTAL FEES: !P J PROJECT NUMBER: I I ':i'B~~~':I!,~~;i<>""';'",,,~V;~~;>lii':;"""':;,':;;f,"''.;;''')iJq<,;>f''::~n'-";!I1i.t.r.N\)I'1!t.'Jf':'i;n;;'Jll':;~"it!':i"\""~<1"",_[!J.;'{~~f~~:"~$,,"'t,~~'K:r,,,~1';:'~,';;;~W~-f,'7Jii;i'_'f..~.'#oi,:...J::"",,"$\it~K"'.1t'i")_'i';i;.',-~~~:<'.JI;'-*'\',"Jt8'':'~'''?'''''''.:'<:'';;,,(\;'~,~.t4W4l1-1~.../$t"-,~lfk~'I'!.i';l:1 .J r_ \ e --wreM.~ ~ PRE.SUBMITTAI REC'O OCT 1 4 Z009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 4 Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: Date: Signature Print Owner: w~.:':'?;~ -";~:~~-~ ."~ ,.~..'""::::, ""::~1 ::~ ~,." klgnature \ /0 V- R~E7/A Print ~\~ Pa-v~ 'P\e>h~ ..J n PRE.5UBMITTM. PtC'D OCT }, 4 Z[)[i~ Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 4 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WlLLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT fWG), DISCRETIONARy'USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION INDEX WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT FORM ...............- DISCRETIONARY USE FORM ..................................................................:............................- SITE PLAN REVIEW FORM ....................................................................................................- WRITTEN STATEMENT ........................................................................................................- Index.....................................................................;.................................................................- I .0 Project. I nformation..........................;.......................................................................... I ~.O Description of Proposal .......................................;...................................................3 3.0 Project Description .:................................................................................................ 9 , . 4.0 Submittal Requirements.................:.................................L.................................. 15 5.0 Approval Criteria and Standards.....................................~.................................... ~7 5.1 Willamette Greenway Setback Line Establi,shment Criteria.................. ~7 5.~ Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development Standards ......... 37 5.3 Discretionary US17 Approval Criteria;;.............................,......................... 47 5.4 Site Plan Review Approval Criteria .....,..................................................... 57 EXHIBITS ..................;...............................................................................................................- Exhibit A - Deeds .............................................................................................................. A Exhibit B -. Preliminary Title. Reports .............................................................................. B Exhibit C - Context Map ...............................................;................................................... C Exhibit D - Greenway Setback Establishment Map......................................................., D Exhibit E - Plan Set .............................................................................................................E Exhibit F - Wetland Delineation Report and Removal/Fill Permits .,...........................F Exhibit G - Storm,:"ater Management Report ................:............................................,. G Exhibit H ;... Riparian Area Protection .Report ................................................................ H Exhibit I - Riparian Mitigation Plans .................................................................................1 Exhibit J - Geotechnical Report ......................................P.R~~$.~~M!IT~.~..~.~.G.'p.............J OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 . INDEX " MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT rNG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION Applicant's Request: Property Owners: Construction of a multi-use path between Dorris Ranch and Quarry Creek along the Middle Fork Willamette River Willamalane Park and Recreation District (WPRD) 250 South 32'd Street Springfield, OR 97478 541.736.4544 Springfield Utility Board (SUB) 250 "A" Street Springfield, OR 97477 541.746.8451 Oregon Department of State lands 775 Summer St. NE Suite 100 Salem, OR 97301-1279 503.986.5200 Alfred and Jacqueline Allen PO Box 1363 Springfield, OR 9T477 541.746.3830 Dayid& Cynthia Reinagel 2511 West Avenue 134th San Leandro, CA 94577 510.418.4309 Metro Rock & ConstruCtion Co. 32260 Old Hwy 64 Tangent, OR 97389 541.928,6491 Applicant: Willamalane Park and Recreation District (WPRD) 250 South 32'd Street Springfield, OR 97478 541.736.4544 . Applicant's Representative: Colin McArthur, AICP Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe 160 E Broadway, Eugene OR 97401 541.485.7385 , coliniakmpsla.com PRE.SUBMITTAl RECID OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION ~.' ~ 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL 2.1 Introduction Willamalane Park & Recreation District is the recipient of a federal transportation appropriation administered by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to construct a multi-use path from Dorris Ranch LiYing History Farm to Clearwater Park. Willamalane Park and Recreation District (WPRD) ("the Applicant") requests Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development, Discretionary Use, and Site Plan Review permit approval to begin staging and construction for the Middle Fork Willamette River Loop Path (Middle Fork Path; MFP, multi-use path, path) Project (Project, Proposal). The multi-use path is proposed to be constructed along the north bank of the Middle Fork Willamette River, south of the City of Springfield, Oregon. The proposed 4-mile long Middle Fork Path project is Phase I of a proposed8-mile loop in Sprinifield and Lane County and part of the Eugene-Springfield riveriront path and trail system. In addition to contributing to the 8-mile loop, the pro"posed path will link to an extensive riveriront path system in Eugene and Springfield and is planned to eventually proYide access to the Lane County 2,200-acre Howard Buford Recreation Area. , The proposed path is located entirely within the Eugene-Springfield Metrop6litan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) Boundary. Portions of the proposed path are within City of Springfield's urban growth boundary (UGB) and portions are within Lane County's Rural Comprehensive. Plan (RCP) boundary. Over 80 percent of the property needed for construction of the ,path is in current public ownership.'WPRD is in the process of obtaining easements, both temporary construction easements and permanent accesses easements, to construct a!ld operate the: path on all parcels not solely owned by WPRD. . The proposed path is approximately 4 miles in length. Approximately 1.5 miles (8,020 linear feet) of the path.is within Springfield's UGB. The properties the proposed path transverses within the UGB are located entirely outside the Springfield City Limits. Approximately 2.5 miles (13,185 linear feet) of the path is located outside the UGB and within Lane County jurisdiction. The . Applicant is submitting concurrent application packages to both Lane County and Springfield to permit the entire project. 2.2 Location The project corridor is located within the City of Springfield and unincorporated Lane County; approximately one mile east of Interstate 5 (1-5) and the confluence of the Coast and Middle Forks of the Willamette River. The Project corridor lies within Township 18 South, Range 3 West, Sections I, 2, II and 12;, and Range 2 West, Sections 5, 6, and 7. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 4 2009 I Public ownership consists of four agencies: WPRD; City of Springfield; Springfield Utility Board; and Oregon Department of State Lands CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 3 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH . WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION Table 2-1. Project Parcels within Lane County Jurisdiction 18-03'01-00 PL PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE I 18-03-01-00 PL PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE IIB-03-01-00 QM QUARRY & MINE OPERATIONS I 18-03-02-00 QM QUARRY & MINE OPERATIONS I 18-03-02-00 PL PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE I 18-03-11-00 PL PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE II B-03-12-00 500 QM QUARRY & MINE OPERATIONS Source: Lane County, RLlD PARKS AND OPEN SPACE PARKS AND OPEN SPACE SAND AND GRAVEL SAND AND GRAVEL PARKS AND OPEN SPACE PARKS AND OPEN SPACE PARKS AND OPEN SPACE 2.58 SUB 46.73 METRO ROCK 9.0S DSL 42.05 ALLEN 177.81 WPRD 7S.07 WPRD 3.17 REINAGEL 2.3 Purpose and Need Development of the proposed Middle Fork Willamette River Loop Path is a high priority of WPRD, which is the recipient of a federal appropriation administered by ODOT to construct a multi-use path project. This Project, approximately 4-miles long, is Phase I of a proposed a-mile loop in Springfield. In addition to contributing to the a-mile loop, the path will connect to an extensive riverfront path system in Eugene and will eyentually provide access to the 2,200-acre Howard Buford Recreation Area. Currently, there are no existing off-street bicycle and pedestrian paths south of Main Street, connecting the east and west sides of Springfield, The proposed Middle Fork Path will enhance the ability of Springfield-area residents and the public at large to access the natural enyironment in close proximity to their homes. The Middle Fork Path is included as a priority project in the 2004 Park and Recreation Comprehensive plan adopted by WPRD, the City of Springfield, and Lane County.' The plan included input from oyer 750 local residents who identified the provision of off-street bicycle paths as the most desired outdoor facility the park district could provide. The proposed Middle Fork Path is identified as a significant regional bicycle and pedestrian route in the Springfield Bicycle Plan adopted by the City of Springfield: The Middle Fork Path is identified as Project No. 21 in Trans Plan, the metropolitan area's regional transportation plan.s The Project is identified as Project No. 21 in the Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).' The Project is also included in the 2003 Rivers to Ridges Open Space Study endorsed by metro-area goyernments.' The purpose of the project is as follows: . To comply with the goals and objectives of Trans Plan and the RTP to proYide bicycle and pedestrian routes that meet current and future transportation demands in the region . To implement a priority project listed .in the WPRD Comprehensiye Plan PRE-SUBMITIAL RECID OCT 1 4 2009 J Willamalane Park and Recreation District Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan. MIG, Inc. 2004. 4 Springfield Bicycle Plan. City of Springfield, Oregon. David Evans & Associates. 1998. . . 5 Trans Plan. The Eugene-Springfield Transportation System Plan. Lane Council of Governments (LCOG). 2002. , Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). 2007. 7 Rivers to Ridges Open Space Study. Lane Council of Governments (LCOG). 