HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-10-28 ~ tiFiii6J.;lInformation 1,1:'!!r::. ::-, To Build On .....An._".. 0 C" ,,,, ,1ffng. n......... Client: Address: Jamie Lockwood New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 COMPRESSION REPORT SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 1040 - A 'Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax Date: October 28, 2009 CCB#176269 B.P. No.: C"'\- 81.\-, P.O. No.: Cast By: Devon Hovis Project No.: 722-90118-19 Proj: N'!me: FMC-DS of Springfield Location: '304Q Street Eugene, Oregon !Load: Total: Supplier: Knife River Field Test Data Slump (in,): ASTM C143 4" Max. Aggr, Size: 3/4" Air Content: ASTM C231 IIlr Temperature (F): 63" Material Temp, (F): ASTM C1064 68' Max Temp (F); 'Min Temo (F\: Specimen Size: 4xB Unit Weight (pet): ASTM C13B Time Cast: 2:15 PM Curing Conditions: Additives: 30-INK , Results Reported To: Contractor ASTM "Placement Data: Material: Concrete 4 F1 footings for the P3 pier and 2 F2 footin9s for the P2 pier Location Sampled At: same as above Date Cast: 09/29/09 Date Rec'd: 09/30109 Ticket No.: IMiX No.: Weather: 3443825 2430NE5200 CloUdy Desi!!n Stren!!th (psi): Cylinder No. 09.2056 09-2057 09.2058 09.2059 Yardage 1 61/2 required 3,000 Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 , olaced 3,000 Test Date Field Cure (days) Age (days) 10/6/2009 10/27/2009 10/27/2009 Hold 7 28 28 H .-. '1 ~ Cone (botti'ends) 2: - ConeNertical erac ,s (one end) Remarks: cc: ' Lab Cure Diameter or Cross Sect. Area Cylinder WT. Comp_ Strength F t T irl Capping Method (days) Dimensions (5,1.) (Ibs,) Max. Load (Ibs.)' (psi)' rac ure ype Test Time (Inches) C617 C1231 6 3,97 12,38 8,6 35,860 2,900 2 3:23 PM X 27 3,98 12.44 8,6 59,310 4,770 3 2:37 PM X 27 3,98 12.44 8.6 57,680 4,640 3 2:41 PM X H . .... J 6 ~,Top fractures (same as #5 but end of cylinder is pointed) Respectfully su mitted, Pr r ;SSion;,J ice Industries, Inc, StM!n-E~ilder Laboratory Supervisor 3 . Columnar 4 - Diagonal w, no craCking at endS 5 -Side fractures (at top of bottom) New Hope Builders. scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield -Th~~~nVl~ ~ - NOV - 5 2009 .::J . These results relate only to the specific samples tested and may not be indicative of other locations, This report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without written permission by Professional Service Industries, Inc, Kf.- SPRINGFIELD OFFICE l"..... tfi!!. _lInformation ~"'.. ToBuildOn Il!ng'". II II '/.".11. C """"'I,,,1ffng. ".M..- Client: Address: .'Piacement Data:" Stem walls COMPRESSION REPORT ,1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax October 23, 2009 CCB#176269 C~ -84. Jamie Lockwood New Hope S'uilders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 Project No.: 722-90118-18 Proj. Name: FMC-DS of Springfield Location: 3040 Street Eugene, Oregon. Date: B.P. No.: P,O.No.: Cast By: Verlyn Bearden Material: Concrete Field Test Data 43/4" 3/4" Slump fin.}: ASTM Cf43 Max. Aggr. Size: A.ir Content: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): Material Temp. (F): ASTM C1064 Max Temp (F): Min Temo (F): Specimen Size: Unit Weight (pc!): ASTM C138 Time Cast: 1 :45 PM A.dditives: Results Reported To: 71" 73" Location Sampled At: 2' west of northeast corner Date Cast: 09/24/09 Date Rec'd: Ticket No.: IMiX No.: Weather: 3460568 2440NE5200 4x8 09/25/09 Yardage 2/10 35 ASTM load: Total: Supplier: Knife River Curing Conditions: Ciear Contractor required 4,000 Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 olaced 4,000 Desi!:ln Strennth (psi): Cylinder No. 09-2011 09-2012 09-2013 09-2014 , Test Date Field Cure (days) Lab Cure Diameter or Cross Sect. Area Cylinder WI. Compo Strength F T.... (days) Dimensions (s",) , (Ibs,) Max. load (Ibs.) (psi) facture ype (Inches) 1\ 6 3,99 12.51 8,6 54,690 4,370 1 27 4,00 12,57 8,6 73,575 5,850 2 27 4.00 12,57 8.6 77 ,945 6,210 2 3:46 PM 2:44 PM 2:48 PM C617 C1231 X X I X Age (days) Test Time Capping ~ethod 10/1/2009 10/22/2009 10/22/2009 Hold 7 28 28 H H *'~-T --t"one"(bo"th ends)"i-ConeNertical Cracks (one end) 3 - Colurt:lnar 4 - Diagonal w no cracking' at ends 5 _ Side frac ures (at top of bottom) Remarks: cc: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield 6 - Top fractures (same as #5'butend oi cylinder is pointed) R~fCtfUIIY su:;;~~ed, . P; :na/;J;c;ndUSfr;es, Inc, S en E. ~ilder Laboratory Supervisor . ~~~n~~~ o . OCT 2 7 2009 ~ . These results relate only to the specific samples tested and may not be indicative of other locations, This 'report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without written permission by Professional Service Industries, Inc. /J~I1iS...Infonnation ...". . If'!!'.,;, '''''''''' To BUlld On I'IliBtIIne '" ;;~I~I~I ... C_l.'-U-"~ . 11J.,~... Client: Address: Jamie Lockwood New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 Project No.: 722-90118-25 Proj. Name: FMC-DS of Springfield Location: 304 0 Street Eugene, Oreg~m ~ SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax Date: October 2~ 2009 CCB#176269 B.P. No.: CCJ-84 P.O. No.: Cast By: Glenn Meek Jr COMPRESSION REPORT RECEIVED OCT 2 6 2009 ESDIMWMC .P-Iacemen"t- Data: 'Slab on grade Material: Concrete Location Sampled At: Slab on 9rade 10' south of north end Date Cast: 10/12/09 Date Rec'd: Ti;~:~~~~ I M~0~O~~200 Weather:. --..- Field Test Data 43/4" 3/4" . Yardage 15/10 160 Slump (in,): ASTM C143 Max. Aggr. Size: Air Content: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): Material Temp. (F): ASTM C1064 Max Temp (F): Min TemD (Fl: Specimen Size: Unit Weight (pct): ASTM C138 -Time Cast: 10:50 AM ------ Additives: Results ReDorted To: Contractor 590 66" 4x8 load: Total: --- Suppli~r: Knife River 10/13/09 Clear Desi!ln Strennth (psi): req,uired 4,000 Cylinder No. Test Date Age (days) Field Cure Lab Cure (days) (days) 09-2189 10/19/2009 7 6 09-2190 11/9/2009 28 27 09-2191 11/9/2009 28 27 09-2192 Hold H H Curing Conditions: ASTM Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 olaced 4,000 Diameter or Dimensions (inches) 4,01 Cross Sect. Ares (s.L) Cylinder WT. (Ibs.) Camp. Strength F t T ., (P:SI) rac UTe, ype Test Time Capping Method Max. load (lbs.) C617 C1Z31 12,63 . 4,~20 x 8.6 62,120 3 2:02 PM -~Cone ('both'endsf :2 ~ ConeNerti'cafcracks (one end) 3 ~ 'columnar 4 ~ Diagonalw no cracking at ends 5 ~ Side frac ures (at top of be ilom) Remarks: Set #3 cc: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield ~ - Top fractures (same as #5 but end'of cylinder is pointed) , R~~7sfo~IY sUbm~:n;d Pr ~al f:Jcustries, Inc, Seven E, Wilder . Laboratory Supervisor , These results relate only to the specific samples tested and may not be indicative of other locations. This r~port cannot be reproduced, except in full, without written permission by Professional Service Industries, Inc, i 1..ft.~.ZInformation 11:f!,~!.! To Build On .Ii!!ngIne I , <1,:11 . C_T..,AI6.. -'If" ,,'j",J Client: Address: Jamie Lockwood New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Le.banon, OR 97355 RECEIVED OCT 2 6 2009 ESD/MWMC Date: B.P. No.: P.O. No.: Cast By: "P'facemenfOata: Slab on 9rade COMPRESSION REPORT ~ SPRINGFIELD OfFICE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax , October 20, 2009 CCB#176269 C9-~.rl Project No.: 722-90118-26 Proj. Name: FMC-DS of Springfield Location: 3040 Street Eugene, Oregon Glenn Meek Jr Yardage 3/10 160 Slump (in.): ASTM C143 ,Max. Aggr. Size: A.ir Content: ASTM C231 lIir Temperature (F): Material Temp. {FJ: ASTM C106<( Max Temp (F): .Min Temp (F): Specimen Size: Unit Weight (pc!): ASTM C138 ,Time Cast: 10:50 AM A.dditives: Results Reported To: Field Test Data 43/4" 3/4" Material: .Concrete Location Sampled At: 35' north of south end Date Cast: 10/12/09 Date Rec'd: 10/13/09 Ti~~~~~;~ IM~0~~:5200 Weather: Clear Desi!,!" Strennth (psi): required 4,000 Cylinder N'o. Test Date Age (days) Field Cure lab Cure (days) (days) 09-2181 10/19/2009 7 6 09-2182 11/9/2009 28 27 09-2183 11/9/2009 28 27 09-2184 Hold H H 590 66" 4x8 load: Total: Supplier: Knife River i Curing Conditions: ASTM Contractor - Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 olaced 4.000 Diameter or , Cap~ing Method Dimensions Cross Sect. Area Cylinder WT. Max. Load (Ibs.) Compo Strength F t T - *' Test Time (Inches) (s",) Ilbs,} (~si) rac ure ype C617 C1231 8,02 12,69 8,7 64,725 5,100 3 1:51 PM X .. --..'- . --- - -\ - , , "'1 ~ Cone (both ends) 2 - ConeNertical Cracks (one end) 3 - Columnar 4 - biagonal w no cracking at ends Remarks: Set #1 cc: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield 5 - Side frae ures (at top of b{ ttom) 6- Top fr .ctures (same as #5 but end of cylinder is pointed) . . , R~S~>>~~UIIY submitted, ,. , Pr kf ;;~dustries,/nc, . Seven E, Wilder Laboratory Supervisor These results relate only to the I specific samples tested and may not be Indicative of other locations, This r~port cannot be reproduced, except in full, without written permission by Professional Service Industries, Inc. J l....-............~.. '''.' --lInFormation ".~. , Y" I!"!..~! To Build On .....,..,. I .. ,,'1, ,Ill ~ C, ,I. .",.... . '[,~ "l""j Client: Address: Project No,: 722-90118-24 Proj. Name: FMC-DS of Springfield Location: 304 0 Street Eugene, Oregon ~ SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746'-7163 fax October 20, 2009 CCB#176269 Cq-841 COMPRESSION REPORT Jamie Lockwood New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 RECEIVED OCT 2 6 2009 ESD/MWMC Placement Data: Slab on grade Material: Concrete . Location Sampled At: Slab on grade 25' south of north end .Date Cast: '1 0/12/09 Date Rec'd: 10/13/09 Ticket No.: IMiX No.: Weather: 3460888 40NE5200' Clear Des;!!!" Stren!jlth (psi): ~---- .- .. -., ,,- , -., . - Cylinder No. Test Date Date: B.P. No.: P.O. No.: Cast By: Glenn Meek Jr toad: Total: Supplier: Knife River Yardage . 