HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 11/16/2009 '" , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DISTRIBUTION DATE: November 16, 2009 TO: -7 ~ 7' 7 ~ ,- ~ REC''''''''M\eE- t:. ~ ,1","'" 0 NOV 16 20C9 Current Planning Staff: G. Karp, J Donovan, L Pauly, T Jones, l M Metzg.er,lL Miller, A Umbird, S Hopkins" M Markarian I 8"" Jeff Paschall, Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works DepartmentJ " Ken Vogeney, City Engineer, Public Works Department Matt Stouder, Ale Engineering Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works Richard Perry, pubiic WorkS, Engineering Kristi Krueger, Civil Engineer, Public Works Department Brian Barnett, Traffic Engineer Jon Driscoll, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Ufe Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire & Life Safety Department Greg Ferschweiler, Maintenance, Public Works Department. Ronni Price, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation District Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald Peoples Utility District (EPUD) Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board: (Water) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board Dennis Santos, OOOT (copy of packets) 3-11-09 Jeff Lange, OOOT (point person who will attend all DIM meetings) 3-11-09 Dave Puent, Building Official Will Mueller, L TO Norm Palmer, Quest Communications Tom Boyatt, Public Works Tim Hanley, Rainbow Water District Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor Celia Barry,(Shashi Bajracharya) Lane County Transportation Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable Jerry Smith, Police Chief Chuck Gottfried, Water Resource Coordinator, ESD Susie Smith, Public Works Director Len Goodwin, Public Works , John Saraceno, Springfield School District 19 Joe Leahy, City Attorney George Walker, Stormwater Facilities Planner, ESD , John Tamulonis, Economic Development Mgr. Courtney Griesel, Planner 1 (EDM) Bill Grile, DSD Director Brenda Jones, Planning Secretary (DIM Annexations) J) I iV\ fQ~ {D-f--P ~ A Development Issues Meeting will take place on Thursday December 10, 2009 @ 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. in the DSD Conference 616 @ Springfield City Hall. Please review the enclosed information, and come prepared to discuss this application with'the Planner and applicant. Should you have any questions, please contact @ Molly Markarian (541) 726-4611. ' Revised: 11-16-09 DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL 225 FIFTH STREET DSD Conference Room 615/616 Meeting Date: December 10, 2009@ 1:30 - 2:30 p.rn. 1. DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MTG #ZON2009-00025 ST VINCENT DE PAUUKNIGHT Assessor's Map: 17-03-27-13 TL 10900 Assessor's Map: 17-03-27-10 TL 4200 . Address: 2080 Laura Street & vacant lot Existing Use: Radio Station & Vacant lot Applicant submitted plans to discuss development of a 3,500 - 4,000 sq ft Veteran's Service and Community Center with 50 - 60 units of affordable housing for veterans and families. Planner: Molly Markarian/Mark Metzger City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) . -. " . . . . Prospective Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: , Kristen Karle " Pho'ne: II 743-7152 St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County Fax: ,! 683-9423 PO Box 24608 Eugene. OR 97402 Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Anne DeLanev Phone: 11683-8661 ext2 1369 Olive Street Eugene. OR 9740 I , Fax: II 683-1136 II " Company: IAddress: Iproperty Owner: Icompany: IAddress: , Bergsund DeLaney Architecture Larry Knight & Helen Knight Family Trust II Phone: i' Fax: IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17032713.17032710 ITAX lOT NO(S): 10900&04200l1.o'i<C>~StqJ~) IPropertYAddress: LD~O ~~. ISize of Property: 4.0 Acres ~ SQuare Feet n , , I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to ~hiS application. PrODOSa I: See attached,. ii I ExistinQ Use: Radio station with vacant land II I # of lots/'parcels: ;1 IAvq. lot/Parcel Size: sf IDensit~: 1/ 11 /)/1 /I j IV II {; V '-..... Date: du/acre Prospective Applicant: Print 11/12/2009 " " I II II Sign~e Kristen Karle I II Case No.: .....2()h"?it::H _ ffitlZC;- II 1?-/0'1 Review~d by: --f-,/Yl---- IAPPlicatio~ee: $ S 2-(,c')\:) ITechnical Fee: $0 I posta6e Fee: $0 ~~T,~~!,~~~~"~_,:~2:L~,,,,,,,,~,,,,],,,,,,,~,,~<,,,,,,L~"~~,~~j~~~~lf0!Jbi"Jl!