HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1998-8-19 ... '1 Q~e NO'fl : ' 2Z:l HIS PERM ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION S"~....,i./ ,0 ON 97477 IT SHALL EXPIRE IFTH INSPECfION REQUEST: 726-3#mHORIZED UNDER THIS ~~ljob Number qf/o'] K OFFICE: . 726-3759 COMMENCE PERMIT IS NOT . , 0 OR IS .AJlAN~ FEE SCHEDULE BELOV 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATIOtfY 1P..9lDJ\'( ,;l1lA/OO q LI" j..}r.O+J.. I!!!{~ HtJ f'-- . "A, New Residential-Sillile or 'too Hulti-Family per dwelling unit. LEGAL DESCRIPTION . Service Included: (ft())(dli_./n') /1012(,/7- {Jt(3'lJ Items Cost "- J9" DBSCRIrrION ~, ~Ul-p Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for l80 days, lOOO sq,ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanuf'd Home, or Hodular.Dwelling Service or Feeder 2, w.....ACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B, Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations Electrical Con trac tor J::'5.."1 Lc.TI2.c.. ~..HItdo or Relocation: I~c.. Address .p. ~ ~o OJ" "-" C' ~ ~ ,200 amps or less " 201 amps to 400 amps City (....5...~.1 Phone "'Yb~b).-~ <.... 40l amps to, 600 amps 601 amps to l~O amps Supervisor License Number .:;L 0 -:i.!ftL. Over 1000 amps/vol ts Reconnect Only C, Tem&f~i'1llhte!!~oe$Oor Feeders ATIENTION:ormJd~ ~n\1o~iJtiiu;ation or Relocation follOW rules adople re set forth Expiration Date /2. -1. o-<:.Y NO'ificationcentl!OO~JUJFig2-o01- $ 40,00 inOAR952-00Hl)10ll1ll~~g~~ OrW!iy $ 55,00 - Signature of Supervisilli Blectric~o. You may @l@if\(l{~et8~!!\ 'h8~Bs' $ 80,00 - .-V calling the ce~~Nroll: \\W'N( e<<rft~RO vo.1t s see "B" above " ~ ---1~ _..rn'nerfortheOregonUtilily Olllcal , cRnler~-:a:raM.'~s Owners NameJ;q~ <\"Ie'- l .......... I Address!iu, 10,::,'(( ./.-( _If' :'" t .1l. CitY~A Phone -~ 7-h '1,37 .o1INER INSTALLATION , '-, Expiration Date j/J_/~q;> Constr Contr. Number ? 0 t? "'., The installation is being made on property I own vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. "--' OWners Signature: -. DATB;---------------R-fT~Jff1r----~-~ llBCEJ....l' II.' 0-111 2..9".f _ "y RECEIVED .11: ~ '. Sum $ 85,00 $ 15,00 $ 40,00 $ 50.00 $ 60,00 $100,00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 " New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit Each Addi tional Circuit or with Service or Feeder Permit E, Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Li~ited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee TOTAL $ 35,00 3\"'"" / $ 2.00 not included) ::,s;a> $ 40.00 $ 40,00 S 20,00 $ 36,00 ') L CJt, -'Vf\O 'J '/. M) JO)fDtS ShUmWfL\/ Q4s No(+nnd(u} S~0.}:'-eJd ' ~n.cAfd I RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Oltice: 726.3759 LOT' OWNER: ADDRESS' CITY: DESCRIBE WORI<' NEW REMODa ADDITION e SPRINCr-IELP - .JOB NUMBER ~/.:?::? ~ 225 Fifth Street Sprlngllllld. Oregon 97477 TAX LOT' ~ y~.:?~ SUBDIVISION' PHONE: __ /4-7-03>17 BLOCI<: STATE: fJR ZIP: 0,,471 H61...t 1JUJYlp DEMOLISH OHIEn ADDRESS CON ST. CONTRACTOR' PHONE - OFFICE USE - LAND USE: _'_____ H OF UNITS: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: ______ RANGE: ___ REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Rough Mcchnnicnl - Prior (0 cover. o Sito Inspection - To bc m.:ldc 0 nough Elcctricnl - Priof...,'G'f(..'f... aHer excavation, but prior to cover. \~~..... cf' settln~"'15, 'j..,?\'?-~\'i' ~'0\S~ o Underslnb Plumbing/Electricnl/ .r~"EICs;,l!if'.,,'I-~crYl~,?.s;.'?'M.Jt'i~1if' Mcchnnlcnl - Prior to cover. tl..'O'\~ a'no'fOvC(ld'(\c;Stnil,l..~"6\t.lllcnl ''" ,?~'?-~cct~~'POW~"'~\) .<.:0(-.\'0 ~\t~~ ~ \'0 ~ ~~F.i,\<;et.hi) -fW,lor to Inclng l'I ~ll1'erla\s,frid Imming Insp, O Masonry - Steel locntlon, bond rQ\N \-..1\" b 1 v n~ cams, grout ng. 1~\-\'4rFrDm'ng _ Prior to cover. o Wnll/C'cilinn Insllllllion - Prlor to cover. o DrywlllI - Prior to lJ.ping. CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAl' PLUMBING: '\ MECHANICAL: (lJ)m.\1)(-k EJ~I /--l-ej))m4~Dl2t{S+'1 ~D COil:{) tfZ7-qQ 7Zb-D/(t ELECTRICAL: ;f}J7J-;"'/"":~A'C //-'.....-c7. ~4'/7".