13/10 160 Field Test Data Slump (in.): ASTM C143 4" Max. Aggr. Size: 3/4" rAir Content: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): 59" Materia' Temp, (F): ASTM C1064 63" Max Temp (F): ;Min Temp (Fl": Specimen Size: 4xB ynit Weight (pc!): ASTM C138 Time Cast: 10: 15 AM Curing Conditions: ,Additives: Results Reported To: Contra'ctor . . 1 ASTM required 4,000 Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 olaced 4.000 Field Cure Lab Cure Diameter or Age (days) (days) (days) Dimensions (inches) "7 6 4,02 28 1 27 28 27 H H Cross Sect. Area Cylinder WT. Max. Load (Ibs.) Compo ~trength Fracture Type .... Test Time Capping Method (5.1,) (Ibs.) (~Si) C617 C1231 12.69 8,8 67,340 5,~10 3 2:06 PM X 5 - Side fra< ;ures (at top of be :tom) , , ? - Top fractures (same as #5 but ~nd of cylinder IS pOinted) , Re!tt~:y SU~~~$t d, , Pro I ;;.a/f~1 Industries, Inc. St ven E, WiRter Laboratory Supervisor ~ 09-2185 10/19/2009 09-2186 11/9/2009 09-2187 11/9/2009 09-2188 Hold ** 1 - Cone (both ends) 2 - ConeNertfcal Cracks (one end) '3 -Columri"ar 4 ~ Diagonal wino cracking at ends Remarks: Set #2 cc: New Hope Builders - scotl@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield . These results relate only to the specific samples tested and may not be indicative of other locations, This report cannot be reproduced, except In full, without written permission by Professional Service Industries, Inc, : l ", lIn'Onnation ..~. y<<- .' II'!"!~. To Build On .....J:rus....... . C..A fl6.. . Tl.., ."oj'.J, ~ Client: Address: Jamie Lockwood New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 Proj~ct No.: 722-90118-10 Proj.Name: FMC-DS of Springfield Location: 304 0 Street Eugene, Oregon SPRINGFIELD OFFICE' 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax October 14, 2009 CCB#176269 Cc:; - ey, COMPRESSION REPORT r Date:. B.P, No,: P.O. No.: Cast By: Glenn Meek Jr Clear. load: Total: Supplier: Knife River Yardage 2'/103/4 52 Field Test Data Slump (in,): ASTM C143 4" Max, Aggr. Size: 3/4" Air COfltent: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): 820 Material Temp, (F): ASTM C1064 81" Max Temp (F): ill in TemD (Fl: Specimen Size: 4x8 Unit Weight (pet): ASTM C138 Time Cast: 12:50 PM Curing Conditions: .Additives: Results Reported To: Contractor ~ -'Placement Data: . Exterior F oolings Material: Concrete Location Sampled At: Exterior footing at southwest corner Date Cast: 09/15/09 Oat. Rrr'n: Ti;:~~~~~ IMi;O~DE:~?no We'~ther~ ..~ 09/16/09 ASTM Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 Desinn Strennth (psi): reouired 3,000 olaced 3.000 Field Cure Lab Cure Diameter Of Cross Sect. Area Cylinder WT. Compo Strength F t T ... Capping Method Cylinder,No. Test Date Age (days) Dimensions Max. Load (Ibs.) Test Time (days) (days) (inches) (s.i.) (Ibs.) (psi) rac ure ype C617 C1~31 I 11:13AM I - 09-1884 9/22/2009 7 1 6 3.99 12,51 8.6 36,060 2,880 5 X 09-1885 10/13/2009 28 27 3.99 12,51 I 8.6 61,495 4,920 3 2:08 PM I X 09-1886 10/13/2009 28 27 4,00 12.57 I 8,6 60,495 4,8.10 2 2:12 PM I X 09-1887 Hold H H 'I *".1 ~ Cone (both ends) 2 ~ ConeNertical Crac ~s (one end) 3 - Columnar 4' ~ Diagonal wIno cracking at ends 5 ~ Side frac :ures (at lop of bottom) Remarks: .' cc: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfieid . 6 - TopfrLctures (same as #5 but end of cylinder is pointed) f{esfJ'Io~:y sUb~~/~dU Pn / cal SZ[!~Sfries, Inc. S"/en E, ier . Laboratory Supervisor These resuits relate only to the specific samples tested and may not be indicative of other locations, This report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without written permission by Professional Service Industries, Inc, l....~ ;ZInjormation ",~. .To Build On Engineering . Consulting. Testing DAILY FIELD REPORT 722-90118-22 Date Performed: October 12, 2009 Report Number: Client: Jamie Lockwood Project Name: 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, Or 97355 Project Location: P.O. No,: 232235 Permit No.: Type of Structure: Weather: Type of Inspection: Reinforced Concrete I<fCtlVED I:J!, OCT 2 6 2009 ESD/MWMC FMC - DS of Springfield 3OL\ Q ~ Eugene, Oregon CQ-84"1 Clear Field Observations and Comments Performed visual inspection of reinforced steel at the following locations: Inspected the .slab on grade reinforcing prior to placement of concrete. Observed the 7 each simpson tie down straps, ECC 6-6/CB 6-6 installed prior to placement of concrete, Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, lap, placement, and clearances where applicable, Reinforcing steel was secured using tie wire and supported on concrete dobie blocks, Reinforcing steel was placed in accordance with latest revisions dated 05-01-09, Performed visual inspection during placement of concrete in the locations listed above, Concrete was placed by boom pump and mechanically consolidated, Cast three (3) sets of four (4) (4x8) concrete test cylinders, Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed, :rVOR nf Materi'll Supplier Mix# Slump Air Content Ambient Temperature