HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 11/16/2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Prospective Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: I Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Icompany: IAddress: I Lonqlev F. McSwain, AlA McSwain & Woods, Architects and Planners 800 N. Bayshore Drive, Coos Bay, OR 97420 Longley F. McSwain, AlA (see above address) Mark O. Cottle, Land Use Planner Mark O. Cottle, Land Use Planner Phone: 541-269-0618 Fax: 541-267-4225 Phone: 503-625-5529 Fax: 503-625-4169 PO Box 1124, Sherwood, OR 97140 Property Owner: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-dav Saints Phone: 503-743-4504 Company: 50 East North Temple Street Fax: Address: Salt Lake City, UT 84150 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30 ITAX LOT NOeS): 1800 Property Address: Not assiqned ISize of Property: 5.29 Acres [8] Square Feet D I I Description of If you are filling in this fonn by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: See attached Exhibit A 503-743-3293 Existinq Use: Vacant # of Lots/Parcels: N/A IAvg. Lot/Parcel Size: N/A sf IDensitv: N/A du/acre Prospective ~ Applicant: ~ . ?1J~ Qignat e ~7 . . Longley F. McSwain, AlA Print Date: ~.'2ee8 It Ls:l;u;t)~ '. . .. . . , a A Case No.: ~0v1 UtA . 06D 2. Co I \ III." I a <1 Reviewed by: ~ APPlication~ee: $ C7'L1 . I'l, ITechnical Fee: $~ Ipostage Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ <;'2-1. 6D I PROJECT NUMBER: c'~s.:r- :6h~- &>~(DtM~I) NOV 1 6 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 3 Original Submittal l'~ Development Issues Meeting Submittal RequiremenlS Checklist [8] Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. [8] Development Issues Meeting Application Form [8] Five (5) Questions - list specific questions the applicant would like staff to answer during the meeting. So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list is limited to five questions. [8] Ten (10) Copies of the Proposed Plan - suggested information valuable for staff to review the proposal is listed below. It is not necessary to include all of these items on the site or plot plan. However, applicants are encouraged to address as many as possible given that the level of information that will be derived from the meeting is commensurate with the level of detail provided in the application. Applicants are also encouraged to include additional information on the plan as listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.12-120, Land DivIsions - Partitions & SubdIvisions - Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements or 5.17-120, Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements. [8] [8] [8] (8:J (8:J [8] (8:J [8] Drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 11" x 17" Scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' North arrow Date of preparation Street address and assessor's map and tax lot number Dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the development area Location and size of existing and proposed utilities, including connection points On-site drainage collection system and flow patterns, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, dry wells, and natural drainageways to be retained Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces DIMs Related to Land Divisions [8] D Approximate location, number and dimensions of proposed lots (8:J How streets in the proposal area connect with existing streets DIMs Related to Site Plan Review D Proposed and existing buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height D Area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other impervious surfaces Date Received: (8:J Parking and circulation plan NOV 1 6 2009 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 3 . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) '. . , . . Prospective Applicant Name: Lonqlev F. McSwain, AlA Icompany: IAddress: I I Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Icompanv: IAddress: I I Property Owner: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-dav Saints Icompany: 50 East North Temole Street IAddress: Salt Lake City, UT 84150 I IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30 I Property Address: Not assiqned ISize of Property: 5.29 Phone: 541-269-0618 McSwain & Woods. Architects and Planners Fax: 541-267-4225 800 N. Bavshore Drive, Coos Bav, OR 97420 Longley F. McSwain, AlA (see above address) Mark O. Cottle. Land Use Planner Mark O. Cottle, Land Use Planner Phone: 503-625-5529 Fax: 503-625-4169 PO Box 1124, Sherwood, OR 97140 Phone: 503-743-4504 Fax: 503-743-3293 Sc S rR,r\JGFIb?LD LLL ITAX LOT NO~~~ ~~o:,....:~/ ~''I~q 0 I ( ) I / / / Acres [8] Square Feet D .' Description of If you