HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2009-11-10 .. ;/~'.':o:.~Q;~j:;.t~~.~~~::::;;. ,"',"'. " . City Of Spring~eld _ '225 Fifth St ..::: .,):' .;. .;;; , . Springfield, 0!3~?4n ':, Ifj,~? ~>~:.L:~;,~::,:,Phone: 5417726-3753" IiiffJ:.;t1~~" ~ ~,~~: E.mail: pe~itCenie~@C1.springfield.or.us . ~'OREGOtV";' ,,' " ", ", .,.,.... IM~~~~~~~T;YP.EiOF,~,WORK'~~~~~.:J~~.~.f::. ;:\;tt~~nl '1 0 New co~stn.:.ctlo~;>.~;.;0;:~~;~.i/... . IKJ Addition/al:eration/rePlacement 1~~CATEi3.:6~Y.u~L';_u~SjR(jAfi6N~'\\;!"ll>'~'W~j 1 D 1 or 2 family dwelling' D Multi-family (&] Commercial D Accesso<l!' II!lB~oBlSffE!rNrR>RNiATION)ANDTE'"o<:Ji.TiON~~J 1 Job Address: 1820 ~~INir~'_';f": (~~:' ~;:~W~~rii,;'!.ii.' . . I City/StatelZJP: SPRI~~F.I,E~D;""O.R "97477 I ~ulte/bldgJapl;n~.:::.~;., '.. I Project Name: ':.i:.!t<;.\~ /'~'K" _.. '!~':, ;:}t~~- I Cross S""eUdlreetions'o Jo~ site, Main Sl ti"i;t~'edd~~~'''' " Tax mapfparcel no.: 1703363100100 ~PI:ScRip"fioNIQF,;,W.0~RK{__B~"jUil~;V!1'!1 Remodel .h :." ~~ 1il!i~~i,~_'-'~sJJ:Erc6JiI~<;t~~~.tti'-t,'jI\;':-:'"1 I Name: Chad Per1<.ins I Phone: 541-741-88~4 Fax=.-541-741;8845 I Emall: ...../:':. ~ 1>'___i"""","_.lIIr.---"'--""''''''''''~'~'''''-''~''''''''''~'' tiifZi,;;,~7',7i?~:~~C..9NI~,q:...T.Q~_~$:t,~:;LT:'&~Eh~i~.Jl'<:"":";:.Y<;JZi:0",i".~J I Elec lie. no.: 20-448d. CCB lie. no.: 136298 1 Business Name:.BEAR MOUNT;.,"IN ELECTRIC LLC I Contact: I ';; . I. Address: 85388 DILLARD ACCESS RD I CityJSteteIZIP,llMJif"~ 97405 _ u . ..~. , __ _ ._ I Phone, 54174'\'/;:\"" t'ttiIVlI} ;)HALL ~sllj\l;,~4~". 1I11ft1\ ;,:.;:;-: I3fffi:EE [;~"{J:F: -:-1113 FEf/J.F.' IU:tr.' Emalt' jae'ie<1!!"'I'l\\'1fll'R~~~'mt IS IUltl.NDONED JMD Metro lie. nO':ANY',18o"DAY PERIOD~lly lie. no.: Supervising Electrician's lie. no.: 4640S .; I Supervising Electrician's Name: CHAD IRVIN PERKINS Number of Inspections Included In paid services: Residential Service: 4 Reconnect Only: 11 _;::-- .,,:.1:~ All Other Services:" 1-- 7'-'. d~',If. c ',' :t Upon revlew and approval by your local jurisdIction, your penn" will be e..mllled w1~ln one buslnou day._v.:'th.!n~~~~ns on how~o sc:h~ule your Inspection. or faxed NOTE: ThIs Authorization To BegIn Work expire. wIth~n ~~ daya If a pennlt I. not obtained. , , The local building department may detennlne that an Authorizlltlon To Begin Work Is null and voId If It does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances. Commercial Electrical Authorization To Begin Work 69600-BEL-09-00241 Approval Code: 02559B 11/10/2009 2:31 pm E.mailed To: jackie@bearmountainelectric.com 1~~:~~~'~),~:~"':~Rl:AN;R'EVI'EW.:t:~'~:~:J:~~~i~:i:::~~~?\~!!" Please check all that apply: D Hazardous locations D A service or feeder beginning D A service or feeder rated at at 400 Amps where the 600 amps or more available fault current exceeds D Buildings more than three stor 10,000 Amps at 150 Volts or less to ground exceeds D Marinas and boat yards 14,000 Amps for all other D Floating buildings D Commercial-use agricultural buildings D Installation of a 150 KVA or larger seperately derived sys D "A", "E-, or "1-2-. or -1.3ft D Recreational Vehicle Parks D Supply voltage for more than 600 supply volts nominal o Fire pumps D Emergency systems D Addition of a new motor load of 100 HP or more D Six or more residential units in one structure D Health care facilities 1~~'i~!~~~:~F:E,~~~9JHfQ]l!~',J~t;\i:;tl}t~:::~:~1fft~{~ I Oe,erlption J Oty. I. Ea. I Total 1E3-r-an-ch'CJfcuJts~t::;;;<:gib:wr~~;f.;5!7",f;~\~~~~~~~J,,~:-~~~~'.:_1 I Branch circuits without service or $55.00 $55.00 feeder I Branch circuits each additional circuit without service 1i;~_~~r!Ca_i,~~r:m)f~ee~~1~7.-' :(1,:t;..!~!i~t;\'c:::~~~~:~""E:,t..~~~ I Subtotal $109.00 I State surcharge (12% of permit $13,08 total) . I Technology fee (5% of permit total) I TOTAL PERMIT FEE 9 $6.00 $54.00 $5.45 $127.53 C9-15B1 ~ tI '/10/ rFt A1TENTlON: Oregon law requIres you.~ follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set fortll In OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-oot. 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules bf calling the center, (Note: the telephone number for the Oregon Utility NotifioatiOn Center is 1-a00-332-2a44). ~, ~ f(j~ ~/tI5" ~'\ ,,~((" ~& .,' , +~;.. Inspections Phone: 541-726-3769 ;: ~is Authorizati.on To Begin Work must be posted at the job site until replaced by a Permit ..;HI "I: , , :1. . " , " ,J .:~~?f\?>\W~;~i{j:;~(" CITY OF ;:o,rKmt..l'lELD ' Building/Combination Permit Status ":'In:~Re~je~i"1;\;:jt/, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR'" ',-( 541-726-3753 Phone' 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspec~ion_Line".~,. " -' PERMIT NO: COM2009-01581 ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: VALUE: 10/28/2009 05/10/20 I 0 $ 25,000,00 ~.: . -'~., SITE ADDRESS.: 1820 MAIN ST Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Interior ,ASSESSOR'S PAIl.GEC:NO.: 1703363100100 . -'..: "':. . {. ~'" ,;';", . ',.'.~' . ", ' .' ..::i .":-.'<; '.'. ' TYPE OF USE: Alteration PROJECT DESCRIPTION: "Inieiior,Remodel for Welbys Collision Center Commercial Owner: Address: RIVER OAKS LLC'.;/;; ~,', ; , POIJO~ ~266:.",/:jY;F:~::' ' ' EUGENE" OR" 97402 "';'; " .' ~:- ~;; ~. ";,' . t! i:" I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION' , . Contractor TY\le Electrical Plumbing Contractor BEAR MOUNTAIN ELECTRIC LLC BARNES HIGH TECH PLUMBING INC License 136298 83311 Expiration Date 08/12/2011 02/17/20 I 0 Phone 541-741-8844 541-726-9854 . . , ..1..:':7::-,',' " .:' ':~ " ~U1LDlNG ,INFORMATION' # of Units: ' # of Stories: Lot Size: Primary Occupa,ncy Group: F-I Height of Structure Sq Ft 1st Floor: Secondary Occupancy Gr~up: B Type of Heal: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Primary Construction Type "'; VB Water Type: Sq Ft Basement: _. "''' Secondary Construction Type: Range Type: Sq Ft Garage/Carport # of Bedrooms: ,. Energy Path: Sq Ft Other: NOTICE: ' :j Sprinkled Building: No Occupant Load: ~~~Hb~tV~~, U~~~~ r~;~~NT INFORMATItl~f';~;~~'~db;t~d~b;jh~e16~::J1ljiijy~ COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR' ~ otlTication Center. TI1&MV~~9:MIfm\lIr Frontyard &A\Ni'jIg(j'O)W PERIOD: Overlay Dist: ~o~~\~~2-001'001~-\Il{al;gh OAR 952-<<11. Side I Setback: '.,. " # Street Trees Rqd: '. may obtalll1f;~h~ rules by . ., ; . calling the center. o' telephone Stde 2 Setback: Paved DrIve Rqd: numb f th 0 0 . N tifioatlon o er or e regon II 0 Rearyard Setback: Yo of Lot Coverage: Center is 1-800-332-2344) Solar Setbacks:" . ., 'f" I . ., . i.. I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS' Street Improvements: , " Storm Sewer Av.ilable:;,~ ..' Special Instruction: if": Sidewalk Type: DownspoutslDrains: Notes: ,) .. . ... ':'.. J.. "'l f ~) . . . I I; , , ~; ';: t, " ~- ", ,- Paee I of 3 , " _.------, ~ ~ ,', ,~.' ,. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit Status In Review , Xi: : '. . '. ",' ':>~':':~~,'.!.~ . '$ : 225 Fifth Street; Springfield;OR'i'",-;,;,{ 541-726-3753 PIi'onel!':'~"", .~. .,;"::--' 541-726-3676 Fin; '~' '. '541-726-376? I~~p.~~t,i~~:Line, . PERMIT NO: COM2009-01581 ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: VALUE: 10/2812009 05/10/2010 $ 25,000.00 "" '" .'. ',',' Description Estimate - .,~,:-...c',::.. , ;. ,TypeofCoDstru~iioh T"', ~ "r :~1~i', -;; .~~:. ~~. . " ; ~Estimate I Valuation Descriotion I ,) $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier $1.00 Square Footage or Bid Amount 25,000.00 Value Date Calculated ~~ " . ;i~j./~ .~:;~ . :~~,. " .. Total Value of Project $25,000.00 $25,000.00 10/28/2009 ,..., '.'- , Fees P~i~ I Fee Description .,. Plan Review CommlIndlPublic __,~ :. + 12% State S~~c~argi:'"'::, ' + 5% Technology Fee Add, Alter, Extend,Circ Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea A~d . Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $183-46 $13.08 $5,45 $55.00 $54.00 10/28/09 III I 0/09 0/10/09 III I 0/09 III I 0/09 1200900000000001200 1200900000000001252 1200900000000001252 1200900000000001252 1200900000000001252 , Total Amount Paid $310.99 . -, ~.' J. ."''::'';'. Fire Departme~'t Revi;';";' Planning Review ~. ~ . .?J~'~~~::' 1110212009 1110212009 I Plan Reviews I WE EMM Needs submittal of MDS and DWP applications. ~,~ , Public Works Review' llI~t/2009 :.' Initial Review 1lI02/2009 1lI02/2009 APP LLH Structural Review 11102/2009 <,) 1lI0612009 WE CJC ...,.........~'\'~.~ , , , - Need plans for dumpster enclosnre, deferred submittal for paint booth. To Request an insp~ction call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be m'ade the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. . oJ ~eouir,ed ',nsnections I ,I: :,:; ~'\.'t Rough Electr!c: Prior to Cover Final Ele~~riJ: 'Yhen all electrical work is complete,: .. (~ \ ., " I' ~. ~ .lIlt.;, ~ ~ ~. " , '. Page 2 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' " _.,---- --..--------- Building/Combination Permit .:} ";~:'. " PERMIT NO: COM2009-01581 ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: VALUE: , 10/2812009 05/1012010 $ 25,000.00 .;.:.: f;:--' By signature, I state and agree, tliatI.have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information here~n is I..t. arid' ~o'r~ect; and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with -. C . the Ordinancesofthe City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUP AN~Y.,will be made of any strnctnre without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further ce..tify~!ha(only, contraCtors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that alllequired inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. . :', ',; ~~.. " " -., _. r' ~ ~,",~ ...:... ..i.":~":;:. _ Owner or Contracto;'s Signature , it ~" '" ..... I' '~r.I'" It' ""J', ,:tt t'" ii, 1!~ ) .' ~I' ..:::.ol.t.,.h'~ ,... ; Date " ; .: , .~: ~ ., ': '~., I'., I " ; ...J . :~:.. , I .r,:,.,.. .. .',.:....,-~,;. f: I .~. .E:" .. . I ....':)r.'-.. .l_:.:...r;';~~~ , " " , " , . 225 Fifth Street Springfi~ld, Oregon 97477 5'11-726-3759 Phone,., ....,.:.,/' ':;;': , iL;jl City of Springfield Official Receipt Developme~t Services Department Public Works Department -.!<j:-f'/RkCEIpj'#: '1200900000000001252 Date: 11/1012009 2:56:03PM Job/Journal Number:::~(,;:i.;,Description . .:;.... , _ . .' ' ' . ;,',.:.;. ....'~,:.:.,,'...,:.__,.._.' _".".' .....,. ,11-.-i;. ::; .: COM2009-0 1581 ' "~!,, "JX"d;'Alteygxt~ndCirc COM2009-01581 ?:' ,'Add,'Altei-;'!'xtWiJ,d<::ircEaAdd ' COM2009-0I58I ," '.+5,% Technology Fee '. ' . COM2009-0I58I ' .+ 12% State Sw-ch~ge,\ ," :'; <!:;::i(;"..:~}~iAW.:'~~;J.I,' . Item Total: Amount Due 55.00 54.00 5.45 13.08 $127.53 i;;:o~n~:~ment 'Jj~i~;~:i:"': <":heck Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid ,'"." .,"'. . ,:ONLINE PERMIT CHGS ;;;,~:~t;i)):".'.~c',!i;';i,;~~i,:J~/ ' ',. , kr ONLINE Bear Online Mountain Electric Payment Total: $127,53 ONLINE CHGS $127.53 -,',l .-,.,- " 'i. . r .:'~I .~~,. . . .1. ." )~:.,,, ..:: :. - ....-.. . '.) ... :i.\:i2 . . .,f:.. . i ". '. :~.:>;~~L ,j , \ it; " '- ~~ "~j ( , . .... ::: .;' . ~.l, U ,J, ,.' '1:,II.!;.. j,. : '.i ,) - ~, ;1' , ; ~k ,. ,r " " .-; .t~; .' ~l ~: : cReceiotl Page 1 of 1 1111012009