HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-4-23 i" ";lIn''ormation """ < .e;J11!1 !'Il ' ~., ToBuildOn Ilnglnoerlng. ~ . ~ .A GHent: Hayden Homes ", Address: 2464 SW Glacier Place Redr;lOnd. OR 97756 FIELD DENSITY REPORT SOIL AND SOIL-AGGREGATE 5 I l----- ,Project No.: . Project: Project . Location: 722-85031-5 :JSl..sJ!_er_MeadO\~7t", Addition '''''5 S.5~ __, ''''pnngnelo;uregon Date Performed: . P.D.No.: B.P.No.: Technician: . Equipment: Troxler: 3430 SN: 30203 Laboratory Soil / Aggregate Data: 1) Moisture Density Relationship of 126,8Ibs.!cu,ft" at 13,7% moisture, was furnished by supplier for DellaSand and Gravel 314"-0, 2) Moislure Density Relations~!p~f '133.0IbsJcu,ft" at '11.0% moisture, was furnished by supplier for Knife River 3/4"-0, .....- . kt. ,~ \]",1..., , ' , ,.,~..<:.., . ..'.... ,1 1{140 - A Shelley Stre.e~ : SprIngfield, Oregon 9:747,7. . ""'l (541)746-9649 ~ (541)746-7163 fax CCB #176269 ,I .- _I ,--.-'- April 23, 2009 'I' ~9=-ISa~ '__ _ _. _ I . Raymond'Allpertl Field Density Tests: Nuclear Method (ASTM D2922) 'ASTM D3017)(Standard Count: MS 570 DS 2190) '':"''1 ;;;..... .. 'lcstNo. , ':~~i~:1} I-';-t;,l.l ){J ApproxImate Test Location Lot269 Lol268 Lot267 Lo1266. Lol265 ~;..' \'"' 2 3 4 , 5 Percent Required Comments Compaction Compaction 97,2 95% Proctor 2 98,9 95% Proctor 2 98,7 95% Proctor 2 98.3 95% Proctor 2 96.9 95% Proctor 2 103.8 95% Proctor 2 ,99.7 95% Proctor 2 97.1 95% Proctor 1 97.6 95% Proctor 1 Approxlrnate Test Probe -Wet.Density Dry.Of?nsity Percent Elnv. D~pth LB5/CU.FT. LBS/CU.Fi. Moisture FRG FRG FRG FRG FRG FRG FRG FRG FRG FRG, FRG , 6 Lol264 7 Lol 270 8 I Lot 301 9 ILOl302 I 1C1LotqQ~. " . , , Tes~s p11r~:~,~~~ afTi~ of!se~:calions above. Tests were reported t? Contractor ce: Kipco Inc, J . 6" 134.0 129,3 3.6 6" 136.5 131,5 3.8 6" 136,3 131,3 3.8 6" 136,5 130,8 4.3 6" 135.9 131,6 3.3 6" 145.0 138.1 5.1 6" 138.6 132.6 4,6 6" 128,0 123,1 4.0 6" 128,6 123.7 3,9 6" 135.8 131,1 3,6 6" 130,0 123,6 5.2 98.6 95% Proctor 2 97,5 950/.. Proctor 1 RespeCtfUIlY~~ed 15~ eNl:ittt~~ \ Raymond Aliperti ~ Project Manager THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA nON OF THE CUENT ONLY. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAl. TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FUf.L /S PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES.