HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/2009 Work Session City of Springfield , Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF TIm WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2009 The City of Springfield Council met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, November 9,2009 at 5:34 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken and Councilors Ralston, Lundberg, Wylie, Leezer, Simmons, and Pishioneri. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. 1. Springfield Library Advisory Board Application Review. Library Director Rob Everett presented the staff report on this item. The position for Trevor Lian would expire on December 31, 2009. Mr. Lian was the current Chair of the Board and had applied to continue to serve on the Board. He was the sole applicant from this recruitment. The Library Board reviewed all applications and interviewed Trevor Lian on November 300,2009. Mr. Lian indicated his desire to serve a second 4 year term ending December 31,2013. He was a parent, educator, private business person, and Library patron. He and his family resided in the Thurston area. Trevor had been an enthusiastic and effective member of the Board as well as serving as the Board chair this past year. Following a formal interview conducted on November 300,2009 the Board voted unanimously to recommend his reappointment. The appointment was scheduled to be ratified at the November 16th regular session. Councilor Pishioneri said he had noticed that the Springfield Library was signed up with a software group that provided donations. It was a great way to save money and he thanked Library staff for doing that. Mr. Everett said Library Technical Specialist Brad Sargeant had set that up. 2. Budget Committee Interviews. Finance Director Bob Duey presented the staff report on this item. The Budget Committee had vacancies in Wards 2,5, and 6 due to the December 31,2009 term expirations of Daniel Bowie (Ward 5), Rita Castillo (Ward 6) and a previous resignation in Ward 2. The persons appointed to the Wards 5 & 6 positions would serve a three year term that would expire on December 31, 2012. The person appointed to the Ward 2 position would be appointed to a 1 year term to expire December 31,2010. For Ward 5 there was one applicant. Daniel Bowie was eligible, but chose not to re-apply after his three 3-year terms expired. For Ward 6 there were two applicants. Rita Castillo was not eligible to re-apply. No applications were received for Ward 2, so the vacancy would be re-advertised and interviews scheduled for a future date. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes Novernber9,2009 Page 2 The Mayor and Council chose the questions they would each ask of the applicants. The Mayor and Council introduced themselves to the applicants. They interviewed the following applicants by asking the questions below: Ken Hutchison, Ward 5 Paul Selby, Ward 6 Bob Brew, Ward 6 · Why are you interested in serving on the Budget Committee? (Mayor) · Local government organizations are often times asked to look to the private sector for ideas and efficiencies. What do you think people are asking or wanting to see from the City of Springfield when making this statement? (Councilor Wylie) · The cost of public safety services provided by local government, such as police or fIre, is most often subsidized through taxes paid by all citizens. For utility services, such as sanitary sewer they are often funded through fees accessed to the specific users of the service. With services ranging from our public library to supporting new development, how can the City look at achieving a balance between tax subsidies and user fees? (Councilor Simmons) · Any service organization must prioritize service levels within its organization to meet budget realities. For the City of Springfield, do you see any potential areas where the Council should consider increasing or decreasing the current level of services to meet what is currently considered hard economic times for our citizens and our organization? (Councilor Lundberg) · One ofthe purposes of the Budget Committee is to get the citizens of Springfield involved in setting the priorities of the City. Describe to the Council how you would raise the interest of your friends or co-workers in City government. (Councilor Ralston) · Describe some personal goals that you wish to achieve by serving on the Springfield Budget Committee. (Councilor Leezer) · Sometimes the members of the Budget Committee have different opinions on how the citizens' money should be spent. Your opinions may differ from other members of the Committee. How would you make sure your opinion was heard? If your opinion was not the majority, how would you describe your participation style in order to deliver the best budget possible? (Councilor Pishioneri) Councilor Wylie noted that during these tough economic times, the Budget Committee would be facing difficult decisions. Mr. Hutchison asked if he was the type of person Council was looking at to serve on this Committee. Councilor Pishioneri said he felt his business background was beneficial. Mr. Selby asked about the next steps of this process. Mayor Leiken said Council would deliberate tonight after they interviewed the next applicant. Councilor Ralston said the successful candidate could receive a briefmg from staff on the City budget prior to service. Mr. Brew had no questions of the Council. Mayor Leiken said all of the candidates were highly qualified. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 9,2009 Page 3 Consensus was to appoint Ken Hutchison to the Ward 5 position. Council discussed the qualifications ofthe applicants for Ward 6. Both were highly qualified and would make good committee members. Councilor Ralston said he was disappointed there were no candidates for Ward 2. Several councilors expressed concern about Mr. Brew having recently been a City employee, while others felt his budget experience over rode that concern. Mayor Leiken noted it was important to have someone with a fresh perspective on the Budget Committee. This wasn't the fIrst time Springfield had gone through tough economic times. Further discussion was held regarding the two candidates and the advantages and disadvantages of appointing each. Following further discussion, Council majority was to appoint Mr. Selby to the Ward 6 position on the Budget Committee. Mayor Leiken asked staff if they could provide information regarding why the Budg~t Committee appointed by wards. Mr. Duey said there was nothing in writing, but had been in practice by the City for years. Councilor Ralston reminded Mr. Duey that a Budget Committee member was needed to serve on the Human Services Commission. Council asked staff to re-advertise for the Ward 2 position, but consider allowing someone from another Ward to fill that position if no one else applied. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned 6:40 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Amy Sowa Attest: 0lA.Ik-