2003. CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 5 MIDDLE FORK WlLLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION The proposed project is permitted, subject to Site Plan Review, in the PLO and QMO zoning districts. The proposed project requires Site Plan Reyiew approval in accordance with SDC 5,17- 125. Portions of the project are proposed within the 100-year Floodplain and Floodway of the Middle Fork Willamette Riyer and within the Floodplain (FP) Overlay District. Development within the FP Overlay District is subject to the deyelopment standards of SDC 3.3-420. The project requires FP Overlay District development permit approyal for development in the Floodplain/Floodway, including an engineer's certification of No Net Rise in flood levels. A FP Oyerlay District Development Permit will be submitted by the Applicant. 2.5 Summary of Request This proposal is a concurrent request for: , . Type II Willamette Greenway Setback Line establishment on five parcels within the PLO and QMOzoning districts as provided bySDC 3.3-325. . . . Type III Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development Permit approyal as provided by SDC 3,3-325. Type III Discretionary Use Permit approyal as provided by SDC 5.9-120. .. Type II Site Plan Review approyal as proYided by SDC 5.17-125. The proposal complies with all applicable Springfield Development Code (SDC) approyal criteria and deyelopme.nt standards; the submittal requirements listed in SDC 3.3-300, SDC 5.9-100, SDC 5.17-120: SDC 3.3-400, and SDC 5.19-120; and the submittal requirements listed on the Willamette Greenway Oyerlay District Deyelopment Permit, Discretionary Use, and Site Plan Reyiew application forms. The Applicant will submit separate Type II Tree Felling Permit and Type I Floodplain Development Permit applications to the City of Springfield for review at the time of final submittal. The attached materials and enclosed findings demonstrate that the proposal is consistent with the Springfield Development Code and other applicable policies contained in the Metro Plan and other relevant plans. PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 7 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION. . 3.1 Overview The proposed multi-use path is approximately 4 miles long and "14 feet wide. The 14-foot wide width includes a IO-foot wide asphait path and 2-foot wide unpaved shoulders on either side. The majority of the proposed path will be constructed on existing graveled roads and an unimproved trail while the remainder of the proposed path will be constructed in maintained park and. utility property, disturbed riparian and upland forested areas, and relatively undisturbed riparian and upland forested areas. T railheads with vehicle parking areas are proposed at each end of the path (Clearwater Trailhead and Dorris Ranch Trailhead). A turnaround destination point is proposed at Quarry Creek, approximately mid-way on the path, small landscape/wildlife viewing areas with benches will be located at approximate half mile points along the path, and water access points are proposed at appropriate locations. Within Springfield's land use jurisdiction, the proposed path begins at South 2'd Street and extends east to a proposed bridge at Quarry Creek, which' is within Lane County jurisdiction. A trailhead is proposed within Dorris Ranch Living History Farm, located near the intersection of South 2'd Street and Dorris Lane. The proposed path extends from the Dorris Ranch Trailhead southeasterly behind the historic T omseth House toward the north bank ofthe Middle Fork Willamette River and the base of Quarry Butte. The .path continues easterly along the river bank and the base of Quarry Butte, crossing several private properties between Dorris Ranch and Quarry Creek. The private parcels involved in the request include the Allen property, the Reinagel property, and the Knife Riyer rock quarry. The Springfield portion of the project, within Springfield's UGB, terminates at a proposed bridge crossing Quarry Creek. Implementation of the Middle Fork Path Project will occur in four phases: I) temporary infrastructure construction, 2) permanent infrastructure construction, 3) remoyal of temporary infrastructure, and 4) project site restoration/mitigation. Temporary infrastructure consists of project elements that are necessary to construct the Project such as staging areas, and access roads. Permanent infrastructure includes ~he asphalt path, trail heads, rest areas, a permanent bridge oyer Quarry Creek (Lane County jurisdiction), a permanent bridge over the Springfield Millrace (Lane County jurisdiction), retaining walls, and stormwater treatment systems. Once all . Project work is completed, temporary structures will be removed and the Project corridor will be restored to pre-construction conditions or enhanced to improyed conditions, as described below. Unless otherwise specified, project work described in Section 3.2 and throughout the remainder of. this proposal refers only to work that is proposed to occur within Springfield's land use jurisdiction. Proposed construction activities are detailed in Section 3.2. PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'D OCT 1 4 l009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL October 13, 2009 9 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WlLLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) . PERMIT APPLICATION between the river top-of-bank and extreme slopes associated with Quarry Butte, as illustrated on Sheets L1.3-L1.S Site Plan (Exhibit E), Proposed retaining walls are designed,to minimize enyironmental impacts by avoiding excessive excavation on'the uphill side of the path and avoiding fill on the downhill side of the path. . During the Feasibility Study for the project, the. Applicant evaluated alternative alignments that placed the path further from the river and higher up on the slopes of Quarry Butte. The southern . alignment was selected based on factors including: the ability to locate the path on flatter bench-like topography adjacent to the river as opposed to the extreme side slopes of Quarry Butte; a desire to be at or near existing grade approaching Quarry Creek in order to avoid .construction of switchbacks extending from higher slopes to reach the proposed Quarry Creek Bridge crossing; and, the need to keep a safe distance from the active quarry operation. Retaining walls proposed are the minimum necessary to construct the project, designed to reduce the overall project footprint, and minimize cut and fill, as noted above. The proposed retaining walls along the path will be comprised of 9 separate. segments, as illustrated on Sheets AI.O-ALl Plans and Elevations. (Exhibit E). The walls yary in height from approximately. 3 feet up to 12 feet. Two types of retaining walls are proposed; soil nail walls and block walls. Based on recommendations contained in the project geotechnical report (Exhibit J), soil nail walls are proposed where the retained slope is I.SH: I V or steeper and where the required wall height for the retained slope is greater than 10 feet.'. Block walls are proposed for locations with flatter slopes and lower wall heights, Of the 9 segments, only one wall segment (Wall #6) will require work near the OHWM of the Middle Fork Willamette RiYer. The extreme steepness of the uphill slope in this segment of the project prevents locating the path further from the river bank. All heavy. equipment used during wall construction will be stationed above the OHWM of the Middle Fork Willamette RiYer. Containment measures associated with work below the OHWM of the Middle Fork Willamette River include erosion control measures, as illustrated on Sheets CO. I, C I.O-C 1.5 Grading Plan (Exhibit E) and detailed in the Applicant's construction contractor's Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP). Stormwater Management The proposed project will result in approximately 2.21 acres of net new impervious surface and is subject to stormwater quality and quantity performance standards from multiple federal, state, and local agencies including USFWS, NMFS, ODEQ, ODOT, Lane County, and the City of Springfield. The applicability of a water quality standard is confined only to the parking lots at the trail heads (Dorris Ranch and Clearwater Park). Through discussions and correspondence with NMFS and ODEQ it has been confirmed that the stormwater runoff from pedestrian/bike trails does not require typical treatment through Best Management Practices (BMPs) associated with roadways. PRE-SUBMITfAl REC'O OCT 1 4 2009 10 As used in this section and throughout, "V" indicates vertical and "H" indicates horizontal.__n.... CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 . II MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION consultation with NMFS; ODFW, City of Springfield, and project biologists and ecologists; a desire to concentrate mitigation efforts within one large site rather than several sites; and, the joint public ownership of the parcel, which ensures long-term viability of the mitigation project. Proposed restoration and mitigation will compensate for potential impacts associated with riparian vegetation removal within the project corridor. Restored riparian areas will be replanted with a . diyerse mix of native shrubs and trees, as illustrated on Sheets LO.2, L2.0.L2.S Landscape Plan (Exhibit E), Native riparian vegetatio'n removed during construction activities will be replaced by an equal or greater amount, and riparian trees greater than 6 inches in DBH will be replanted at a minimum 2: I ratio within the project area. The Applicant proposes planting 348 trees to compensate for the removal of 122 trees within Springfield's land use jurisdiction, A total of 0.028-acre of wetlands will be impacted by the project.'2 Compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts will be accomplished through the purchase of 0.03 wetland mitigation credits at the West Eugene Mitigation Bank.- In-Water Work The proposed project will require work below the OHWM of the Middle Fork Willamette River. All work below the OHWM for the Project will be conducted during the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) in-water work period for the Middle Fork Willamette River Oune I - October 31). Work to be completed in this period will consist of retaining wall construction, During the in-water work period for the Middle Fork Willamette River, water levels will likely be well below the OHWM of these systems, as water levels generally peak in December. Therefore, work is not expected to occur within the wetted channel of the Middle Fork Willamette River. Construction below the OHWM during this period will minimize potential impacts to Chinook salmon and other sensitiye fish species present in the Middle Fork Willamette River and/or Quarry Creek. 13 3.3 Conservation Measures The Applicant's BA for the project details conservation measures which are summarized below and incorporated by reference herein. Conservation measures are intended to minimize or avoid environmental impacts to species and their habitat. Conservation measures are incorporated into the project design to minimize and avoid adyerse effects to Chinook Salmon, as well as other fish species and Essential Fish Habitat (EFH). Conservation measures are described below: . All work conducted below the OHWM of Quarry Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette Riyer shall be conducted during the ODFW agreed upon in-water work period Oune I - October 31). PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 4 Z009 ." Total wetland impacts noted above include both Springfield and Lane County portions of the project. 13 See Footnote No.7. , CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I Oct~ber 13, 2009 13 MIDDLE.FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION 4,0 SUBMITTAL .REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development" Permit Submittal Requirements I) Submitted Concurrently This Proposal is a concurrent request for Willamette Greenway Oyerlay District Development Discretionary Use. and Site Plan Reyiew. 2) Application Fee The required filing fee of $8,256 is enclosed with the initial submittal. 3) WG Overlay District Development Application Form The WG Overlay District Development Application Form is enclosed herein. 4) Deed Deeds are included as Exhibit A. 5) Preliminary Title Report . Preliminary title reports are included as Exhibit B. . 6) Narrative Written narratiye explaining the proposal is provided as part of final application submittal. Findings of compliance with applicable criteria in SDC 3.3-330 and SDC 5.9-120 are proYided in Section 5. 7) Plot Plan The Plan Set, including the Site Plan (Plot Plan), is provided as Exhibit E. (a) Top of Bank The Willamette River top of bank is shown on .Sheets LO.I, L I.O-L 1.5 Site Plan (Exhibit E), (b) High and Low Waterlines The Willamette River ordinary high and low water lines are shown on Sheet OS 1.0 Overall Site Plan (Exhibit E) and on Sheets LO.I. L I.O-L 1.5 Site Plan (Exhibit E). PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13,2009 IS MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT ryvG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION 4.3 . Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements I) . Application Fee The required filing fee of $4,222 is enclosed with the initial submittal. 2) Site Plan Review Application Form This Site PI~n Review application form is included in the' submittal. 3) Narrative Written narratiye explaining the proposal is provided as part of initial application submittal. Findings of c.ompliance with applicable criteria in SDC 5.17-125 are provided in Section 5. 4) Deed Deeds are included as Exhibit A . 5) Preliminary Title Report Preliminary title reports are included as Exhibit B. 6) Reduced Copy ofthe Site Plan (BY'2" x II") A reduced copy of the Site Plan is included in the submittal. 7) Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application The Project does not involve new access onto a state highway. The requirement does not apply. B) Stormwater Management System Study and Scoping Sheets. The Stormwater Management Report and completed scoping sheets are included as Exhibit G. 9) Traffic Impact Study The Project does not involve a Variance request or proposed uses that would generate 500 or more yehicle trips per day, as specified in SDC 4.2-105 A(4.)(a.) and (b.). The requirement does not apply. IO)Plan Set PRE.SUBMITTAL REC =0 OCT 1 4 2009 The Plan Sedor the Project is included as Exhibit E. (a) Site Assessment of Existing Conditions I. Prepared by an Oregon's Licensed Landscape Architect or Eng:..,,,,. CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 17 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH . WILLAMETTEGREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRicT DEVELOPMENT rNG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR). PERMIT APPLICATION 7. Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 Y2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings .. Physical features, including clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas. and wetlands are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.5 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit E). Trees 5" in diameter or greater are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.5 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit E). The project corridor does npt contain any rock outcroppings. 8. Soil types and water table information as mappe.d and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechriical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water .table Soil types and water table information are noted on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.5 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit E), Preliminary geotechnical analysis for the Project has been prepared and is included as Exhibit K. The project corridor is not known to be affected by unstable soils and/or a high water table. (b) Site Plan I. Prepared by an Oregon licensed A.rchitect, Landscape Architect, or Engineer . The Site Plan is included as Sheets LO, I, L 1.0-L 1.5 Site Plari (Exhibit E). The sheets are prepared by Landscape Architects with Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe (CMGS). 2. Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks fro";' property lines, and distance between buildings. Location, setbacks from property lines, and distance between proposed buildings is shown on Sheet L 1.0 Site Plan (Exhibit E). Dimension and size of proposed buildings is indicated on Sheets A 1.0- A 1.1 Elevations (Exhibit E). 3. Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs Existing fences and sign.s are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.5 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions .(Exhibit E). Proposed fences, walls, trash receptacles, and signs are shown on Sheets LO.I, L I ,O-L 1.5 Site Plan (Exhibit E). The proposal does not inyolye new permanent outdoor equip~ent or storage.. . PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 4 Z009 . CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13,2009 19 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT tyVG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION II. Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses The Project does not involye the conveyance, dedication, or reservation of common open spaces, recreation areas, or other similar uses. This standard does not apply. 12. Phased Development Plan - where applicable The Project Phasing Plan is illustrated on Sheet OS 1.0 Overall Site Plan. (Exhibit E). (c) Improvement and Public Utilities Plan I. Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer , Improvements and utilities are shown on Sheets CO.2, C2.0-C2.4 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit E). The sheets are prepared by Engineers with OBEC Consulting Engineers. 2. Location and width of all existing and proposed easements Existing and proposed easements are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.5 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit E). 3. Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of- ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, including ownership and maintenance status, if applicable. Location, width, and names of existing streets and other right-of-ways are shown on Sheets GO.I , G I.O-G 1.5 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit E). The project does not inyolve new streets. 4. Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting No street lighting is located within the vicinity of the project corridor, No street lighting is proposed. 5. Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, .power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities Existing public facilities are shown on Sheets GO.I: G I.O-G 1.5 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit E). Proposed public facilities are shown on Sheets LO.I, L I.O-L I.S Site Plan. (Exhibit E). PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 42009 -".--_.' -- ,---- CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 21 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION 5. The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: .drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained Size and location of existing and proposed stormwater management systems are shown on Sheets CO.2, C2.0-C2.4 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit E) and described in the Stormwater Management Report (Exhibit G). . . 6. Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at I foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) Existing and proposes spot elevations and contour lines are shown on' Sheets CO. I, C I.O-C 1.5 Grading Plan (Exhibit E). . 7. Amount of proposed cut and fill The amount of proposed cut and fill is noted on Sheet CO. I Grading Plan (Exhibit E). (e) Landscape Plan I. Drawn by a Landscape Architect The Landscape Plan is included as Sheets LO.2, L2.0-L2.5 Landscape Plan (Exhibit E). The sheets are prepared by Landscape Architects with CMGS. . 2. Location and dimensions of landscaping and openspacl! areas to include calculation of landscape coverage Location and .dimensions of proposed landscape areas are shown on Sheets LO.2, L2.0-L2.4 Landscape Plan (Exhibit E). A calculation of existing and proposed landscape coverage in included on Sheet T 1.0 Coyer (Exhibit E). l. Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 Landscape screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 is not required or proposed. This standard does not apply. 4. Written description, including.specifications, ofthe permanent irrigation system The project does not involye a permanent irrigation system. This standard does not apply. 5. Location and type of street trees No existing street trees are located within the yicinity of the project corridop~~OI\'1t".n PWlIftREC'D trees are proposed. Kt.y DIVI\ II/'\L OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13; 2009 23 MIDDLE FORK WllLAMETTE RIVER lOOP PATH WllLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT r,yvG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) . PERMIT APPLICATION (i) Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQL W The project site is located within I SO of the top of bank of the Willamette River, a WQL W. A . Riparian Area Protection Report is included as Exhibit H. (j) A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present Preliminary geotechnical analysis for the Project has been prepared and is included as Exhibit K. The project site is not known to be affected by unstable soils and/or a high water table. (k) Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards ofthe overlay district . The project site is within the Willamette Greenway and Floodplain Oyerlay Districts. Applicable standards in the overlay districts are addressed in Section S. (I) IHive or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 The proposal involves the remoyal of fiye or more trees. Applicable standards for Tree Felling Permit approval are addressed in Section S. (m)A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property Wetland Delineation Reports and letter of concurrence from ODSl are included as Exhibit F. , (n) Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review The Project has obtained required ODSL and ACOE remoyal-fill permits for impacts to wetlands and waters of the state, The permits are included in E~hibit F, (0) Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land.and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development The Applicant will submit a Land and Drainage Alteration permit (LDAP) application prior to development. (p) Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 ~he Project is subject to Discretionary Use criteria, which are addressed i.n SectiolBE-SUBMITTAL ~EC'D I . 