~~""'"~l'). QUAD AREA' . OF BLDGS' OCCY GROUP: . OF STORIES: ____ WATER ~IEATER: EXPlliES FLOOD PLAIN' ZONING CODE: ____ " or- BOnMS: SECONOArtY HEAT: __'_.. SOUARE FOOTAGE: .'n,_,,_ To request an Inspection, you must c~ll 725-37G9. Tills Is Cl 24 hour recording. AI/Inspections rcqlJcsted before 7;00 ::un. will be made the S.::lnlQ workIng dflY, Im;pcctlons requested afler 7:00 a.m. will be made lhe followIng worl< dllY. o Tempornry Electric o Footing - After Irenches arc excavated. D Foundation - After forms arc erected bul prior to concrele placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior to fllllng trench. o Underlloor Plumblno/Mechanicnl - Prior to Insul.Hlon or dccldng. o Post nnd Ocam - PrIor to floor InsulatIon or dccl<lng. o Floor Insulation - Prior 10 deckIng. o Sanitary Sewer - r>rior 10 (llling lrench. o Storm Sewcr - Prior 10 filling trench. O WOller Line - Prior to filling Irench. o Rough Plumbing - Prior to cover. o Wood Stove - After lnslallilllon. o Inscrl - After (Jreplacc npprovlll and Installation of unit. o Curbcut & Appro~ch - Arter forms ore erected bul prior 10 plnccmcnl I)f concrele!. o Sidewalk & DriVCW:I\' - After cxc<:Ivntion is complete. rorllls <:IntJ SU\).b.1se mat~rjill In place. o Fence - WIlen completed. o ~ltroot Tree:; - When <:Ill required trees arc planted. o Final Plulllbing - When all plumbing W9rl( is complot,e. ILl r:in.nl EleCI~c"l - vVl1en all electrical worl( is complctc. ( I (I Final Mcchanicnl - When all . mecllarllcal worl( Is complele. I 1 Fin.11 Ouildi/ltl - When all required In::>pectlons hilve been approved ilnd builcling is completed. o Ot,her MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Olocking llnd Set.Up - When all blocl<lnU is complete. o PlumbilltJ Connections - When Ilome IHI:; been connected 10 Willer tlntl sower. o ElcctriGtll Connection - Wi,en blocldnu, SCI.uP. and plumbing ln~;pcclion:; have been approved ilnd tile home is connected to lhe service pallel. I I Finnl - After all required Inspections arc <lpprovcd and porches, $Idrtlng, decl<s, and venting have been lnslnlled. LOI faces LOI sq, fig, " LOI coverage Topography To(alllclgllt BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO, FT Main Garage Carport Total Value Qui/ding Permit Fcc St~lc SurclHlfgc Tolnl Fcc Lot TYPC,- Interior: SClb.1C.]C; . , , , I PL, HSE GAR ACC _.:; THE PI,OI'OSED WORI< iN THE, ".HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? Corner l'l.-___ ~--- Panllandlc II yes, tills application must be sIgned and approved by the Historical Coordinator prior to permit issuance. E _"Y._.._ ___ ____ APPROVED: Cul.(Jc.~<<c X $/SO, FT, VALUE " (A) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (0) PLUMBING PERMIT' ITEM Fixtures Residential Oalh(s) N' Sanllary S~:wcr Waler 1'1: FT, Storm Sewer FT, Mobile Home Plumbing Permll StO,to SUrCIHIr(Jc Tolal Cl1<Jrgc MECHANICAL PERMIT FurniJco EXh.aUGt Hood Vent F;)n N' Wood Stove/Insert f FI replace 'Unit Dryer Vent Mechanical Permit Issuance State Surcharnc TOlill PermIt FEE (C) Mobile HOlllo MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS (D) /~dOb tt?- }):L~-~f5 :2'.?:".-:2."" Slale lssunncc State Surcharge Sidewalk II Curbcut fl Domollllon ;5tatc Surch.ugc Total Miscellaneous Pcrmil~ (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, O. C. D. ond E Combined) BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT T11i::; permit is grJntcd on the express condition that the said con5truction sllall, in all respects, conform to the OrdInance adopted by the City 01 Springfield, including Ihe Development Code, regulating lhe construction and use of buildings, and m3Y be suspended or revoked at any lime upon violation of .my provisions of s<lid ordln<lnccs. Plan Checl< Fcc: D<1te Paid: Receipt Number: Received By: rl3ns Revlcwed.-.Oy-.---"'---- Dale Systems Development Charge Is due on all undeveloped propertics witt1in t11e City Jlmits which arc being improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS \ ( By slgnature,l 5tate and agree, tJ1at I haye carefully eX<lmlned tho completed appllcD(ion and do hereby certify thDI 311 Information 11ereQl1 i:; true nncl correct, and llurther certify that nny and all work performed Ghat! be done in accordance with tile Ordinancu:.: of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of Ihe SliJte of Oregon perlainlng 10 lhe worl< described her~in. Llnd .Ihol NO OCCUPANCY will be made or <lny structure wl1l1oul permission of the Building Safety DivisIon. I furtlwr certify tllat only contractors and employees who arc in cornplinncc'with ORS 701.055 will be used on thIs projcct. I furtllor auree IQ ensure Ih<:ll all required inspections <:lrc reQuc:.:tcd althe proper time, thaI each address Is rea.dable from tl1C slree (' I the permit card Is located at the fronl of the prop y,:1/ 110 .:lpproved set or plans will remaIn on the sit nt a t mes during construction. Slgnalu D<lle 8-1L/-.q~ d VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMOEfl "?/<:J9&r:. 9-/Y' "?$ AMOUNT flECEIVf.D :::?~- ?.::> ~,~?:.,- #" /,-- - DATE PAiD F1ECEIVED BY