Material Temperature Time Placed Design Strength (psi) Number of Samples Total YardaQe Placed Inspector: Glenn Meek Jr., ICC# 5071538-49 CCB# 176269 ~ Knife River 40NE5200 33/4" 35" 60" 7:50 AM 4,000 4 160 SilltZ Knife River 40NE5201 4" 59" 63" ,10:15AM 4,000 4 ~ Knife River 40NE5202 43/4" 59" 66" 1 0:50 A~ 4,000 4 'If you have any questions .regarding' this report, please feel free to contact.us at 541-746-9649, Respectfully SUb~itted, . fessional SeTl ;ce Ir.:!Jftries, Ine, \ .IJ/-.. . . avid Smith' "'- Branch Manager cc: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders.com City of Springfield . THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE fNFORMA TlON OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD ,_,,,-.,, " u, ,...". I ,., - ..3, B.ccrr i:; ri:..:"'L, ',':,'T' lOUT 7/ 'L IAlC/'ITE"' ne~'1'S'5''')~1 ("Ie oor.CC<:'<:'J()NIII <:;FRVIf:F INnllC:;TPIF.<:; t.r:; PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1040-A Shelley Street: Springfield, OR 974'77. Phone 5411746.9649. Fax 541f74~.7163 1_.... 6i!-./Injonnation 'P~~ To Build On If"".. "",. .~.1Nang FIELD DENSITY REPORT SOIL AND SOIL-AGGREGATE Client: Jamie Lockwood Address: New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 Project No,: 722-90118-21 Project: FMC - OS of Springfield Project 304 0 Street Location: Eugene, Oregon Equipment: Troxler: 3430 SN: 30016 Date Performed: P.D.No,: B.P. No,: Techni~ian: Laboratory Soil / Aggregate Data: Moisture Density Relationship of 126,8Ibs.lcu,ft" at 13.7% moisture, was furnished by ciient, Delta S & G for 3/4"-0 T-99, Field Density Tests: Nuclear Method (ASTM D2922)(ASTM D3017)(Standard Count: MS 666 DS 2278) Test No. Approximate Test location Approximate Test Probe Elev. Depth 1 Storm drain (6") north end FRG 6" 2 Sewer lines north end FRG 6" 3 Sewer lines north end FRG 6" 4 Sewer lines south end FRG 6" Wet Density Dry Density Percent lBS/CU.FT. LBS/CU.FT. Moisture 5 Sewer lines north end FRG 6" 6 Storm drain south end FRG 6~ Tests performed at finished grade and below finished grade of trench backfill, Tests were reported to Harold (NHB). Additional Remarks: Compaction with jumpin9 jack-backfill with Kubota KX1213 track-hoe. cc: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield 137.6 131.0 135.6 130.7 124,7 120.5 138.4 131.4 131,0 124,7 139,3 132,7 1040. A Shelley Street ~ Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax CCB #176269 October 8, 2009 cq -€HI Anthony Deluca 5,0 3,7 3,5 5.3 5.0 7,1 Percent Required Comments Compaction Compaction 103,3 95% NS-Trend 103.1 95% NS-Trend 95.1 95% NW-SE Trend 103,6 95% NS-Trend 98.3 95% EW- Trend 98.7 \1,5% NS-Trend Respectfully Sub "flItted rofessional se;;Y~~/~dfftrtes. Inc, l \ ~'t1L TH!S REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA TION OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. IPSjlionf;;:a:~: .".1.11"", :1"" ",11 .~.Jf".' "j,,; \&-- SPRINGFIELD OFFICE COMPRESSION REPORT Client: Address: Jamie Lockwood New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 Project No.: 722-90118-18 Proj, Name: FMC-DS of Springfield Location: 3040 Street Eugene, Oregon 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 . (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax October 8, 2009 CCB#176269 C""l-64/ Date: B,P. No.: P.O. No.: Cast By: Verlyn Bearden Clear I Yardage Load: 2/10 ITotal: 35 Supplier: Kmfe RIver Slump ~in.): ASTM C143 Max. Aggr. Size: Air Content: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): Material Temp. (F): ASTM C1064 Max Tamo IF}: Min Temp IF): Specimen Size: Unit Weight (pc!): ASTM C138 Time Cast: 1 :45 PM Additives: Results Reported To: Field Test Data 43/4" 3/4" .--...---,.,---- :Placement Data: Stem walls. -- Material: Concrete 71" 73" Location Sampled A.t: 2' west of northeast corner Date Cast: 09/24/09 I Date Rec'd: Ti;~:~~~~ I ~~4~~:E5200 IWeather: 4x8 09/25/09 Curing Conditions: ASTM Contractor Desinn Stren!'jth (psi): required 4,000 Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 olaced 4,000 , Cylinder No. Test Date Field Cure lab Cure Diameter or Cross Sect. Area Cylinder WT. Compo Strength F t T ... Capping Method Age (days) Dimensions Max. Load (Ibs.) Test Time (days) (days) (Inches) (s.i.) (Ibs,) (psi) rac ure ype C617 C1231 7 1 6 3,99 12.51 8,6 54,690 4,370 3:46 PM X 09-2011 10/1/2009 09-2012 I 10/22/2009 28 27 09-2013 I 10/22/2009 28 27 09-2014 I Hold H 1 H I :."1' - Cone"'(boh,- ends)" :;(~ ton~NeiticalCracks (one endi 3-. Cofum"nar- 4 - Diagonal wIno cracking at ends Remarks: cc: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield 5 - Side frac ures (at top of bottom) 6 - Top fractures (same as #5 but end of cylinder is p~inled) Rerffe tfully subrr itted, . Pro ional se'l ce Industries, Inc, . quJ ~ Steven E, Wilder Laboratory Supervisor - These results relate only to the specific samples tested and may not be indicative of other locations, This report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without written permission by Professional Service Industries, Inc, .ft~..l Information l~.... ToBuildOn ~ SPRINGFIELD OFFICE COMPRESSION REPORT Client: Address: Jamie Lockwood New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 Project No.: 722-90118-19 Proj. Name: FMC-DS of Springfield Location: 304 0 Street Eugene, Oregon 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax October 8, 2009 CCB#176269 Cq-B4" ...."1.1 h . 1,111. C'IO.,,"'" "",. -l'L".",j,,1,; Date: B.P. No.: P.O. No.: Cast By: Devon Hovis Cloudy Yardage Load: 1 Total: 6 1/2 IsuPPlier: . Knife River Field Test Data Slump (in.): ASTM C143 4" Max. Aggr, Size: 3/4" Air Content: ASTM (:231 Air Temperature (F): 630 Material Temp; (F): ASTM C1064 68Q Max Temp (F): Min Temp (F): Specimen Size: 4xS Unit Weight (pet): ASTM C138 Time Cast: 2:15 PM Curing Conditions: Additives: 30-INK 'Results Reported To: Contractor ASTM ,Placement D~ta: . . "Mate-ria"!; Ccmcrete' 4 F1 footin9s for the P3 pier and 2 F2 footin9s for the P2 pier Location Sampled At: same as above -Date Cast: Ticket No.: 3443825 -=-.,____ . ._.__o._u. 09/29/09 Date Rec'd: IMiX No.: Weather: 2430NE5200 09/30/09 Design S!re_nnt.h (p~i): required 3,000 Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 Dlaced 3,000 Cylirlder No. Test Date Field Cure Lab Cure Diameter or Age (days) (days) (days) Dimensions (inches) 7 6 3,97 28 27 28 I 1 27 I H I H I Cross Sect. Area Cylinder WT. Max. Load (Ibs.) Compo Strength Fracture Type.- Test Time (s.!.) (Ibs.) (psi) Capping Method 09-2056 C617 C1231 10/6/2009 12,38 8,6 35,860 2,900 2 3:23 PM x 09-2057 10/27/2009 09-2058 10/27/2009 09-2059 Hold __ n_ _ __ ___, .__"" "" _.__, , ,. ,. , ~ .. .... 1 - Cone (both ends) 2 - ConeNertical Cracks (one"end) "j _ Columnar Remarks: cc: -4 - Diagonalwjno cracking at ends "5 - Side trac ures (at top of bottom) 6 - Top fractures (same as #5 but end of cylinder is pointe9) ~tfUIlY submitted, p SS;~I t::.ndUSfr;es, Inc, ven ,~er Laboratory Supervisor New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield These results relate only to the specific samples tested and may not be indicative of other locations, This report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without written permission by Professional Service Industries, Inc, .n"~.jjllnformation 1.f-1!~1! 1b Build On ...' "." ., . CoMufIfnsr . 1loGfIns FIELD DENSITY REPORT SOIL AND SOIL-AGGREGATE 1040 - A Shelley Street ~ Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649. (541)746-7163 fa, CCB #176269 Client: Jamie Lockwood Address: New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 Project No.: 722-90118-20 Project: FMC - OS of Springfield Project 304 0 Street Location: Eugene, Oregon Equipment: Troxler: 3430 SN: 61175 Date Perform~d: P.O. No.: B,P. No.: Technician: , October 2, 2009 CG-8L1'1 Veriyn Bearden Laboratory Soil / Aggregate Data: Moishire Density Relationship of 126.8Ibs./cu.ft., at 13.7% moisture, was furnished by client for 3/4"-0 1-99. ( I Field Density Tests: Nuclear Method (ASTM D2922)(ASTM D3017)(Standard Count: MS 699 OS 2868) Test No. Approximate Test Location Approximate Test Probe Wet Density Dry Density Percent Percent Required Comments Elev. Depth LBS/CU.FT. LBS/CU.FT, Moisture Compaction Compaction FRG I 6" 133,6 128.1 4.3 101.0 Room 123 - FRG I 6" 139,3 132:7 4,9 Room 128 Sewer Jines 2 Sewer lines Tests performed at finished graade and at listed locations above. Tests were reported to Contractor. cc: New Hope Builders - scolt@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield RECEIVED OCT 2 6 2009 ESD/MWM~ THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA TION OF THE CLIENT aNL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. I ....~.J Information 1~~.~~I.ToBuild On 1IfngIne. , I,,, . c~~~r..._ 0 y,-." "d'.J . COMPRESSION REPORT ~ SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax Date: October11009 CCB#176269 B.P. No.: Cq~e.4 P.O. No.: Cast By: Glenn Meek Jr Client: Address: Placement Data: Exterior Footin9s Jamie Lockwood New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 Project No.: 722-90118-10 Proj. Name: FMC-OS of Springfield Location: 304 Q Street Eugene, Oregon Material: Concrete Field Test Data Slump (in,): ASTM C143 4" ,Max, Aggr, Size: 3/4" A.ir COfltent: ASTM C231 lIir Temperature (F): 82" Material Temp. (F): ASTM C1064 810 Max Temp (F): :Min Temo (F\: Specimen Size: 4x8 Unit Weight (pet): ASTM C138 ,Time Cast: 12:50 PM Curing Conditions: Additives: Results Reported To: Contractor ASTM Location Sampled At: Exterior footing at southwest corner "Date Cast: 09/15/09 Date Rec'd: 09/16/09 Ti;:~~~~~ t~0~o~:5200 Weather: Clear koad: Total: Supplier: Knife River Yardage 2/103/4 52 Oesirln Strennth (osil: required 3.000 Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 olaced 3,,000 Cylinder No. 09-1884 09-1885 09-1886 09-1887 TeslDate Field Cure (days) Lab Cure Diameter or Cross Sect. AreC! Cylinder WT. Compo Strength F t T ..... Capping Method Dimensions Max. Load (Ibs.) Test Time (days) (Inches) (s,L) (Ibs.) (p.sl) rac UTe ype C617 C1231 6 3,99 12,51 8.6 36,060 2,880 5 11:13AM X A.ge {days) 9/22/2009 10/13/2009 10/13/2009 Hoid 7 28 28 H 27 27 H --.