0 CT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 2S MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTEGREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION 5.0 APPROVAL CRITERIA AND STANDARDS 5.1 Willamette Greenway Setback Line Establishment (SDC.3.3-325) The majaritY af the praject is praposed an parcels that do. nat have an established Greenway Setback Line. Two. parcels, TaxLat 802 (Map No.. 18-03-02-00) and Tax Lot 1800 (Map .Na. 18- 03-11-00) have an established Greenway Setback Line." A request far develapment appraval an land withaut an established Greenway Setback. Line must be accampanied by an applicatian far establishment af the Gree.nway Setback Line, The prapased praject requires Greenway Setback Line establishment an fiye parcels, in accardance with SDC 3.3-325. The requirement far a codified Greenway Setback Line stems fram the definitians in Section C.3.K af Statewide Planning Gaal 15: "A setback line will be established to keep struaure separated from the river in order to protect, maintain, preserve and enhance the natural, scenic, historic and recreational, qualities of the . Willamette River Greenway, as identified in the Greenway Inventories. The setback line .shall not apply to water-related or water-dependant uses," (emphasis added). Sectian D af the Metro. Plan pravides several relevant palicies related to. use af the Willamette River Greenway: . . , Metro Plan Policy 0.2: Land use regulations and acquisition programs along river corridors and waterways shall take into account all of the concerns and needs of the community, including recreation, resource, and wildlife proteaion; enhancement of river corridor and waterway environments; potential for supporting non-automobile transportation; opportunities for residential development; and other compatible uses. (emphasis added). The abaye po.I icy mandates lacal gayernments to. respand to. the cancerns and needs af the cammunity thraugh balancing a variety af factars. . The "patential far supparting nan-autamabile transpartatian" alang river carridars is specifically nated and the prapased praject is a nan- autamabile transpartatian facility. . In campliancewith the abave palicy, the siting of the prapased facility must accur thraugh a balancing af ather factars including, but na.t limited to., resaurce and wildlifepratectian. Palicy D.2 daes nat atherwise limit ar exclude uses fram the Greenway Setback. PRE.SUBM!TTAl REC'O OCT 1 4 2009 " Request to Establish Willamette River Greenway Setback Lines for Dorris Ranch. City of.Springfiefcf]o. No. 89-07- 117. CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13,2009 27 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTERIVER LOOP PATH. WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT f:NG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION related/water-dependant uses are allowed.'s The Setback Line established for this project follows "the south [river facing] edge of the [existing] West "D" Street bike path * * *." (emphasis added). . The Glenwood Sewer Crossing project involved the establishment of a Greenway Setback a minimum of SO feet from top of bank, within which only water-related/water- dependant uses are allowed." (emphasis added). . The 1.5 Willamette River Detour Bridge project involved the establishment of Greenway Setbacks on both the north and south sides of the river. On the north side, the Setback extends northward and includes the multi-use path system within the Eastgate Woodlands. On the south side, the Setback extends southward approximately 35-250 feet from top of bank. . Within the Dorris Ranch property" the Setback was established in 1989 through City File No. 89-08-15 I, The Setback yaries in width from approximately I SO feet to 500.feet and generally increases in width from east to west, . Directiyadjacent to Dorris Ranch, a Greenway Setback Line located 10 feet from the top of bank was established for the Filbert Grove Mobile Home Subdivision. The proposed Greenway Setback Line for the Middle Fork project is illustrated on Exhibit D Greenway Setback Map. The location of the proposed Greenway Setback Line is determined based on the following considerations: . " Metro Plan Willamette Greenway policies which mandate local governments to support non- automobile transportation facilities, expand park and recreation facilities, and provide public access within the Greenway. . Prior established Setbacks for similar public works projects. Existing established Setbacks adjacent to the project corridor. v . Findings and conclusions in the Riparian Area Protection Report for the Middle Fork Willamette River Loop Path (Mason, Bruce, and Girard, Inc.) (Exhibit H) and the Feasibility Study for the project (OBEC Consulting Engineers) (available upon request). . Topography and riparian corridor width. The standards for Greenway Setback Line establishment, as provided below. The proposed Greenway Setback Line for the Middle Fork Loop Path project is located 75 feet from the top of bank Setback Line establishment is proposed on Tax Lot 600 (Map No. 18-03-02- PRE-SUBMITTAL RECr ) OCT 1 4 2009 15 City of Springfield Staff Report and Findings. Request for Discretionary Use (Willamette Greenway Development) Approval. and Establishment of the Greenway Setback Line: Jo. No. 95-0S-1 06. 16 City of Springfield Staff Report and Findings. Requesdor Discretionary Use (Willamette Greenway.g.,velot'",~",) Approval. and Establishment of the Greenway Setback Line: )0.. No. 94-04-74. CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 29 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION A. Local, regional and State. recreational needs shall be provided for consistent with the carrying capacity of the land. The possibility that public recreation use might disturb adjacent property shall be considered and minimized to the greatest extent possible. An express purpose of the project is to address local, regional, and state recreation needs, The proposed 4-milelong Middle Fork Path project is Phase I of a proposed 8-mile loop in Springfield and Lane County and part of the Eugene-Springfield riverfront path and trail system. In addition to contributing to the 8-mile'loop, the proposed path will link to an extensive riyerfront path system in Eugene and Springfield and is planned to eventually provide access to the Lane County 2,200- acre Howard Buford Recreation Area. The Middle Fork Path is included as a priority project in the 2004 Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan (PRCP) jointly adopted by WPRD, the City of Springfield, and Lane County as a Refinement Plan of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan. The PRCP included input from over 750 local residents who identified the provision of off-street bicycle paths as the . most desired outdoor facility the park district could provide. The proposed Middle Fork Path is &. '. identified as a significant regional bicycle and pedestrian route in the Springfield Bicycle Plan adopted by the City of Springfield. The Middle Fork Path is identified as Project No. 21 in Trans Plan, the metropolitan area's regional transportation plan. The Project is identified as Project No. 21 in the Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The Project ;s also included in the 2003 Rivers to Ridges Open Space Study endorsed by metro-area governments, The majority of the project within the proposed Greenway.Setback Line is on public park land that is zoned PLO and is intended to proYide for low-intensity, outdoor recreation needs. As approximately half of the path is proposed within the Greenway Setback Line, and the path is. allowed within the Setback, establishment of the line will not impact the proYision of loc;rl, regional, and state recreation needs. . . The project is designed and sited to minimize or avoid impacts to adjacent properties, including the Quarry Butte quarry and mine, to the greatest extent possible: The closest residence is over 750 feet away from the project corridor. WPRD is in the process of negotiating permanent easements for the proposed path across all properties not under sole ownership by WPRD. Subsequent recording of permanent easements for the proposed path demonstrates consent from affected property owners. This standard is satisfied. B. Adequate public access to the river shall be provided. The proposed location for the Greenway Setback Line does not impact public access to the Middle Fork Willamette River as no public access currently exists. Public access via the proposed path will occur both within and outside the Greenway Setback Line. An express purpose of the project is to proYide access to the Middle Fork Willamette River. The project will provide 4-miles of continuous access along the river in the only location where it can be safely provided. This standard is. satisfied. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 4 Z009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL [ October 13, -2009 31 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT CWG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) - PERMIT APPLICATION proposed Greenway Setback, WPRD will acquire and maintain a permanent 20 foot easement for the path that in which no development, other than the path itself, is proposed or will be allowed, The proposed project corridor is located outside of the urban area, and relatively isolated. The topography immediately adjacent to the project corridor is steep and difficult to transverse, The majority of the project corridor lies between the Middle Fork Willamette River and an actiye rock quarry, in which public access is restricted, Based on the above considerations, the potential for vandalism and trespass is minimal. This standard is satisfied. F. The natural vegetative fringe along the river shall be I:!nhanced and , . protected to the.maximum extent practicable. A Riparian Area Protection Report for the project is included as Exhibit H. The report addresses the methodology employed in delineating the top-of-bank, the baseline functional conditions of the riparian area, and proposed riparian area restoration methods. The project has been designed to minimize impacts to areas currently in the protected riparian zone of the project corridor, The report indicates that the majority .of project impacts will occur in areas that are currently degraded by non-native vegetation which will be improyed during the project restoration phase. The short- term impacts to the riparian corridor including tree remoyal and ground disturbance will be mitigated through proposed restoration activities. ' Prior to project construction an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) as well as a Pollution Control Plan (PCP) will be developed and implemented to prevent impacts to water quality and . minimize impacts to riparian habitat. Prior to completion of the project, all areas disturbed by the project will be restored to pre-construction contours and conditions. Disturbed areas will be seeded and mulched with a permanent erosion control native seed mix and/or planted with native woody yegetationwhere appropriate. A total of approximately 3,2 acres of riparian area will be seeded and/or planted with native vegetation after construction throughout the entire project corridor. The restoration acreage mitigates for an anticipated 2.4 acres of temporary riparian disturbance and an additional 0.8 acres of restoration associated with remoyal of invasive species within riparian areas. Landscape