HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6249 11/16/2009 ORDINANCE NO. 6249 ,ANORDINA~CEAMENDING SECTIONS 4)-110.8, 4.3-110.A, 4.3~110.B, AND,~.1-110 OF THE SPRl1'lGFIELDDEVELOPM;E:NTCODE TO INCORPORATE THE ADOPTED STOFMW A TER Mi\NAGElyfENT PLAN, BYREFEREN<;E, AND DEFINING THE TERM STORMW A TE~ MANAGEMENT PLAN, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. " , nlE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section L SectionA~ 1-I1O.B is amended as follows: ,4.1~11 0 Applicable Documerits ' , ' , , . . " , . ,n. ,Construction and design references forpublicirnprovements under Cityjurisciiction. SpeCifications for thedesi~,constrilction; reconstruction or repair of streets, alleys, side",alks;,bllsturnouts,. access\V~Ys, curbs, gutters,sti-eetl ights,trafficsigrtals, street" . signs, sanitary sewers,stormwatermal1ageinentsystems,stre~ttrees a~d plantenitrips withinthe public right-of-way, medians, round-:-abouts and other public improvements within the city limits and the City'surbanizableareaareas specified in this Code, the Springfield Municip~l Code, 1997, the Starmwater Management Plan; the City'~, . ,EngineeringDesign Standards and Procedures Manual, and the Public Works Standard , Construction Sp~cifications. The Public Works Director retains the fight to modify .the cited references on a case-by-case basis without the need of a Variance when existing conditions make their strict application impractical. ,Section 2.' SubsectionsA and B of SeCtion 4.3-1 10 are amended as folloWs: 4.3-110 Stormw~ter Management A. Storm water management regulations. By implementing the policie~ set forth in the currently approved Starmwater Management Plan, provide for the effective management of storm water and drainage from the City into the groundwater and watercourses within the City and its urbanizing area; minimize demand on the City's stormwater management system, and alleviate future costs of treating the discharge; promote water quality; preserve groundwater and the vegetation and rivers it supports; reduce peak stOlll) flows; minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions; and minimize storm water discharge impacts on water quality and quantity and stream flow patterns, including peak and base flows in intermittent and perennial streams, within the McKenzie River and Willamette River watersheds. B. The Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems provisions have been made as determined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the policies set forth in the Starmwater Management Plan and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. The storm water management system shall be separated from any sanitary sewer system. Surface water drainage patterns shall be addressed on every Preliminary Site Plan, or Tentative Partition or Subdivision Plan. Attachment 3-1 Section 3. Sec,tio~ 6.1-1 ~O - Meaning ofSp~cific Words and Terms is am~nd~d'by:addingtheretothe following definition for the term Stormvliiter Mamigement Plan:' ' , , , . ., " , ' " 0 ' Stormwater Management Plari.Apolicy docum~nt ad()pted and, ~smodified from time to time, approved by resolution of the CitY Council setting forth the policies and procedures to be used in reviewing development propos~ls t~at alter or affect th~ natural, pre-development flow ofstormwater. These policies and procedures are to be applied to public and private improvements anI;! allow City staff to provide certainty to developers and consultants to permit them to design and submit for approval safe, efficient~imd cost effective stormwater managemi:mt system projects within the City and its Urban ,Growth'Boundary. ". ".. , ' ,', ' ," ' ' " . ,', .. .' . , , Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect onthe thirtieth dayafteritshaHha~e been adopted by the Council atid approv~d by the Mayc>r. ' , " ", . '" " ' . '.' " ,', .' . . " " . . . . . , ADOPTED this ~day ~fNbvember ,2009,~ council()rsvotingyesand~couricilors votin~: · no. , , , " APPROVE!:? by the Mayorofthe City of Springfield this~ day of ,November; 2009" ATTEST: Amy so~ bun- City Recorder fr)r:~;O~t~'lJ' ,i;.:~'1 ~ Ir~ _-,~r-),p"!r: ,l t'. "" ,L ;,0 <.\ .( I h,0J!il..U :J~O FORlvt ~\"' .-.J L..~\........\ OI\T!2 :_\_~\.2 ~ \ oCj OFFICE OF (illT ArTOBNCY ORDINANCE NO. 6249 Attachment 3-2