HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2009-11-13 Electrical Permit Application ~~~"'t~'ur~\iin'~~~~FD')'fO'~~~}!~?, ~J.. ,,~._, .:~~~~~~~'rf'l~~ ~,?.,~~~iI~_-~"'f.d~~..~J~ 225 Fifth SlrCtl.Springllcld.On. 97477 ~ 1'11(54] )726-375H Ft\X(S41 )726.3689 >>"FlINOl'II!I..D I DEPART~ENT USE ONLY I I pennitnl t; -DIG5~1 I Date J~i/J /0 '1 I ~, This permit is hsucd under OAR 91S-309-0UOO. Permits lire llontl'ansferllhlc. Permits expire ifwol'l{ is not started within ISO dllYS ofissulluce or ifworl{ is suspended fur 180 days. I LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL f Zoning approv<ll verified? . .0 Yes 0 No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION I D Residential r;O Government j !&I Commerciul I JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION I Jobsit]oddress ~,5 1.~, _ , I City~ I Stat()~ ~ZIIl.{]1J1 I Subdivisi~n 1102.3lr> 0'2. 'O~o: I ' DESCRIPTION OF WORK IBranch circuits to control panels I PROPERTY OWNER I Name: Arclin USA I Address: 475 28th Street f City" Spr,i.n;=t~ield I Stow: OR I ZIP: 97477 Phom:541-746 6501 .1 FllX: I E-mail: erik.brunso@arclin.com This installation is being made all rt:sidcntinl or farm properly owned by me or Cllllcmber of my imlllediate family. This property is 1101 intended for sale, eXl.;hrlllgc, \case, or 1't::llt. OAR 479,540(1) and 479.560(1), Sigllnture: I I Business name: Olsson Industrial Elec' I Address: 1919 Laura Street 1 City: Springfield State: OR I ZIP: 97477 \ Phone 541 747 8460 Fax:541' 747 4846' E. l1lrll I . I CCB licCl1s;: no.: 634.73 BCD license (ic : 20 - 241C I S~gJling sllpCrvisol"s license no.: 3 3 3 4 S ,Print name of signing supervisor: DouQ'las Beer .' I S'gnature olsigning sllPel~is~~/-1_ ~t"~ CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION .., " ~~vofJ. ;'''I;:::'~t~~''i ," ".t-t.:J 'O^ ' , ~"/:!~:'..~;,r:;'i;~I/~~~fir''''I,.~._t,:~..'~_.~I:,\:;.l";;'1":' ~ tq;~ ,'", C"-"-.'- .....-:X....-.. -...,-..,.-,----\\-" ,0 y ! E.LJ :,,~ "':::::..' ;':t:~':~~'9~'::~:~:':~' ';'tR 14~U-2,S84:.1.(~!O~I~?~~\ ~"::":"'=:' "... ',-*' I FEE SCHEDULE I 1 IQty,1 Cost Total I NumbCI' of inspections pCI' itcm () I ClI, cost 1 I Rcsidcntial,pcr unit, service included: I 11,000 sq. ft. or less (4) $134.00 $ I I ~lae~'~oatditional 500 sq. ft. or portion S 25.00 $ I I limited energy (2) $ 32.00 $ I I Each manufactured home or modular I I dwdling service Qt. feeder (2) $ 63.00 $ I Services or fccdcr.~: illSwllmioll, alrcl"(uiol/. ndvcaliol/ I I 200 amps or less (2) $ 81,00 S I I 201 to 400 amps (2) $ 95.00 $ I. I 40 I to 600 nmps (2) $158.00 $ I I 60 I to 1,000 amps (2) $205.00 $ I 1 lOver 1,000 amps or VOIIS (2) .$4119.00 $ I I I Reconnect only (2) I $ 63.00 $ I I I Temporary scrvit.cs or fceders: ill.\"/{III(/(ioll. alwmficJII, reloc(lliclI/ I 1'200 limps or'less (2).___~h": -.:-- "1--:.-" '-'$'63'00'.' - $' .-1 , - I ',"LI~"Ltr'..,. t".~,,,,,,,;..., ' ." _".:- 120Ito<l00n1l1t)s'(2):'---"~.--" -.--- _..:. ~5;-6'7'OO-''::$ -",_ --.~I' . . ',' ,''',.'' \J . . , , It"" I <lOlIO'6()O-,iIl1pS-(2):--~ . --.-:- '-,~ .....~l-.. $126.00" --S' . ': -.1 lOver GUU limps or 1,090 volts, se~ services or feeders section ahove - I I Branch circuits: IIcw,'alle}'(/lioll, e,\'lell.l'iOlJpaplll/el I I I u. Fee for branch circuits with p'urchase of a service or feeder fee: I I I Each branch circuit J 4 I $ 6.00 I ,$24.001 b. Fee lor branch circuils without purchase of n service or feeder fee: I ',First.bnlllciJ circuit (2).'