plans (Exhibit E) are designed to mitigate for construction impacts, to comply with local City and County Riparian and Willamette Greenway standards, and to preserve and enhance the native habitat within the Middle Fork Willamette River corridor. Included in the landscape plans are strategies for landscape preservation, restoration, and enhancement along the project corridor including riparian areas, Following are the main objectives of the landscape plans: . Protect Water Quality: Remove invasiye/non-native species to promote the establishment of native species and to reduce the need for the application of herbicides as a means for invasive/non-native species eradication. . Revegetation and Habitat Enhancement: Use native species well adapted to the microclimates of the Middle Fork Willamette riparian corridor. Revegetation and habitat enhancement will occur in the area between the path edge and the project edge of dist\]rbance. PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO OCT 1 4 Zo09 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I .october 13, 2009 33 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTEGREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (yVG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION ~ - . and adjoining uses. The Feasibility Study prepared for the project documents the extensive r.esearch and analysis used to determine the appropriate location for the proposed path. .The findings and conclusions from the Feasibility Study are incorporated by reference herein as further demonstration that this standard is met. , PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 3S " MIDDLE FORK WlLLAMETTE klv'ER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) . PERMIT APPLICATION 5.2 Willamette Greenway Overlay Distr.ict Development Standards (SDC 3.3-330) Statewide Planning Goal 15. Willamette River Greenway. provides that: "The qualities of the Willamette River shall be protected. conserved, enhanced and maintained consistent with the lawful uses present on December 6, 1974. Intensification of uses. changes in use or developments may be permitted after this date only when they are consistent with the Willamette Greenway Statute. this Goal and [other standards]." Regarding "other standards" SDC 3.3-300. Willamette River Greenway Permits. proYides that: "SDC 3.3-305 Purpose: The Willamette Greenway (WG) Overlay District is established to . protect and preserve natural scenic. historic, and' recreational qualities of lands along the Willamette River." (SDC 3.3-305) "SDC 3.3-310 Applicability: The WG Overlay District applies to all lands which are within 150 feet of the ordinary low water line on the channel of the Willamette River, or are adjacent to the river and are publicly owned for park and recreation purposes." (SDC 3.3- 310) . "SDC 3.3-320 Permitted and Discretionary Uses: Uses allowed in the WG Oyerly District are the same as those in the underlying zoning districts. Any cham.e or intensification of use. or construction that has silmificant yisual imoact shall reauire Discretionarv Use AooroyaL" (Emphasis added). Because the proposed project involves intensification, the project requires Discretionary Use approval. The Discretionary Use approval criteria are addressed below in Section 5.3. In addition to Discretionary Use criteria specified in Section 5.9-120. projects located in the Willamette Greenway Oyerlay District shall also meet the standards specified in Section 3.3-325. SDC 3.3-325 Greenway Setback: A Greenway Setback line is established to protect, maintain, preserve and enhance the natural, scenic, historic and recreational qualities of the Willamette Greenway. Only water-dependant or water-related uses are permitted between the. Willamette River and the Greenway Setback line. * * * . . As noted above, the proposal inyolves a request for Greenway Setback Line establishment on five parcels that do not have established Greenway Setback Lines. A Greenway Setback Line for parcels associated with Dorris. Ranch was previously established in 1989. In accordance with SDC 3.3-325, only water-dependant or water-related uses are permitted between the Willamette River and the Greenway Setback Line. Approximately half of the proposed 1.5-mile path in the City's jurisdiction is located between the Middle Fork Willamette River and existing or proposed Greenway Setback Lines. The proposal involves uses and activities considered new intensification and development within the boundaries of the Willamette River Greenway, subject to Willamette Greenway Oyerlay District Development Permit approyaL Applicable standards and criteria and findm-SUBMlTIAL REC'O I OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 37 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH ," WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION The proposed Quarry Creek turnaround is located on SUB property near the western terminus of the Project and includes benches, picnic tables, interpretive signage, and a portable restroom enclosure. The intent of the turnaround is to provide a mid-way destination point for path users (upon the eventual completion of the path) and to provide an additional recreation opportunity along the path corrid~r, During the interim, the turnaround will serve as a functional turnaround area for bicyclists and pedestrians. Proposed wildlife yiewing areas will be used for wildlife viewing, a type of recreation that can only be carried out adjacent to the Middle Fork Willamette River because the use requires access to riparian habitat areas !lnd wildlife species associated with the river. Proposed water access points will be used for access to the Middle Fork Willamette River, for the purposes of recreation and transportation. The proposed Quarry Creek Bridge will provide access across Quarry Creek. The proposed Quarry Creek turnaround will be used for recreation and its location is based on adjacency to the Middle Fork Willamette River and Quarry Creek. Security fencing is proposed on the SUB property to protect and secure existing wellheads, which are sources of water. The findings demonstrate that the above referenced facilities are consistent with the definition of water dependant uses in SDC 6.1-110. Therefore the Proposal involves water dependant uses. SDC 6.1-110 defines Use, Water Related as: A use that is not direaly dependant upon access to the WiIlamette River, but which clearly benefits from the access. The Cities. of Eugene and Springfield have constructed an extensive network of riyerfront multi-use paths and trails along the Willamette River during the past 30 years. Both cities have sought and obtained Willamette Greenway deyelopment permit approval for multi-use path projects constructed as part of the system. Evaluation of multi-use path projects for consistency with the definition of water related uses is provided in: I) prior Hearings Official decisions for Eugene's East Bank Trail- Phase 2 (yVG 98-1) and East Bank Trail- Phase 3 (yVG 01-2); 2) Springfield Planning Director Decision for the .West D Street Bike Path; and 3) testimony"from the Springfield Planning Manager. In WG 98-1 the Hearings Official found that the proposed path project is water related., "The record is clear that the East Bank Trail project is multi-purpose in nature. * * * [b]y definition, the riyer corridor represents the only such opportunity in the Eugene area and thus the East Bank Trail can be defined as water-related. The East Bank Trail is also water- related in the sense that it provides recreational access to the Willamette River."" . PRE.SUBMITtAI. REC'O.. OCT 1 4 2009 17 Findings of the Eugene Hearings Official. City of Eugene: East Bank Trail Willamette RiverGreenway~ermlt (VYI.>. 08-1). CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13. 2009 39 MIDDLE FORKWILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION contributing to the 8-mile loop, the proposed path will link to an extensive riverfront path system in Eugene and Springfield and is p,lanned to eventually provide access to the Lane County 2,200- acre Howard .Buford Recreation Area, The Middle Fork Path is included as a priority project in the 2004 Park and Recreation Comprehensive plan adopted by WPRD, the City of Springfield, and Lane County. The plan included input from over 750 local residents who identified the proYision of off-street bicycle paths as the most desired outdoor facility the park district could proYide, The proposed Middle Fork Path is identified as a significant regional bicycle and pedestrian route in the Springfield Bicycle Plan adopted by the City of Springfield. The Middle Fork Path is identified as Project No. 21. in Trans , . Plan, the metropolitan are,a's regional transportation plan. The Project is identified as Project No. 21 in the Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The Project is also included in the 2003 Rivers to Ridges Open Space Study endorsed by metro-area goyernments. The project is designed and sited to minimize or avoid impacts to adjacent properties, including the Quarry Butte rock quarry, to the greatest extent possible, WPRD is in the process of negotiating permanent easements for the proposed path across all properties not under direct ownership. Subsequent recording of permanent easements for the proposed path demonstrates consent from affected property owners. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit E) and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this criterion has bee.n met to the greatest extent possible, B. Adequate public access to the river shall be provided. The primary objectiye of the proposal is to provide public access along the Middle Fork Willamette RiYer. As a result of the project, public access will be extended for approximately 1,5 miles in an area where such access is not currently provided. The necessity of public access at this location has been documented in yarious planning documents, including: the 1998 Springfield Bicycle Plan; the 2002 Trans Plan Update; the 2003 Riyers to Ridges Open Space Study; the 2004 WPRD Parks Comprehensiye Plan; and the 2006 Central Lane MPO RTP. As noted preYiously, the Applicant has acquired necessary public easements, both temporary for construction and permanent for access, on all properties not under direct and sole ownership of WPRD. The findings demonstrate that necessary and adequate public access to and along the river will be proYided as a result of the project. This criterion is satisfied. .. C. Significant fish and wildlife habitats shall be protected. As noted above, the project corridor will be constructed primarily in disturbed riparian forested areas. Both disturbed and relatively undisturbed riparian forested areas exist between the project corridor and the Middle Fork Willamette Riyer, and west of the project corridor on the Dorris Ranch property. . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC 'D OCT 1 4 Z009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 41 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WlLLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION E. The maintenance of public safety and protection of public and private property, especially from vandalism and trespass shall be provided for, to the maximum extent practicable. The project is designed to provide a safe, accessible public access route along the Middle Fork Willamette River corridor. As illustrated on Sheets LO.2, L2.0-L2.5 Landscape Plan (Exhibit E), the project corridor will be planted and restored to establish a vegetatiye buffer that. discourages trespass outside the project corridor. As noted previously, the majority of the project is proposed on properties under publi~ ownership. The only structures within the vicinity of the Project corridor are historic structures within Dorris Ranch. As illustrated on Sheet L 1,0 Site, the Applicant proposes extensive security fencing around proposed Dorris Ranch Trailhead for the implicit purposes of preventing vandalism and trespass. The Applicant proposes to close the path to public acceSs at dusk to furthe~ reduce the potential for vandalism and trespass. The findings demonstrate that the project is designed to minimize . vandalism and trespass to the greatest degree possible, This criterion is satisfied. F. The natural vegetative fringe along the river shall be enhanced and protected to the maximum extent practicable. A public path for pe,destrians and bicyclists is by its own nature open space, and here the path will be an important part of the open space between Dorris Ranch and Quarry Creek. The proposed path corridor has been designed to follow existing gravel roads and informal trails where possible, as illustrated in Exhibit D. This alignment also minimizes cut and fill operations and ayoids impacts to riparian areas and wetlands. - As the proposed alignment approaches the Middle Fork WiUamette River from Dorris Ranch, the . alignment turns east to northeast and continues along bench-like topography formed by terrace deposits, Within this narrow corridor that directly parallels the Middle Fork WiUamette River described above, retaining walls are proposed adjacent to the path. Proposed retaining walls are located between the riyer top-of-bank and extreme slopes associated with Quarry Butte, as illustrated on Sheets L 1.3-L 1.5 Site Plan (Exhibit E). Proposed retaining walls are designed to minimize environmental impacts by avoiding excessive excavation on the uphill side of the path and ayoiding fill on the downhill side of the path. During the Feasibility Study for the project, the Applicant eyaluated alternatiye alignments that placed the path further from the river and higher up on the slopes of Quarry Butte. The southern alignment was selected based on factors including: the ability to locate the path on flatter bench-like topography adjacent to the ri.ver as opposed to the extreme side slopes of Quarry Butte; and, a desire to be at or near existing grade approaching Quarry Creek in order to avoid construction of switchbacks extending from higher slopes to reach the proposed Quarry Creek Bridge crossing. Retaining walls proposed are the minimum necessary to construct the project and designed to reduce the overall project footprint and minimize cut and fill, as noted aboye. As shown on Sheets LO.I, L I.O-L 1,5 Site Plan (Exhibit E), existing trees and vegetation will be maintained to the greatest degree practicable. Approximately .122 trees will neecPRfbS~BMffrAt REC'D on 1 4 7nnq 43 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION The findings demonstrate that the design and location of the proposed path will enhance and protect, to the maximum extent practicable. the natural vegetatiye fringe along the Middle Fork Willamette River. This criterion is satisfied. G. The location of known aggregate deposits shall be considered. Aggregate extraction may be permitted outside the Greenway Setback Area subject to compliance with State law, the underlying zoning district and conditions of approval designed to minimize adverse effects o'n water quality, fish and wildlife, vegetation, bank stabilization, stream flow, visual quality, quiet and safety and to guarantee reclamation. The proposed project corridor is located south of the active Quarry Butte rock quarry. The location of the active mine was a primary consideration in designing and siting the proposed project. The project corridor occurs on.parcels not currently in use for quarry and mine operations. A small portion ofthe projectis proposed on Tax Lot 310 I, which is adjacent to the active rock quarry and owned by Knife River. . Tax Lot 3101 is zoned PLO and not part of the active rock quarry. The project does not inyolve aggregate extraction. The project does not affect any properties currently in use for aggregate extraction. This criterion is satisfied; H. Developments shall be directed away from the river to the greatest possible degree; provided, however, lands committed to urban uses shall be permitted to continue as urban uses, including port, public, industrial, commercial and residential uses, uses pertaining to navigational requirements, water and land access needs and related facilities. Within the Metro Plan Boundary. the cities of Springfield and Eugene and other local goyernments. including WPRD. haye planned and executed land acquisition through purchase or ease,ment dedication adjacent to rivers and waterways both prior to and following the adoption of the Metro Plan. This fact is evidenced by the extensiye network of riyerfront path and trails in Eugene- Springfield and existing public holdings within the river corridors. One of the primary purpo.ses cif public land acquisition in river corridors. in addition to conservation and resource protection. is to proYide recreation and access opportunities. Section D of the Metro Plan includes findings. objectives. and polices that support the above findings. as follows: Metro Plan Objective 111.0.1: "Encourage the use of river ond woterway corridors to ful(lll open space, recreation, and resource protection needs." Metro Plan Objective 111.0.3: "Encourage, where appropriate and in keeping with Greenway goals, development that respeas the quality of rivers and waterways and provides a variety of opportunities for enjo~ent of those resources by the public." . . Pt<E-SUBMITTAl REe' ) OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13,2009 45 MIDDLE FORK WlLLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG);DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION 5.3 Discretionary Use Approval Criteria (SDC 5.9-120) Within the WG Overlay District, any change or intensification of use, or construction that has significant yisual impact shall require Discretionary Use approval. The proposed project is considered an intensification of use and requires Discretionary Use approval in accordance with SDC 5.9-120. SDC 5.9-120 Criteria: A Discretionary Use may be approved only if the Planning Commission or Hearings Official finds that the proposal conforms with the Site Plan Review approval criteria specified in Section 5.17-125, where applicable, and the following approval criteria: The Project is subject to Site Plan Review. The Applicant's.Site Plan Review application, submitted concurrently herewith, demonstrates that the proposal conforms to all applicable approyal criteria specified in Section 5.17-125. A. The proposed use conforms with applicable: I. Provisions ofthe Metro Plan; Pages III-D-4 and 5 of the. Metro Plan set out the Willamette Greenway policies. Many of these policies are directed to local goyernments rather than to individual property owners or to the use of individual properties. Of the remaining policies, only four (presented below in italics) are potentially relevant to the subject request: Policy 0.2: Land use regulations and acquisition programs along river corridors and waterways shall take into account all the concerns and needs of the community, including recreation, resource, and wildlife protection; enhancem.ent of river corridor and waterway environments; potential for supporting non-automobile transportation; opportunities for residential development; and other compatible uses. (emphasis added). The proposal involves a multi-use path for the purposes of non-automobile transportation and recreation. The proposal is in compliance with the above policy. Policy 0.5:. New development that locates along river corridors and waterways shall be limited to uses that are compatible with the natural, scenic, and environmental qualities of those water features. . The proposed path corridor has been designed to follow existing grayel roads and informal trails. where possible. This alignment also minimizes cut and fill operations and avoids impacts to riparian areas and wetlands. Locating the path further, or closer, to the riyer would force impacts to previously undisturbed riparian and/or upland habitat areas. The proposal is in compliance with the above policy. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 47 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) . PERMIT APPLICATION report. Eugene staff addresses Policy D.II. Note that the 2004 update to the Metro Plan renumbered policies in Section D. Policy D, II. formerly Policy D.13. was renumbered. "Staff consulted wi~h the City Attorney who advised that the policy quoted [Policy D.II] is not applicable for seyeral reasons. including the following, In 1982. LCLD acknowledged as consistent with Goal 15 (and all other goals) the Metro Plan, which included as a functional . , plan the Bikeways Master Plan. The Bikeways Master Plan included the bicycle/pedestrian trail at issue. Thus, at least as early as. 1982, the bikeway/pe_destrian trail has been acknowledged as consistent with Goal 15, so no exception to Goal 15 would be necessary. Policy 13 (quoted above) was not adopted until four years later, in response to a DLCD concern (expressed in a letter to LCOG dated December 19, 1985) about a proposed amendment to the Metro Plan involYing motor-vehicle bridges: (emphasis added). "An exception to Goal 15 may be required for the new bridge oyer the Willamette RiYer. Bridge approach ramps within the Greenway setback require an exception to Goal 15 or else include a policy which would require a Goal 15 exception, if necessary, prior to final approyal of the project." . Policy 13 (Policy D.II) was adopted to address that concern related to the motor-vehicle bridge." In the record for WG 98-1, representatives opposed to the project argue that the City "must take an exception [to Goal 15] because the proposed East Bank Trail project is a non-water dependant transportation facility that requires placement of fill within the Willamette Riyer Greenway setback area." The City of Eugene concedes that the project is a non-water dependant transportation facility. However, both Eugene staff and the Hearings Official in WG 98-1 found that the proposed project is water-related. "The record is clear that the East Bank Trail project is multi-purpose in nature. * * * [b]y definition, the riyer corridor represents the only such opportunity in the Eugene area and thus the East Bank Trail can be defined as water-related. The East Bank Trail is also water- related in the sense that it provides recreational access to the Willamette River." The Hearings Official proYided guidance on uses allowed within the Willamette Greenway Setback through definitions in Section C.3.K of Statewide Goal IS: "A setback line will be established to keep struaure separated from the river in order to protect, maintain, preserve and enhance the natural, scenic, historic and recreational qualities of the Willamette River Greenway, as identified in the Greenway Inventories. The setback line shall not apply to water-related or water-dependant uses." (emphasis added). In determining the applicability of Policy 13 [Policy D.II] the Hearings Official "agrees with the applicant that the proposed East Bank Trail is a water-related use to which the setback line, and therefore Policy 13 [Policy D.II], does not apply." "It is clear from legislative history that Policy 13 [Policy D.II] was adopted in response to a proposal to build a new bridge over the Willamette River. In ordep~.:OOfJMm~t~en OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 49 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) . PERMIT APPLICATION 3. Plan District standards; The Project is proposed on land within the PLO and QMO zoning districts. Low impact public facilities are permitted outright as secondary uses in the PLO and QMO districts. The Proposal involyes construction of a multi-use path for the purposed of transportation and recreation. SDC 6.1-110 defines low impact public facilities as "[a]ny public or semi-public facility that has minimal olfactory, visual or auditory impacts which is permitted subject tq the design standards of this Code." Bicycle and pedestrian facilities by their nature meet the stated definition of low impact public facilities. The Proposal complies with applicable PLO and QMO district standards. Further demonstration of compliance with applicable standards is found in the Applicant's Site Plan Review application for the Project, submitted concurrently herewith. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit E) and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard has been met to the greatest extent practicable. 4. Conceptual Development Plans~ or The Project is not within an area subject to an approved conceptual development plan. This standard does not apply. 5. . Specific Development Standards in this Code; The Project is located partially on land within the PLO and QMO zoning districts. SDC 4.7-203 sets out specific deyelopment standards for the PLO district. The specific development standards apply to: a) access on arterial or collector streets; b) stadiums, swimming pools and other major noise generators; c) community and regional parks; d) special uses; e) RV parks and campgrounds within regional parks; f) elementary and middle schools; g) wellness centers; ,and, h) pedestrian amenities for public buildings in mixed uses Metro Plan land use designations, The Proposal does not inyolye uses subject to specific deveiopment standards as noted aboye. The QMO zoning district does not set out specific development standards for low impact public facilities. This standard is satisfied. .. B. The site under consideration is su'itable for the proposed use, considering: I. The location, size, design and operating characteristics of the use (operating characteristics include but are not limited to parking, traffic, noise, vibration, emissions, light, glare, odor, dust, visibility, safety, and aesthetic considerations, where applicable); The primary objectiye of the proposal is to proYide public access along the Middle Fork Willamette River. As a result of the project, public access will be extended for approximately 1:5 miles in an area where such access is not currently provided. The necessity of public access at this location has been documented in various planning documents, including: the 1998 Springfield Bicycle Plan; the 2002 Trans Plan Update; ttPm!J.~8M~nAE ~D OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 SI MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION management/drainage areas and wooded areas shall be adequately considered in the project design; The proposed path corridor has been designed to follow existing gravel roads and informal trails where possible. Proposed retaining walls are designed to minimize environmental impacts by avoiding excessiye excavation on the uphill side of the path and avoiding fill on the downhill side of the path. Proposed retaining walls are located between the river top-of~bank and extreme slopes associated with Quarry Butte, as illustrated on Sheets L 1.3-L 1.5 Site Plan (Exhibit E). The proposed retaining walls along the path will be comprised of 9 separate segments, as illustrated on Sheets A I.O-A 1.7 Phins and Elevations (Exhibit E). The walls vary in height from approximately 3 feet up rol2futt . By using retaining walls in key areas around Quarry Butte, this alignment minimizes impacts to riparian areas and wetlands. Locating the path further from, or closer to, the river would force impacts to previously undisturbed riparian .and/or upland habitat areas, As shown on Sheets LO.I, L I.O-L 1.5 Site Plan (Exhibit E), existing trees and vegetation will be maintained to the greatest degree practicable. Approximately 122 trees will need to be removed from the Project corridor, which is roughly 1.5 miles in length, to allow for the path. Construction activities will also disturb existing vegetation within the 20-foot temporary work easement. To mitigate for impacts to trees and riparian vegetation affected by the Project, and to enhance the existing vegetative fringe between the path and the river, the Applicant proposes planting 336 trees, restoration of all areas impacted by construction, and 1.4 acres of riparian mitigation, as illustrated on Exhibit.1 Riparian Mitigation Plans, consisting of riprap removal and the planting of natiye tree, shrub, and grass species. Prior to project construction and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) as well as a Pollution Control Plan (PCP) will be deyeloped and implemented to prevent impacts to water quality and minimize impacts to fish and wildlife habitat. Prior to completion of the project, all areas disturbed by the project will be restored to pre-construction contours and conditions. Native riparian vegetation removed during construction will be replaced by an equal or greater amount, and riparian trees greater than 6 inches in DBH will be replanted at a 2: I ratio within the project corridor. A Biological Assessment/Biological Opinion (BAlBO) has been preYiously prepared for the project by Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. and the Applicant has obtained a letter of concurrence from the National Marine fisheries Service (NMfS). The findings demonstrate that the project is designed to maintain and sustain natural and physical features of the site, including but not limited to, riparian areas, regulated wetlands, natural stormwater management/drainage areas and wooded areas to the greatest possible degree. This standard is satisfied, PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D . OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October .13,2009 S3 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT CNG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION The Project does not involye a wireless telecommunications systems facility. This standard does not apply. 2. Alternative design standards for multifamily development are exempt from Subsections A.-C., above but shall comply with the approval criteria specified in Section 3.2-245. The Project does not involve multifamily development. This standard does not apply. 3. Fences requiring Discretionary Use approval are E;xempt from. Subsections A.-C., above but shall comply with the approval c.riteria specified in Section 4.4-115C. The Project does not involye fences requiring Discretionary Use approval. This standard does not apply. . 4. The siting Of public elementary, middle and high schools requiring Discretionary Use approval is exempt from Subsections A.-C., above but shall comply with the approval criteria specified in Section 4.7- 195. The Project does not involve public elementary, middle. or high schools. This standard does not ~~~ . PRE.SUBMITTA.L PEC'O OCT 1 4 ZOOS -._~._". CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13,2009 S5 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION 5.4 Site Plan Review Approval Criteria (SQC 5.17-125) The proposed project is permitted, subject to Site Plan Review, in the PLO and QMO zoning districts. The proposed project requires Site Plan Review approyal in accordance with SDC 5.17- 125, A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement.Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) diagram shows the area impacted by this proposal as being within the Parks and Open Space and Sand and Gravel plan designations. As .indicated in Table 2-1, the subject parcels are zoned PLO and QMO - consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram. Multi-use paths meet the definition of low impact public facilities, which are permitted outright in the PLO and QMO zoning districts. To the. extent that the proposed activities are for transportation and recreation facilities, the proposed activities are consistent with the land use diagram as ancillary transportation facilities and uses. The project site is not located within the boundaries of any applicable Refinement Plan, Plan Districts, or Conceptual Development Plans. This criterion is satisfied. B. Capacity requirements of public and private. facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulation.s. The Public Works Director or a utility provider 'shall determine capacity issues. With respect to capacity requirements, the proposal involyes minimal extension of existing water, electric and sanitary sewer facilities currently in existence at Dorris Ranch to proYide service to the proposed Dorris Ranch Trailhead, as illustrated on Sheets CO.2, C2.0-2.4 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit E). Proposed electric service will extend from an existing underground electric line located near the intersection of South 20' Street and Dorris Lane. SUB has indicated that there is sufficient capacity to serve proposed facilities. . Water service will extend from existing service at Dorris Ranch property. Sanitary service will be provided by a new sanitary sewer line and proposed drainfield located south of the proposed Dorris Ranch Trai.lhead. The Applicant will coordinate with the Lane County Sanitation Department to obtain all necessaryapproyals to construct and operate the drainfield. Stormwater facilities are proposed to .serve the Dorris Ranch Trailhead. As illustrated on Sheet C2.0 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit E), stormwater facilities consist of filter strips, vegetated swales, and detention basins. Stormwater facilities are designed to treat runoff from vehicular surfaces. Treated runoff will be allowed to infiltrate into the soil and no connections to public storm sewers are proposed. The Project does not involve a Variance request or proposed uses that would generate 500 or more vehicle trips per day, as specified in SDC 4.2-105 A(4.)(a.) and (b,). . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS .. INITIAL SUBMITr AL I October 13, 2009 57 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE'RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT rtVG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION SDC 4.2-150 Bikeways To the extent that bikeways include multi-use paths, the proposal involyes construction of a bikeway, The Applicant is in the process of negotiating permanent easements for the proposed path on properties not under direct ownership by WPRD. The proposed path is designed in accordance with Springfield's EDSPM. These findings together with the Plan Set and supporting documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard has been satisfied, SDC 4.2-155 Pedestrian Trails To the extent that pedestrian trails include multi use paths, the proposal involyes construction of a pedestrian trail, The Applicant is in the process of obtaining permanent easements for the . proposed path on properties not under direct ownership by WPRD. The proposed path is designed in accordance with Springfield's EDSPM. These findings together with the Plan Set and supporting documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standa.rd has been satisfied, SDC 4.2-160 Accessways Because no new parcels or lots will be created as part of this proposal, no new accessways will be constructed or required as part of construction activities. Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 4.3-100 Infrastructure Standards- Utilities SDC 4.3-105 Sanitary Sewers The project does not inyolye the extension, expansion or connection to existing public sanitary sewer facilities. Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 4.3-110 Stormwater Management The proposed project will result in approximately 2.21 acres of net new impervious surface and is subject to stormwater quality and quantity performance standards from multiple federal, state, and local agencies including USFWS. NMFS, ODEQ, ODOT, Lane County, and the City of Springfield. The applfcability of a water quality standard is confined only to the parking lots at the trailheads (Dorris Ranch and Clearwater Park), It has been confirmed through discussions and correspondence with NMFS and ODEQ that stormwater runoff from pedestrian/bike trails does not require the typical treatment Best Management Practices (BMPs) associated with roadways. Additionally, current ODOT policy states that water quality mitigation is not required for non- traffic bearing elements, such as sidewalks and separated bike paths. Water quality treatment facilities are proposed at the Dorris Ranch Trailhead, as illustrated on Sheet C2.0 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit E). The proposed parking lot will be constructed without curbs in order to allow runoff to sheet-flow, minimizing erosive flow characteristics. Vegetated infiltration basins will be constructed to catch runoff leaving the parking lots. The basins have been designed to capture and infiltrate water quality design storm event of 1.4 inch/24 hours . as given i.n the Draft SLOPES IV design criteria, This is slightly more water thweS~i{r RL . , Springfield guidelines of 0.83 inch/24 hours.. YJ<t:- Ul:lIVIlI JAL REC 0 OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13,2009 59 MIDDLE FORK WllLAMETTE RIVER lOOP PATH . WllLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION Manual (ODOT 2005) and Oregon Standard Specifications (ODOT 2008). The Applicant will obtain a Land Drainage and Alteration Permit (LDAP) from the City of Springfield, detailing specific erosion and sediment control measures to be used prior to construction. A Pollution and Erosion Control Plan (PEep) will be implemented prior to construction by the Applicant's contractor to minimize or ayoid project effects to water quality. The Project also adheres to the conditions of the CW A 40 I Water Quality Certification issued for the USACE Section 404 permit. These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is met. see 4.3-117 Natural Resource Protection Areas The uses proposed are allowed in natural resource areas in accordance with SDC 4.3-117(E)(2)(n) and (0). The above subsection applies to natural resource protection areas that include: locally significant protected wetlands, listed in the Springfield Local Wetland Inventory and shown on the Local Wetland Inventory Map; inyentoried wetlands which are not deemed to be locally significant; locally significant protected riparian areas, listed in the Springfield Inyentory of Natural Resource Sites and shown on the Natural Resources Inventory Map; and, the development setback area. The protections described in SDC 4.3-117 do not apply to: properties with approved wetland or riparian fill and mitigation plans, permits or other approved actions issued by the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) and or the US Army Corps of Engineers (CO E) or other approving authority with jurisdiction over wetland and riparian resources; and sites shown on the City's Water Quality Limited Watercourses 0NQLW) Map that are already protected with 50-foot or 75-foot development setbacks in accordance with SDC 4.3-115. Based on the entire project, a total of 0.028-acre of permanent wetland impacts is proposed. Compensatory wetland mitigation will" be accomplished through the purchase of 0.03 wetland mitigation credits (credits sold to the hundredth of an acre) at the West Eugene Mitigation Bank. ODSL and ACOE currently prefer the purchase of wetland mitigation credits to compensate for impacts to jurisdictional wetlands. Based on the entire project, a total of. 0.266-acre of temporary waters impacts and a total of 0.053- acre of permanent waters impacts, associated with retaining wall installation adjacent to the Middle Fork Willamette River and Quarry Creek, is proposed. Mitigation for temporary and permanent waters impacts will be accomplished through onsite restoration. In addition to restoration of disturbed areas directly adjacent to the proposed path, the Applicant proposes to restore and enhance 1.4 acres of low-value riparian area on property within Lane County jointly owned by WPRD, SUB, and Springfield, as demonstrated by Exhibit I Riparian Mitigation Plans. The Applicant has obtained wetland/waters remoyal/fiIl permit authorizations from ODSL and ACOE for permanent and temporary impacts to -.yetland and waters of the state. Wetland delineation reports, agency letter of concurrence, and the removal/fill permits are included as Exhibit F. On the north side of the Middle Fork Wilhmette River, Springfield has established a 75- foot riparian setback along the river to comply with the federal Clean Water Act (CW A) and Endangered Species Act (ESA) and in accordance with SDC 4.3-115. PRE-SUBMlTTAlREC'D OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 61 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG). DISCRETIONARY. USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION Proposed landscaping at the Dorris Ranch Trailhead is designed in accordance with SDC 4.4-1 05(E) and (F), as illustrated on Sheet L2.0 Landscape Plan (Exhibit E). Proposed plantings consist of native species and plant communities and do not require irrigation in accordance with SDC 4.4-1 05(G). Landscaping. as. shown on the Landscape Plans. meets all City of Springfield Planting Standards contained in SC 4.4-105(1). Landscaping for the purposes of site restoration within the project corridor is designed to restore all areas disturbed during construction. The objectives of site restoration are to prevent erosion. to provide stream bank stabilization. to improve water quality. to improve native plant species composition. to improye fish and wildlife habitat. and to provide aesthetically pleasing vegetation composition within the project corridor. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit E) and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is met. SDC 4.4-1 J 0 Screening None of the uses proposed require screening per SDC 4.4-IIO(A). Therefore. this standard does not apply. SDC 4.4-115 Fences The proposal inyolves security fencing surrounding the Dorris Ranch Trailhead. as illustrated on Sheet U.O Site Plan (Exhibit E). Proposed fencing is 6 feet in height. in accordance with the .height standards applicable to the PLO zoning district listed in SDC 4.4-115 Table 4.4-1. No fencing is proposed within the Willamette Greenway Setback area. This standard is satisfied. ,. SDC 4.5-100 On-Site Lighting St~ndards SDC 4.5-110 Illumination and Height The proposal involves parking lot lighting at the proposed Dorris Ranch Trailhead. as illustrated on Sheets EO.I. E 1.0 Lighting Plan (Exhibit E). All proposed light fixtures will be directed downward and contain full cutoff fixtures in accordance with SDC 4,5-110 (A). Proposed light fixtures will not exceed 25 feet in height. in accordance with SDC 4.5-11 O(B)( I). This standard is met, SDC 4.6-100 Vehicle Parking, Loading, and Bicycle Parking Standards SDC 4.6-110 Vehicle Parking - General The proposal involves new construction for a public use. Off-street parking is required in accordance with SDC 4.6-11 O(A)( I). The proposal involyes a 21 space off-street parking area at the proposed Dorris Ranch Trailhead. in proportion to the proposed use. This standard is met. SDC 4.6-115 Vehicle Parking - Parking Lot Design The proposed off-street vehicular parking area at the Dorris Ranch Trailhead includes.21 standard stalls. 9 feet in width. at a 90 degree parking angle, as illustrated onSheet L2,0 Site Plan' (Exhibit E). The proposed parking. area complies with the dimensiomil standards in SDC 4.6-11 5 Table 4.6-1. This standard is met. PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'O nrT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13, 2009 63 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) PERMIT APPLICATION These findings together. with the Plan Set (Exhibit E) and documentation submitted herewith . demonstrate that.the above standards are satisfied, . . D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity .within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. The proposal involyes a proposed parking area at the Dorris Ranch Trailhead. As illustrated on Sheet L 1.0 Site Plan (Exhibit E), the parking area has been designed to facilitate vehicular traffic, promote bicycle and pedestrian safety, and to prevent congestion. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation is to occur on the proposed path which is separated and apart from the parking area. Where the proposed path crosses the access drive to the parking area, the crossing will be striped with distinctive markings and include safety signage, The proposed path terminates at the intersection of South 2'd Street and Dorris Lane and provides connectivity to adjacent residential areas, and to an existing bicycle lane along South 2'd Street, which leads to downtown Springfieid and the riyerfront multi-use path in Island Park. No transit facilities are located within the vicinity of the project. The proposal does not involve new driveways on arterial or collector streets. . These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit E) and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is satisfied. E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters oftrees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; other riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760,358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. The proposal involves construction of the path at the base of steep slopes adjacent to Quarry . Butte, as illustrated on. Sheets CO. I, C 1.0-1.5 Grading Plan (Exhibit E). The area in which the .project corridor traverses is not known to have unstable soils or geologic conditions, as provided. by the Geotechnical Report (Exhibit K). Portions of the project are proposed with the I OO-year floodplain and f100dway of the Middle Fork Willamette.River. Proposed development within the fioodplain and f100dway is addressed in No Net Rise Report for the project (Exhibit J), the findings of which are incorporated by reference herein. . PRE.SUBMITTAl REeD OCT 1 4 2009 CMGS INITIAL SUBMITTAL I October 13,2009 6S