are filling In this fonn by hand, please attach your proposal description to this app~calion: Proposal: See attached Exhibit A I Existin9 Use: Vacant 1# of Lots/Parcels: N/A I IAVQ. Lot/Parcel Size: N/A sf \Densitv: N/A du/acre Prospective ~ Applicant: -Pv )2 . '/1i~ Qignat e I Longley F. McSwain, AlA Print Date: ~,12e08 It W2()t)~ Required Project Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Case No.: -:40v1 UtA - 06D 2.Ca Date: II I,I." 10<1 U I ' Application Fee: $ t?CI . I'l, Technical Fee: $0 Postaqe Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ <:;'2-1, 6D - I PROJECT NUMBER: D'it~~s.:r- R~viewed by: ~ ~~6h ~ ~ &'Sc.. (DtM ~I) NOV 1 6 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 3 Oriainal Submittal '" "" = = << ~ "" ~ 0 '" ~ '-' ~ = ~ '-' LJ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL November 13, 2009 JOB NO.: 0428 ATTN: Planner on duty TO: City of Springfield Development Services Dept. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 WE TRANSMIT RE: LDS Springfield - New Legacy Springfield, Oregon rgJ Attached 0 Copy of letter o Prints 0 Shop RJawinQs I COPIES DATE folo. 11 /1 11 11 11 o Change order rgJ Plans DESCRIPTION o Under separate cover via o Samples 0 Specifications 11/13/09 15936 Check # 15936 totaling $521.00 for the Development Issues Meeting 11/5/09 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) application (3 pgs) Questions for staff (1 pg) Exhibit A (1 po) CO.2 8-1/2 x 11 drawino of sheet CO.2 1 LDS Proposed Chapel Narrative prepared bv Mark Cottle (3 pas) 10 Full size sets of drawings - sheets G1.0, CO.1, CO.2, C2.1, L 1.1, L 1.2, L1.3, L1.4, AU, A2.1, A2.2, E1.0 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS tHECKED BELOW o For Approval rgJ For Your Use o As Requested o For Bids Due o Resubmrt Copies For Approval o Submit Copies For Distribution o Return Corrected Plans o Prints Returned After loan To Us o Approved As Submitted o Approved As Noted o Returned For Corrections o For Review And Comment REMARKS Planner on duty, Please find enclosed our submittal for Development Issues Meeting (DIM). Due to new issues regarding possible separation of the LDS site from Marcola Meadows, Bill Grile has recommended that we schedule a second DIM Meeting. If possible can our DIM meeting be scheduled for December 10, 2009? Date Received: If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. NOV 1 6 2009 Thank you. Original Submittal Copy To: Signed by: ~~~-",,-,4-'?e Title: Project Architect McSwain & Woods, AlA. 800 N. Bayshore Dr. _ Coos Bay, OR 97420 _ 541-269-0618 . FAX 541.267-4225 _ maC@mcswain-woods.com ..JI..-,"...._ . -~~_.- iii " J: .. ::j "' r ~ < ~ ;l ~ =t '; ,] ~~ ~z ~. 31st 0 { .~ -. . ~ . I ~ '\1 /' I < ~ Ul Ul -i -i I' Date Received: NOV 1 62009 8 ~ ~QI !iiil~ ~ ~ Original submittal l!J -aWl IF~.:::- ~~l li:1 ". . . ~ 5. (I .- o . , .~ I .-,,-_. -_. 'IHIlCHllltCHOP JESUS CHRIST OFu.rn:k-IIo\YSAINTS ,,'''''IE I .$ .~~ -.- , <:>!i ..... __....- ~ ~ 01.,\ ---- --- - I \j-e J$ --- --- . ~~ -3..':""'_"""=''':'''--''' ~ I _ _I Prolodloc Springfield Or Stake 3hl81.....Vl3l. s~...~ NARRATIVE Net Land Area: 5,26 acres Mapffax Lot: Not available Address: No address yet. Applicant's Representative: Mark Cottle PO Box 1124, Sherwood, Oregon 97140 Purpose of the Application: Build a Church for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints SUMMARY OF PROPOSED USE .. This proposed use is for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ("LDS") to build a meeting house called a "Stake center." There are essentially two types of buildings, Ward buildings and Stake Buildings. Ward buildings are smaller in nature and one to three Wards will use the Ward building. (A Ward typically has between 150-300 people attend its services,) Stake buildings are used like Ward buildings. That is, up to three Wards will carry on regular services on a staggered schedule. Stake buildings are larger than Ward buildings as it has a full size multiple purpose area (about the size of a basketball court) and possibly a genealogiCal library which is open to the public. Twice a year, a Stake holds a Stake meeting which require additional seating. A stake is made up of5 1012 wards *. These Stake meetings are held either with all the Wards attending at one time or one-half the Wards attend in the morning and the other half would attend in the afternoon. These type of meetings only occur twice a year. Parking will not be an issue as the attendllllce at "Stake Meetings" is less than at Ward meetings. By way of example only, if200 people attend a Ward meeting, approximately 80% (160) of those people attend the semi-annual Stake meeting. In addition to Sunday use, the building is utilized by smaller groups of people throughout the week. For example, each Ward has a scout group and a young women's group that utilizes the building on week nights. There are generally between 30 and 70 YOWlg men and young women ,in any given Ward. The age for young men and young women is between 12 - 18 years of age. Once a month each ward will utilize, on a weeknight, the building for a women's group called Relief Society, which will have between 20 and 70 women attend. Hence, except for Momlay, during the week nights, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. the building is being used. Usually, there are some informal uses of the building on one or two nights a week between 9:00 p.m. and II :00 p.m. (usually piekup basketball or some other leisure type activity.) Page 2 LOS LAND USE APPLICATION . Date Received: NOV \ G 'l009 Original submittal- . . On occasion, the building is used on a Friday and/or Saturday night for social gatherings by a Ward. The building, on a very limited bases will be used during the week day for different small group activities. Generally no more than 20 - 30 people during the hours of 9 am. and 5:00 p.m. Additionally, the building can be used for social gatherings for the young adults and adults for such things as a Saturday night dance, plays and sporting events. The Church does have a full size gym (part of the multi-purpose area) which will allow for church organized basketball and volleyball and other recreational activities in additional to cultural art types of functions. The Church will also allow appropriate community events to held at the building. For example, blood drives are common as are area scout meetings. In times of need, The Church allows its buildings to be used for emergency purposes, such as distribution centers for and emergency shelters. On occasion, the scouts or young womeu's or adults may want to engage in a picnicor other limited outdoor activities that are feasible. There will be no outdoor basketball hoops installed or other recreational apprentices permanently installed. Additionally, it is proposed that a "pa~ilion" be built to accommodate the limited out door activities, such as a picnic for the different groups, The pavilion will be open on all sides. It sits 200 feet from the South and 110 feet from the West property line. . The pavilion itself will be thirty feet by sixty feet. It will have a water fountain and electricity with lights. The pavilion is located in the least intrusive location available on the site. The people that utilize this building on a weekly basis will be from a specific geographical area near to and around the proposed site. By allowing a building on the purposed location will increase efficiency in traffic. The LOS Church attempts to build its building in a location that is cen1ralized to maximize local connections to the building. The need for this new church in this area is because there is no reasonable room to facilitate members in existing churchibuildings owned by the LOS conununity. This is not a build it and they will come. This expansion is made necessary because of the increased members of the Church in the local area in which the proposed Church is located. Date Received: Page 3 LOS LAND USE APPLICATION . NOV 1 6 2009 Original Submittal The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Springfield Oregon Stake Development Issues Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist Five (5) Questions 1.) Are there any overall impediments foreseen by the City of Springfield to the approval of the LOS Church development shown on the submitted drawings? Please note that the driveway has been relocated to align with 'W' street and the second driveway has been eliminated as requested at the first DIM meeting. 2.) Would the City approve the Church proceeding independently from the Marcola Meadows subdivision with regard to our Discretionary Use application? 3.) Is there a process by which the Church could .proceed without waiting for Plan modification by the Marcola Meadows developers? 4.) If not, what is the approximate time frame for the Church to be able to obtain approval to proceed with Discretionary Use? 5.) Is it possible for the Church to connect to utilities as shown (attached) independent of Marcola Meadows development schedule? Date Received: NOV 1 6 2009 Original Submittal The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Springfield Oregon Stake EXHIBIT A New 24,320 s.f. single story church building with 68'-0" total height steeple, free standing pavilion and 300 parking spaces. Date Received: NOV 1 6 2009 Original Su"\rnl'j'>-I ... ..a. ..,~"-...,....._,-_... LDS PROPOSED CHAPEL Page 1 LDS LAND USE APPLICATION Date Received: NOV 1 6 2009 Original Submittal