- --- ,- -.. ----. - - -.- .. I \. .... 1 - Cone (both ends) 2 - ConeNertical Cracks (cmeend) 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal wIno cracking at ends Remarks: " cc: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield 5 ~ Side.fracllres (at top of b~ Itom) 6 - Top fractures (same as #5 but end of cylinder is pointed) Re;!I/to~IY submitted, . prxiA7z;J~stries, Inc, Sleven E, Wilder Laboratory Supervisor These results relate only to the specific samples tested and may not be indicative of other locations, This report cannot be reproduced, except in full; without written permission by Professional Service Industries, Inc. l ~~;lInformation "..,. .TO Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing ~ DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: Client: September 29, 2009 Jamie Lockwood New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 Report Number: 722-90118-16 Project Name: FMC-DS of Springfield 304 Q Street Eugene, Oregon Project Location: Contractor: Fabricator: Type of Inspection: Reinforcing Steel/Concrete Forms Building Permit No,: Shop! Field: Weather: CCl-841 Field Overcast Field Observations and Comments Performed visual inspection of reinforcing steel and anchor bolts at the following locations: Trellis footings on the west side of the building, Column footings for the drive up canopy on the south end of the building, Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, lap, piacement, and clearances where applicable. Reinforcing steel was secured using tie wire and supported on concrete dobie blocks, Reinforcing steel was placed in accordance with approved design drawings and sDecifications, Inspector: Steve Wilder eBB #176269 If you have any questions regarding this report, pi ease feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649, cc: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield . THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE fNFORMA TION OF THE CLIENT ONLY. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD. PARTY, BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRfTTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industri~S, Inc.. 1040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477. Phone 541/746.9649. Fax 541/746-7163 l..~ ;ZInjormation floiJI. .70 Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing ~ DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: September 29, 2009 Report Number: 722-90118-15 Client: Jamie Lockwood Project Name: FMC - OS of Springfield 32724 Berlin Road 3c4Q~ Lebanon, Or 97355 Project Location: Eugene, Oregon P,O. No,: 232235 Permit No.: C..ol- 8l.l'"1 Type of Structure: Weather: Cloudy Type of Inspection: Reinforced Concrete Field Observations and Comments As directed by client, continuous inspection during placement of concrete was not required at the following locations: 4 F1 footings for P3 piers and 2 F1 footings for the P1 pier, Concrete was placed by chute and vibratory consolidated, Cast one (1) set of four (4) (4x8) concrete test cylinders, Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed, To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected above was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications, and applicable workmanship provisions of the International Building Codes. Iyn..nflll\i!1lllial Supplier Mix# Slump Air Content Ambient Temperature Material Temperature Time Placed Design Strength (psi) Number of Samples Total Yardape Placed Inspector: Devon Hovis CCB# 176269 Sltl.1tl Knife River 2430NE5200 4" 63" 68" 2:15 PM 3000 4 6.5 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649, Respectfully SU,~~:~d, ~essiOnal~e[tltries, Inc. ~~ Branch Manager cc: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield THISR.:;,......'.d ,.;, ,."....,.......:......, ....:, ",.::: ""...... ,...,......-......." .,._ ':'_.::f'ff '::._",: :-;:~ :.':.-,-:':.JUCT:O:. or TI:,S f'\:~S:::::-, S':/.'.":,"':~' '93, "'9 :rs T.'I/"[;'(';;,"1:.. 7=9" T' "C]f) PAkfo/w!8W~iYJ~b!eg~l'tlii%l~,Cwlt!{g8trJig~!Ir1J!J.tPbRfjl!f_'(j~,PillJF%s~7d'NAf~MW~: ~g1\fu7t63 l...