. --1,-11 $ 55'001-$55.001 Each lldditional branch circuit ,I $ 6.00 S I I -I Misn'lIalll'OtlS, fees: sel'1'ice orjef!der I/of ill,'llIded EachpUlllp or irriglllion circle (2) $ 63.00 .$ Each s.ign~)I' OIillille_lig~l,tillg (2) .s 63.00 $ Signal circuit or a limited-encrgy pflllel, $ 63.00 $ ulleralion, or extcnsIon (2) Each additional inspection: (I) $58.00 S APPLICANT USE I (A) Enter subtotal of above fees I $ 79,00 (Minimum Permit Fce 558,00) (8) ~J.lle.r 12Y" s~r~l.large (. 12 x' [A]) : l' $' 'q- 4 R' I (C) Te-~I!!l~l?gy)-~cc (5%.of[A]) -,~- - -'-,-_. . ; S' ~-,~ ~1 .T~rr.~~ ~;" f.t't',~:.IU~ ~!,Sll J'C h 1lI'ges"(A-t h r~u gh q :;-- :.;,:;:"$,' 9 ,2 -; -4-3.1 1 f' ------'" - - ~._..._."- .,.- --..__.,1..._. j - ~_. -. -.->.... --. - _~..i , 'q":J, I ,'W:, ;.:; .,'.'1:- . !ul..1>1 1: \'~"'\"..;,I' .~' "':1 ,f. \':)\1' ,-,\:'. .. ,,<l: -., -~_. -,- - '. ::1(;" ~. ~ ::~::~;!~(~~:' \.' 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax ",~ . 541-726-3769 Inspe~iio.i' i.ine , , ' ,~ . - ,,,..:,.:,),,~. ,. ':"~~~;~2"" '" " CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01652 ISSUED: 11/1312009 APPLIED: 11113/2009 EXPIRES: 05/13/2010 VALUE: , ..' . ..,~. Issued , ~. " '''.' i'.?" . ; SITE ADDRESS:'?':'{.:475 2~TH ST:, ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.:;': i70pl0002300 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Ele,ctrical Work Only TYPE OF USE: New Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Brancb circuits to control panels Owner: Address: , . ~ ". ;"'.0., '.'-",' i.".:' '. :c!,' , " , ARCi.INtJSAiiilc",\+; " 5865 MCL'AUGHLIN RD UNIT 3 MISSISSAUGA L5R IB8' 1;;' .' .... . ......,.. I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type Electrical , Contractor OLSSON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC License 63473 Expiration Date 01/26/2011 Phone 541-747-8460 '~:';,: 1:'.,:'.'!f.'.' 1:::-; ."~' '~:",. ~. :. .' ~.... '. ')i~ ' : Iji ' BUlL?ING INFORMATION' . l # of Units: :, Primary Occupancy, Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: , # of Stories: Heightof Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Building, Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft .Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: '.',1 -' -,., .... '~l.!'~'~ it',;;"", ,~, ?~?;~1.', n/ll .f ' f . .:: :, 1:. I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I .' 4~..' ,. Frontyard Setba'cI<:" . ,. , :~, ;. Side 1 Setback: ' , Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Overlay Dist: # Strcet Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: % of Lot Coverage: REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact:_,_ ...,-", , . ~ ' I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements: . Sidewalk Type: uires you to , ' . "i'", ~' "" 0 eqon law reC) Tt Storm Sewer Available:!," , ;;;;:. '. ATTENTiC'm;'tII~~'ioutSbD~il.iJJ{;Iregon Uti I y Special Instruction: ' , follow rules a (jP'cT~ h~se rules are set forth , . , Notification Center, hOAR 952-001. NOTICE' In OAR 952-001-0g;~~h;~~i~S ofthe rules by THIS pnllJ4JI..$J.. '.; _. _ 0090:YO~k~~.,~tll~1 (Note:tt1e t~le~ho;.'~.. AtJFHQRIZED' " \~~': k^rln:t..':. I!!L WOn . "'",,,,,. the Oregon uu"'y :\~iHiQl1 COJ1AMtNCED UNDER THIS PI;.WIW!!~~escriDtio""tnber~~ter Ia 1-800-a32-2a44l. "\'ki ' OR IS ABANDONFD F.m~ ' , . . 'J~';' {' 80 D"W PERinf'. $Per sq'Ft Square Footage DescnptlOn ,r Type of ConstructIOn It' \. B'd A Value , or mu Ip lef or J mount Notes: Date Calculated .. .- . Pa2e I 0\'2 ;; I J' ..~ ; j. " .~ I ~~ ..- ".-.----..-.- , &tatus Is~ued, '. '. '. :t:... ,};"....;.I};.. "-.; -. ~'_. 225 Fifth S~reet;Springfield,pR'';c'' 541-726-3753 Phone" ',:' .: '~,,'!'\\ ii!., , . . . .~.. .y 541-726-3676 Fax' .. 541-726-3769 Inspection Line , ~Wi:ifi;~Wh5~;~f{i:~!fr':;; , ;> , ,t":-Sti::~G1;:;,~'i;: .~i)J;:~:ff;J: " " ... Amount Paid Fee Description + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee " , . ._.,~: 'lli; , Add, Alter, Extend Circ ". .., ';' Add, Alter, Extend brc Ea Add ' ... , , j" ,\ '. ,Total:Am(JlintPaid , , -"..' . -I'" " -~.!. .., : . , ~. .:', .,.... . .:;:?:~;~t':, , 'il: " , i.~ ., -.j"- I :_,~ _it} . $9.48 $3.95 $55.00 $24.00 $92.43 '.. .' :.,,-, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01652 ISSUED: 11/1312009 APPLIED: 11/13i2009 EXPIRES: 05/13/2010 VALUE: Total Value of Project Fees P3id I Date Paid Receipt Number 11/13/09 11113/09 11113/09 11/13/09 3200900000000000758 3200900000000000758 3200900000000000758 3200900000000000758 I Plan Reviews I To Request a!1 inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.in. will be made, th~ same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following , .,., . work day';' . "i;:',-r."'-r.' ' "(: " ' . y , '. .' , , " Rellllirerl Tnsne~tions I r ." Rough Electric: Prior to Cover ..' 4: .,,' ;, "t ~~' Final Ele,ctri~; When all electrical work is complete. By signature, I si~te;and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information he...~on is trne,and corr~ct, and I furthcr certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Orcgon pertllining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure withont permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employecs who are in compliancc with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the , street, that the permit card is located at the front of the propcrty, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during co~structio.n. i. ; 'i ' \, \ . . 1 . ,~~ "f1 " 1 ,:! jl' t. Owner or Contractor~ Signature- " " ::.. :- \:: 1 ' .;. \. \,.,,: 1 ':'H'.I, :;i,.~ ll;'t ';~ I .' "t " Date Pa2c 2 of 2 , ' , . ::r . "'" ~~ 225, Fifth Street;;i';>\i .,-\, ". ,\.; . ~ '. '..,~' ,'.l,. .~_ _. . Springfield, Or~gon 97477':"'\)::;; 541-726-3759 Phone' ~,;'-~!~~~,I!!,!t;ji,',"I"~', ',:, ;?i____Al.... ;1 fII:' , . ~-". l - ! .! .. ,-,.......- '.~ . .. ....." '.,. City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department , 'r. ('.'.,RECEIi>t;#:' ,.' 3200900000000000758 ,~., :.-.;,.....-.. .... " '...' ..,". 2:10:36PM ':;.:;"; 'r''', .<... ',~-, "'_ -, Job/Journal Numberr'\:!~ D,escription C01vl2009-01652 ::;.,. :Add,Alter, Extend Circ .~. . -'" "1,; ,." .",..... COM2009-01652~-'!,:t::;rlj'Ad~;'A!t~r, Extend Circ Ea Add COM2009-0 1652 ;',' ':'+- 5% TecIIDology Fee COM2009-0 1652 " .'+ 12% State Sutcharge PaYlDents: Type of Payment Check ..' , ,':f~id~ ~~!:~t. t. ,,~~{H'~f~~:~I~~~'~~::' '.' JOLSSON INDUSTRIAL 'ELECTRIC ;~l};;~~t::';'fi;;:;::;I\\:i, (:: . . '::1:-',';: , {:'r;Z;~:!' . --., .' .. '" ......~~ ....~-.._..:..... .. '1f ::11 \: . ,r ;lll 'j '11 ~!~ ~ ..' .J. _ ,~... ~. '" ~. :. . " 7~'~~: .' . ... l' ..\! ,~:)~" ,1':':~llT:,<;j,lif'J t. ~:' 11 "'~~~?,' '.. i: ~ l l' , ,f. \ . --. ~":~-:"".i; ~ t - -, i~, ~ j< . t . .,. {> ..r,. ~. :. .. ,- il , ~1l .,t, _"" ... , . " ::~ " , ! ~ i" ~ - ", ',' !' -,,':" . '-!J ,/J,t", .~: :;.. '. ,!' .' :i "'i . 1-'- .r: \, ~;. 'I~ , ~: r j, ~' , I': . .;' ~l ~A: . ~. ,. .... .;~ it \ cReceintl , .. ~r . f Received By njm Page I of 1 Date: 11/13/2009 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 55,00 24,00 3.95 9.48 $92.43 Amount Paid 54001 $92.43 In Person Payment Total: $92.43 11113/2009