HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 11/20/2009 !City of Springfield DevelopmentSerVices Department 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 . Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Prospective Applicant Name: Icompanv: . ...- Jeff Nelson 541-744-3779 Springfield Utility Board 541-744-3654 Address: 223 A Street, S{>rin~field, OR 97477 :~~~~~~r~:::::~:~:~:::~~'~~'e_'.~~,",~w~.~,;._,-",--,,,~'-~'I::~~'.':::::::J'''~l''~_''_~~''J Ic'ompanv: .' Springfield Utility Board I Fax: 541-744,3654 1==7~~~:'.-2::~'1 Company: Springfield Utility Board IFax: 541-746-0230 I IAddress: 250 A Sireet, Sprin~field, OR 97477 ___.__' ~:;:;;~:~;":~;;~;:~:~"~~~~:::~::"'m~~~;'~'W"J'l=::;"':~~;;~:~i:::':':;_~_~~_....,"'e~~..,",'""""'~\ I PrOperty Address: 250.A Street- .. ISize of prope~v: ,69 '. . Acres [><J SguareFeet 0 1\?i[A;i.trM"slt,!~t,.,1RL"--1.~;~Ja!',~::il$::'Z~~~~:t;.;:Plli~:,;:ti~Ji!;t:')V&;Pifj~~"'~S"*}f';?i""tI;,,'i'4',f!':!;'~{~.,&~;j'J!:"hR~\:<<~~f,[{.u::"rem".1"~?'lir;:(Mil:)o::iTI1'"j'{),fllii~i\;J!<ll~>E1j.,Y>""t..'&',I$'.i!''.;&''1eJ'!1:u.;:c~~!./;~iilM!9h~i?"'.'21-"".~'}X'1-'i'f"~ I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your p.'oposal description to this application, Proposal: "Attached . !' , I Existing' Use: Existing drive thr~u~h drop box on SoringfieldUtility Board oroperty, 1# of Lots/Parcels: 2 jAvqo lot/Parcel Size: 14,940 sf joensity: N/A du/acre .~4'l.'"E'WYg,~%i''lll~cmjtL;fl':;'::};('~"~~G:11J'1\l2'''~[:)~~',")~'<ffl;t~,:;~3'#."'~~Jt1r';:;":n'>T~,'l!~,./'j."",r'~l'iJi:r;,\;(~~,,1a\t>.r-M::'d;::1;A-{"i:ffl~';;;~~~C-"",#?l!n1ir':r.f...J1;t0iM~:..~;.;tmiIY~::S'il~lif?:",::"~~,,,t'lj!l~-ti:i~.-";~2t'1l Prospective Applicant: ail c;jL;~ Sigifai~~ '" :)(,j.{"l\lp, ISn~ Print '": .;.~' Date: II / J-.o 10C{ I I TOTAL FEES: $ 6';)(.0 u 1 of 3 ... SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD ENERGY & CONSERVATION SERVICES 223 A Street, Suite B, Springfield, OR "97477 Residential 541.746.0963 Commercial 541 .744.2264 Fax 541.744.3654 November 20, 2009 City of Springfield . Development Services Department 22S 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 To Whom It May Concern: Springfield Utility Board is proposing to install a new drive-up kiosk at our Main Office located at 250 A Street. The installation will be located on SUB's existing drive through and customer payment drop-box location, The proposed new kiosk would include the existing drop-box and a new Diebold underground customer-to-operator vacuum air tube system. The new system would use a pneumatic tube delivery system that would run underground between the kiosk and SUB Main Office building. It is anticipated that the new drive-up would not be used to start/stop service or make payment arrangements, Those types of customer service activities would stiil require someone to go inside SUB's Main Office, The purpose of the new installation is to relieve congestion within SUB's Main Office, enhance access for customers with limited mobility, and provide optional access for those customers with children, It is also anticipated that this will positively impact parking congestion; more customers driving through will require fewer parking spaces, SUB explored several configurations and locations for the kiosk. Considering safety, public access, traffic flow and building congestion, it was concludedJhat an expansion,ofthe existing drive through system would be most appropriate. SUB also believes therewill be nojncrease in traffic flow, since those. customers using the drive-up system would be'driving to and from SUB anyway. In fact; parking congestion should be reduced. Tracking the frequency and time of day customers use the existing drop-box indicates that most transactions occur after hours. This leads us to conclude that there will be minimal competition between cu'stomers using the drive-up teller vs, the drop-box, For public safety, striping and signage will.indicate the pedestrian crosswalk from the A street sidewalk to the building, The drop-box and drive-up teller system will be located on a new "concrete island" with bumper curbing, A lO'L X 6'W X 9,5'H metal (non-combustible) canopy with lighting will cover the kiosk, Branch Engineering will do design and engineering for the new structure, Traffic flow will remain east to west; maintaining driveway width for two lanes, Egress will remain west on to A Street. No vegetation or trees will be impacted by the project. Date Received: NOV 2 0 2009 Original Submittal , ., As part of the application process Springfield Utility Board staff is submitting five questions they would like addressed at the Development Issues Meeting, 1. SUB believes there will be no measureable impact on circulation patterns on A Street. 'Does the city agree or have concerns? 2. Does the city have any concerns about the canopy structure or location that SUB h,as not addressed? 3. Does the city have, any concerns about pedestrian safety that SUB has not address,ed? 4.: Does the city have any concerns about lighting and/or visibility that SUB has not addressed?' . -' . ~ 5.' Is there any additional information SUB needs to provide as the process moves forward? Sincerely, qz~ -fo~ ~~ith Lockhart, ' Springfield ufmty Board Date Received: NOV 2 0 2009 Original S.ubmittal 5P~il'I(;,F(filJ> ltnl./TY_.Bt1AlQ: D....lI/e:. UJ>. PAYI'1r;;:r!T t1rznIFICATlflT/S ~ 'HE'W $T'ES~CA'rlf1Py. /O<()x6". z) 'New j)1~~{"D. :vACUtJI'1. 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(_ L t~}j K) - C) A sn.I:Ef =,--~--- I ) > > .~ ) I ) '~ ~ / ( ( v'" () ~, ? I Date Received: NOV 2 0 2009 Original Submittal ! \ ^ - \~ rn ?"O ! fl ~ ~ ~ ~ , I I , , i ! / .....,,'1(::'-- fIe. fL.OW -<~p.f cJ> -..-..--.-..-"........-.-".-.-......-.--... '"..._...~-,._".._+. - ri L.J t:- U Z ::> -) - - - -- - - ooo1I.\'hJMl'.:..:.u_""'.'''''............~~..i.l:lI-.1 - - -- 1."",.-, '.'. I I. ION BOX f'Fl.OPcRTV LJlYl: >(1 - .. op.JVI>I\IAY..APIW7't o ~ cO' S' !!!. CIl c C' 3 a !!!. :z o < '..... =, ~ = CD o Q) .... (I) :;0 Cl> o Cl> <' Cl> 0.. 1\ NO'17I dUd~I,"I',_4'6/(}'L ,2,SO II .5r~E'E:r "" _..... ~--... -. ',-" ..".. ri L,-! r-, L..J SUB MAIN OFFICE BUlLhI!t5 z:s-o 11':::'1 Kt:.t: I --...---. ri L-' r- L_ :,- .- - - - -- - . I ....J - - - - PLANTlN6 AR~A SEW; .. .'-. ...., ~I- . .111, " CONCReT6: WALKWAY 1 I, II ,I J I h.,1I :3.11 ~' II "" ' <oj. I I .J ~! II. - -~ qi - - - - _ iJ' CLlr WA(KM - _ _ ~ ,. 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