~;z Information fI~. .TO Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing ~ DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: September 24, 2009 Report Number: 722-90118-13 Client: Jamie Lockwood Project Name: FMC - OS of Springfield 32724 Berlin Road ~Q~. Lebanon, Or 97355 Project Location: Eugene, Oregon P.O. No.: 232235 Permit No.: CC\-541 Type of Structure: Weather: Clear Type of Inspection:. Concrete Field Observations and Comments Reinforcing steel was previously inspected on 9/23/09, As directed by contractor, continuous inspection during placement of concrete was not required at the following locations: stem walls. Concrete was placed by pump and mechanically consolidated, Cast one (1) set of four (4) (4x8) concrete test cylinders, Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed, To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected above was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the International Building Codes, Tvoe of Material Supplier Mix# Slump Air Content Ambient Temperature Material Temperature Time Placed Design Strength (psi) Number of Samples Total Yardage Placed .Inspector: Verlyn Bearden CCB# 176269 Silltl Knife River 2440NE5200 43/4" 71" 73" 1 :45 PM 4,000 4 35 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649. Respectfully Sub itted, ~;:f~i /ndu~/nc. J~mith /; \ Branch Manager cc: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield THIS RC".Jn, '~'-"\JVIV"'.lJ ,un In<=. ".,..-....,,,,,,,,, , 'v,. vr ,,~r..; ......'-....;n' 1..',...../. ",,_ I\....rf,"'............."'-',. ,",,- ;-,,,':' .tE,-:",-,.,~, ~,., ..,~,.,.:), A"B ,73 T,b!."31.,,ffA.... -,-':' n ;-, ,,,,,) PAhw~'!,V'~'),n.,J.,~flj:~Bg~~\~e?uir,c.;,J,9gM-,\jbIW~Yfi!lfP'tR&lSgRll9'IJ~,,\!5W1t7dNAf~g)\r,I~~ li7D'lfsWiMJ,: 1&%~j,lBfti;7163 L . ,-""" -IInl'onnation ~liE!'. y< " ~~., 1bBuild On ...., '."',1 ,,:ew.uIUns.~ FI~LD DENSITY REPORT SOIL AND SOIL-AGGREGATE Client: Jamie Lockwood Address: New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 Project No,: 722-90118-12 Project: FMC - OS of Springfield Project 304 Q Slreet location: Eugene, Ore90n Equipment: Troxler: 3430 SN: 28693 Laboratory Soil / Aggregate Data: Moisture Density Relationship of 126.8Ibs./cu.ft., at 13.7% moisture, was furnished by client for 3/4"_0 T-99. Moisture DensityRelationship of 130.6Ibs./cu.ft., at 1.1% moisture, was furnished by client for 1%"-OT-99. Date Performed: P.O. No.: B.P. No.: Technician: Test No. Approximate Test Elev. Field Density Tests: Nuclear Method (ASTMD2922)(ASTM D3017)(Standard Count: MS 683 DS 2663) Probe Wet Density Dry Density Depth LBS/CU,FT, LBSICU,FT. Approximate Test location 1 Light pole ditch FRG 8" 143,2 2 Water line ditch FRG 8" 129,5 3 Waterline ditch -11/2' FRG 8" 139,3 Tests performed at finished 9raade and below finished grade of trench backfill at listed locations above. Tests were reported to Delta Sand and Gravel. CC: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Sprin9field 1040 - A Shelley Street ~ Springfit~ld. Oreg?~ 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746.7163 fa, CCB #176269 September 23, 2009 cC\-e4, Anthony Deluca Percent Percent Required Moisture Compaction Compaction 103,9 122.4 124,9 Comments 9.4 5,8 8.4 103.2 95% 3/4"-0 96.5 95% 3/4"-0 98.5 95fA> 3/4"-0 Respectfully 'SUb4~~~ ) fessional ~rv~les, Inc, THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA TlON OF THE CLIENT ONLY. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO ATHIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRiTTEN . PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. L "'~;l Information ",..,. ,To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing 'dL DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: September 22, 2009 Report Number: 722-90118-11 Client: Jamie Lockwood Project Name: FMC-DS of Springfield New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Project Location: 304 Q Street Lebanon, OR 97355 Eugene, Oregon Contractor: Building Permit No.: C,c\- 84, Fabricator: Shopl Field: Field Type of Inspection: Reinforcing Steel Weather: Clear Field Observations and Commants Performed visual inspection of reinforcing steel boits at the following locations: exterior stem wall. Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, lap, placement, and clearances where applicable, Reinforcing steel was secured using tie wire and supported on concrete dobie blocks, Additional Comments: Revised stamped typical exterior wall to follow from engineer (detai/1R/400), Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed, To the best of our knowledge, the work Inspected above was in accordance with the building department approved design drawinqs, sDecifications, and apelicable workmanship provisions of the International Buildinq Codes, Inspector: David Smith, ICC# 0877340-85 CBB #176269 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649. Respectfully Su ofessional Se l itled, 'c~Wies, Inc, ~ David Smith Branch Manager cc: New Hope Builders - scotl@newhopebuilders,com City of Springfield . THIS REPORT is PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA TION OF THE CLIENT ONLY. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY. BY ANY MEANS. EXCEPT IN FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industries, Inc.- 1040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477. Phone 5411746-9649 . Fax 541/746-7163 l...~ ;ZInjormation ",~. .