~~;"'''''''''''ni,,,,,j ii NOV 1 2 2009 , 'I Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian ~, Original Submittal . II 1 of 3 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us November 16, 2009 Kristen Karle St Vincent de Paul of Lane County PO Box 24608 Eugene, OR 97402 RE: ZON2009-00025 (17-03.27.13 TL 10900 & 17-03.27-10 TL 4200) Development . Issues Meeting - Applicant submitted plans to discuss development of 3,500 - 4,000 sq ft Veteran's Service and Community Center with 50 - 60 units of affordable housing for veterans and families. Dear Ms. Karle: Thank you for your Development Issues Meeting submittal. The following meeting has been scheduled: TYPE: DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PLACE: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT DSD CONFERENCE ROOM 615/616 225 1'11' 111 STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DATEffIME: Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. CONTACT PERSON: Molly MarkarianlMark Metzger If you have any questions, please call me at 541-726-4611. Sincerely, Molly Markarian Planner CC: Anne DeLaney Bergsund DeLaney Architecture 13 69 Olive Street Eugene, OR '97401 :.i. Laura Street Property DIM Application Project Description St. Vincent De Paul of Lane County is exploring the purchase and development of a 4,0 acressite located on Laura Street. SVdPisproposing a mix of uses on the site consisting ofa 3500 sf - 4000 sfVeteran's Service and'"Community Center with 50-60, units of affordable housing for veterans - both individuals and families, The Veter~ns Center would provide non-clinical services for veterans throughout the Eugene-Springfield area, Rental housing would be a mixture of I. 2 and 3-bedroom units with an emphasis on family units, most likely in townhouse configuration with shared parking courts, The project will be funded through a variety of sources, including the state of Oregon's Consolidated Funding Cycle (CFC) which is scheduled for mid-April. Given that the property is currently zoned Mixed Use - LMI & CC, our primary concern is whether the city staffwi// support the zone change and what the likely schedule would be for the approval process, . Date Received: NOV 1 2 2009 Original Submittal Laura Street Property DIM Questions I I/I2/09 Ouestions I. Per the Gateway Refinement Plan, up to 40% of the area within the "0" Laura Street Subarea (14 acres) is.allowed to be developed as CC uses. Is it possible that this would permit the development of the two parcels as proposed (niixed use with commercial and residential), given that the proposed Veterans Service/ Community Center is a permitted use in the CC zone, as is residential with specific development standards? 2. If a Zoning Map amendment is required, is this a quasi-judicial Zoning Map process - a Type III review process - or would this also require a Metro Plan Diagram Amendment, raising the process to a Type IV Review? Ifso, please confirm our understanding of the quasi-judicial Type IV process and timeline, as outlined below: Step #1: Applicant submits concurrent applications for Zone Plan Change and Metro Plan Amendment to City staff. City Planning staff reviews for completeness (30 days MAX.) provides letter with deficienciesl request for additional information. Applicant re-submits completed application. ,City deems aoolication comnlete. 120 day clock bevins. Step #2: Staff reviews and prepares staff report for Planning Commission Hearing. Notice (20 days prior to Hearing) goes out to adjacent properties. (30 days max.) Step#3: Planning Commission holds public hearing. Hopefully evidence record is closed, but can be kept open. Decision required w/i 30 days of close of hearing and record. Step #4: Planning Commission makes written recommendation to City Council. Step #5: City Council Hearing (45 days max. from Planning Commission recommendation.) Step #6: City Council Decision (30 days max. from hearing) 3. Is the continuation of Lochaven Ave. as a public street (and thus a ROW dedication) required to develop the parcels? If connectivity is required, can this be developed as a private street or driveway? 4. Are there any existing or additional ROW dedications or easements required along Laura Street or through the site? 5. Where and what size are the nearest water, storm and sanitary service adjacent to the property? Date Received: NOV I 2 2009 Original Submittal --~----- I --r- TAX LOT #300 TAX lOT #200 L I I ~ LOCHA VEN A VE.l i:LOT ----1 I #3600 I -j TAX LOT I ~ U3700 - 0:: ---l Cl >- TAX LOT I -.J #3800 -.J UJ I <:: <:: - 0 TAXLQT I Cl #3900 TAX LOT LOOO ! TAX LOT It 100 ~ ~ 1 256.46' TAX LOT # 10900 AREA" 3.79 ACRES ,---'-, I I I I l~, L , _ ' -':687~ . - , -1 168,70' ,'-'-'- TAX LOT #04200 i'1 -,-1 b ~ AREA" .23 ACRES L_,_,_'_,-j 168.70' . -'I'-'-r--'i'-','-'T 465.20' TAX LOT -I II 10802 TAX LOT 1110801 I" TAX LOT #10803 I "C Q) en > = 'Q) ~ Iii 0 ~ Q) :I:: 0:: - 'E :> .0 \II '-' ~ - :z: (f) (lJ Iii 0 c: '01 ';:: 0 '" w ,.; ~ f-.. UJ UJ 0:: f-.. U) <:( 0:: :::J <:( -.J . I -1 TAX lOT I TAA LOJ #10806 #10807 E9 TAX LOT '# 10804 TAX LOT #10805 " I ~ J: ~~ji .. .J I ! 1!1!,;I,li!li , :~ ' Il"! I;'.."'jll, , .." "I III:!!,:I! Ii!,mihl -r-' 0> O::?g o~';J <(11 :: 9~ ~ ~ !:. I- Z U 5 w " .., ~ o ~ 0:: ~ a. is 0 ..... g t Wit} > 555 o ~ ~ ....J ~ ~ W ~ ~ - ~ LL 0 ~ .~ 0:: '" a. ~ en > ~ w CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP ZON2009-00025 2080 Laura Street I ~1l ~VATE RoAD ./0' ~ PRIVATE RoAD - 1'~ -- Ll~~txLJE II I I I g~~ r~ ~ \ I I I I I J SITE Map 17-03-27-10 Tax Lot 4200 Map 17-03-27-13 TL 10900 .. North PRlVATE,ROku -II:: ~L I --Sco',-r,:.-l3 : t9 J~ll III I I I I ''1. ,~ rJ. Date Received: NOV 1 2 2009 Original Submittal