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing k1Lr DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: September 15, 2009 Report Number: 722-90118-7 Client: Jamie Lockwood Project Name: FMC-DS of Springfield New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Project Location: 304 Q Street Lebanon, OR 97355 Eugene, Oregon Contractor: Building Permit No,: cQ-84'1 Fabricator: Shopl Field: Field Type of Inspection: Reinforcing Steel Weather: Clear Field Observations and Comments Performed visual inspection of reinforcing steel bolts at the following locations: Perimeter footings, Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, lap, placement, and clearances where applicable, Reinforcing steel was secured using tie wire and supported on concrete dobie blocks. Reinforcing steel was placed in accordance with approved design drawings and specifications, Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed, To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected above was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications, and applicable workmanship provisions of the International Buildinq Codes, Inspector: David Smith, ICC# 0877340-85 CBB #176269 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649, Respectfully SUt~~ted, . rofessional s: ~e 'ntRries, Inc, )avid Smith Branch Manager THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA TION OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY. BY ANY MEANS. EXCEPT IN FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. IS PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477 . Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163 l ~~;lInformation ",~. .To Build On Engineering . Consulting . Testing ~ . DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: September 15, 2009 Report Number: 722-90118-6 Client: Jamie Lockwood Project Name: FMC - OS of Springfield 32724 Berlin Road m-t Q fn-. Lebanon, Or 97355 Project Location: Eugene, Oregon P.O. No,: 232235 Permit No.: CP, - 64""l" Type of Structure: Weather: Clear Type of Inspection: Reinforced Concrete Field Observations and Comments Performed visual inspection suring placement of concrete in the following locations: Inspected and tested concrete placed in the exterior footings, Reinforcing steel was placed in accordance with latest revisions dated 9/14/09, Concrete was placed by boom pump and mechanically consolidated. Cast one (1) set of five (4) (4x8) concrete test cylinders. Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed, Tvoe of Mmrial Supplier Mix# Slump Air Content Ambient Temperature Material Temperature Time Placed Design Strength (psi) Number of Samples Total Yardage Placed Inspector: Glenn Meek Jr, Ice #5071538-49 CCB# 176269 .set1I.1 Knife River 30NE5200 4" 82" 81" 12:50 PM 3000 4 52 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649, Respectfully su~~tted, frofessio s~ Je Inff1ies, Inc. David Smith Branch Manager cc: THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE C/,../ENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD ,. r"p;~f~~~i~~;iS~;~;~'ln.cd-~;t;i~;~~~~'.' '1'040-A 'Sh~II'~Y St'r~~t"~"S~P~'i~gf;!ci:' O~ ':g~~4~7':~ P"h-~.~'~~5~ 1n46~964g' ;~F~~4'1n46~ 7163 ri~;lInformation ll!!"~,. To Build On .~..._.~.~ FIELD DENSITY REPORT SOIL AND SOIL-AGGREGATE Client; Jamie Lockwood Address: New Hope Builders 32724 Berlin Road Lebanon, OR 97355 Project No.: 722-90118-4 Project: FMC - OS of Springfield Project 304 Q Street Location: Eugene, Ore90n Equipment: Troxler: 3430 SN: 61175 Date Performed: P,O,No,: B.P. No,: Technician: Laboratory Soil / Aggregate Data: Moisture Density Relationship of 98.0Ibs.lcu.ft., at 22% moisture, is from our report #722-90118-7 dated for 9/24109 for Brown,Silty Clay. Field Density Tests: Nuclear Method (ASTM D2922)(ASTM D3017)(Standard Count: MS 693 DS 2848) Test No. Approximate Test Location Exterior Footings Probe Wet Density Dry Density Depth LBS/CU.FT. lBS/GU.FT. Approximate Test Elev. 1 2 3 4 See attached drawing for locations See attached drawing for locations See attached drawing for locations 10" FG FG FG 10" 10" 125.4 118,0 128.0 120,9 92,0 79,7 92.2 80,3 95.3 82.5 94.3 81.9 95.0 83,5 See attached drawing for locations See attached drawing for locations FG FG FG J 10" 7 ,See attached drawing for locations I FG 10" Tests performed at'finished graade of native material under strip footings at listed locations above, Tests were reported to Hareid with New Hope Builders, Remarks: Test 1 and 2 mixed with bar run material, 10" 5 10" 6 See attached drawing for locations cc: New Hope Builders - scott@newhopebuilders,com City of Sprin9field ~ 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fa> cee #176269 September 9. 2009 CC\-B41 Glenn Meek Jr Percent Percent Required Moisture Compaction Compaction Comments 6.3 5.9 15.4 14,9 15.6 15,2. 13,6 85,3 92,0~i') Respectfully Submilled ~ssional se~icl>1e5' Inc, 6d~~ Branch Manager 120.4 92.0% 123.4 92.0% 81.3 92.0% 81.9 92.0% 84,2 92,0% 83,6 92.0% RECEIVED OCT 1 4 1009 THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA nON OF THE CUENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES.